"Wait a minute, why is this spell longer than the teaching director?" Yin Ze protested.

"That's right, why is his treatment cuter than mine?!" The little old man who was eating quietly was also protesting.


"Grandfather, if you have any doubts about the service, you can immediately re-interact with me here." The black head maid said lightly.

"Oh, that's not what I mean. I want to say that the maids have put forth more efforts than ordinary colleagues, and this guest should also respond with 12 enthusiasm, instead of picking and choosing and dawdling." Yamayanagi The letter slowly explained, "Don't you see that others are still waiting for you."

"I have no other intentions. I just think that this spell is superficial and too industrial. It only focuses on rhetoric, lacks passion, and is not worthy of the quality of a maid." Yin Ze shook his head.

"If you talk about other things, it's obviously a guts." Sanyagi Shengxin snorted, "But I also think that even though it is longer and cuter than the classics, it will inevitably have a strong commercial atmosphere. It is really a hero who sees the same thing."

"I wonder who is responsible for the copywriting?" Yin Ze asked.

"It's me." The black maid was expressionless.

"You disrespectful person, it's fine if you don't actively cooperate, and you are still picking bones! The foundation of being a human being is to respect the king, relatives and teachers of the world. How can you ignore the fruits of other people's labor and criticize you without interest? How can I have such a useless student like you?!" The dean's voice was as cold as pig iron, "Since you think highly of yourself, then you can create your own spells on the spot, let's say it first, if it doesn't work, don't blame me for getting mad."

"...Okay, let's use the magic staff." Yin Ze knew that there was no escape, so he might as well go all out. He took the pink magic wand of Angel Wings from Haneda's hand and stood up from his seat.

I saw the man thought for a while, and then stepped on the steps, walking the way of the Big Dipper, and he danced the angel stick. Within two steps, there must be a mantra, the rhythm is lively, and the sentence is like a case.

"Hey! The Dao of Dou is wonderful at the Twelve Hours, the spirit is bright and powerful, the seven changes are at the sky, and the changes are good and bad! The seat of the heroic spirit is open, the holy Buddha is immortal, and the seat of Artoria Pendragon is the birthplace. Go ahead, bow down to all feelings! The upper and lower gods, as they wish, will offer the tenth egg-wrapped rice in the zodiac to eliminate disasters and change disasters for our people, and retreat evil stars. The European spirit is gone again, the beauty is suddenly prosperous, and the nine-to-five life is long!"

The guy who looked like the male protagonist of an idol drama finished reading in one breath, and then walked a few steps like a female character. He swung his wand and pointed at the steaming omelet rice, as if an invisible holy light rushed out.

"Hey! Make it delicious!"

Of course, the standard ending has not been forgotten, (<>

So far, Li Cheng.

The air around the dining table froze, and the whole shop was unconsciously silent.Everyone looked at the handsome boy with scissors hands, silently, hiding thousands of feelings.

"I know what you are thinking, but the applause will overwhelm me later." Yin Zefeng said calmly.

"Okay, that's great, the feelings have been conveyed." Haneda Mari came back to his senses, finished it, and clapped his hands hard, but the lonely applause made the scene even more embarrassing.

Pfft, the dean covered his mouth and snickered, as if he was flying to the Kingdom of Light on a roller coaster with joy in his heart.

"There are still three seconds, and the applause like ten thousand thunders will roll in." Yin Ze still said, "Two seconds..."

"Okay, sit down first, don't be ashamed. Of course, this mantra is still very cultured, but this group of ordinary people don't know how to appreciate it." The dean pretended to be kind and comforted.

"One second." Yin Ze suddenly turned his head, opened his arms to everyone, and said loudly, "Today's noon consumption will be paid by Mr. Yamayanagi who is a three-higher in the metropolitan city—! Everyone cheer up!!"

Everyone was stunned, and immediately flew up, the celebration fireworks exploded, ribbons and petals flew, crackling applause like ten thousand horses galloping, iron hooves swept towards the corner dining table, the music of the store was cut into a passionate and generous style .

