"The last episode, go ahead!"

"Hey hey, good match, good match"


The man looked calmly at the producer who held his chest out and folded his arms.

Hiroshi Mori felt his gaze, didn't he expect to be in trouble so soon?After thinking about it for a few seconds, he held up the sign that said "read the advertisement" as planned.


The man bowed his head quietly.

How could it be a live broadcast? !

Did this thing come out this year? ! ? !

The man shouted in his heart.

Completed the brand-new broadcasting stage, the appearance of standing with arms folded is quite General Vega's demeanor.Mori Hiroshi smiled proudly at this moment.

Chapter 140 Five

The group profile picture of "Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fellow Group" is twitching like an electric shock, and the conversations are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and the screen is swiped page by page, even the fish farming users who have been diving all the time are blown out.

"Brother Dang: It's connected, it's connected! It's a real person!"

"Austrian boyfriend: Hehehehe, this beauty, I want to take a screenshot as a desktop."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: How harmonious they are sitting side by side. Hahaha. JPG. Just why is one wearing Hawaiian and the other British?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Brother Takizawa's flower lining is obviously the local style of Osaka, so it can be regarded as an oriental fascination. When combined with Cai Cai, it is a match between men and women. East and West complement each other. This is harmony, this is Yin and Yang, and this is Tao."

"Urban Phlegm: As expected of Kong Ming, he easily sees through the essence."

"Brother Dang: I want to spread this video of hope to the whole world. Everyone try to forward the link of Yinquan's website on Twitter."

"Yeyayye God: Internet broadcast? Broadcast with pictures? Is this also something I can watch for free?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Although the performance of the Nightmare Girl's episode was not very good, the total audience rating of the broadcast in the animation derivative category has not fallen below the top three. It is indeed confident to do live broadcasts. Of course, the preparation work must also be It’s very cumbersome. I checked the producer of the broadcast, he’s called Hiroshi Mori, he’s also leading the Dark Fantasy Talk, he’s an old friend, and he’s probably put in a lot of effort for this episode.”

"Urban Strange Phlegm: The producer puts interests in the second place, and puts no regrets in the first place, which shows that he was also moved by the friendship between the host and the guests. This trip is a thoroughly righteous act, which further proves that The relationship between the two is solid. Why should I worry about things not going to happen?"

"F1ve of the Golden Pickup: The host looks very excited. He must have sensed everyone's enthusiasm. The bullet screen on the port side is still a little weak, so quickly increase the firepower!"

Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi is an animation master who has gone through countless manga exhibitions, meetups, and fan festivals alone. He has seen the world, so he is still calm at the moment.He slowly tore open the snack packaging bag, opened the pineapple beer, and enjoyed the happy hour.

Haifeng DD held his mobile phone, looked at the group news, beat his chest and stomped his feet, wishing he could fly to the computer in the dormitory immediately.He ignored the small slip of paper that was handed over by his junior, which said the friendship invitation, and when the get out of class bell rang, he rushed out of the classroom like a gust of wind, leaving only the voice of "ask me for leave for the next few classes" slowly echoing in the air seat.

Rijing-kun was very happy today, because he made an appointment to go to the aquarium with Lingzi to observe dolphins, and to complete the practical homework of biology subjects together.But the live broadcast was right in front of him, and it was very painful for him to miss the live broadcast.Fortunately, Lingzi also sent a message suddenly, saying that there is something to do today, and the time to do homework will be changed to next week.Rijing-kun let out a long sigh of relief, happily picked up the potato chips, and sat down in front of the chair without worry.

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Group" trembled as much as the next door.

"Chewing thick phlegm: everyone knows it."

"Yuki Kuro: Yes."

"Chewing thick phlegm: The enemy army is very aggressive. We must be strong and work together to tide over the difficulties. There shouldn't be any ghosts in the group secretly watching live broadcasts, right?"

"Scallion fried rice without eggs: of course, now is the time to show our integrity!"

"Snow Hei: Why didn't the group leader say a word? Are you watching?"

