Matsuda sincerely couldn't help but look to the opposite side, and found that Kawata Shukaku was also sullenly staring at himself.Only then did he realize that this slovenly uncle, who was exhausted from staying up late typing, seemed to be much more nervous than himself at the moment.

"Excuse me, did you have this question in the previous audition?" Matsuda asked sincerely and cautiously.

"No, you are the first." Kawata Shuo said firmly.

That's it.

Matsuda sincerely fell silent.

He bid farewell to his parents from the vast and cold Hokkaido, carrying the pocket money and a few pieces of clothes he had saved since he was a child, and set off lightly.When he walked to the station, he remembered that he suddenly looked back, because it was too far away, he couldn't see the direction of home at all.

Entering the animation academy, working as a journalism student, polishing the dishes in the back kitchen of the restaurant, picking out cheap bread that is about to expire in the supermarket... In the huge and suffocating city, looking at the names in the phone address book, more than once I want to call and ask for some help, but I hold back every time.

He had a hunch.This is the first time in my life to fight with all my strength. If I choose to be cowardly, I may continue to avoid it in the future, and I will regret it until the end of my life.

Matsuda sincerely looked to the left, there seemed to be a young boy with an immature face standing there.Medium-length hair, wearing a midnight-like black long dress that doesn't match her temperament.Looking to the right, there seems to be a peer who is holding a script and is outstanding inside and out.

...Hasn't even Takizawa-kun received this question?

Matsuda bit his lip sincerely.

He didn't know what emotion was echoing in his chest at this moment.

To be honest, he didn't expect that an ordinary person like himself could make friends with such a shining person and become a good partner who can talk about everything.Fight tongue twisters together, watch him do exercises all night, send him to the strongest and top examination room in China, open the admission notice of Dongda together nervously, cheer and celebrate, wrap up in a quilt and listen to the radio in the cold night when the power is cut off New Year's Eve... he was proud of it.

Sometimes, sometimes.Seeing that he is so much ahead of me, he obviously debuted at the same time, but he is already in charge of his own side. While blessing and admiring, he will also be jealous and feel inferior.

But more and more - want to catch up, or even surpass.

Hokkaido is cold, but that doesn't mean there is no fire.

A few years ago, a highly competitive gambler was born there.The man was not good at words, but there was always a flame burning in his heart. It was this scorching heat that made him gamble with his family and get on the train buzzing in the snow.

There is still the power to give a high five to the opponent in the palm of the hand.

Matsuda took a step forward unconsciously, and put down the script in his hand.

Close your eyes, as if you have returned to that day, the day when you left Obihiro City, it was still so cold, the fully armed railwaymen were wearing winter coats, the brims of their fluffy hats and shoulders were covered with lonely white snow.

At this time, he raised his head, and the sky covered with thick clouds and mist was peeled off, and floating in the infinite sky was the Canton Iron Castle surrounded by huge rocks.

He has always had a hard time socializing, and he is making a living in Tokyo. He has always been restrained and depressed, never shouted loudly, and never quarreled with others red-faced.

But Matsuda was sincere here, took a deep breath, and let out a growl.

In the past few years, all the haze, unwillingness, loneliness, memories, and blood that has not been cooled by the wind and snow are all poured into this roar.

This powerful roar echoed in the recording studio.

Matsuda sincerely sweated profusely, his face flushed.

Kawata Shuo patted the table heavily, smiling with all the facial features of his face crowded together.

Akihiko Ito and Miwa Iwaro looked at each other, and reached out to stroke the goose bumps on their forearms at the same time.

"It seems that I finally found it." Akihiko Ito grinned with emotion.


The audio supervisor raised the list, picked up a pen, and drew horizontal lines one by one, including Takizawa Satoru, who was very optimistic beforehand, and finally left only one name: Makoto Matsuda.

Chapter 140 The Third Opened Door of Distortion

The continuous sound of typing on the keyboard came to an abrupt end, and Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi stretched out in relief, and finally hit a full stop at the end of the document, ending the journey.

"Silver Comes into the World Imagination Super Ultimate Perfect Raiders" is finally done. During this period, many things happened, encountered difficulties and troughs, also experienced depression and entanglement, and even more demons, and finally enlightened under the bodhi tree.It can be said that good things take time after twists and turns.

After reading it correctly, Xiong Xinan uploaded it to the blog.

After being liberated, the next few weeks will be spent resting and recuperating, and I have to make up for the lost vitality and nutrition!

Ah Liang got up and took out a bottle of iced happy water from the refrigerator, and opened the chat software when he came back.Previously, in order to ensure work efficiency, we always maintained an autistic state with zero interference. After so long, the comrades in the group must have expressed a lot of insights, right?

"Takizawa Hidaka Mancai Broadcasting Fellowship Group", 99+ unread messages.

as I expected.

Tsuchiya Hongliang smiled slightly, shook the happy water, and opened the group chat without hesitation and elegance.

"Hail·DD·Alexander: The Nightmare Girl is over. At first I thought it was a traditional encounter with a beautiful girl with supernatural powers, but it turned out to be Light Lily. Backwards, it’s actually a heart-wrenching skit in the end.”

