Haifeng·DD·Alexander kept smiling, communicated with the group of friends from time to time, and watched the animation while eating.

What he is watching is "Fate/Zero", which is very popular at the moment. As the prequel of the fan miracle, coupled with the good production, it is basically this season, no, it should be the most popular show this year.

I have to say that Diarmuid's voice is really nice, and besides being magnetic, it is also a bit sexy.It's a pity that there are relatively few battle scenes, except that after the first confrontation with the King of Knights, he was a little paddling.But it doesn't matter, I heard from the gentle and kind-hearted group of friends that in the second half of the plot, the handsome spearman suddenly started to perform.

How will he perform then, and what kind of powerful acting skills will he have?

Really looking forward to it.

As an international student, Haifeng DD will chat with domestic friends after finishing his academic affairs.He found that many people asked him to buy peripherals. After all, F/Z has an excellent biography blessing, and it is quite popular.

So an idea came to mind.

Since there are so many interested fellow enthusiasts, why not share the first-hand information including the behind-the-scenes information with the current convenience?I won’t talk about animation in this article, but it’s hard to understand something like broadcasting if you don’t understand the language.

With an attitude of trying, Haifeng DD translated a few broadcasts that he found very interesting——Dark Dream Talk.After all, "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy" is a genuine masterpiece with a large audience.

The response was surprisingly strong.

"It turns out that outside of the sad story, Elredo and Panis are having a good time together, please have more."

"I don't know why, I just kept laughing, the phone screen went black, reflecting my distorted face."

"UP's language level is really high, come on!"

"Have you done activities together? Can you ask UP to buy a copy?"

"...I heard that it has been sold out long ago, and all the buyers on the market are selling to each other."

"The Nightmare Tapir broadcasting is also done by the two of them. They seem to have a good relationship. The best partner of the new generation has not escaped."

"Treat my contemporaries like nothing? The junior seniors have such great authority."

"The prestige of a meal, the parrot (Sakura Wu) is so arrogant."

Haifeng DD was very happy to see these, and he became more motivated to do things.

Next, let's take a look at the clip of the nightmare girl!

Chapter 140 Four

With "The Nightmare Girl" coming to an end, Master Yin, who currently has no leading role, has reincarnated as the fast food emperor, wandering around the studios of major dramas, and being the silent and great role behind successful men and women.

To be honest, there are only a dozen or so works per season, but the number of active male seiyuu is like carps in the river and mosquitoes in summer.There are more monks and less porridge, one radish and one hole, so Bendang brother can’t get bento every day... Then again, as far as salary and money are concerned, Bojing brother who has to share the bill for eating barbecue is still far inferior to the new acquaintance Yoshida elder brother.

The main character of "Sword Sanctuary" has been finalized, and Makoto Matsuda's name has appeared in the pre-heating PV.Brother Bojing was gratified and wiped away tears in various ways to Matsuda at the celebration party. His loving mother shrunk down and went on a diet, endured hardships and worked hard to manage the house.But when the loving mother turned her head to look at the ignorant eldest son who only stabbed ant nests, she immediately changed to the indifferent and ruthless face of the strict father who hated iron and steel.

"If my memory is correct, you have issued a military order before, right? Admit that if you fail this battle, you will stop thinking about it, and you will follow my orders in the future." The manager said coldly, vaguely in his words There is also the excitement of wanting to succeed, "Oh, the gambling agreement will take effect immediately, the so-called one word is hard to follow, a man is a man..."

"——A man can bend and stretch." A certain person answered boldly and slapped his chest, "I understand what you mean, so there is no need to say words of comfort. Setbacks are the best whetstone. What doesn't defeat me will only make me stronger. Next time I will definitely not let you down! Next time for sure!"


Without using inhumane measures, you really can't do anything about this kind of guy who is determined to deny his account.