"Zhongda of Xiuwen: Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle. Live broadcasting can convey information more clearly, and maybe you can find the enemy's weakness. If you expose the evidence that they are a hypocritical business relationship, see through this empty plan, and gain insight into this deception, that is When I wait for the counterattack. At that time, I will light the Bowang fire and annihilate the opponent!"

"Chewing thick phlegm: ... It's good, but Zhong Da, why do you always talk about Kong Ming's tricks?"

"Brother Dang: Apart from the group leader, I have the oldest qualifications. How about this, let me make a statement. I am watching live broadcasts, but this is a tactical need."

"Al explodes more: If that's the case, then I'll endure the pain and join this bitter plan."

"Chewing thick phlegm: oh, let's take a look at it."

The group of friends scattered all over the place sighed, and then switched the webpage that was already open to full-screen mode.


Traditional people like Master Yin don't want to show their faces, and they don't want their personal labels to be too heavy to seriously affect the essence of the performance.

The success of a work, the success of a character, is forged by multiple efforts, not just the credit of one person.

Image design, story arrangement, background setting, ranging from conception to tattoos on the body.It is so labor-intensive to create a vivid character recognized by everyone from scratch.

So it is not advisable to pay too much attention to actors.It's as if a professional suicide expert has finally matched a normal person, but the audience is discussing when he will die, without analyzing the depth of the work itself. Is this appropriate?Obviously inappropriate.

If possible, Master Yin would like to become a voice actor in the standard sense, the kind where only the voice appears on the screen.That way you just need to live a simple life without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of the world.

But in the end it backfired!

Although he was only facing the camera, the man seemed to be able to see those dense, thirsty eyes hidden behind the camera, like hyenas, wolves, tigers and leopards.

Seeing that the host was completely silent for 5 seconds at the beginning, the assistant couldn't help but elbowed the host, trying to restart the host. During this period, he kept his eyes fixed and his smile undiminished, showing his professionalism.

The man gave a dry cough, bowed his head and flipped through the notebook quickly, and there was a life corridor next to him, and he went through the process at the speed of light.

"Hi everyone, welcome to listen, uh, watching the nightmare girl will not eat the final episode of the broadcast, this time the whole process will be broadcast live. I hope it can bring you a happy time. I am the host Takizawa Enlightenment."

"I'm Assistant Hidaka Mana."

Simple starter.But the barrage was laughing and joking again. From their point of view, this scene was obviously that the host was speechless due to excitement and nervousness. The assistant used physical means to restore its performance. The latter frantically flipped through the script and finally adjusted from the panic. A picture of harmony in good condition.

In just a few seconds, silence is better than sound. There is both spiritual care and physical contact, and the tacit understanding between the partners has been fully revealed.

"Finally, this day has come, it's time to welcome this moment." Yin Ze calmed down and sighed in relief.In the eyes of others, it is regrettable.

"Well, did the host miss something?" Hidaka Mana whispered while covering her mouth.

"What?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Your routine, what about the opening poem?"

"Oh, not this time."

"Too lazy! It happened that in this very commemorative ending, the host was seriously disqualified... Well, but I guess it was because I was too busy to be negligent, and the writing was troublesome. It was an unintentional mistake, so I can't be too harsh .” The girl habitually wanted to seize opportunities, but then she thought that this is a more formal live broadcast, so she changed her words temporarily.

"No, I didn't write it on purpose." Yin Ze shrugged.

"—Why?" Hidaka Mana asked directly with a smile, not going down the steps, but going backwards, feeling that she was being invited to apply.

"It was available in previous episodes, but not in this episode. This is also a kind of 'special'." Yin Ze smiled.

"It's obviously a lazy act, but it's really irresponsible to use words to excuse yourself." Hidaka Aina snorted softly.

"That's wrong. For the special blank of this issue, I specially wrote exquisite and wonderful opening poems in the first ten issues. The ratio of labor to non-work is 11:1. Can this be considered lazy?" Yin Ze shook his head, "On the contrary, the assistant didn't add tricks to the show from the beginning to the end. This is laziness."

"Obviously the host said confidently, 'Leave everything to me, you just need to keep up with my speed'. Now that I made mistakes and made mistakes, I started to blame others. The guy who was good at the time is now It has become so strange, beyond recognition, very realistic and despicable." Hidaka Mana said aggrieved and regretful.