"Urban Strange Phlegm: So the ending is to eliminate all the nightmare girls? I saw a picture of the male lead returning to the alley behind the ED, and then he showed a surprised expression as if he saw something. Do you know if there is a brother?" Analyze the deeper meaning here?"

"Brother Dang: He saw a brand new girl, this time in the style of a machine girl. Punk girls are hotly released!"

"F1ve of Golden Pickup: The animation is over, and there are not a few episodes left, right? Is there any news about the new show? Will there be a new collaboration between the humble junior and the powerful senior?"

"Brother Dang: The circle is not too big, there will definitely be."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: I searched around, and Takizawa seems to be supporting games and subs. The animation work is a little less, and there are only a few supporting roles. Senior has a main character and an important supporting role."

"F1ve of the golden pickup: games and replacements? Tell me?"

"Stir-Fried Potatoes with Sweet Potatoes: It seems to be a survival documentary, and there is also the Yansheng game of the admiral of Yunyan Mansion. The official website has a preview, and it is about training ships."

"Urban monster phlegm: It should be like in the animation, cultivating an anthropomorphic boat? With all due respect, it doesn't feel very interesting, and it shouldn't cause any trouble."

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: I thought it was the DLC of Last Fist 4. To be honest, Brother Takizawa's fighting game level is really not bragging. I met him in the ladder last time. Good guy, he actually Ranked 52 in China, it’s no problem to switch careers.”

"Brother Dang: I now suspect that you are bragging. How can you be sure that the opponent is me?"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: The nickname is the same, and I'm included in the performance map he posted. Besides, in the Tokyo fighting game circle, 'Peerless Master' is also a meme."

"Urban Phlegm: What's that?"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: Brother Takizawa's frequented video game city is the fierce battle night in Shinjuku. His membership card user name is 'Peerless Master'. Sir, the bloody hunter of high school skippers, the methods are extremely cruel..."

"Ye Ye Ye Shen: Wait a minute, that means, when I go to Shinjuku area, I might run into him by chance?"

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: I'm Going Out!"

Tsuchiya Hongliang was also shocked when he saw this, and he felt heroic in breaking through the door.

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: Not anymore, it seems that I don't go there as often as before, maybe I'm busy with work, or I just don't want to be disturbed too much by strangers."

"F1ve of the Golden Pickup: This is the truth. We can't rashly break into other people's lives based on our own selfish desires. Everyone is a rational man with his own opinions. We must not become fans of the paranoid passers-by in the comment area of ​​Twitter. Same. We gather here not because of vulgar appearance, but because of interesting soul.”

"Austrian boyfriend: But he is really handsome, I have already set the official official photo as a screensaver, hehe~"

"Ye Ye Ye God:?"

"Urban phlegm: where's the administrator? Where's the administrator!"

"Hijing-kun at the head of the plane: I'm sorry, but I understand everything else. But what is this 'Jazz with a sister'??"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: I heard that he often goes with his friends. The friend is a girl with short and medium hair. She seems to be quite cute. Moreover, Takizawa brother loses more and wins less when the two fight against each other."

"Austrian boyfriend: Oh my god! How could such a thing happen! I can't accept it!"

"Brother Dong: I understand. My friend has short and medium hair, and my senior also has short and medium hair. My friend is a very cute girl, and my senior is also a very cute girl. Playing video games loses more than wins, and broadcasting also loses more than wins, so friends are Hidaka Mana!"

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: What are you thinking? Both Darkness and Nightmare broadcast have said it. The first time the two met was on the set of Episode [-] of Darkness. It's obvious that they have known each other not long ago."

"Brother Dang: No, no. As the saying goes, old friends don't know their new temper, and new friends don't know their old habits. The length of contact and the depth of friendship have nothing to do with each other. When I was young, I also played very well with my childhood sweetheart who lived next door. As a result, isn’t it hard to say a few words now? Look at the rhythm of the conversation between these two on the radio, do they look like colleagues who have known each other not long ago? There is no class gap between them. Even if the conversation is like this, wouldn’t it be more presumptuous and joyful in private? So the only explanation is that they met each other like old friends, and their relationship has progressed rapidly. According to this development, when the seniors go to college, I am afraid it will be a matter of course!"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Good! As expected of Brother Tong! What you said is well-founded!"

"Rijing-kun at the head of the plane: In this way, not only is he bearing humiliation to his assistant at work, but he is also bearing humiliation during private entertainment time. Brother Takizawa is really eaten to death. He is really the scum of my generation. I will never because I'm at a loss when the girl I like greets me, Takizawa-san still needs to learn a lot."

"Brother Dang: Actually, when they discussed the topic of youth love, I already had a hunch. It's because the atmosphere between the two is too subtle."

"Sweet Potato Stir-fried Potato: Is this far-fetched? I have listened to it several times, and I personally think it is a normal question and answer. Brother Takizawa has an honest and magnanimous personality, so what he said is from the bottom of his heart. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Brother Dang: Anyway, after encountering, getting acquainted, working together, sharing life insights, and fighting with each other, the relationship between the two is already very good, so it is not impossible to hang out together in private. Obviously, our Overwatch, has reached the next stage.”

