"It's all warmed by your big feet, so I don't want it." The girl disliked it.

Hey, it's pretty tricky.

"I don't want the cotton wool ones for home use, but do you want plastic flip flops that are specially designed for bathing?" the man asked again.

"I'm not used to flip-flops, my toes hurt." The girl objected.

"What? Haven't you worn clogs before?" The man wondered.

"...My friends are all very busy. I haven't been to the festival or the fireworks display yet, and I haven't worn them yet." The girl replied forcefully.

"Well, then there is only one last solution. I still have a pair of rough cloth gloves for cleaning. You put them on, and then enter the reversal of heaven and earth, that is, activities in the inverted form." The sincere man just finished speaking, He quickly and flexibly dodged the opponent's angry, but realistic but not serious attack of throwing sofa pillows.

It seems that along with the exchange, Sakura's tolerance index for himself has increased a lot. In the past, it must be a slap in the face with regret, but now, it is just a symbolic counterattack that can't hold back.It seems that it is not just talking about it, but it is indeed making progress in the direction of a mature and stable man.

This is very bad, once you evolve to be completely immune to teasing, your future self will lose a great deal of joy in life.

In the end, the girl still put on the pink bunny-head slippers.

"What are you buying here? It looks expensive." Yin Ze looked at the exquisite gourmet box that didn't look like a disposable item at all.The sense of design is sufficient, with hollow brocade patterns and bright gold edging, which is very eye-catching.For this packaging, the packaging fee alone is enough, right?

"Humph, you have a good eye. This is Longmianting's cuisine. It's a two-star Michelson restaurant, and it ranks among the best in Tokyo. The ingredients and craftsmanship are first-class."

The girls opened the boxes one by one like a matryoshka doll, and inside the big heat storage box was a small pocket box, and then opened it again, and a variety of delicacies appeared in front of them.Freshly opened golden live purple sea urchin, tender cod with scorched skin, Saikyo-yaki, Ryukyu foie gras, flame-grilled frosted wagyu beef, new style salmon sashimi, and southern fin tuna symphony.Vaguely, there are spotless white awns blooming one after another like lotus flowers. The sound of zither and quaint folk music from nowhere overwhelms the old Chinese songs played by low-quality speakers in a loop. The Great Wall, the mottled vermilion palace walls, and the maids in skirts of narcissus scattered flowers and green leaves walked through the lobby holding fine nectar and jade wine in rows.The exotic dancing girl has a graceful figure, a thin waist outlined by a tulle made of light pink, and her jet-black hair is flowing like a waterfall.Others are standing on the highest place, and wherever their eyes touch, there is a prosperous dynasty.

God is sorry, since he moved in, the only takeaway on the coffee table has been beef and rice. How has the coffee table gentleman had such a glorious treatment today?The price of cheap dwellings has skyrocketed unprecedentedly at this moment!

The men all had tears in their eyes... Prodigal, how many months can these bowls last for platinum members, and how much game currency can they exchange for.

Happiness is nothing.When people are hungry, someone finds a piece of bread, and he is happy.When people have bread, and someone finds cooked meat, then he is happy.When people are full and someone hears music, then he is happy again.Happiness is the product of this superficial, contrast.

At this moment, the man who had plain noodles for lunch felt very happy.

"Is there any tableware delivered by the store?" Yin Ze asked solemnly.

"Don't you have that kind of daily necessities at home?" Sakura Mio sound was taken aback.

"How can you use that kind of rough bamboo chopsticks to shoot this kind of food?" Yin Ze sighed, and then found the attached disposable tableware with the trademark in the big box, and devoutly enjoyed a mouthful of glistening caviar .

"How does it taste?" Sakura Mio asked as if asking for credit.

"It melts in the mouth, in a word." Yin Ze slowly recalled, finally opened his eyes, and let out a breath like a martial arts protagonist breaking through Ren Du's second vein.




In the end, Sakura-san, who was also the rider of the yellow robe, didn't have time to eat.Simply move a small bench, and the two of them gathered around the tea table and started eating.In fact, this is no different from usual, the difference is only from eating people-friendly food to eating high-end food in a people-friendly rented house.

