"I've never seen you like this...You guys, are you all so eager for the protagonist of this work?" Sandwiched in the middle, Matsuda sincerely looked at Zuo Qinglong and right Baihu, a little unable to bear their fiery fighting spirit, Wiping the sweat from his brow.

"I've already bet my life, and there's no way out." Shimadzu Nobunaga shook his voice.

"Are you going to be a clown throwing colored balls for the rest of your life, or a gentle man for two seasons?" Yin Ze sighed.

"Although I didn't mean to strike, I saw a lot of famous seniors." Matsuda sincerely sighed, "All powerful people from all walks of life have arrived."

"Let him be the vassals of the Eighteen Routes gathered together, and Liu Guanzhang be the vanguard, and I have nothing to fear." Yin Ze's fingers pinching the pages of the book turned white with excitement, "My courage today is not as brave as Hulaoguan back then. Lu Bu!"

"If he is attacked by Imakawa Yoshimoto's army, and 4 people crush the city, I will not be afraid." Nobunaga Shimadzu squeezed his fingers, "My bravery today is no less than that of the sixth demon king in Ozama !"

"This is Hulao Pass!" Yin Ze dissatisfiedly corrected.

"Barrel Hazama!" Shimadzu Nobunaga emphasized.

The two argued again.

"I was quite nervous when I came here, but now I feel relaxed." Matsuda sighed sincerely.

"Do you know that the election is hopeless?" Nobunaga Shimadzu frowned deeply, and then let out a sigh of relief, "Yes, even a confident person like me will feel guilty if he doesn't keep his self-suggestion."

"That's not what I mean. I think there are many strong players here, so even if you lose, you won't have any regrets." Matsuda scratched his head sincerely, "But if you win, you'll be happy for at least half a month—to be honest, I really want to win this game." Crowd."

The guard at Hulao Gate and the death captain Tozama didn't seem strange at first, but after a few seconds, they both turned their heads and cast surprised looks at the honest man in the middle.

"...What did you just say?" Shimadzu Nobunaga thought he heard it wrong.

"I want to beat these people." Matsuda sincerely repeated.

The trio was silent for a moment.

The two incarnations of Lu Bu and the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven were about to say something.

"I want to beat you too." Matsuda added sincerely and quietly.

The iron triangle looked at each other.

In the end, I don't know who didn't hold back first, but they all laughed together.

"Okay, then let me go and learn about the brilliant skills of these seniors and sound supervisors!" Nobunaga Shimadzu, who had the highest priority, slapped his thighs and stood up, rolled up the script, and walked towards the recording studio like holding a sword go.

Yin Ze rarely let go of his grudge, and gave him a thumbs up.

Shimadzu Nobunaga smiled and gave a thumbs up without turning his head. His figure was very chic, with the texture of a movie poster.

So he didn't notice at all that the man behind him had calmly turned his thumbs down despicably.

The letter goes far.

"The young man has finally shown his ambition and fangs. Not bad, not bad." Yin Ze smiled gratified and thought-provoking, "But I won't let go of the position of post... post-modern interpreter easily."

"Full power?"

"Go all out."

The two clapped their hands and clapped their hands in the air.

Chapter 140 Second Boy's Roar

The recording studio is divided into two areas, one is the place where the voice actors are recorded, and the other is the backstage where the sound supervisor and others make adjustments.Generally speaking, only the sound supervisor is on the job during normal work.Busy people such as deputy supervisors and animation supervisors, occasionally escape from prison or allow them to come out of the black cage and go to the sound set to play the autumn wind.

The person in charge of each operation department gathers together in the sound effect studio with the highest frequency, which is often the sound audition meeting in the preparatory stage.

"Sword Sanctuary" was officially published as a book in 2009. As of today, the sales volume and word-of-mouth are quite good.Lightning Library hit the iron while the iron was hot, and directly put the animation on the agenda, hoping to expand the publicity and fan base, and increase sales.If you can catch up with "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy" and "Entry of the Forbidden Book of Magic", you will be happy. If you can reproduce the upsurge and scenes of Suzumiya's summer, then you will be happy, buy a villa and drive a sports car, and each will be happy.

The importance of the dubbing link to animation is self-evident. If it is a non-original adaptation, then the original author of the work can also give some suggestions.What's more, this time Lightning Library has invested money and joined the production committee. It is a noble Party A and one of the noble sponsors.Investors are naturally very concerned about quality content, which also makes Kawata Shuo, the original author of "Sword Sanctuary" who also represents the library camp and knows the work best, have more say.