"Ye Ye Ye God: Wonderful, wonderful."

"Golden Pickup F1ve: Why hasn't the latest broadcast come out yet? If I didn't watch it online, I'm going to die."

Tsuchiya Hongliang rolled the pulley, diving and watching while brainstorming in his mind.

A few keywords swirled in my mind.

Guild Wars Night video game city?Arcade buddies?Shinjuku area?Cute girls with short and medium hair?

Xiong Xiong mobilized the huge reserves of knowledge, and as a flash of thought flashed across, the world suddenly brightened, and the haze receded.He raised his head abruptly, remembering something he had seen and heard a few months ago.

Action is not as good as heartbeat, Tsuchiya Hongliang immediately clicked into the webpage favorites, quickly jumped to a certain person's tweet page, and began to scroll forward through this person's news.

...Since the tweeter is surfing the Internet with pay all the time, he turned through dozens of pages before re-finding that post.I still remember that this was a short video of evidence given by the main pusher when he complained about the shortcomings of Moquan 4 and was questioned by netizens.The content is quite simple and rude, which is the live game. In order to reflect the technology, one-handed operation is specially used.

The undiminished handsome face at low resolution, the dizzying art-like sequences, these are not the current focus.

The key is, the person who shoots the video.

Tsuchiya Hongliang deliberately put on the earphones, holding his breath and concentrating.

One second before the end of the video, there was a nice girl's voice saying, "Finished? Are you still recording?"

A few months ago, he had no emotion other than grief and contempt, but now, his whole body trembled as if he had been hit hard, and his breathing was short of breath.

He felt like a traveler trapped in a maze. Today, he finally dispelled the evil wind and mist, saw the way ahead, and successfully stepped out of the vortex. The clues and knowledge that were like broken kites were seamlessly intertwined.


Everything is connected.

They knew each other early and played together early. The scene they met by chance was just an ordinary episode in the daily life of the two of them, right?

Tsuchiya Hongliang took off his earphones, let out a long sigh, leaned back on the chair, and fell into a brief peace, as if he had been enlightened by an eminent monk and bathed in the light of Buddha, exuding the avenue of indifference to the world.


Ah Liang frowned again, opened his eyes, and stared at the ceiling.Thoughts stretched again.

According to the content sent back by the Nightmare Tapir girl's representative, the senior next year should have gone to dinner as well, but had to leave because of something.

Well, in this way, could it be that the three of them have played in a team before, and they just separated at meal times?

...The situation seems to be very complicated.

Hiroshi Tsuchiya rubbed his chin, glanced at the chat group that was still refreshing, and finally chose not to share his research results.

On the contrary, as the leader of the group, he came out to restrain everyone.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: We all came together because we admired the beautiful friendship between Mr. Takizawa and Ms. Hidaka, so the core should be to offer blessings to their career paths and continue to support them. So fantasies are allowed, but they must be We must abide by etiquette and not disturb their original life.”

"Ye Ye Ye God: Lao Liang is to the point."

"Brother Ding: You have been taught."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: So in the legend, Brother Takizawa was beaten violently by Lizardmen, and finally abandoned his humanity and used forbidden spells to pass the level. Miss Hidaka was laughing at the brilliant flowery game promotional CD. Which brother has the goods? ? I really want to buy it.”

"Kong Ming from Heisei: We are all friends, you don't need to spend money, I will send it to you, and you will return it after reading it."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potato: The group leader is a good guy."

Tsuchiya Hongliang nodded in relief, and opened another group.

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Witness Group", 99+ unread messages.

"Al Bangduo: I admit that Brother Takizawa made his debut with Ms. Hidaka, and Brother Ai's shaping is also in place, but obviously, compared with animated films like the Forest of Fireflies, it is still not comparable. Takizawa Brother’s first main role was with Ms. Sakura, and it just so happened that Miss Sakura’s first main role was with Takizawa-san.”

"Scallion fried rice without rice: Yes, the first offline promotion is also with Ms. Sakura."

"Chewing thick phlegm: Although they all died by accident, but compared to holding the enemy and being blown into fly ash, Ah Yin died happily under the embrace of the heroine, compared to Ai Ge and Panis mixed with power politics Impure and endless love, or the love of Firefly Forest is more frank and moving."

"Yuki Kuroki: Same training institute, same office, same period, needless to say there are more?"

Tsuchiya Hiroshi nodded and typed a few words.

"Xiuwen's Zhongda: We all got together because we were impressed by the beautiful friendship between Mr. Takizawa and Ms. Sakura, so the core should be to offer blessings to the career path of the two and continue to support them. So fantasies are allowed, but they must be We must abide by etiquette and not disturb their original life.”

"Fried rice with chopped green onion without eggs: The group leader said it well."

"Eir explodes more: I hope the two can be in the same frame more often."

"Brother Ding: You have been taught."

"Brother Ding: Huh?"

"Brother Dang:——You? Ah this?!"

"Zhongda of Xiuwen: ???"


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