The kind-hearted Zhumei hesitated to speak, and seemed to be struggling, but in the end she chose the light in her heart, "I'm not trying to dismantle Yoshida, but I still believe in you. But, in our situation , You have to explain it to people in every detail, we are really not suitable for pulling people. Others are young, and adding a stain to their resumes is not good for their future career development..."

"I didn't fool around, and I don't know how to fool." Yoshida Satomi was a little speechless, "This is not a new colleague, he is the outsourced original artist you just reviewed. Others have poor Internet access, so I made a special trip to send the documents over in person. I just want you to communicate directly, if there are changes, you can chat on the spot."

The embarrassment was successfully transferred from the producer to the main beauty. The fat middle-aged man fell into silence for a long time, and finally said with emotion: "—Oh, look, this guy is really good and cheap."

The waves were calm, and the scene still hadn't been relieved.

A long and short window of time.

"This teacher's pen name is 'Yin Ze'." Yoshida Satoki stretched out his hand to introduce, and restarted the round.

"Hello, my name is Mihiko Yoshimoto, and I'm the person in charge of the 2D team." The middle-aged man stood up and said kindly.

"I'm still young, so I can't be honored by the two seniors." Yin Ze shook hands very modestly.

"Please don't take what you said just now." The middle-aged man said.

"Where, thanks to the guidance of my seniors, I realized that I was far above the average market price. I am very happy to be recognized by a technical manager of a large factory like you." Yin Ze thanked.

While agreeing, the middle-aged man cast a resentful look at the producer who didn't explain earlier.Alas, what a pair of hands, now the cost of deception has skyrocketed.

"How is your progress?" Yoshida Tomoki asked in a serious tone.

"Time is tight." The middle-aged man also immediately changed his mind, and said rigorously and worriedly, "Especially what you want, the idea of ​​transferring all the excellent crystals of the series to this generation of games is not easy."

"How? If it can't be realized in the game, how did so many previous games come out?" Yoshida Satomi was a little puzzled.

"Because the environment is different." Mihiko Yoshimoto shook his head and explained, "In the past era of Final Fantasy and the rise of Dragon Quest, the game character design has nothing to do with the actual picture. Even if the character designer and producer are the same The same is true for people. When it comes to doing it, everyone will not follow the original design by default. In the past, the biggest use of game character design was for covers, posters, game manuals and promotional purposes. Of course, there are also companies that will take advantage of this and specialize in Find some painters whose style of work is impossible to make actual game screens. Mr. Amano is the most extreme among them. His painting style is highly recognizable and it is extremely difficult to make a finished product. I don’t mean to offend, but I stand on the side of gamers and original paintings From the teacher’s point of view, his manuscript is “wrong version”. Not to mention 3D, the animation is too bad.”

"The painting is so good, it is one of the souls of generations 1-6." Yoshida Satomi hesitated to speak.

"What's so good about it? It's useless. If you dare to use the original picture that can be called a mudslide created by a human being, the 3D side will really kill you." Mihiko Yoshimoto was also very helpless, "A picture drawn by three lines Zhang Pinglian, who can build a moving model for this picture? It’s nothing more than animation. Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s Vampire Hunter D is a good version, but what should I do with the 3D rendering of the game characters? Many previous works also For this reason, the original manuscripts were not accepted.”

Yoshimoto Mihiko opened the data in the computer and displayed Mr. Amano's manuscripts.The magnificent and psychedelic pictures are full of stream of consciousness, which should be purely decorative paintings, and it is difficult to connect with the design drawings.

"In the commercial market, people don't appreciate elegance, they only appreciate both elegance and vulgarity. It must be done, and the only way to do it is to use the original manuscript as the base and redraw the normal design." Mihiko Yoshimoto shrugged, "But the problem comes again, I want to keep this It is very troublesome and time-consuming. What we need most now is time.”

Yoshida Tomoki covered his chin with one hand, pondered for a long time, "...I understand what you mean. It can be done, but the benefits are not high, and it seriously slows down the progress."

"Time is not the only problem. It is necessary to retain the charm of Mr. Amano while turning elegance into vulgarity. This is a technical task in itself, and it is difficult to mass-produce this thing." Mihiko Yoshimoto added, "There are dozens of people in the 2D team. Not everyone is capable of doing it, and if this task is sent temporarily, it may take several days to study."

"Outsourcing?" Yoshida Tomoki took out his trump card to deal with insufficient production capacity.