So this audition meeting is basically the sound supervisor, animation supervisor, and original author discussing and discussing with each other.The former focuses on technology and cost performance, while the latter focuses on shaping direction and reduction.Of course, in most cases, the two are in conflict, so the casting work is not very smooth.

A glass wall, on one end is the voice actor who keeps reciting words and giving full play, and on the other end is the review team of uncles with serious expressions and glasses.The scene is quite similar to the police chief standing outside the one-sided glass, watching the suspect plead guilty while eating pork chop rice...

Most of the morning has passed, and I have listened to the performances of dozens of male voice actors.Kawata Shuo, who was on the set for the first time, thought it was fresh and interesting at first, but after listening to the same lines fifty or sixty times for several hours, it was really boring. As it was approaching lunch time, I was a little hungry.

The voice actor who will play the female lead has been finalized for the time being, but the male lead has yet to be agreed upon.

"Generally speaking, these are the candidates. Other voice actors are not suitable. If you want to choose, you can only choose from here." The audio supervisor Miwa Iwaro took out the list, and the ones that were not crossed were the candidates. There are about seven or eight people in number.

"This Shi Mukai's condition is actually not bad, but I always feel that it is not enough, and it is a bit templated. It can still be brilliant in one or two episodes. If you don't improve in the future, you can only repeat yourself. The construction period is so fast, it may not be given to him. Free time for extra effort." Animation director Akihiko Ito thought about it.

"How about Mr. Satoshi Hibe? He is a frequent visitor of light reform, and he has no choice in technology. Like Rie Asamiya, he is recognized by the public in the market, and he has a good compatibility with the protagonist." Miwa Iwaro said, "The same is true. Nakano Hiroshi and Tomimura Jun also have a good fit."

"But the salary is a bit high." Akihiko Ito scratched his head.

"Where's Shimadzu Nobunaga who went into battle first? He's a newcomer, and he's impressed me quite deeply, with a lot of drive." Miwa Iwaro said again.

"I think his portrayal of Kirito is too 'soft', not strong enough inside. If it is the type of brother next door who is harmless to humans and animals and has no evil intentions, it must be very suitable." Shuo Kawata thought for a while.

"Where is Em's Takizawa Satoru?" Akihiko Ito thought for a few seconds, "I think he has shown the necessary 'resilience' trapped in the death game, and his voice is very clear."

"His words are indeed very cost-effective, and technically, he is outstanding among newcomers. I am currently working with him on FZ, and he handles feedback quickly and in place, which makes me very comfortable in my work." Yan Langmihe added.

"Will the youthful spirit be less?" Kawata Shuo seemed to be a little tangled all the time.

"Is there? He is only 21 years old, isn't he old?" Akihiko Ito was surprised.

"Judging from the audition materials, it really doesn't look like a middle school student, but a college student or an intern who is just entering the workplace. But this is not a problem. It is not difficult to control the age of the voice line, and he can do it." Iwaromiwa tried to reassure them.

"...It's not about the specific timbre. Well, how can I describe it? As Director Ito said, he has a very good 'resilience', but I think it's too heavy. It's not that a 16-year-old boy is greeted with fatal malice. The kind of natural fear that was produced, and then the clear courage that was born after not admitting defeat. He is more like weather-beaten and has become resigned." Kawata Shuo said slowly, "If Kirito is 30 years old, he must be able to Let’s interpret it perfectly, but at the age of 16, at the origin of the story, he is not yet sophisticated, not used to parting, the slender and sensitive Kirito, he can’t synchronize.”

"Does it mean that it is better to have shortcomings? Maturity is an impurity instead?" Akihiko Ito asked.

"Maybe it's a literary worker's own opinion, but what exactly is maturity?" Kawata Shuo smiled bitterly, "Mature is like a pebble. After thousands of years of crustal movement, the sand produced by the uplift of the ancient river bed In the rocky mountains, the impact of mountain torrents, water transportation, and constant extrusion and friction are repeated. In the vicissitudes of life, all irregular edges and corners were cut off by the collision of gravel, and it became smooth and became a clear and beautiful beauty that meets people's aesthetics...Who remembers Stones were not originally like this."

"In the face of the next difficult and dangerous challenges, young people like rocks will stumble and get hurt, but they will also cut wounds in the pages of the story book. Mature people will not, because they have suffered from pain, so they know how to be kind and safe, and even fight It also has a sad atmosphere." Kawata Shuki paused, "Although it is a bit strange and rude to say this, but I am somewhat familiar with the emotions expressed in this Takizawa-kun material. The essence of that 'toughness' is more biased towards Relief after many setbacks and hitting a wall.”