"Did you listen to the broadcast where I was a guest?" Sakura Mio was soon dissatisfied with the monotonous meal, and started a conversation.

"Listen." Yin Ze smiled brightly, and nodded kindly like an elder, "The conversation is smooth, the content is interesting, and the communication is humorous. It is more than ten times better than me. You are awesome."

"Hey, that's right. I just checked the webpage again, and the results are among the top in the history." Her debut was the pinnacle, the girl bit the tip of her chopsticks lightly, looking at him inevitably with pride.

"There is such a thing...?" The man who didn't know the details at all was slightly surprised.

"How is it, did you not disappoint you?" The girl asked nervously again.

"Well, well done."

"Is there any reward?"

"What's wrong? Hasn't the salary arrived yet?" Yin Ze frowned, "Don't worry, I'll personally go to collect the account, and discipline the producer to give it to me exactly!"

"Who said that?" Sakura Mio curled her lips, "How can I say that I changed the schedule temporarily to replace your class, you owe me a favor, don't you? What's more, this performance is so wonderful, it directly points to the audience rating in the past The first three, tell me, how do you plan to repay me for helping me?"

"Well." Yin Ze immediately showed embarrassment, "Why don't I give you my own salary for the next broadcast?"

"You are so vulgar, how can human relationship be measured by money." Sakura Mio was dissatisfied immediately.

"As the economic foundation of the world, currency has made great contributions to the communication and historical development of human beings on the earth. It is the most stable and common value scale, means of circulation and general equivalent. There is no more rational reward than it." Yin Yin Ze Zhengse explained, "You are still young, and it is understandable for you to regard money as dung and deny it. How about this, you can pick out anything that is too eye-catching in the house and take it home."

Nothing expensive anyway.

"Why are they all cold material things? Since favors are spiritual property, they should be rewarded spiritually." Sakura Mio said in the tone of an educator.

"But mentality is not a fair measure." Yin Ze rubbed his chin, "Or if you have a broadcasting job one day, let me replace it, how about that?"

"That's too troublesome. Besides, since it's all transferred to the spiritual contract, it's not advisable to exchange the same amount of material in the same old way." Sakura Mio waved her hand.

"That is to say, can it be paid with a completely unequal friendship?" Yin Ze gradually understood all this, and emphasized the word completely unequal.

"That's right!" Seeing that he finally understood, Sakura Mio nodded vigorously.

"Great kindness! As expected of a good friend. Let's just forget about the actual salary. I will order a pennant to present to you tomorrow, and I will write a letter saying, "Friends are noble, and they are united in the same period. Fighting fires on behalf of others, the kindness is as heavy as a mountain." , how?" Yin Ze looked over expectantly.

"Not at all." Sakura Mioyin stared mercilessly.

"Don't think there are too many words? It's a trivial matter. I'll print the lyrics of "My Good Brother". I can apply for it again, as long as you are happy." Yin Ze happily offered advice.

"You have a good idea, so let's get rid of it?" Sakura Mio asked loudly.

"Why do you say this? You didn't say it, you can use a completely unequal friendship..." The man suddenly came back to his senses halfway through the sentence, and then his eyes widened, "Could it be that your 'unequal' only refers to ' The other party gave a lot' instead of 'the other party gave little'?!"

The girl was silent, and the silence represented her greed.

I knew it, I knew it, she was the capitalist's daughter, and she definitely wouldn't be so easy to dismiss, just like the day does not understand the darkness of the night, after all, she is a person from two worlds.Yin Ze was heartbroken.

"I heard that you and Mana made the so-called three promises on the radio?" Sakura Mio asked curiously.

"If you don't mention this, I will almost forget it." Yin Ze scratched his head.

"I also want a promise." Sakura Mio whispered.

"Why learn from her?"

"You do a broadcast, and you can promise three others. I helped you broadcast the whole episode, so what's the matter with one?" The girl looked sideways.

