Bojing Ippei will be 30 years old in a few years.As I get older, I like to ask myself questions.Have you become a useful person to society?Can I make my parents proud?Can I make my ex-girlfriend regret it?

Alas, where did the time go?Before enjoying it, I suffered from three highs due to hair loss.

The agent looked deeply at those newcomers, looking at them, full of envy.Ah, in the stormy black sea, I am not the only ship fighting against the mighty forces of heaven and earth. From their unyielding figures, I am also inspired and infected, and gain the motivation to move forward.

Bojing Yiping's gaze suddenly froze because he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the distance.

The figure of a loafer.

My God, I actually saw this fat donkey in the office. Could it be that the heavens have eyes and struck a lightning bolt in the middle of the night to open his mind?Light up the root of the labor spirit?So there is this miraculous sight?

The agent expressed his respect to Jesus Buddha in his heart excitedly.

The elevator in the distance was in place, and a few colleagues walked in, including Fat Donkey.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Bo Jing Yiping stretched out his hand and greeted loudly.

The fat donkey in the elevator raised his head, revealing that handsome face like a Greek stone sculpture.I saw him smile slightly after a brief surprise.Immediately, the right hand is like playing the arcade "Three Kingdoms" to release the prop "Zhang Lingjian" and "Three Kingdoms" to grab the buns, pressing the elevator button frantically, so fast that there is an afterimage.

In such a hurry?Hey, the guy with a cold face and a warm heart really cares about me.

Bojing Yiping also smiled gratifiedly when he saw this, and then he saw that the elevator door followed the desire of human beings, and slowly began to close...

Damn, this guy is pressing the door closed instead of keeping it open! ! !

"How dare you rats—!" The manager burst out with fluctuations, and immediately catapulted away from the spot, rushing to the elevator, wishing that a death grip would catch the people inside.But he didn't catch up in the end, so he ran away and could only watch the elevator door close perfectly with a light slam.


Ding dong.

The elevator opened, and the man stepped out refreshed, and then he saw a man in a suit and leather shoes with gold spectacles panting on his knees and waiting at the door. His clothes were messy and he was still holding the tie he had taken off.The pupils are blood red and sharp like a peerless poisonous snake.

Yin Ze paused for a few seconds, and then showed a dazed face as if he was on the wrong floor, pretending that he didn't see anything, and wanted to turn back to the elevator.

At this time, the office worker threw out his tie and launched a neck lock from the back of the fat donkey.

"Brother Bojing, why did you strike so hard?!" Yin Ze seemed astonished as if he had just recognized it.

"Do you think I'm really short-sighted? The main reason for wearing glasses is to add intelligence and style!" Kashiwa Ippei subdued the fat donkey with a smirk, and entangled to move into the corridor, "The next thing you say is, 'How do you Teleport to this floor'!"

"How did you teleport to this floor!" Yin Ze asked loudly unwillingly.

"This is a secret. I was in the track and field department when I was in middle school. I was supposed to wear the national flag and compete with the world's masters for the fastest legend on the ground, but I was always indifferent to fame and wealth and did not embark on the road of Fengshen."

"Don't go to the Olympics to make a name for yourself, but work as a small agent here to squeeze your subordinates?!"

"This is Layers."

"Blow, keep blowing. Give me two mouthfuls of cooking oil, and you're really going to break through the first cosmic speed. What's the point of climbing to the second floor?" Yin Ze said, struggling to point to the number of floors on the wall.

"So you kid is greedy to the second floor and wants to murder me?" Bojing Yiping increased his strength and hugged him tightly.

The two, like jujitsu players, wrestled into the company under the eyes of the personnel lady who was half surprised and appreciative.

After a few minutes.

"By the way, why did you come to the office today? Obviously, you don't show up for ten thousand years." Fu Jingyiping, who paid attention to his appearance, re-fastened his tie, sat in his seat, turned on the computer and checked his email and schedule. At this time He found that someone's eyes were very subtle, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you look around here and there?"

"You still have your own workstation?" Yin Ze said in surprise.

"...Nonsense, I'm an employee here." Bo Jing Yiping was speechless.

"Me too, why didn't I?"

"This is called flexible management. Voice actors go to different studios every day, stand on different stages, and go to work on their own when they have no work. This perfectly interprets the flexible working system. Who would sit in a company?"

"Speaking of which, how will you be treated as the manager?" Yin Ze was curious.

"Keep your voice down, you are not allowed to discuss salary with each other in the company." Bo Jing Yiping probed to look around the situation, and then whispered, "It's okay, there is quite a lot of room for improvement, as the saying goes, a strong general must rise from the ranks, Prime Minister It must be sent in the state and county."

