An easy-to-understand explanation is probably:

* Faster reaction speed, fishing time is fleeting, don't waste a second

* Bug fixes and performance optimization to improve user experience

* Added a new storage method independent of the time axis, you can create special favorites for your favorite memories

* Added better hang-up service to avoid embarrassment

* New energy saving mode

*Advanced Overclocking: Now with even more subjective control over the senses

Schrödinger's Corridor of Life was successfully upgraded from V3.9D to 6.72F tonight, which is a cross-generational progress.Previously, it could only strengthen the senses, block drunken dizziness, and become a legend of the wine table, but now it is going straight to the title of night owl king in the northeast hemisphere, referred to as the night king... as long as the nutrition can keep up.

From the green energy-saving mode to the red overclocking mode, you will have an efficient rest and study ability that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. From then on, you will not be afraid of KPI assessment, and you will always have the passion for fighting. In a sense, this is the ultimate social animal——

The man's eyes were full of splendor, and he immediately touched his forehead in pain.

Gan, Aze, is this what you think? What exactly killed your imagination and romance? !

The man was in high spirits in the middle of the night, his eyes were clear, and the output speed of his hands seemed to be doubled. No one stroke was wrong, and no operation was useless. The undo button. This superstar player whose appearance rate is obviously T0 level, directly Falling into the sewer, hundreds of pens may not necessarily come in handy.

The agreement between men is stable.


Yoshida Tomoki suddenly twitched and woke up immediately.

It's strange to say that the self in the dream was still making the schedule, and suddenly opened his eyes and returned to reality, with a feeling of worrying about gains and losses.After all, it was all done, but it turned out to be a dream, and the nature of the plot was as bad as the power failure before the document was saved.

It took him several seconds to sort out his thoughts and come out of his frustration.

All the lights in the company are turned off, only the safety lights are still flashing, emitting a little bit of gleam, faintly bright and faint, like star points of weak breathing.

Yoshida Satomi turned over, his head ached.Still a little sleepy, but no matter what, I couldn't sleep anymore.

Since he accepted this project, which is no different from gambling stud, it was like wearing a twisted rope voluntarily. As time went by, he felt more and more difficult to breathe.

I don't dare to imagine the future after failure.

As far as he is concerned, the old company has been hit hard, and his career has been marked with a conspicuous ugly scar. The industry has added a textbook failure and anecdotes, which is the next best thing - completely ruining the "fantasy" passed down from generation to generation by outstanding predecessors. "That's the hardest thing to accept.

Yoshida Tomoki wanted to rest as soon as possible, but he still couldn't get rid of the distracting thoughts circling in his mind.He finally had to get up from under the desk and sit on the chair.Silently waking up the computer in the dormant state, the display screen lights up, and the pale light shines on the sad and tired face.

First, I looked at the time, it was 5 in the morning.The sky outside the window is rich, dark before dawn.

It's not long before going to work, so let's just stop sleeping.

Yoshida Tomoki folded up the bedding and blankets on the floor, went to the bathroom to tidy up his appearance, and the cold tap water dispelled the last trace of nostalgia for his dreamland.

When he came to this project team, he basically lost his personal life. He only sleeps less than four hours a day. When he closes his eyes, he sees unfinished tasks, the current progress of each member, and the promises made.

It's been two months since I went home last time. I said it was a rest, that is, I took a shower and stared at the TV for a long time.

Back near his work station, with the help of the dim light, he saw a colleague in the distance who also chose to stay overnight at the company.Some reclined their chairs, some shrank under the table, and some lay on the table.

Yoshida Satomi approached, and carefully covered a colleague with a slipped air-conditioning quilt. He glanced at the refreshing drink bottles on the table, enough to form a basketball team, and couldn't help but sigh.

He has always been reluctant to put on a distressed and helpless look in front of the team members. After all, even the leading general half-raises the white flag, what else is there to continue?

There is sadness in the air here.

These were some of the best people who ever made the best fantasy stories and adventures.But now they are all struggling in the abyss of failure, everyone is reprimanding and scolding them, the media is laughing at their farce, the players leave coldly in disappointment, colleagues pay attention to it, and take warnings in various ways .