"Hey, it's just the effect of the show, can't you take it seriously." Yin Ze shook his head.

"Do you want to go back on your word?" The girl couldn't believe it.

"No, if it's an event, a broadcast, and there are a lot of people, then I still have to use scissors to punch..."

"Well, so that's the case. I was negligent, and there is still this kind of loophole. Then I have to revise the appeal. I want an agreement, the kind that I must abide by in life." The girl quickly regrouped.

"I participated in a big production drama called "Fate/Zero", did you know?" Yin Ze said suddenly.

"Huh?" The girl was a little confused.

"The master inside can control the top-level familiars called heroic spirits. They have something called 'command spells', which can force heroic spirits to act." Yin Ze continued.

"What does this have to do with what we discussed?" the girl asked.

"Because the order must be specific, such a time-limited and vague request like 'absolutely can't refuse the instruction' cannot be passed, at most it has some restrictive effect." Yin Ze earnestly taught, "The same is true for people. Everyone is lazy, so I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds, and don't be too delusional..."

"At most it's somewhat restrictive? Is that good?" Sakura Mio was very interested after hearing this, "Then I'll come too, the request is 'absolutely undeniable'!"


In short, until the takeaway from Longmian Pavilion was completely eaten, there was no result from the discussion.But obviously, Sakura-san is very concerned about repaying favors after helping.The other party is eager to repay the kindness of a drop of water, and the situation is not optimistic.

"Are you full?" Yin Ze asked kindly.

"It's almost there." The girl cleared the table, touched her actually hungry stomach, and said pretending to be full.Her weight has been slowly increasing recently, and her father often makes mean jokes, which made her, who didn't care at first, start to care.

"Oh, that's great. I'm still hungry." Yin Ze was a little sad.

Men's understanding of haute cuisine is limited, but they also sum up one characteristic, that is, they are rare and expensive!

"Ah, why don't you go downstairs and eat some more? I'll force it a little bit more, and I'll treat it as being with you. After all, it's so lonely to eat alone." The girl felt that she could still eat two bowls, and she couldn't help feeling a little moved .

"No need, there is an angel carrying chicken soup on the road." Yin Zechun smiled.

The so-called miracles are things that are beyond the capabilities of mortals, inconceivable, and incomprehensible.

For example at this time.

After he had just finished speaking.

There was a knock on the door.

Chapter 130 The fourth is just right

Yin Ze opened the door again.

Tokyo has truly retreated from spring to summer. It was a breezy evening, and the scattered streets still had the heat of the day, making it a bit muggy.The cicada clinging to the tree was screaming tirelessly, the leaves were rustling by the evening wind, and the sparrow was resting on the telegraph pole.

Mari Haneda, who walked over on foot, was flushed and sweated profusely, and many strands of her hair were sticking to her forehead. She brushed the drooping hair behind her ears, and was pulling the collar of the one-piece dress to fan the wind while exhaling. .

"Excuse me." The girl smiled when she saw someone.

"You didn't come running here, did you?" The man habitually supported the door frame with his hand.

"I was too stupid. I took the wrong street at the intersection over there. I wondered if the address didn't match. I turned back after asking for directions." Haneda Mari raised the stainless steel insulated lunch box in his hand, and slightly raised his head. , "I heard that those who have a fever even have their work replaced by others. How is it? Has your health improved?"

"It's almost there. I sweated before, and the weather has turned hot recently. It's hard not to recover. Thank you for your concern." Yin Ze expressed his gratitude.

"It's the same as my brother. He has a cold and refuses to take medicine. He just does exercise and wants to recover by himself."

"It's no wonder Brother Ling's pectoralis major is so well developed. I lost to him in two battles."

"Why are you standing at the door, why don't you invite me in?"

"Please come in." Yin Ze bowed his waist and stretched out his hand like a housekeeper.Huh?Why again?

Mari Haneda entered the door lightly, looked around the sparrow's small and well-equipped room with interest, and said with admiration: "Oh, it's a bit old, but it's cleaner and more orderly than I thought. I thought Clothes are thrown around, garbage bags are piled up in the corners, and there are stubborn old stains on the floor."