"It means that the initial salary is relatively low?" Yin Ze nodded.

"What are you talking about, this is called a competitive salary level." Bojing Ippei muttered.

"Understood, probably the average level of the peers."

"There are also options rewards, you can't envy them."

"Isn't this an enhanced version with a big upside? It can lower wages while drawing cakes. Besides, it's not on the market yet."

"Don't be so stubborn, we're already 'planning' to realize the financing." Bojing Yiping shook his head, his tone a little disdainful, "Don't mention these things, do you only have money in your eyes?"

"Of course not. I am actually a very philosophical person. In my opinion, houses, cars, and marriage are not necessary. These are only temporary possessions. Together with my body, they are only temporary possessions. Once you die, Everything will be reduced to fly ash." Yin Ze said slowly.

"That's really good, can you tell me the password of the bank card one or two?"

"Aren't you indifferent to fame and wealth?"

"Yes, but that doesn't stop me from bowing down for five buckets of rice."

"It's okay, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute, why are you here today?" Bojing Yiping asked.

"Brother Nakajima was infected by me, and he also wanted to taste the taste of authentic Chinese fermented bean curd with porridge. I specially bought a box of pure goods from overseas, and I came here to give him a few cans." Yin Ze said calmly.

"Oh, as I said before, our Em and our parent company, Arts, have always been known for cultivating so-called 'idol voice actors'. You actually promote stinky tofu, which is not an idol food, in the agency, it really hurts the community. .” Bojing Yiping reprimanded.

"It's fermented bean curd." Yin Ze corrected, and then said, "Although you said so, I think our office's style is not the line of happy comedians?"

"Whatever is good, where is the goods? Pay it to me first, and I will return it to you when you grow up." Bojing Yiping stood up and wanted to find out where the fermented bean curd was hidden. He searched and asked, "Why are you doing this? bias?"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a bottle to taste." Yin Ze reluctantly gave up, and continued, "Senior Yangzi has shined on the way of being funny, and her own funny phrases even won silver at the JK Mobile Phone Buzzword Awards last year." Appreciation. As a humorous beauty, she is also a voice actor who is loved by high school students, and was also invited by NHK to host the show. What's wrong?"

"Oh, that trick of stretching out the scissors hand and sticking out the tongue to pretend to be cute and apologetic. I have seen it before. I still remember that when she entered the office and used it for the first time, she was disgusted by others because she felt a little disgusting... You must not take her Be a role model, once you become a funny character, it will be difficult to turn back." Bojing Yiping sighed, "No matter how much you cry at that time, no one will sympathize, because you don't know when, you have already put on the mask of a clown. And human beings, No sympathy for clowns."

"Hehe, why are you pretending to be a good person until now? It's all your fault, Sir." When Yin Ze talked about this, he thought of a certain silver knight and the increasingly out-of-control situation on the N station. Ghost animal video, with a cold smile, "I'm just following the beginning of your arrangement and galloping on this road without regret."


What is going on with this speech like a rebellious child?

"It's nothing, I'll go first." Yin Ze waved goodbye.

"It's all here, take this document and slip away." Bo Jing Yiping activated the indestructible grip, pressed the young man's shoulder, and then stuffed a stack of copy paper documents into the other's arms.

""Sword Sanctuary"?" Yin Ze turned his head down and muttered.

"The Nightmare Girl is almost over, right? So I have a new job for you. I took a look at the production lineup and follow-up plan, and it's quite extraordinary. Come on, try to get the male lead, it's really not possible, if you fake His vocal strength is beyond the charts, and it's not impossible to be a heroine..." Kashiwa Ippei rubbed his hands snobbishly.

"What subject?" Yin Ze asked.

"Urban, games, science fiction? Anyway, the novels are selling well, and the sales volume shows everything. This must be something that young people like." Kashiwai Ippei said simply.

"Only audition for the male lead?"

"No, the audition meeting is quite flexible. It depends on the attitude of the sound supervisor. But there are only a few main male characters, so there is nothing to choose."

"Why are there only so many male characters in such a large work? There are not enough characters, how can the plot be advanced?" Yin Ze asked.

"Then how do I know, there are not enough male characters, of course female characters will make up for it, could it be monsters?" Kashiwai Ippei replied angrily.

"So, this is a work where there are more female characters than male characters." The man's eyes flashed brightly, and his whole demeanor gradually changed.

"Good." The manager nodded.

"—In other words, this is the harem!" The man mulled for a long time, and finally spoke out the truth tremblingly.