"It's not very good to be reasonable. It's definitely difficult for someone to take over the redrawing of Amano's draft. It is feasible to pack out the established tasks in the group to free up manpower to attack this part, but this juncture will disrupt the planned plan. .And other people are not familiar with the project, the style deviates, communication problems... miscellaneous things are also troublesome." Yoshimoto Mihiko said.

"There are zero-error, technically strong masters in all major factories, and there are very few who fall outside." Yoshida Satomi said with emotion.

"Yeah, it's not easy." Yoshimoto Mihiko also nodded.

"Do you want to seek strong support from overseas?"

"But in the end, the far water can't quench the near thirst."

"Actually, I've been paying attention online before, but in the end I only found a few people."

"Oh? Like?"

"This Teacher Yin is one of them."

"Indeed, it can be seen that the skill is profound."

The producer and the main beauty sighed at each other, then turned their eyes in sync to look at the taciturn young man.

"You two don't need to hint, just say what you have to say." Yin Ze's brows twitched slightly.

"Teacher, do you still remember the time when I sent a private message in the background asking for a draft?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"At that moment, just like, at this moment." Yoshida Satomi smiled mysteriously.

"I don't understand, I don't understand." Yin Ze shook his head vigorously.

"You translate for the translator." The ruthless producer gestured to the innocent host Mei Nuzui.

"Around 180 million yen, about 8 Amano redraw design drafts." Mihiko Yoshimoto said succinctly, "The sooner the better, the slowest is 2 months."

Yin Ze's eyes kept jumping on these two bad guys, and finally he couldn't help but wanted to express his personal opinion.

"Actually, I also did research after receiving the package from Brother Yoshida. The change in the art style of the Final Fantasy series should be in the seventh generation. From the original fantasy and steam machinery changes to science fiction and superpowers, the theme also changed from Graceful fantasy transferred to cool modernity, from riding a chocobo to driving a motorcycle."

"Because the seventh generation happened to be technologically innovative, the history of game development is also a history of technological decisions. In the mid-90s, even CG movies tried to avoid using complex materials. As for normal map technology, it was in the experimental stage at that time. This is It is determined that the modeling of most characters and scenes should not be too complicated, whether it is a game screen or a cutscene animation, and the materials should be as simple and repeated as possible. The shadow, the whole picture has a strong sense of inorganic."

"Ms. Amano's painting style was totally against the 3D technology at the time, and it was impossible to do it at all. But with the current technology, there is still room for manipulation." Yin Ze asked, "Can I borrow a digital board and a computer?"

Yoshimoto Mihiko readily and generously gave up his position.

Yin Ze skillfully opened the software, used shortcut commands to create a new canvas and layer, took a ball-point pen, and started to draw lines with a very small pen.

"Ms. Amano's learning is complex, with oriental classical charm and European fantasy complex connotation. The figures are abstractly depicted, and the facial features are irregular, slender eyes and corners. Sometimes the treatment is also reminiscent of Mucha. There are also various delicate decorative props. Mosaics and rococo elements, geometric planes and decorations are strongly coordinated and contrasted..."

Move your eyes away after a glance, the most impressive thing is to focus on the key points to keep.

For the rest, replace them with commercial genres.

To be honest, the process of changing skins and shells is something that someone who has been through the battlefield is familiar with.

To some extent, domestic original painters are bound.For example, on the point of leaving no brush strokes, there are generally zero strokes in the circle, otherwise some party A will think that you are still a draft, not evenly smoothed, not refined at all, just not paying attention, but on foreign commercial drafts, It is allowed and even emphasized to leave brushstrokes, so that the sense of painting is stronger.

The artists of the Final Fantasy project team are all leaders in the industry, and Yoshimoto Mihiko, who is the main artist, is undoubtedly the original artist of the first echelon in Japan.But the fat middle-aged man was a little startled at this time.

This young man's writing speed is really too fast, terrifyingly steady.It's as if there is already a finished product on the blank canvas, and he seems to be so stable that he is just tracing the drawing step by step.It flew away brilliantly like a meteor, leaving traces that cannot be ignored.

Any painter needs a certain amount of reference in their creation, and the masters can get it at their fingertips, because they have already had a lot of training and experience in this subject, which has been integrated into instinct and daily life.In the field of sketching, Jin Zhengji is a master who will always be mentioned. This cute uncle who has a strong hairstyle and draws on a napkin when eating is especially good at multi-dimensional space stereo vision to display the screen layout. It can be called a self-propelled material library for human figures. .

The title is "Female Mage", but there are far more than these three words when you start your hands.