"Because I don't have any extra clothes at all, and this is the second floor, I can take a few steps to throw the garbage downstairs. As for the cleanliness of the house, it's because I insist on tidying up and never leave the mess until the next day " Yin Ze nodded, "For example, I ate something just now, even if I will have a second meal soon, I still clean the table without procrastinating."

"I really can't see that you still have such advantages... If only my brother could learn from you, his bedroom is messy, things are scattered everywhere, and his clothes and pants are not put in the closet properly." Haneda Mari sighed.

"It's too simple. If you give me all the collections in his closet and under the bed one day, then there will be no more troubles." Yin Ze suggested.

"You two are about the same size, so I guess it's okay." Mari Haneda smiled and inspected visually, then put the thermos on the coffee table, opened it, and it was steaming hot and fragrant, "Okay, don't delay, let's drink chicken soup Well, it has been cooking for several hours, and I specially picked good meat such as legs and wings for you. By the way, I have already gone out, so why did you eat it in advance, now I have to clean it up twice. "

"Young people, you should exercise more." Yin Ze replied naturally.

At this time, someone just took out a new unopened garbage bag from the bathroom.



The two looked at each other across the air.

Haneda Mari saw the appearance of a laborer with her sleeves rolled up, her hands filled with tap water, a garbage bag, and a rag, and thinking of the previous cleaning remarks, she looked at the man in shock: "It's no wonder why you say you're so relieved that you don't delay or procrastinate... It turns out that you always ask someone else to do your cleaning? Looking for such a student or child?"

"No way, I'm wronged. It's like a child studying all day. He just played games for a few minutes to relax, and then he was seen by his father who came home from get off work. Criticism was a waste of life, and he didn't study hard." Yin Ze was black-headed. Line, "Just this time."

"How could such a child come to your house for no reason?" Haneda Mari's eyes were full of probing and moral precautions like a moonlight-bright and righteous policeman.

"Don't get me wrong." Yin Ze quickly explained, "She also came to visit me and brought a gift, and I was eating with her before."

"As a result, after eating and wiping it up, let a kind-hearted guest do the cleaning for you?"


Of course this is not the case. For some reason, Sakura-san rushed to clean up after dinner, and she was obviously not proficient in twisting the handkerchief.

"Did Haneda-san come here on a special trip? Is that the thermal box?" Sakura Mio sound unfolded the garbage bag.

"I made it myself, you can try it too. If I knew you were here, I would have brought more. I'm afraid it's not enough." Haneda Mari was a little troubled.

"It's okay, she's full." Yin Ze said caringly, "Children have a smaller appetite. Before, they ate the luxurious platter at Longmian Pavilion, which was full of tough dishes. Now I'm afraid they are still full."

"I vaguely remember that restaurant is a first-class restaurant recognized by Michelson, right?" Haneda Mari suddenly thought, "Ah, if I haven't lost my way, come here earlier, maybe I can taste the craftsmanship and experience the greatness between me and the stars." There's a huge gap between chefs."

"What's so difficult about it, next time find a time, let's form a team and go to the store to sit and eat." Yin Ze waved his hand.

"Are you treating me?" Haneda Mari asked back.

"Cough." The man's eyes wandered, "...if I just try something new, I can still handle it."

"Oh, I'm just kidding, of course the bill will be shared, and you're nervous, I don't take advantage of this kind of advantage." Haneda Mari rolled her eyes lightly, lowered her head and filled the soup.

"Ah, by the way, slippers, Haneda-san doesn't have slippers yet?" Sakura Mioyin suddenly realized that there are only two pairs in this room, flip flops for bathing and regular cotton shoes, "Why don't you wear mine? Go ahead, I'll wear his pair."

"What about me?" Yin Ze asked calmly.

"Don't you still have a pair of rough cloth gloves for working?" Sakura Mio also replied calmly.

Throwing the boomerang, it returned accurately in the end.

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