With the completion of preparations for various projects, Yin Ze has temporarily entered the period of leisure salted fish.During the day, I took time to go to school to buy roast chicken to honor the dean and then make up the exam. At night, I turned on the assistant and drew outsourcing pictures while listening to cross talk.

After running the animation business at hand, I went next door to record a documentary.

Although the content of dubbing is similar to animation dubbing, it is obviously different in details. For example, the tone of voice and emotion will be more life-like, and the live-action shots are already perfect. It is said that it is dubbing, but the first thing to ensure is the translation quality and restoration matching. Degree... unless the actor's acting skills are really bad, and the sound worker needs to add some filters and polish to him in the later stage.

In the past few days, I have recorded "Hiking in the Amazon", walking from Peru along the Amazon River to Brazil, crossing snow mountains, Gobi, and jungles during the period.I have encountered various difficulties and obstacles such as food crisis, tendon injury, joint effusion, and fly larvae laying eggs on the head.

But the protagonist will eventually smile happily and face it positively.Yin Ze will also cooperate with a sunny smile.

In two hours, he became a super explorer in the recording studio and experienced two and a half years of long distance.

This is the ultimate cloud outdoor enthusiast.

I always feel that the substituting work is quite good, the atmosphere is good, and the film is still shown on the screen. Although I heard from the seniors at the scene that some new works will deliberately blur the video in order to take copyright into account, but his qualifications are not yet that Kind of popular.Basically, translations will be introduced, and they are all works of good quality, which is equivalent to doing things while watching a movie.

There are also shortcomings, and the reputation bonus for the seiyuu himself is almost nothing.

But a traditional and serious person like Master Yin who doesn't want to show his face, and doesn't want his personal label to be too heavy to seriously affect the essence of the performance, is very happy to participate in this kind of authentic behind-the-scenes.

In addition, today, there is a more important matter.

Yin Ze chose the best-looking summer dress from the closet, a Hawaiian fascination-style floral shirt with both hotness and a sense of age.It is reasonable to say that this is contrary to his preference for high-end gray and minimalism, but the cabinet only has these stocks.

It's a pity that it's not winter, otherwise I would have worn a Sakura top. As the most expensive equipment so far, the card is still there, which is very suitable for attending occasions like the ones that follow.

Not bad.

After the main animation of "The Nightmare Girl" ends, Yansheng Broadcasting will also usher in the end!

Quite thorough, the kind that is difficult to stir fry!

Such confidence still comes from the online communication with producer Hiroshi Mori.

The other party expressed regret that although the production company has invested a lot in this chapter and its surroundings, the market response can only be said to be average, so it is estimated that there will be no more animated sequels.

As for the extension of life activities, this article is over, and the broadcast will definitely not continue. Although Hiroshi Mori tried his best to organize a meeting with tears in his eyes, but everything went wrong, and it was always difficult to negotiate with all parties. We can only regret it give up.

In the end, I can only put all my enthusiasm into this last broadcast.

"I won't stop! I'm going to make a big deal! Make an unprecedented broadcast! I and everyone will be pioneers!"

In the chat records, Mori Hiroshi's words are full of flame-like energy, and one can fully imagine his chic figure on the balcony watching the sunrise and embracing the world.

However, considering the country's exaggerated culture of life-threatening, Yin Ze seriously thinks that the producer may at most just buy a three-tiered fruit party cake, or line up for a few fireworks to add to the atmosphere.

In all fairness, working with the producer is quite comfortable.

Even if the staff are always on the side of the chaotic and evil assistants, they want to murder the host with all kinds of evil intentions, and want to use other people's embarrassment and tears as the effect of the show to gain entertainment results.But no matter what happened in the middle, after all, it is the last period, it is graduation, it is goodbye, it is parting ways, it is you who cross your single-plank bridge, and I take mine.

Treat it with heart, not to mention the high debts and grand funeral, at least it must end with dignity.

The description and expression may be a bit weird, but it fits his liberating mood.

In the mailbox is the producer's proposal.