What weapon does she use?Wand or magic sword?What kind of staff and sword?Is the armor cloth or leather armor?How to match the clothes?How to connect and arrange a few armor pieces?What material and what color?How is the background setting?The witches of the East or the Holy See of the West?Is the pattern balanced or asymmetrical?Ascetic or tsundere cute?How does the floating cloth with skirt armor structure have aura?

While starting to write, while taking into account the basic skills, and then come up with all the optimal design solutions, how many cores do you need in your head?

This is what Yin Ze is doing now. The lines are floating like a powerful and unconstrained style, and within a few minutes, he has built an unbalanced but beautiful character body.Then there was no pause, and the stacking began naturally.

That's the kind of person geniuses are talking about.

While Yoshimoto Mihiko was feeling emotional, he was also a little inexplicably strange.

From the previous outsourced drafts and the current processing methods, his skills are all streamlined actual combat flow, the crystallization of long-term struggle and overtime on the front line, revealing the strong and efficient style of racing against time.The original style is also a popular commercial style, as if he has been tortured by various parties and has worked as a brick mover in various themes.

just like.

Yoshimoto Mihiko looked at the man's back.

It's as if this young man who is in full bloom and should still be enjoying his wonderful youth in college at his age, resides in the soul of an old fritters... Seeing the feedback of the second lack, he will not raise his blood pressure, but the one who sneers and accepts his fate kind.

Ten minutes later, the main artist and the producer looked at the "cheesy vertical painting in Amano style" formed on the canvas. After a few seconds of silence, they couldn't help applauding it.

"The painters here are all top-notch, and I'm just talking about my thoughts and understanding." Yin Ze turned off the support of the life corridor, and left his seat modestly.

"You don't need to be so polite. We made a big mistake because of our arrogance, but we have become more accepting of opinions." Mihiko Yoshimoto looked at him slowly, as if wanting to remember this face, "It's you who are better."

In this industry, those who are slow and persistent will be despised, and fast men who can deliver quickly are the strong ones appreciated and praised by colleagues.

"Ms. Yin, please consider signing a long-term outsourcing cooperation with us." Yoshida Tomoki sincerely extended the invitation.

The man thought for a few seconds, and finally nodded.

"By the way, where is the toilet?" Yin Ze scratched his head and asked.

"I'll take you there." Yoshida Satomi happily led the way.

Going to the toilet together is also one of the romances that men have when they are reading.


At the rest place by the corridor, the producer warmly invited him to drink the coffee provided inside.

"I walked around and found that apart from being busy, you are very anxious. Is there any special reason?" Yin Ze asked curiously.

"We made a mistake. Because of blindness and arrogance, we made a disaster-level game, and we are doing our best to save it." When Yoshida Satomi talked about this topic, a trace of it finally appeared on his always smiling face Tired, "The Final Fantasy series has loyal fans all over the world. It is a long and beautiful story opened by an extremely romantic person at the end. It is the childhood and memory of many people. But the 14th generation MMOs ruined everything. Every day we get bad reviews from all over the world. We are 'the most rubbish MMORPG ever'."

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. In fact, it is a science to really want to be the worst." Yin Ze comforted, "03's "Room" is known as "Citizen Kane" in the bad film industry, because it is so bad that it is regarded as a god. Some viewers even wrote letters to the director requesting additional screenings in order to see its failure."

"You mean we can ascend to the gods in reverse?" Yoshida Tomoki had strange eyes.

"I think there is a large group of capable people gathered here. The size and the lower limit are here. It can't be too outrageous. Sometimes we can't satisfy every player, so it's normal to receive some criticism." Yin Ze said.

"But it's really bad." Yoshida Tomoki's tone was beyond doubt.

"How bad is it?" Yin Ze couldn't help it.

"No auto-attack, and no jumping."

"It's okay, the level has come up in the later stage, everyone is focusing on using gorgeous skills, it doesn't affect it, as for jumping, not everyone is a Blizzard player, and they have to jump when they have nothing to do."

"The UI design is very anti-human, and you can't even find the function to exit the game."

"No one will log out and log in in a regular manner now, it's all closed in the background..."

"Without mounts, the big map is all copy and paste."

"It's a compromise between a large body and insufficient manpower, which is understandable..."

"The upgrade has a fatigue system."

"Hahaha, we won't be sleepy if we say this, it's so kind, very good! There should be an anti-addiction system for swiping pictures, otherwise the parents of the children will complain! You can also sell fatigue medicine and increase revenue points, why not Why not?" Yin Ze slapped his thigh.

