Now before him were two windows.

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

The daylight dissipated, the lights were dim, and the lights in the room were not turned on. Tsuchiya Hongliang was holding water sideways, half of his face was illuminated by the computer screen, and the other half was hidden in deep shadows.

There are news sounds, one after another.That's an application for admission.

Ah Liang smiled slowly, half in the light and half in the shadows, the smile looked warm and weird.


Eiji Sakura put on the earphones, and leaned back in the chair, his brows furrowed unconsciously, he was completely wiped out with ease, the winter is approaching, the evil spirits of hell are breaking out of the ground, the fiery prison The chain climbed up the body, as if bathed in a crimson horrible hell, bloody bats were flying around, and the devil was singing the Bible artificially in the wind.

Opening his eyes again, the middle-aged man walked back and forth in the office, his face was cloudy and uncertain, sometimes he looked at his mobile phone, and sometimes he faced PPT and wanted to escape from work, feeling depressed and irritable.

Chang Jingjun, who had already jumped to follow him, was still working overtime, and saw the ambitious president covering his head in the office and meditating.

This is so rare.

He was a man who was determined to start a prairie fire from a single spark. Since the establishment of the company, he had never shown a cowardly attitude, but in this night of overtime work, he actually scolded himself in an environment where no one was around.

Could it be that they are finally going to launch a fierce attack on the top legion in the industry?And this will cause huge turmoil?Or is there a plan to dominate the entire staff that is not perfect?What about the future they dream of?

Mr. Chang Jing didn't dare to disturb him, so he withdrew his hand knocking on the door, returned quietly, and continued to work overtime.


In front of Yin Ze was a bowl of cup noodles, a limited meat version with no price increase. In addition to this staple food, there were unfinished salted fish and Hongmen stewed vegetables in Chinatown.

Normally, he would not be so extravagant for a mere dinner, but today is the day when Yoshida-san outsources the work, and the man feels entitled to indulge, after all, the pay for this order is not cheap.

Of course, as a responsible person, before sending, you have to check it again to see if there are any omissions.

After reading the software for a long time before opening it, Master Yin checked the design with detailed switch layers, and finally said shamelessly, this element, this combination, this concept, this aesthetic, it is really good quality and cheap, Yoshida-san is really lucky, Meet a master like yourself and contribute to his project.

oh?Some flaws?Why didn't I notice it before?

Alas, you can't immerse yourself in a picture for too long, and you will fall into a state where the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear, and the master is not immune.

Dedication, beyond doubt.The man quickly plugged in the digital board and began to modify.

However, it didn't take long.

Software becomes unresponsive.

Master Yin waited patiently. It is understandable that this low-configuration laptop cannot keep up with his extraordinary drawing skills.

Not long after, an error message popped up very simply.

Master Yin's face was pale.

Click on the source file, reading failed.

It was night, a cloudless night.

In the short, cheap apartment, there was a heart-piercing, heart-wrenching cry, which scared away the resting crow.

Chapter 130 Do You Must Work Hard?

"Effort · Struggle: This is a new audition, although the water is very deep, but I believe you can grasp it!"

"Pure Moon Man: My novel has been serialized on the web. If time passes, it will be published and adapted, and it will be easy to gain fame and fortune! The journey to the stars begins here! I know you are very excited at this time, and I really want to read it immediately. So here’s the link—”

"Car mechanic: This newly opened barbecue restaurant is offering discounts, and it seems that the price of vegetables will increase next week."

"Mature and stable adults: Have you watched this episode of the broadcast? How are your grades? Didn't it slow you down? Also, has the fever improved?"


Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, I just think they are noisy.

The laptop stood there silently, and there was another error pop-up window on the screen. It didn't cry or laugh, it just mocked silently.

Yin Ze had an unlit peace cigarette in his mouth, and a data cable in his hand. The old monk sat cross-legged on the floor in meditation. This was an epiphany under the Bodhi tree. Come up with a bold and amazing idea.

Schrödinger's Corridor of Life has been running for a long time, from the initial concept version V1.0 to the current corporate flagship cracked version V3.9D, with wider compatibility, lower energy consumption, completely redone UI, more user-friendly operation, and even developed Introduced the black technology of overclocking, concentrating on sobering up, and changing the speed of thinking. In the true sense, it is the first cross-generation product in history that uses software to repair hardware.

From a feeling, this set of void equipment should continue to be updated and iterated. Now that the situation is urgent, it is time to actively tap its potential!

Although the source file is damaged, the design draft is still well preserved in the corridor of life.

Here comes the question, how to copy the output?

Wireless transmission is definitely not enough, this data cable may give people inspiration.

Like this, just plug one end into the port on your laptop and the other end into the...

Yin Ze touched the ear closest to the brain, then the nostrils and mouth, and his gaze lowered and lowered.Finally the man came back to his senses, panting heavily and shaking his head.He finally dropped the data cable and gave up before touching the inhuman realm.

