"What's the use of cooking noodles, it's okay, I'm also watching from the side." Mari Haneda comforted.

Sakura-san is very interested in cooking with two people. Most importantly, she doesn't do it at all, so this is a rare experience and experience, and she is eager to try it.

"Okay, then let's exchange!" The girl was full of energy and happily rolled up her sleeves.

Chapter 130 Six

There is a finished draft in the chest, and now re-editing the picture is purely a mindless act of moving bricks, just like opening an action script, and it is like the reincarnation of a great power to re-do and walk the road of practice again. The power and ruthlessness of the general flood release gate can only be described as taking off with a toilet. Ordinary artists will have a strong mental shock when they see this indescribable horror and vision, and their horrified souls will be shocked. Flying outside, he lost consciousness and became a puppet of the stars. He could no longer hear the feedback from Party A, and could not feel the gaze of the supervisor.

You must not know how terrifying it is when a dead line fighter merges with a blank file whose remark is unnamed 1!

Until the mediocre tomato and egg noodles appeared in front of my eyes.

The materials are so scarce that even scallions are not available, but it does not affect the aroma and completion that Qinmin supper should have.This kind of traditional pasta that has penetrated into every family has been sublimated into a certain symbol, a concept, and a culture closely connected with memories.

Master Yin didn't say much, picked up the bowl and took a few mouthfuls.

"How is it?" Sakura Mio couldn't help but opened her moist eyes and asked expectantly.

"How about what?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"The taste of noodles."

"Oh, okay."

"It's okay, don't be so perfunctory." The girl muttered.

"...It's just a bowl of noodles, that's really the only way I can comment. If I have to go into more detail, it's probably because the tomatoes were sliced ​​just right, and the eggs were fried well. The fly in the ointment is that the noodles are overcooked, and now they're sticky and soft. It's not very good." The man tried to make a simple question complicated.

"Isn't it good to make it softer? It's so easy to eat." The girl who is only in charge of the cooking process, that is, the cooking process, lacks the confidence to supplement.

"You guys just like to save energy so much that you don't want to eat more chewy food. Eat more hard food, which will give a benign stimulus and help the teeth grow. Orthodontic surgery here is very expensive, try not to spend it That’s a waste of money.” The man turned into Brother Tang said.

"Hard food?" The girl glanced at it and said lightly, "For example, a certain diamond steak?"

"It's all a retread of the old calendar, why are you mentioning that?" Yin Ze was a little uncomfortable and didn't want to have too much discussion on this matter.Thinking back carefully, that employee meal was the beginning of all evils. Who would have thought that a piece of beef would introduce the Sakura Mutagen into ordinary life?

"By the way, it's time for you to change your teeth, right? Don't brush your teeth and deal with it casually, so as not to wear braces in the future, which is troublesome and uncomfortable." Yin Ze's words are full of brotherly care.

"Is there anyone who hasn't lost their deciduous teeth at the age of 17? Do you think I'm still a primary school student?" Sakura Mio was a little speechless, and then said, "Besides, I brush my teeth every morning and evening, and the care is quite good. Hmph, Growing up so big, I have experienced fractures, but I have never had a toothache.”

After finishing speaking, the girl raised her head slightly, opened her mouth to reveal her clean and white teeth, and bared her teeth at someone as if showing off.

Look at this demeanor, quite arrogant.

Master Yin didn't want to delay until the noodles were lumpy, so he ate very quickly. He licked his mouth and put the bowls and chopsticks aside after a few strokes.

"It tastes so delicious, is it so delicious?" Sakura Mio was thoughtful.

Master Yin stared at her fixedly for a few seconds, and then he stroked his beard in relief and said: "Cooking is of course only the inevitable result of rational processing of ingredients, but the mysterious and mysterious mind can also be reflected in it, every second of watching, every minute of dedication , will be presented on it without reservation. This bowl of 150-yen Guoshi Mudu is a standard product. Although the ingredients are discounted eggs and wholesale tomatoes, there are no vegetable leaves, but it still relies on The strong concentration of the people below has extraordinary qualities. Turn decay into magic, and flies into phoenixes. With this ability, even Xiao Liu who came downstairs from the chrysanthemum should be ashamed, you should be the youngest super chef in history!"