Yoshida Tomoki slowly returned to his work station, fiddled with the cooled coffee in the cup with a spoon without meaning.

Already on the edge of the cliff.

The manager only thinks about apologizing in different ways every day, thinking about how to bow to show the sincerity of knowing his mistakes.

Even all team members have no confidence, and even look forward to announcing the shutdown of the server earlier, or resigning, or moving to a more vigorous project, just to end this torture that has lasted for two years.

In such an environment, even he himself began to waver, his courage was diminishing, and his enthusiasm was fading.

So why would I accept the impossibility?

Yoshida Satomi leaned back in the chair silently, tilting his head slightly.It was late at night, and it was pitch black outside.But in his eyes, the darkness outside was not the real darkness.

Every boy has some unrealistic dreams in his heart, maybe they are so naive that it is difficult to talk about them when they are adults, or they are so whimsical that they would shake their heads and laugh.

However, they have all desperately asked for extravagance.

There is always such a world in Yoshida's heart.

There are endless and vast grasslands, warm and sunny skies and light winds, white deer feeding with their heads down, and huge mottled and bleak relics bearing the years.There are heavy epics in the wind blowing the leaves of the grass, there are poems echoing in the church covered with vines, there are dragons and princesses and knights, there are travelers and fate, there are swords and magic.

There is a young man, Zhu Jian who is always smiling, staring at the distant horizon.

In fact, there should be many more, but they are all taken away by time in the process of growth.Only this scene, that initial fantasy, is engraved in my heart for a long time.

If given the chance, I would like to do it.

If possible, don't want to disappoint

If possible, I want to touch that line.

There was a small, crisp sound when the spoon collided with the glass wall.

Chapter 130 Eight Warriors Of Light

There are few fulfilling and happy days at work, and most of them are lackluster.

Yoshida Tomoki seemed to be glued to a chair, thinking about the screen from time to time, submerging himself in typing, and frowning to delete the plan he had just written.

Often sitting like this is the whole day.

Pour a cup of warm coffee, so busy that it has cooled down when you remember to drink it again.In the company, he forgot to sleep and eat until he saw a colleague wearing short sleeves, and then realized that it was summer, and he himself was still wearing smelly thermal underwear.

In this space, the river of time seems to have been poured with gel, becoming dull and dull, only the sound of the air conditioner, keyboard and mouse, and a small amount of low communication sound exist.

The phone buzzes.

Yoshida Tomoki stretched out his head to take a look for a while, and then cheered up to answer.

"Teacher Yin?"

"Brother Yoshida, you dialed during working hours, did you bother me?" There was a refreshing and pleasant voice from the other end of the phone.

"Generally, if I'm in a meeting, the phone is turned off directly. If I can get through, it means there is nothing important." Yoshida Satomi smiled, then remembered the business, and coughed a few times, "Speaking of it, should the teacher hand in the map today? gone?"

"It stands to reason that it should be sent to your mailbox in the morning, but the network is not good today, and the capacity is too large, so it is too difficult to transmit. I thought it might not be as fast as the physical delivery, so I just took the tram. I have now arrived at AQUAREENIX The building is near, and I can’t enter the building because I don’t have an ID card, so if it’s convenient, come down and get a USB flash drive?” Yin Ze said shyly.

"Oh, why did you go there yourself?" Yoshida Tomoki was taken aback.

"It's okay, my house is not far from here anyway." Yin Ze laughed.

"Teacher, wait a moment, I'll come down now." Before leaving the station, Yoshida Tomoki habitually saved his progress before walking away quickly.


Let me just mention that Master Yin’s Happy Little World is located in Kagurazaka, Shinjuku. There have been many great writers living here, and the beloved Soseki is one of them. The stationery store where he bought manuscript paper when he was a child is still open.For some reason, there are quite a lot of French people who are wavy and slow. The food and drink here is well developed, and he often buys long and hard baguettes in bakeries.