... This guy sends out proposals every issue, but the content of each letter is basically the same. In short, he glanced roughly, as if he wanted to come up with something new.

Hmm, but that's the way the broadcast goes over and over again, right?

When I came to the recording location again, I watched the familiar staff busily chatting up the conversation desk.

Thinking that this would be the last time, the man couldn't help smiling happily.

"Takizawa-kun, you are here." Hiroshi Mori saw him with sharp eyes and walked over quickly.Today's producers seem to be somewhat extraordinary. The elite temperament that has always been pretentious and brewing has become much stronger, and every gesture is full of majesty and determination to do big things.Looking at the way he waved and greeted, it seemed that he was actually holding up a bidding card at an auction, and he opened his mouth with arrogance and boringness of 4 million US dollars.

"Looking at your rosy face, today's work should not be ordinary." The man said expectantly.Well, looking at the aura, it is at least a five-layer thick giant cake, which is a blessing.

"Well, I'm just pretending to be a TV station. How I do it and what kind of future I want to make is still up to you... I don't know if I can reunite after this time and do your show. I really enjoy it. Among them." Mori Hiroshi was very emotional, and then smiled, "Of course, there is no need to be too nervous. Try to try, just to accumulate experience. If you encounter difficulties, just read the advertisement, and you can delay to buy some time."

"Okay." Yin Ze replied in a kingly way.But I feel a little strange in my heart, I have done more than ten episodes, why are you walking on eggshells like this?Brother Mori seems to be using a very new model today.But this thing is always the same. In the final analysis, it is still a conversation, a radio station.They are all battle-tested old fritters, why are you so anxious?

"Okay, go talk to Hidaka-chan, she seems to be quite nervous. In comparison, you are still calm and calm, you are indeed a high-achieving student." Hiroshi Mori patted on the shoulder to encourage, and then walked away in a hurry up.

Yin Ze scratched his head, but followed his advice and went to find an assistant.

After turning around twice, I saw the junior senior was being put on makeup by a big sister with a work card on the chair.


It seems that today everyone wants to use the best state to meet the end.

Compared with the simple and student-like attire of the seniors today, it is obviously a well-thought-out fashionable collocation.

Exquisite printing, retro style, both salty and sweet.Wearing a light and familiar British style, the plaid shirt is covered with a college-style multi-striped brown sleeveless thin sweater, and the bottom is a skirt and Mary Jane shoes. The layering is rich but not old-fashioned.Wearing a beret and holding Shakespeare books in hand, I feel like a romantic girl in the clock tower detective drama.As expected of being a child star, this appearance is more than enough to be a magazine model.

The big sister staff is helping to touch up the makeup.

"Senior is really fully armed today." Yin Ze joked.

"Don't stand still, you come too." Hidaka Mana gave him an angry look.

"I don't need it." Yin Ze shook his head and refused.The old-school man has been without makeup for a long time, and he is not used to smearing on his face.

"No, at least put on some concealer." The eldest sister's attitude was very firm.

After several waves of refusals, Yin Ze was still caught on his seat.I saw the elder sister holding five or six brushes in both hands, dipping the foundation, embellishing and sweeping with a flat brush, and various techniques combined, just like the enthusiasm of an oil painting master doing his best to paint a famous work, and being absorbed in time and space.

Soon, the eldest sister deliberately picked up a small mirror to show the results to the guests.

In fact, the change is not big, the main reason is that the foundation is too superior, and there is no need to use those techniques to cover up the shortcomings. On the contrary, as long as the skin feeling is handled well, the cleanliness is emphasized, the blood color is increased, and the outline is strengthened, it is enough to meet all the fantasies of the "dream lover" .

"It's this hair..." The eldest sister looked carefully at the artwork and turned around like a work of art, staring at the sleeping curled up hair, and couldn't help but took out the small scissors.

"This, this is unnecessary, right?" Yin Ze protected his head.