"My creation has not been smooth sailing, and I have also fallen into a trough. Now at this age, I have known my fate, and I have accepted my fate-Kirito is the carrier of my youthful fantasy. As a character, of course, there are differences. This kind of inadequacy, but it is a character that I can no longer write because of the unshaven beard." Kawata Shukaku lowered his head in embarrassment, "So the innocence and fearlessness that have been sealed through words, I hope that you can also cherish those passions. people come to narrate, come to roar out.”

"Ms. Kawata is really a real creator." Akihiko Ito sighed after listening to his ideas carefully, "As a fellow who produces stories and works, I understand the love and responsibility, and I want to see the words wake up and burn. At that moment. However, we cannot act willfully and always have to make concessions. From a practical point of view, it is very difficult to find a servant who perfectly fits the role."

"Who told us that we are all pebbles." Iwaromiwa half-joking, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with it. The beach is full of round stones with no thorns or corners. Even if they hit each other, they will not hurt or bleed. Peace is the best thing. OK."

"Actually, I can't help but think about it." Kawata Shuo raised his head and smiled, "After all, this is the first time in my life. Fortunately, the work is animated. It is inevitable that there will be some... I also know the difficulties of the production team. If there is no suitable one in the end , then choose this Takizawa Gokun. To be honest, his voice is really nice."

"Then how many voice actors do we have to audition?" Akihiko Ito asked.

"Six." Iwaro Miwa replied, and then said, "Should be able to have lunch before 1 o'clock, is Mr. Kawata with us? There is a restaurant nearby that tastes good."

"Okay, sure."

Working with computers and chairs for many years has accumulated a lot of pressure on the waist. After sitting for so long today, it is inevitable that it will become more stiff and sore.

Kawata Shuo stretched slightly and rubbed his waist.

He looked down at the list of seiyuu, and then at the sound materials stored in the computer.The lines are all written by myself, and the familiar ones cannot be more familiar, but narrated by different voice actors, there are so many different emotions and pictures.

In my own writing, is that boy's voice about to be born from it?

Kawata Shuo was in a complicated mood and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.


Matsuda sincerely pushed open the door and walked into the dimly lit recording studio. The first thing he saw was an empty microphone standing under the light beam not far away.

This silent scene has a touch of holiness.

Condenser microphones are highly sensitive and can pick up the subtle details of the human voice, but the disadvantage is that the environment in which they are located must be free of noise, and the sound-absorbing materials used in the decoration of the recording studio.So no matter what time it is here, it is quieter than other places.

Before becoming a voice actor, Matsuda sincerely felt that the most peaceful place was under the blanket on a rainy night.It's not completely silent. There are also sounds of wind and rain blowing on leaves, and water droplets dripping on the window sill. Occasionally, in bad weather, it is accompanied by rumbling and dull thunder. In a light sleep state, you will be awakened by the shock. .

But it is very peaceful.

There are no restless horns and cars, no coughs from people coming and going, no songs with rich rhythms, but only natural whispers and the panting of heaven and earth.

As the old saying goes, half a day's leisure is stolen, and tranquility is even more precious in life.

Makoto Matsuda originally felt that in this era where everything is stepping on the gas pedal and accelerating, in this busy Tokyo where fate is constantly intertwined, there is no real peaceful place.Even if it is a rainy night, there are lights from cars outside the window, sweeping across the street like a sharp sword, the landlord is also knocking on the door of the rent-delinquent customers, and the college students living upstairs will hold small parties... Life, Originally, it means moving forward, which is the complete opposite of stagnation.

Until he walked into the recording studio for the first time.

It was the last year of the training institute, promoted to the training department, and after a long and boring basic training, I was finally able to start the actual operation, that is, holding the script, standing in front of the microphone, and dubbing the silent picture.

so quiet.

Even if it includes teachers, classmates, or a dozen people together, it is so quiet.

Even if it's an intense battle scene with people roaring and shouting, it's so quiet.

It's like opening a door to other dimensions in this world.There will be various dialogues and stories in it, some are just a few words, some are long self-narrations, some are interpretations of magnificent epics, and some are unyielding and heroic laughter against the storm.

But no matter how they collide, in essence, it is a magical and peaceful place where people can restrain their breath and willingly bathe behind the dark curtain.

After Matsuda sincerely experienced that kind of wonderful touch, every time he arrived on the set, he would subconsciously restrain himself.