"My mother always said that I would become clumsy in the kitchen, and once I took over the frying spoon, it would cause disaster. It seems that her vision is too picky." The girl who was greatly affirmed breathed a sigh of relief, "This is the first time I cook I didn't expect the finished product to be good, so I still have some talent!"

Everything is ready, just put it in the pot and cook it, and it can create nightmares, that is probably already a power beyond the scope of science.

"You should have confidence in yourself." The man encouraged, and then said, "It's getting late, students and children should not go home too late, there is still some time on the way, you should just go out now..."

"I feel very good today, my hands are hot, and my desire to do it is stronger than before. I am very confident to complete the task my mother left me." For the first time in my life, I have achieved this in the field of cooking. Such noble positive feedback is not mother's correction and exhortation, nor is it father's deliberate fault-finding and ridicule. Sakura Mio's eyes are shining brightly at this moment.

"What subject?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Before, my mother gave me a novice kitchen training, and then assigned homework. The content was to make ten home-cooked dishes with acceptable taste." Sakura Mio explained in detail.

"If so, how many tasks have you completed?" the man asked casually.

The girl raised an index finger.

"One, it seems that graduation is still far away." Yin Ze shook his head.

"I haven't finished one of them." Sakura Mio explained.


"The ten dishes are divided into two stages. The first stage is relatively simple, and the second stage requires experience." Sakura Mio continued.

"What kind of dishes are they?" Mari Haneda listened with great interest.

Sakura Mio lowered her voice, as if she was introducing the top five top killers in the dark world rankings, as if they were all killing people without blood, and they were fierce and violent: "They are seaweed rice balls, fried Egg rolls, fried dumplings, pork soup, croquettes—"

"That's it? Isn't the first stage too simple?" Yin Ze thought it was some terrible scourge. If he had the heart, he could win the five-day package. How could he be like this guy, and he couldn't even get a single one done after so long?Thinking of this, it is inevitable to be a little contemptuous, "What about the complicated second stage? Let me hear it?"

"Colorful trout stewed with mustard, Hokkaido seafood tokachi pot, three soups, fifteen dishes and five meals, Fushou reunion Buddha jumping over the wall, Arabic style grilled adult camels." Sakura Mio's tone is as simple as introducing the five brothers of the old Wang family at the entrance of the village nature.

"...Are you sure there is nothing missing between the first stage and the second stage? For example, "Quickly Teach You to Become a Rich Man in Dubai" and "The Outline of Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Dimensional Stomach Pouch Cultivation"?" Yin Ze vigorously complained.This span is too big, if you move forward, you may have to roast the whole whale.

"Maybe mom didn't think that I could complete the first stage within the specified time, so she used this to mock me." Sakura Mio's eyes were a little empty, but she quickly cheered up and said confidently, "But If I have divine help today, it is possible to instantly kill them all in just one stage!"

Indeed, after all, there are no gods here, but there is Yulai Buddha who will sweep the formation for you.

"Then let's start with the omelet first." Sakura Mio sound cast her eyes on the refrigerator, then turned her head, looking expectantly at the owner.

"The eggs in the refrigerator have been stored for a while. I'm sure I won't be able to eat them all. You can use them." Yin Ze thought for a while, "Just don't toss them around for too long, your home is quite far from here."

"How do you know?" Haneda Mari asked suddenly.

"She has to call a taxi every time she goes home, can it not be far?" Yin Ze shook his head and sighed with emotion at the fare.

"That's right." Haneda Mari nodded.

The ringtone of the mobile phone is not an old Chinese song, but a fashionable song with a strong sense of rhythm.

Sakura Mio bowed her head and took out the phone, put it to her ear: "Hello? Uh, um, it's coming soon, I'll be back soon..."