"It's okay, just take the path of decadence and despondency." The elder sister put the makeup tools back into the box like a sword, and then seemed to have something to do, and hurried away with the makeup box .

Rao is the last episode, these people are too motivated, right?Yin Ze touched his face, feeling faint for no reason.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

"That..." Yin Ze said.

"I can't help you either. Although I have experience on TV, there is still a difference between the two. Don't worry, I will do my best to protect you this time, and I won't stumble you secretly. After all, it's not a fight." The occasion." Hidaka Mana said.


Soon, the two were invited to formal posts.

However, it was not the usual shabby interrogation room.

The whole room was temporarily transformed into a sunny and lively fun house!

The mottled walls are first pasted with a layer of bright orange base paper, and then dotted with colorful ribbons and heart-shaped balloons on it, laying out a rainbow-like trajectory.The photos of the two in previous broadcasts are like memoirs, one after another along the timeline in the rainbow. The two people in the photos are smiling so happily, and there is no such thing as the continuous killing in the official program.

There are also short sentences written by the staff on the wallpaper. The number is quite large, which adds a lot of unity. Where is Dafang's wife", "May there be no high beams in the world", "Writing so small that no one can see it clearly", "The single-push idol group is popular this year" and other unexplained complaints and prayers.

You guys should obediently go to the ema board next to the shrine to write! !

These decorations set off the theme of the artistic font collaged with foam boards like stars and moons - "The Nightmare Girl Will Not Eat the Final Chapter of the Broadcast~!" ", below are the standing paintings of the male protagonist Fujimoto Kai and the female protagonist Qiuyue Mingmeng.

In front of the luxurious background is a coherent rectangular table without [-] lines. Of course, it is covered with a surrounding cloth, and there are high-quality plastic figurines standing on it.There are also a lot of standard configurations such as desk books, drinking water and microphones.

Yin Ze and Hidaka Mana sat there side by side.

The man was a little dazed.

At this moment, the surroundings are carefully arranged small landscapes, and the front is leading a group of staff who look down on the world.

Cameras and light panels were set up in front of the opponent's army.The producer was sitting in the center, staring at a small TV that came out of nowhere, with the materials in his hands rolled into a microphone, with the posture of a gold medal director.

...But to be honest, the opposite side is a little less temperamental than a professional team, so this scene has a more visual sense of going to a photo studio to take pictures.

"The preparations are complete, and we can start anytime." Mori Hiroshi raised the roll paper microphone.

Yin Ze's doubts were finally resolved.

After working for a long time, it turned out that it was a video broadcast.Mostly it is a strategy that the audio is released in Yinquan, and the video is sold.

Alas, no matter what, everyone is getting together and parting, and let me shine unselfishly again!

"Okay, let's start." Yin Ze was full of confidence.

Mori Muhong nodded slowly, and then swung his hand down like a heavy hand.

At this moment, the air seemed to change.

Everyone entered into an inexplicable fighting state, and the younger senior next to him immediately showed a beautiful smile like first love.

Yin Ze suddenly found that the LCD screen that was always standing in front of his field of vision was also lit up, and there were hosts and guests inside.

Return to the feedback window?So sweet?

But before the man thought about it, the LCD screen was immediately filled with densely packed characters. Those words and punctuation marks passed through like locusts, and there was a ferocious frenzy of interlaced strokes everywhere.

Relying on his impressive dynamic strength, Yin Ze captured a few sentences.


"There is a picture!"

"Wow! It's real Takizawa-san and Mana!"

"Wuwu Naina is so cute! Her face is flushed! My heart was hit hard."

"Brother Takizawa, why is your mouth slightly open and silent, is the network fluctuating?"

"Ahhh! Takizawa! I'm your Austrian fan! Look at me! My screensaver is all your pictures!"

"Brother Takizawa, have you ever considered publishing a swimsuit photoshoot? Like the style you tweeted and forwarded?"

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