Kashiwa Ichipping looked at this guy for a few moments, and then increased his tone, "That's right! That's right! Although I don't want to push you into this path, it's really fate. This is a trial. Right! If you can catch it, it is your good fortune, but if you fail, it means that you don’t have the talent in this area, and you can only find another place! No complaints?!”

"What are you talking about, I'm a professional voice actor, and I don't have any dark thoughts at all. I try my best for every audition, and this time is the same." Yin Ze said solemnly, "In my opinion, there is nothing special about it. , the protagonist and the supporting role, are all roles in essence. What I have always done is to pursue the synchronization with Two-dimensional and play it."

"This audition is not easy, and the competition is fierce." Kashiwai Ippei sighed.

"Renrou Township is a tomb of heroes. I never put myself in a comfortable environment. I just like challenges." Yin Ze raised his head.

"it is good!"

"Okay, I'm going back to study and study the script carefully. It's nothing, so don't bother me!"

"it is good!"

Kashiwa Ippei silently watched the resolute figure who was burning with vigor and fighting spirit and would rather die than win go away.Pour a cup of hot tea and drink slowly.


Matsuda sincerely read the text message sent by the agent, pondered for a long time, then put on his coat and hurried out, found the nearest bookstore, and asked the clerk when he entered, "Excuse me, there is also "Sword Sanctuary" here. "The novel?"

"Also, what do the guests want?"

"Full set."

Chapter 140 Victory and Ambition

The plastic alarm clock from the [-]-yen store is not good-looking, but the piercing ringing sound like a shrew’s nails scratching the glass is unmatched and powerful. Even if the owner sleeps dead, he will be woken up. , or great value for money.

The alarm bells ding ding dong dong, hammers slammed wildly, gongs and pots slammed, and magic sounds pierced through the air. This frightening and hateful noise is definitely the ultimate opponent of dreams.

Matsuda sincerely raised his messy head and reached out to stop the old clock. This thing is so dedicated to work every day, and I don't know if it will be shaken to pieces one day.

His arms dropped naturally, and the man in short-sleeved pants lay on his side on the floor, and there was no sound again.

As if they had understood the laziness of human nature, after a few seconds of silence, the old alarm clock that had stopped started to behave like a beast again, beating again and again.

Matsuda Makoto seemed to have been summoned, and he stood up straight from the dead body, kicked the thin blanket away, and clutched his forehead sadly due to lack of sleep.A series of light novels with different covers were scattered on the floor.He read almost all night, and fell asleep halfway through.

Fortunately, I set the alarm clock twice in advance, otherwise it would be bad.

Matsuda shook his head sincerely, got up and walked into the bathroom, and cleaned it quickly.After taking a few gulps to dry up the breakfast milk, I checked the doors and windows, and then grabbed the small backpack with the materials and rushed to the audition.

In the past few days, he has been preparing for the role, and the original novels that have been released on the market have all been bought home and read through the night.At first it was to complete the impression, but gradually I was really attracted by the story, and I have read two big chapters before I knew it.Dreaming is a floating city of steel - I am holding a sword, cutting a slime like jelly, my best friend in the distance is wearing a modern field uniform, throwing a medical kit to carry blood, Nobunaga-kun is standing in a safe area insidiously Carrying a lead rifle burst fire.In the end, it rained in the wild area, and all members of the team were killed by lightning.

It's a dungeon dream mixed with various elements... Of course, there is no thunderstorm mechanism in the main story, neither advanced firearms nor magic.

In the crowded car, Matsuda sincerely closed his eyes, silently making character portraits, whispering slightly, adjusting his voice and tone.

...It's really troublesome, I suddenly feel tense.It's like the heartbeat of going to take the final exam when I was a student, and the anxiety of walking on the way to school with the girl I had a crush on in middle school.

It seems that only drinking a carton of milk and not eating anything else is the right choice.Not excessive vomiting on an empty stomach.

Ten minutes later, he looked at the small building where the recording studio was located, took a deep breath, and walked in lightly.Compared with those who participated in the past, the number of people who came to audition this time is quite large.The atmosphere was a little noisy, but it was a bit more reassuring. Communication was better than stressful dullness.

Matsuda looked around sincerely, feeling like he was picking up fellow villagers at the train station.Finally saw two familiar faces.

"Are you there, when did you arrive?" He stepped forward to greet him.

"Eight o'clock." Said Nobunaga Shimadzu, who was sitting on the sofa.

"I am at 07:30." Yin Ze's lips curled up slightly, and he lightly declared victory.

"So early? Didn't you even open the door? Are you so diligent?" Matsuda was sincerely shocked.

"This is just the most basic punctuality and early arrival. It is far from being dedicated." Nobunaga Shimadzu held the script and pushed the prescription glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, his voice sounded like a scholar.