People gave praises one after another.

"Boss atmosphere!"

"The boss is in good health!"

The dean's expression suddenly changed from the joy of vengeance to bewildered. He slapped the table angrily, "You are so brave, you dare to bully your master and destroy your ancestors—!"

"All the income from the school festival will be donated to the World Children's Charity Foundation. Grandfather, you not only supported our work, but also did a great deed." The black head maid said with a smile.

Yamayagi Shengxin was sitting on the chair, with ghosts and gods in mind, his eyes were shining brightly, as if he had discovered the must-kill point on the black and white chessboard, the place to slay the dragon.He also stood up straight, using his years of speech skills in the playground, and his voice was full of emotion.

"Good morning, students. I am the teaching director of the No. [-] Middle School. I was appointed as a general when I was in danger. How to make the school develop as soon as possible and how to make the children grow in multiple aspects has become an urgent matter before me."

The little old man said with ease.

"After investigation, understanding and careful thinking, I have established a working idea. I don't want to be unconventional, I don't want to imitate the crowd, I work steadily, and I move forward steadily. The school is a place to cultivate talents, so educating and cultivating students must be the top priority of the school's work."

"What kind of people should be cultivated in secondary education? How to help students develop in the future? I think that the standard for evaluating the quality of a school should not be just a paper score of students!"

The dean waved his hand.

"Scores are the top priority, which seriously violates the laws of students' physical and mental growth. In view of this, I set the training goals of students in No. [-] Middle School as: physical and mental health, solid foundation, all-round development, and self-improvement."

"The cultural and spiritual construction of Duli Zhuquan has always been commendable. Today is a good day. I came here to learn the advanced experience of your school's activities! Of course, there are also outstanding students who I am proud of. We are all modest Studying. As mentioned in the preface, I will treat all the omurices, but there is only one small request. Please let my students participate in the interactive session. Please let us have a deeper experience and complete this project! Please help us A helping hand! Thank you all!"

Someone was shocked when he heard the words, and angrily slapped the table, "Mediterranean old man, how dare you-!"

"Little brother is so handsome. Although I'm not hungry, let's have some omelet rice too." There are not only male customers in the store, but also girlfriends, classmates, and friends who come to hang out. After carefully looking at the boy's appearance, they , Immediately lend a helping hand enthusiastically.

"I want one too!"

"Brother, can the spell be customized?"

"It's really a good show." The black head maid kept watching and bowed slightly, "Love is hard to get rid of, Xiangyue's 'brother', I have to trouble you, please."

"Good student, I donate generously today, so hurry up and leave." Shengxin Shanyanagi stroked his beard with a smile.

"Hehe, the director's skill has not diminished in this fight." Yin Ze said calmly.

"A narrow victory, a narrow victory."

"I wonder if there is a consumption plan in the near future?"

"It's average, I plan to buy a few new 3A masterpieces."

"That's probably going to be delayed."

"how you said that?"

"If there is no accident, the director's wallet should be full of grass after lunch time is over."

Under the surprised gaze of the dean, the man took off his coat, rolled up the cuffs of his shirt, revealing his smooth white arms, and combed his hair back, completely revealing his stunning face.He resolutely walked towards the bustling other dining tables, his back suddenly became grand, with endless brilliance releasing, the noise of feasting and drinking, and the fine cherry blossom petals seemed to fall behind him.

Walking among the flowers, a leaf does not touch the body.


"Twelve additional servings of omurice for class six!"

"Anything else? Let alone the eggs, the rice can hardly be steamed!"

In the home economics classroom, a group of people were so busy that the fire never stopped.

The chefs in other classes were idle, looking at this side enviously.

"They're all themed cafes. Why is the business in class six so hot? Obviously, the girls in our class are more beautiful, right?"

"do not know."

"Wow, I just came back from the outside, the corridor over there is tight, and the people around the coffee shop are all girls, it's too weird. There are people moving stools and waiting in line."

Chapter 120 The third is just the wishful thinking of Xingdou Xiaomin

Two in the afternoon.