Flesh and blood can't do it, or at least shouldn't.

A message pops up on the phone.

"YoShi-P: Teacher, how is the progress?"

"Yin Ze: The painting is finished, but some small revisions are needed."

"YoShi-P: Thank you very much for your seriousness, so can you submit it tomorrow?"

"Yin Ze: I'm afraid it won't work. I am a person with high quality requirements."

"YoShi-P: Seriously? It won't be a large-scale remake, will it? Then our implementation will not be able to keep up."

"Yin Ze: Don't be afraid, it's just a technical adjustment."

"YoShi-P: Is it okay the day after tomorrow?"

"Yin Ze: Haha, don't worry, leave it to me!"

"YoShi-P: Really reliable."

The men in the network are passionate, full of energy, and the punctuation marks are professional and relaxed.The man in reality, his typing fingers trembled, he was sweating profusely, his face was colorless, and his eyes were red.

Master Yin glanced at the time, put the laptop into a student schoolbag that he had never used, hurried out, and went straight to the repair shop in Akihabara Electric Town.

"Your file is not easy to get. It just so happens that the store manager is not here today, and he has come to repair it. Try another store." The young clerk looked at it and shook his head.

"If there is no backup, recovery is purely down to luck." The capable female master wearing a baseball cap who was helping others DIY the console took the time to take a look and said compassionately like a doctor facing a terminally ill patient.

"This is no good. By the way, this model is from four or five years ago, right? Brother, have you considered selling it? The main reason is that it is quite classic, and it is no longer produced. It is a bit strange. Let me use it as a collection. .” Wearing glasses, the old man of a certain age looked at it carefully with his laptop in his hand, and clicked his tongue.

The man walked out of the store disappointedly, looking at the crowd of people, his mood was hard to calm down.The whole person is sublimated, I don't know where it came from, and I don't know where it's going.

All strategies are exhausted.

It's over! ! !

He squatted on the street, moaning.

Assuming that Yoshida-san's working time is 9:32 in the morning, there are still [-] hours before the submission the day after tomorrow.The current situation is that the finished product picture has been memorized in my mind, but there is no product at hand.If it is a copy, I don’t know if I can catch up... The main thing is the design draft, and it must be accurate in three views, especially for the pile of equipment, each model must have a front and back side. Come and kill people.

4 complete characters with a complete set of equipment from helmet to boots.

Damn, my eyes are already sore when I think of pressing Ctrl+R to pull the ruler to align the drawing view.

The Life Corridor is calculating at high speed, predicting the feasibility, and finally shows that in the state of racing against time, the success rate of fire fighting is 88.584%.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu This is too much, why is there such a result of working hard and getting a chance... If it's a deadly game that can't be undone no matter how hard you work, then Master Yin can abandon the fantasy on the spot and apologize to Yoshida-san with tears in his eyes. Admitting that I really took my heart out by playing heartbeat magic, and I can't get it back.

I could have endured the darkness if I hadn't seen a ray of light.

Yin Ze stood there for a while, then turned around and went to the shop owner to find second-hand phones.This is a necessary expenditure, otherwise who can stand another crash.As for this old notebook, I won’t sell it if I sell it. After all, I’ve been with you for so long, and I’ve developed feelings for it. I remember that when I first came here, I was relying on this guy to get by. It’s a good souvenir.

The most important thing is that the searched photo resources are all inside.

The old man seems to have some regrets about not being able to get an antique phone, but he is still very enthusiastic about doing business, and he is very attentive in helping him match it.

"Your budget is low, it's a bit embarrassing, and it's hard to install SSD. Anyway, I just changed the host directly, so it's better to bite the bullet and get more in one step. The 5-series Odin+Cloudshield just released half a year ago, you can enjoy it. Now with You can’t go wrong with a high U. You can see that the Nordic 2600K is more valuable. Just go to Leviathan, but Cloudshield is a bit low-level. Go directly to Guanghong. In this case, the power supply and heat dissipation will have to be replaced, but it will cost a lot of money. Don’t pick up small money, oh yes, you draw pictures, the memory must not be low, first try the whole 48G to see if it is enough..."

As soon as I looked at it, I rushed to build a server.Yin Ze was very tempted, and then politely refused, and walked around the store like a vegetable market for half a circle, touching here, looking there, looking for things on his own.

The old man frowned when he saw that even his mouse and keyboard were pulled out of the pile, he sighed immediately. It seems that this time he can only make some money... The chassis was stripped on the spot and the old paint was peeled off. The person was very cheeky and pestered the boss for a mouse pad and asked for a few data cables.The display is a new model.

Yin Ze returned smoothly with the big and small bags. He picked up the tools and crackled to assemble these partners who were scattered all over the world and were abandoned by different owners. The saved chassis buzzed and the screen lit up.