Yin Ze couldn't help feeling a little joy when he heard this conversation.

That's right, it's past nine o'clock, and she's just going out to see a doctor. If it's delayed until this time, the family members should also urge her.

Tonight, this room belongs only to dead line fighters.It seems that the kitchen will only be lent to this promising young special chef next time.

"It's at a friend's house. Also, which friend could it be, Takizawa." The girl continued on the phone, "What are we doing? That, chatting, eating, researching cooking... yes, yes, of course I do it." , I cooked a bowl of noodles, and he ate it like a thumb, hey, why don't you believe it?"

After a while, Sakura Mio directly handed the phone to the man, "Uh, my mother questioned everything I said when she heard that the noodles I cooked were praised as delicious, and asked me if I was At your house, you can explain it yourself."

So what have you done in the kitchen to make your loved ones vigilant to this point.

The man took the phone silently, with a light and cheerful tone: "Hello? Hello? Is this Miss Zhisen?"

"Is it really Takizawa-kun?" The Qingli voice on the other side was a little surprised, "Is Mio at your house?"

"Yes, we've all had dinner."

"She did it?"

"Strictly speaking, she did make a bowl of noodles at night, and it filled my stomach."

"There was no accident, did it?"


"That's strange. She can always lose the chain at home. Sometimes it's because the heat is too high, sometimes it's because the seasoning is out of balance, and sometimes it's because the process is reversed." Sakura Zhimori smiled, "The result is If you can make a complete piece of normal food, then it seems that this should be a problem for the diners."


"My husband is the taster at home."

"Mr. Yingshi is not only successful in his career, but also personable. He is impeccable in educating his children and has fulfilled his father's responsibilities perfectly. He is really a role model for my generation." The man praised, "I met a few months ago, I am fascinated so far, and I would like to ask you to say hello for me."

"He's playing with the parrot in the yard, I'll give him the phone, can you tell me yourself?" Sakura Zhimori said and was about to get up from the sofa.

"No need, no need, no need." Yin Ze said repeatedly, "Next time I will visit directly at the door, and it will be more formal."

"Okay, let me know in advance if you want to come, and Auntie will give you a whole table of delicious food."

"Okay, thank you here in advance."

"Then I won't nag anymore. Since Mioyin is with you, let her play for a while." Sakura Zhimori said slowly, "Sometimes she thinks it out, sometimes she thinks it out. It's a little willful."

"Sakura-san is a very polite person. He is also close and trusting to me, so he will occasionally ask for something, and he seldom talks to strangers." Yin Ze answered.

"Yes." Sakura Edmori suddenly asked, "Hey, what does she usually ask of you?"

"For example, uh, borrow my kitchen?" Yin Ze scratched his head.

"Do you want to cook on your own initiative? It seems that it is really a problem with the diners." Sakura Zhimori laughed, "Remember to tell her not to go too far, that's all right, that's it, I won't talk too much."

After the call, Yin Ze returned the phone.

"You still know her family members?" Mari Haneda was extremely curious.

"Oh, I met him at work before." Yin Ze said, "It's not a big deal, right? Don't I also know a younger brother named Yuma?"

"That being said..."

"Time is running out, let's start solving the problem." Sakura Mio put away her mobile phone, waved her big hand like a general in the battlefield, took out new eggs from the refrigerator, and used them like a formation All the tools are laid out.

Everything is ready.

"What's the matter, continue." Yin Ze signaled to the girl that she could operate it, and she didn't have to ask herself about utility bills anymore.

Sakura Mio looked left and right, pointed to the supervisor next to him with some hesitation, and finally whispered: "Haneda-san, can you stand here?"

The scene suddenly cooled down.

"Rally car drivers are advanced professions that ordinary drivers can become with the addition of courage, wisdom, strategy, and endurance. They don't fight alone, but have a navigator by their side to escort them." Yin Ze slowly Breaking the tranquility, "It seems that you are not taking the usual route of the light world and the dark world. You are clearly taking an unprecedented way of rally chef! For this reason, a navigator is also needed !"