On the lively and passionate school festival day, when the major clubs were still burning with youth, Class 2, Year 6 closed its doors early and closed for work.The maids picked up brooms and mops to clean the classroom, and the festive bows and ribbons were also taken off.The old brothers who acted as chefs in the housekeeping room also started to wash the dishes and chopsticks. The young chef who was in charge of scrambled egg skin even supported his old waist, squatting sadly on a small stool to rest and recover.

The classroom quickly became clean and tidy, the tables and chairs were put back to their original positions, and the maids went to the dressing room to put on their school uniforms, talking and laughing. It didn't take long for this place to become a sacred place for teaching and educating people again.

Ikunobu Yamayagi, study committee member, Mari Haneda and someone, the four sat by the window, as if a high school study group was being randomly checked by the instructor.

The study committee member and Haneda Mari sat upright, showing the temperament of a good student.But the little old man and a certain person were not the same. They confronted each other tit for tat, one was holding his wallet in mourning, the other was panting with his hips on his hips, staring at each other.

"It's a good trick for Wudang Yin Six Heroes' Tiandi Tongshou." The dean, who has read a lot and dabbled in a lot of knowledge, touched his dry wallet, and it took him a long time to recover, and said deeply, "It seems that you have been rotten by this filth. Assimilated by the society. If you had the magnanimity and ruthlessness of today, why would you be absent from school and autistic?"

"Today everyone is seriously injured like this, how about a truce, and another day to compete?" Yin Ze was interacting with the guests, talking about the smoke in his throat, and he was frantically replenishing water with mineral water.

"Hmph, let's let you go for now." The strong dean said a scene.

Master kindness apprentice filial piety, come to an end.

"Is this over?" The study committee member waited for a few seconds and then said, "I'm obviously looking forward to what you guys will do next."

"Who is this lovely classmate?" Yin Ze finally asked this question.

"Speaking of which, I haven't formally introduced myself yet. My name is Shanliu Shengqinghua, and I'm the granddaughter of this old-fashioned, unscrupulous, but still kind director." The study committee member bowed slightly.

"Qinghua, how can you describe me like that?" Yamayanagi played with his fingers awkwardly, he thought it could be said more gracefully.

"Then what do you say? The sword is not old? It gets stronger when it gets old?" Shanliu Shengqinghua was puzzled.

"What kind of firm method? Please tell me one by one." Yin Ze humbly asked for advice.

"It's not a big deal, but it's just that I occasionally go to the support meeting of underground idol groups, and write poems about pain and submit them to youth magazines at a young age." Shiroka Yamayanagi explained.

"...the children are in the initial stage of chasing their dreams, and they need some practical support." Yamayanagi also explained, "Seeing their active appearance, I also have the motivation to continue to endure the principal's development policy and teaching plan."

"That's right, you have been doing this kind of helping others silently so far, director." Yin Ze felt a little emotional, "This kind of good thing of playing a hero in the shadows, remember to call me next time."

"You didn't seize this place to fan the flames and make a big fuss?" Shengxin Shanyanagi frowned in surprise.

"Isn't there a truce?" Yin Ze tilted his head.

"Let's be honest, love and hate are clear. Well, I'm ashamed that I still have countermeasures. It's my villainous heart." The dean smiled in relief.


"By the way, who is this lovely classmate?" The dean looked at the girl who was as quiet as her granddaughter, but obviously more mature.

"This is Mari Haneda, my friend and colleague." Yin Ze introduced.

"Hello, teacher." Haneda Mari nodded with a smile.

"Hey, are you a voice actor from the same agency as you?" Yamayanagi asked.

"Yes, but I entered the institute later than him. I am a junior, and I haven't appeared in any works yet. I still have to learn and improve from him in all aspects." Mari Haneda said politely.

"Yeah, not bad. Although your high school career is unbearable, now you can be regarded as a bird flying in the sky and sea. Not only has your life style changed drastically, but you can also meet such good friends. After many years, life has finally begun. Be sure Keep up your spirits and enjoy this youth that never comes back again." Yamayanagi couldn't help thinking of the three-party talks with people as the core, and sighed endlessly.