The man checked the time on his watch like a soldier in special operations, then dragged the chair and sat down, took a deep breath, and adjusted the finished picture to the side of his vision in his mind, his eyes radiated the bright light of an overworked soldier.

"A piece of sky that looks up~ is a piece of sky for a man~ A boy who used to dream under the sky full of stars~?"

The phone rang suddenly.

Why do you always bother me when I want to fight for my life? !

The man answered blankly.He has already made up his mind, no matter who he is or what he does, he will say "no" forcefully and coldly!

Go away, you bloody gentlemen.

"Takizawa-kun? How is your cold?" came the voice of Haneda Mari.

"The fever is gone, and there is still some runny nose. It's okay." The man insisted on being tough, and his tone revealed the texture of steel.

"Pay attention to rest."

"Well, thank you for your concern, today I have..."

"I stewed chicken soup, too much, my brother couldn't finish it. I think we live very close anyway, why don't we bring it to you, and it also supplements nutrition. If it's convenient, I'll come over here?" Mari Haneda asked.

"very convenient."

"Okay, send me the address."

The phone hangs up.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping wood by mistake, mental work is also labor, which consumes a lot of physical energy.Haneda Mari can always show her gentle side at the right time, and she has no reason to reject her kindness when she hasn't eaten yet.It's really rewarding to have such a friend.

Master Yin touched his hungry stomach and thought.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Driven by the seven deadly sins of gluttony and greed, the man ran briskly to open the door.

"Ah, please come in quickly, the road is hard, and I trouble you to make a special trip..." The man stopped abruptly in the middle of his words.

"You suddenly became so enthusiastic, I'm still not used to it." Sakura Mio outside the door gave him a strange look, but then laughed, raised the beautifully packaged takeaway in her hand, and smiled slightly. Looking up, "I sent you a message today and didn't reply to me. How is it? Are you feeling better?"

Chapter 130 Third

"Why didn't you say in advance when you came here?" Yin Ze put his hand on the door frame.

"I told you, you didn't reply to the message yourself." Sakura Mio explained.

"Then if I'm not at home, wouldn't you run all the way for nothing?" Yin Ze lamented that the young man only does things on a whim, but he doesn't predict the risks in advance.

"It's okay, let's take a taxi back." Sakura Mio didn't care.

"...Hey, why don't you just come here, and bring so many things, don't you see yourself?" Yin Ze moved his gaze down and focused on the gift.

"My father said that you can't go empty-handed when you visit friends." Sakura Mio hummed softly, "Why are you standing at the door? Why don't you invite me in?"

"Oh, please." Yin Ze stepped aside quickly, bowing his waist and stretching out his hands like a housekeeper welcoming his master's return.

The girl stepped forward as she wished, and looked very curiously at this narrow single world, which is a three-in-one kitchen, living room, and bedroom.Since there is no accumulation of sundries and garbage, it is clean and fresh on the whole. The wall skin is peeling off a lot, and there are yellowed posters of outdated idols on the powdered walls. It is estimated that it is the arrangement of the previous tenants. This kind of "band-aid" There are five or six pieces of functional decoration.A computer full of dust and unsorted threads is playing a song blaringly. The biggest advantage of the knockoff stereo is that it is powerful enough to vibrate, and the air is full of old Chinese songs with a sense of age.

Other than that, there was nothing else, that is, furniture of tables, chairs, chests, nothing new.A very ordinary old house, which perfectly interprets the word "simple".If the living environment can tell the quality of a person, then the man is undoubtedly stuck in the average line, neither above nor below.

Neither happy nor interesting, Sakura Mio, who came here expecting to discover a strange little secret, was a little disappointed.

"Do whatever you want, just treat it as your own home." Yin Ze was still very polite, and took out a clean glass and asked like a bartender, "Guest, may I ask whether you want hot water or tap water?"

"Glenfiddich with ice, thank you." The girl casually said the name of the wine she didn't know where she heard it.

"Glen represents the boldness of the valley, and Fiddich represents the elk and its unrestrained passion. You really can't tell by appearance, you can't tell, you are quite knowledgeable." The man said deeply, "Come on, the auxiliary wine is the best 30-year-old Snakehead wine. , Keep drunk, dream and die, forget the world, let you linger, greedy."

Yin Ze took out Mr. Kang's iced black tea from the small refrigerator and filled it up, and the so-called snake head appetizers were braised chicken wings in vacuum bags.He turned his head, looked at the guy who hadn't moved after entering the door, and said strangely, "Why are you still standing there, come in."

"I didn't find the slippers?" Sakura Mio sounded her head.

"Because no one usually comes, so I'm not prepared, just go in, it's nothing." Yin Ze shook his head.

"Oh." The girl did as she was told, but she seemed to be taking care of the cleanliness of the master's house. Takeaway, the image of a juggler on stilts is very vivid and unforgettable.

"...I care so much, why don't you wear mine." Seeing this, the man generously handed over his foot equipment, the pink rabbit head slippers.

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