"Excuse me." He bowed lightly in the direction of the workbench, suppressed his slowly stirring mood, and whispered, "I am Makoto Matsuda, the voice actor of EmEnterprise, and the character of the voice audition is Tong Gushuren."


"This is the last one." Yan Langmihe lowered his head and glanced at the list.

"Is it finally over? I'm really hungry." Akihiko Ito rubbed his belly, "Then let's proceed quickly."

Kawata Shuo nestled in a comfortable expensive chair, folded his hands and half-closed his eyes, making it difficult to see how he was feeling right now.After expounding his views before, he remained silent.On the one hand, laymen don't give advice to insiders, and on the other hand, they have already agreed with the two supervisors on the candidate.

In the description of the sound supervisor, Takizawa Satoru is a rookie in the industry with strong talent and empathy.I also met face-to-face during the audition before.It seems to be the best choice to play such a polite and intelligent Juncai.

"Hello, then please recite sentences A to F first." Iwaromi put on the headset and signaled to start.


Matsuda nodded sincerely, flipped the notebook silently, and then moved closer to the microphone.

After a few seconds of preparation, he opened his mouth softly.The voice is clear and clean, with the indecision of a child at the crossroads of life for the first time.But the breeze blew, and the boy who had stopped had already raised his feet, and he took light steps with a heavy heart.

There are clouds, there are steel floating cities, and there are young swordsmen who confidently clenched their fists under the sun.

"In this world, you can go anywhere with just a sword."

Kawata Shuo, who was huddled in the chair waiting for the meal, suddenly paused. He opened his eyes wide and gently straightened his earphones.

"Let's have a duel, a duel between the brave man who crosses gold and the king of thieves."

"It's not over, it's not over...Quick, faster, I can go faster!"

The black and blue swords came out of their sheaths with a tremor, cutting out dazzling trajectories, tearing through the air, and the bursting sparks turned into bright white flame shadows. The shadow of the sword in chaos.

The beast roars, the sword sings!

“It is better to regret because you believe than to regret because you don’t trust.”

"Since you are married, it means that you already like the known side of the other party, so after getting married and discovering a new side, if you can also like it, isn't it double love?"

In the evening sunlight, the boy smiled at the girl.

"Excuse me, can I say a few words to him?" Shuo Kawata gently raised his hand, his palm still trembling slightly, and he said to the audio supervisor.

"Yes." Yan Langmihe was startled slightly, respecting his wish, and moved away from his seat.

Kawata Shuo couldn't wait to rush to the sound supervisor's position, and pulled the speaking microphone to his mouth. Through the glass, he saw the ordinary and simple young man standing in front of the microphone.

"Hello, I am the original author of "Sword Sanctuary"." Shuo Kawata said.

"Uh, how are you, teacher?" Matsuda was sincerely waiting for the next instruction, when he heard another uncle speak suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly bowed again.

"Excuse me, have you read the original work?" Kawata Shuo said hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, I read it a few days ago, and I have read the first two chapters." Matsuda said truthfully.

"How do you feel?!"

"I think it's a good story." Matsuda paused sincerely, and then showed a sincere and contagious smile.

"That's it, thank you very much." Kawata Shuo said, looking back at the two supervisors, hesitating for a while, rubbing his face, and finally said, "Although I, a layman who is dubbing, may seem arrogant and conceited." ...but can I ask you to play a scene?"

"It's ok, it's just a sound audition, isn't it?" Although Matsuda was puzzled, he was always magnanimous when showing off his acting skills.

"Okay, okay, okay! Thank you!" Kawata Shuo thanked repeatedly, obviously he was not a candidate, but at this moment his whole body trembled and his heart beat faster.He unconsciously licked his dry lips, and said slowly and carefully, "In the very beginning, after revealing the truth about the death game, Kirito and Klein parted ways, and walked alone, no, ran out of the starting town, Towards the vast forests and grasslands, and the small villages beyond these places—the part where I run with all my strength toward the endless and lonely survival battlefield that will continue in the future. Can I ask you to perform?!"

Matsuda was a little stunned. He had envisioned many key passages and exciting lines in the original work, but he never expected it to be this passage, and his mind went blank for a while.

To put it bluntly, I don't know how to act.

Because of this section, there is no sound at all.

Only one short description.It was the bloody sunset and the thin figure galloping across the land.The boy turned his back to the first friend he met in the virtual world, suppressed the feelings in his chest to the bottom, gritted his teeth, and ran desperately.

That's it.

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