Unlike Shinjuku Station and Okubo, which are chaotic and constantly happy, Kagurazaka is quiet and livable. He can find cheap and beautiful rental houses here. He is very grateful to the enthusiastic and gentle lady in the housing agency.

As a standard modern cloud outdoor enthusiast, except for filming and special outings, the scope of men's daily life is basically in this area.This is also the main reason why barbecue is eaten here, video games are played here, and curry is eaten here and can be witnessed here.

One more thing by the way... The results of the new Nightmare Girl broadcast are outrageous. After a few days of fermentation, it is already the best in the past. Station N also has listeners specially selected and carefully edited dialogues that "I think are interesting" , The amount of playback is also called popular in the broadcast category.

What's the situation?I just wanted to find a tool person to play on my behalf to avoid the punishment of quitting the game, but when I came back, I saw that the substitutes and support were killing randomly, and they directly reached the top of the ranking?

Isn't it embarrassing for my appointed No. 1 position now?Do you want the face of the host?

Driven by the dark desire to win or lose, Yin Ze conducted many replays very rigorously, and listened to the sixth episode several times over and over again, his mind was filled with the laughter of the same period and seniors, but he couldn't find it. Here's the key.

Obviously, it was a very well-regulated performance and cooperation, and Sakura-san had an accident at the beginning, which interrupted the rhythm of Hidaka-senpai's brand-new opening poem that he composed sincerely the night before.In the reply to the letter, he did not analyze and answer from multiple angles such as humanities, philosophy, psychology, and social phenomena like he did.

It's too difficult to understand.Men are not afraid to use the most vulgar thoughts to speculate on the audience - do they win because they are just a cute girl group? !


You don't know what the seiyuu looks like after taking off the business mask in private!

The man sitting by the flower bed sighed and took off his earphones.

At this time, a young uncle with a look of missing person came out from the main entrance of the office building that Yin Ze had been paying attention to.The other party has dyed light orange hair, is wearing a thick sweater that is not suitable for the season, and is also wearing many accessories such as pendants and rings.

This uncle who is not very aesthetically pleasing is likely to be Mr. Party A, right?

Yin Ze straightened his clothes, adjusted his smile like a spring breeze on his face, and walked forward.

Mr. Party A seemed to have noticed his strangeness, and after a short pause, he also came towards him.

As the distance gradually approached, Yin Ze kindly stretched out his right hand, wanting to say hello - unexpectedly, Mr. Party A passed him directly, walked to the vicinity of the front of the building, and looked in all directions blankly with his hips on his hips.


Yin Ze simply turned around and patted the other person's shoulder. After the other person turned around in confusion, he smiled and said, "This should be Mr. Yoshida Tomoki who sent the contract to me, right?"

"...You are Teacher Yin?!" Mr. Party A seemed a little surprised.

"Yes, why are you so shocked?" Yin Ze was puzzled by the other party's surprise.

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be so young, and...and so handsome." Yoshida Tomoki said hesitantly.To be honest, the voice is beautiful, but Mr. Yin's conversation and skills, in his mind, should be in his 30s, with a light beard, carrying a thermos cup with him, and wearing a standard suit jacket for office workers.

This energetic college student was standing downstairs just now, with a formulaic business smile on his face. He thought it was another internet celebrity model looking for high-rise buildings for street photography. Anyway, he didn't get in touch with the experienced and powerful original artist at all. go.

"Oh, I see. You must think that for people like me, God must have confiscated all talents and interesting souls to show the fairness of the world." Yin Ze waved his hand to express his understanding, "But please believe me He’s not the kind of person who shows off his appearance. The content of this outsourcing is all in the USB flash drive, and I leave it to you here.”

Things are finally settled, just waiting for the closing payment.

After the man delivered the goods, he was about to pat his ass and leave, but Yoshida Satomi stopped him: "Since everyone is here, teacher, why not go up with me. I plan to show the pictures to the main artist in the group for review. If there is any What needs to be modified can be clearly stated in person, which also saves communication costs.”

"I can do both, but is it convenient for your project team?" Yin Ze asked in a daze, "It's not easy for a company in the state of research and development to let outsiders in casually, right?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't take pictures." Yoshida Tomoki smiled, "Besides, it's not even a visit, just a chat."