"No, the main reason for setting up the fatigue system is that there is no full-level game content at all." Yoshida Tomoki looked sad.

"At least, at least art is very good..." Yin Ze choked out a sentence.

"Of course, a wooden barrel contains a thousand cross-sections and 150 lines of material codes, which is quite exquisite." Yoshida Satomi nodded.

"This is the ingenuity." Yin Ze rejoiced.

"Then there were hundreds of such wooden barrels in the city, and the game server couldn't load, and it exploded." Yoshida Tomoki was expressionless.


Both sides stared at each other.

"Brother Jitian, yes, can you tell me how you made such a masterpiece?" Yin Ze asked in shock.

"I don't know. I'm not the person who developed it. I was transferred in later to be in charge of revising and updating." Yoshida Satomi shook his head.

"This is a classic leader's routine. It's a typical example of catching people and taking the blame! Brother Jitian, listen to my brother's advice, hurry up and run away with the bucket!" Yin Ze was very anxious.

"I accepted the transfer application myself." Yoshida Satomi explained.

"No, what are you planning? How many projects in the industry are aborted every day, especially this kind of large-scale MMO, once you get sick, you can't get back." Yin Ze really didn't understand.

"Yeah, it's terminally ill. Even if I keep patching, it won't help. If you want to talk about why, it's because the computing system of this online game is a stand-alone game, which is corrupt from the root. will die." Yoshida Satomi said slowly, with a different kind of look in his eyes, "There is only one way for this. That is to develop a new game while continuing the life of this game, and directly replace it. This old version."

"How much time do you have?"

"Two and a half years, tearing down everything and recasting everything."

"This is only half of the development time of a normal large-scale MMORPG, and it is simply impossible." Outsourced workers like Yin Ze have not participated in the development of games of this size, but he understands its difficulty somewhat.

"Yes, in order to achieve this impossible, I crazily compressed time, and even put everyone's toilet time into an Excel table. I am like a devil and slave owner, extremely cold, squeezing the potential of myself and everyone. " Yoshida Tomoki said silently.

Yin Ze looked at him for a while, "I don't understand why you take the initiative to do such a thankless thing."

"Yeah, why?"

Yoshida Tomoki first looked down at the swaying coffee cup, then raised his head to look at the summer scenery outside the window, which was dazzled by the scorching sun.The reinforced concrete city covers the small mountains in the distance, and there is no smell of vegetation in the city.

"I came into contact with games when I was very young. At that time, game consoles were rare, and only those who did big business would buy them. There are children from rich families in the town, and they have a set of red and white machines at home, which can play color games. I can still remember the names of those games." The producer said softly, "..."Donkey Kong", "Break the Ice", "Tank War", and the handed down masterpiece "Super Mario" and so on. In order to go to my classmate's house to play, I help him with his homework and clean up every day."

"There are actually many interesting things in the summer in my hometown, such as the endless blue sky, the green fields, the sun-drenched streams, and the heartless laughter to catch cicadas... But I forgot everything, my whole soul Captured by narrow, small screens."

"My father saw that I was in a daze, so he taught me with a stick. I was also woken up, thinking that being a person should be pragmatic and not indulge in fun. After all, games are just spiritual adjustments in the final analysis. What we produce is not food. , not clothes and tools, not a necessity for human beings. It is dispensable, and it will be criticized as an entertainment product that delays the future of children."

"However, when I was 14 years old, I played Final Fantasy 1, played the role of a swordsman, and set foot on the huge 2000-year time loop to save the world. I was completely ignited, and the ethereal world in my heart suddenly came alive, and I knew it, In my future life, I will dedicate everything to this art.”

Yoshida Satomi came back to his senses and looked at the person in front of him.

Yin Ze didn't dare to look directly at the scorching eyes.

A child was reflected in those eyes.A child who can smile innocently at the Kingsoft typing game in computer class.A child with a dazed and sad face as he watched the Demon Locking Tower collapse.A child who was caught crying by his father in the arcade.

That is himself.

"Any technology, as long as you persevere and hone it for ten years, anyone can master it. If you want to be more successful, the rest is the quality of other unrelated technologies. What do you think?" Yoshida Satomi asked.

"A keen business acumen, a thick skin that can withstand setbacks, a group of like-minded friends, a noble person in life?" Yin Ze thought for a while.

"Perhaps, but I think all of this is dispensable. After all, all the premise is the original 'perseverance'. Teacher Yin, although you are very young, your skills are very good. I want to know, what did you do for this? How many years did it take for this technology?"

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