"That's right, it's just a few hours less sleep, overcoming sleepiness, and not rising to the level of perseverance and hard work, so there's no need to make a fuss." Yin Ze also grabbed the script, with struggle and conquest written all over his face.

Matsuda sincerely felt that these two people were very different from usual.

"The emperor of fast food seems to be out of shape today? Isn't he catching up on sleep at this time in the past? Why is he still reading materials? Could it be that his brain is overwhelmed and overwhelmed, and he can't recite his lines anymore? So he is struggling desperately?" Nobunaga Shimadzu ridicule.

"It's ridiculous. I have the ability to observe monuments on a horseback. I haven't missed a single card in Doudi Zhu. Is there any old man in Chinatown who is not afraid to hear my name? The reason why I am still reviewing the book is of course to seize all the time to figure out the script. But Owari is a big idiot, pretending to be like a gentle scum, what exactly is he trying to do?" Yin Ze asked lightly.

"Haha, I asked the question knowingly, and of course I did my best to work. It should be noted that a good appearance can also be reflected in the mental state. Before coming down, I took a bath and changed clothes. Now I am very refreshed from the inside to the outside, and I am in excellent condition. The next battle will definitely be complete. Show your strength." Shimadzu Nobunaga smiled.

"Oh? The spokesperson for the Fire Department of the Inneng Temple seems to be full of fighting spirit today. I don't know which role he wants to compete for?" Yin Ze turned a page.

"Naturally, it's the male protagonist Tong Gushuren." Shimadzu Nobunaga clapped his palms and chanted, laughing, "Tauren benefactor, to tell you the truth, this battle is destined for me."

"Fellow Daoist, I have already understood this work. It is just a story about a boy with two swords relying on the fast speed of his local network to become a lone wolf to gain experience and go to the end of the world. There is neither traditional literature criticizing feudal superstition nor science fiction literature. Humanistic thinking under the starry sky." Yin Ze shook his head, "Sooner or later, Shimadzu-kun will stand on the earth like this, no, he is a great talent at the top of the Milky Way literature, and his voice should be adapted animations of various classics, don't try to be happy for a while, It would be unbeautiful to lose the fairy spirit of becoming a god, so it's better to abstain as soon as possible."

"Your Excellency's understanding is really ridiculous and generous, and you are in vain as a student of literature at the University of Tokyo." Shimadzu Nobunaga disdainful, "Although popular literature operates according to the market mechanism and aims to satisfy readers' pleasure consumption, it does not mean that it is inferior. etc. Alexandre Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo" is one of the best, from the court of Louis XVIII to the ghastly prison, where there are luxurious balls with extravagant luxury, and the life of poor citizens. At the same time as the plot and structure, it even more insinuated the darkness of the July Dynasty, which made it popular and popular. "Sword Sanctuary" was written 10 years ago. At that time, it used the setting of immersive online games. The early stage tells the story of young people In the mid-term, he turned to detective-style decryption, and in the later stage, he began to discuss the technological revolution of the next generation of artificial intelligence. The writing is full of the author's own simplicity, and he has unremitting thinking. The character creation is also brilliant. It is really a light novel A rare boutique that can become a representative symbol of the animation industry at this stage. Since I am destined to become the rising star king of the light novel industry in the future, I should also shoulder the important task of inheriting the past and ushering in the future. May I ask, who is the voice actor of the protagonist, but me?"

"Brother Shimadzu's words are all absurd, not serious. The "Legend of Pluto in Magic and Other Worlds" written by Xinxin is even more uninterested. It can be seen that it is all on paper, and it is not enough to be compared with the Analects of Gaoshi." Yin Ze snorted softly.

"It's a pity that today's liberal arts students open their mouths about classics and shut up ancient precepts, and are busy between pens and inkstones all day long. I think these people may only talk about nonsense and play with words." Nobunaga Shimadzu sneered.

"So, are you determined to be an annoying blocker?" Yin Ze narrowed his eyes.

"This kind of masterpiece, of course, can't be handed over to someone who only has small skills. Although he has a thousand words in his pen, he has no real strategy in his mind. Otherwise, it will be delayed and he will be infamous for generations to come, and it will be too late to regret!" Nobunaga Shimadzu reiterated snort.

"Madman, do you want to test whether my sword is sharp?" Yin Ze narrowed his eyes.

"My sword is not bad either!" Shimadzu Nobunaga also had a fierce look in his eyes.

The two were separated on both sides, and the wind and cloud rose side by side. Behind each of them appeared the tiger with a white forehead and the god Mengzhang who entered the clouds and waves.

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