"Speaking of... why are you here?" Yin Ze looked towards the neighbor and asked hesitantly, "Also, still dressed as a shop assistant."

"There is a reason for this." Haneda Mari coughed dryly.

"Let me explain." Yamayanagi Kiyoka said, "After the theme cafe was decided in the class, various preparations began, including the necessary clothing, props, even tableware, and the purchase of ingredients. Haneda-kun My older sister once worked in a first-class store in Akihabara, and has contact information and channels for professionals. We entrusted her to purchase various supplies and asked for simple vocational training by the way."

"This is an unexpected development. According to this, your brother is studying here?" Yin Ze was stunned.

"Haneda Yuma-kun?" The study committee member nodded, "medium academic ability, poor English skills, his signature skill is infectious laughter, distinctive personality, and occasionally hangs chains at critical moments. His appearance can be said to be one or two, but he was dumped by his girlfriend some time ago It is well known in all grades that I have lost, but now in order to become an 'interesting person', I often perform jokes in the class recently, and my specialty is to imitate Takeshi Kitano, who is imitated by comedians."

"...You really understand." Yin Ze and Haneda Mari simultaneously raised their foreheads.

"This time I am very grateful to Haneda-san for your enthusiastic help. This event can be successfully concluded thanks to your assistance." The study committee member said sincerely, "Although it can't be called a reward, I will pay attention to Haneda-san's learning situation in the future. For example, I will help him finish the chemistry homework he missed last week, so that he won't wait for the school festival to end and be asked by the Queen of Autumn... to settle the score."

"Uh, although it was an unexpected incident." The dean raised his hand humblely, "But the stupid students over there and I have contributed to the theme cafe, right? I contribute money, and he contributes. Can we also gain something? How about a word of thanks?"

Just dreaming of hearing a few kind words?

It seems that the director's position in the family is quite weak, and he is not relied on and admired by his granddaughter.

My noble predecessors, the eulogists, were only submissive before housework.

"I think you two seem to be enjoying it." Yamayanagi's eyes swept back and forth between the old and the young, and finally ignored the grandfather and fixed on the boy, "Speaking of which, I have always had something Doubt, are you really Xiangyue's 'brother'?"

"There is no kinship, it's just a name of trust and respect. You can also call me brother if you like." Yin Ze said naturally.

"Then shouldn't I call you grandson too?" The dean sneered.

"She calls me elder brother, you call me student, let's talk about our own, no trouble." Yin Ze said calmly.

"Such a familiar personality, and the ability to inadvertently draw the distance between strangers' hearts, it seems that he is indeed a troublesome character." Shan Liusheng Qinghua thought for a while, "But after all, Xiangyue is kind and innocent, not good at scheming , and live here alone, I hope you can know yourself and don't get too involved in her life."

"That's right, did you hear that? Don't think that you are handsome, so you want to follow the Buddha's way of saving all sentient beings." Sanyanagi Shengxin said in support.

"What do you mean?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Just don't be a scumbag." Yamayanagi said righteously.

"... When did you switch to psychology?" Yin Ze was helpless.

"Who is Kazuki?" Mari Haneda asked.

"The neighbors who live upstairs from me help each other, and occasionally go to eat." Yin Ze said truthfully.

"How does it taste?" Haneda Mari asked again.

“Home style.”

"You really don't know how to cook at all?"

"Why do you cook chazuke rice and instant noodles if you can rub me?" Yin Ze said honestly, "And the most troublesome part of cooking is actually arranging the ingredients and tidying up. The frying process is actually the most worry-free for experienced hands. Yes. I will provide materials and cutting, wash the pot and wipe the table, others only need to turn on the fire and add oil, everyone has a bright future, why not do it?"

"Then I haven't asked yet, what is this...senpai's name?" Yamayanagi Shengqinghua looked at the person who was breaking up.

"Didn't I meet and report to you when you held the study meeting before?" The man was taken aback.


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