"Then excuse me." Yin Ze readily agreed.This producer does not seem to have the rigidity of traditional Japanese factory employees at all.

The two entered the elevator together, and soon reached the middle floor of the office building.After following Yoshida through the corridor, he came to the Daping floor full of workstations.

The moment I entered, there was a sense of incompatibility from the hustle and bustle of the city to the quiet Zen temple in the deep mountains and old forests.A large number of employees basically wear headphones to block distracting thoughts and keep silent at work except for necessary communication. Everyone is like a monk meditating in front of the computer. The endless sound of keyboards is the wooden fish they knocked during penance.

For some reason, the negative energy here is a bit heavy, and the atmosphere is very depressing.Obviously what they are doing is "interesting research and development", but everyone is making things difficult for the layman Party A, resulting in only three days of people pulling their hips every day, and even being frustrated and hopeless by the manager's serious talk about salary cuts.

Yin Ze also couldn't help slowing down his movements and lowering his voice.

It is rare for a seiyuu to have more freedom in the work place and on the set.

After a real appreciation of the real Dongying workplace ecological environment.The two went straight to a separate seat by the window. The person hiding behind the high-priced widening monitor was a middle-aged fat man wearing glasses, a plaid shirt, and a small belly, which perfectly fit the inherent image of a coder.

Of course, he is not actually a coder. The picture book on the table and the character design information on the screen prove that this is actually an artist.

"This was outsourced before, please review it." Yoshida Satomi cut to the chase, and handed over a two-dimensional style USB flash drive, one of the special gifts of the Nightmare Girls Linkage Package.

The fat beauty pushed the glasses, didn't say much, just plugged them in and watched.

Two characters, three sets of equipment.

Two of the characters are actually different variants of the same character.Named Captain Madison, a BOSS in a novice dungeon.It is set to be a pirate leader who colluded with barbarians to occupy the cave, so he was eliminated by righteous players.The captain will appear in the follow-up dungeons, but the image is a demonized octopus with an inhuman posture, so let’s call him Brother Octopus.

The typesetting of the design draft is quite refreshing. The concept vertical painting displayed is in a semi-realistic style. The number of blocky strokes is rare but the degree of completion is already high.The three-view line draft is accurate and clear, and the covered and layered parts are also specially dismantled and explained separately. Considering the needs of the modeler, detailed notes are made on the various materials of the clothing.

The three sets of equipment also inherit the above-mentioned degree of completion and quality. From the physics department to the law department, within the specified art style, each has its own characteristics and is very clear, and the design has no ambiguity.

There are no shortcomings, and standard ones can be used as textbooks for newcomers in the industry.

"How?" As a producer, Satomi Yoshida naturally has the corresponding vision and quality, but the evaluation of professionals still needs to be considered.

"I don't have any opinion, I can hand it over to 3D directly." Master Mei paused, "How much did it cost?"

"The market average price." Yoshida Satomi said honestly.

"Then we have made money." Zhumei chuckled, and then sighed, "Oh, what a pity."

"What a pity?" Yoshida Satomi wondered.

"After all, it is a small role, and this level is completely qualified for more important roles. If it can be outsourced at that price, it will be a big profit. It can also save a lot of effort and free up manpower." Zhumei asked deeply, " Can you still make an appointment with him? Why don't you just leave the most time-consuming and labor-intensive ones to him?"

"I'm afraid I have to ask the opinion of the person concerned..." Yoshida Tomoki pondered.

"Try it, what if? If you succeed in fooling around, the progress here will increase by at least 2 months." The chubby main beauty turned her head expectantly, and then saw the producer pretending to look at the scenery, and there was a man standing next to him. The strange young man was suddenly a little confused, "This little brother is very face-to-face, he doesn't seem to have seen you before? Are you?"

"I just came here." Yin Ze replied honestly.

"A new employee?" The main beauty looked at the producer's eyes and was shocked by heaven and earth. "For our project with a dark future and a deep swamp, you can still recruit new people to join the team?!"

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