Sakura Mio's eyes wandered, pretending not to hear this beggar's equivalent substitution theory.

"Pfft, okay, I'll watch it for you." Haneda Mari was really amused by these two people, she readily agreed to the invitation, and quickly ran to the sous chef.

The cooking area restarts.

Yin Ze watched for a while, then went back to work overtime.

At this time, someone holding a digital pen across the canvas is far from realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Chapter 130 Seven


It's too serious.

It turns out that the name of the first software to repair hardware in history is not just a marketing term or talk.

Those who devote themselves to studying skills will enter the state of mirror and still water called heart flow as time goes by.Martial artists kicked sandbags and banana trees, sweated profusely and felt the magnetic field to exercise their bodies and become stronger under pain and pressure.

Danger and excitement have always been a simple road to strength.

When I was young, I always didn’t understand why people need to sleep. If they don’t sleep, they have twice as much happiness in their life time… Later, they realized that if they don’t sleep, they will even have twice the time in their happy life at the speed of light. Return to zero and enter the endless sleep mode directly in advance.

Long, long ago, that omnipotent longed for strength. He could wake up earlier than a chicken, sleep later than a pig, catch a late bus, and use the safety stairs to clock in before being absent from work when the elevator was not available.However, he couldn't fight continuously in the dark.If one day, he can be friends with the moon, then all overtime pay will be his.

The rest day breeds life, and the magic is, Master Yin, even the rest has been conquered!

Modern life is rich in material, but restless in spirit. Stress and troubles are the number one enemy before going to bed. I don’t know how many brothers are eager to have a healthy routine, go to bed and rest early, but they are always due to work. Difficulty falling asleep due to private affairs, tossing and turning and insomnia for several hours, even with melatonin and other drugs, the quality of sleep is still poor, and rest cannot be guaranteed.

Nobi Sleeping Arhat's method of falling asleep instantly makes middle-aged people fearful and office workers salivate.But after all, it's just a product in the comics, and it can only be sighed.

But now, the number of days has changed, and the artifact is easier.

The vision first occurred at 3 o'clock in the morning, and the man in the high-speed replication was more than eyelids fighting, first of all he felt a burst of hunger.Logically speaking, I shouldn't be hungry so quickly after eating a meal of high-end cuisine + nutritious soup + tomato egg noodles.But I was so hungry that my stomach was growling, so I had no choice but to get up and look for food.

It just so happened that with the help of the navigator Haneda, Sakura's special chef successfully completed the first stage of the project in just one hour... Is it because the homework is too simple, or is Sakura's talent extraordinary, or is Mr. Haneda's profound skill, Really hard to say.

Because I couldn't finish it, after tasting it, it was well sealed with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator, planning to make rations for the next day.This has staple food and soup, which is quite rich.

But before the sun came out, he was gobbled up by the man in the middle of the night, and returned to the work station with a full stomach.

Coincidentally, after eating and drinking enough, he began to feel sleepy. Of course, Yin Tiandi, who has many years of experience in cultivating immortals, was prepared. He confidently took out several cans of coffee and energy drinks, and formed a three-person relationship. They toasted and drank freely... Tilting his head, he had a very sweet dream with a smile on the chair.

When he opened his eyes again, the man felt the energy in his body as if he had slept for nine hours, and his heart skipped a beat.Frightened and sad, I looked out the window, it was pitch black, and then I looked at the time, it was 4 o'clock in the morning.Suddenly my heart pounded into a beating drum.

Feelings This is still a quick attack magic, the prank of the goddess of time, sleeping in a super big reincarnation? !

It's over, a dream forever, a man's promise is no match for his physical desire after all!

The probability of success calculated by the life corridor directly becomes a delicious duck egg.

Yin Zesheng looked at the date disinterestedly, and then fell silent.

——It was still the same day, only an hour had passed since he lost to desire.

The probability of success changed instantly. A new duck egg was added to the back of the duck egg, and a baguette stick was added to the front, 100%.

Great achievement.

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