"It's started, it's started"

"Pure passer-by, may I ask that you two are bickering during working hours, is it because you have a bad relationship?"

"Hmph, yes, I'm such a duplicity guy. It's not too late for you to see clearly. It's better to get rid of me earlier." Yin Ze smiled sternly.

"That can't be done. I am the senior you have cooperated with the most. As a member of the industry, I have the responsibility to give correct guidance to the juniors who have gone astray. After all, if you even give up on me, you will definitely give up on yourself." Day Gao Aicai said firmly.

"I didn't expect such benevolence. Let me ask, what is your guidance plan?"

"With such a rebellious and rebellious personality, the gentle method must be weak and lack of heat, so it must be stricter."

Yin Ze paused for two seconds, frowned, and asked tentatively, "...corporal punishment?"

"How could it be? It's just a mental effort to subtly curb laziness and procrastination. It's very healthy." The girl shook her head.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is. How is it like brainwashing?" Yin Ze pulled away calmly.

"In fact, it is to cultivate a self-disciplined lifestyle. The reason why most people find it difficult to persevere is because they lack the encouragement of supervisors, and it is not spurs. Anyway, if you have someone to accompany and supervise you, it will always be easier to persist in a positive energy life for a longer time." Day Gao Aicai explained unhurriedly, "For example, now, the younger generation is a little rebellious and will have strange ideas, so let's practice and practice to get rid of distracting thoughts and make our thoughts clear."

"Aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise?" Yin Ze hugged his chest.

"What, on this occasion, as a voice actor, of course it is to sharpen your acting skills." Hidaka Mana said firmly, "They are all lively audiences, and they can see their feelings and reactions at the first time. Such a good opportunity, as Performers, of course they have to take advantage of it."

"So I wanted me to speak the lines on the spot." Yin Ze dismissed it, thinking there was some coup, "but I refused. If it's for the show, I, as the host, should perform, but if it's just to satisfy your lust, you control other people's It’s hard to obey your own desires. In fact, rather than listening to me, a boring man, you want to listen to the impromptu performance of the cute senior, right? Audience friends who want to hear the senior’s coquettish lines, please hit 1 on the screen!”



The booing brothers did not disappoint the man.

"Senior, have you seen this scene? Have you heard the voice of the crowd?" Yin Ze nodded in satisfaction, and gestured "Please start the show".

Seeing this section, Tsuchiya Hongliang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: The art of war is the disease of rushing water. As for those who do not drift, it is the momentum. Since ancient times, those who are good at planning know how to follow the trend, take advantage of the trend, build up the momentum, and take advantage of the momentum. This trick can be described as ingenious. And there is only one option in the words, which is an obvious forced choice method.”

"Brother Dang: The military division really understands."

Hidaka Mana looked at the pleading voices on the screen, but she was not anxious, and said to herself, "Everyone is really thinking about the younger generation, it seems that you don't want to perform alone, so you want me to join. "

"No, no, everyone just wants to feel more about the excellence and cuteness of seniors. As for me? I'm just a perverted and lazy disqualified host, just a pendant." Yin Ze said slowly.

"Who said that, how can you belittle yourself like this? There are still many people in this world who look forward to and yearn for you. If you don't believe me, ask everyone." Hidaka Mana pointed to the screen where the barrage was floating horizontally.

"Yes Yes Yes"

"Good good good good"

"See? So don't give up on yourself." Hidaka Mana said softly.

"Since we have reached this point, there must be one of us performing." Yin Ze said resolutely.

"Why do you deliberately emphasize one person? We are obviously partners."

"The lines are spoken to the audience. The dialogue between the two is difficult to handle." Yin Ze blocked the gap to prevent being dragged into the water.

"Then who's coming?"

"Good question. The Nightmare Girl is a drama that focuses on girls fighting, and Qiuyue Mingmeng is the only real protagonist. At the end of this article and the broadcast, seniors will thank everyone from Qiuyue's perspective, right?" Yin Ze Zhensheng, " As for the lines, it’s better to choose the ending, Qiu Yue’s teary eyes to Fuji Yuan, it’s both a confession and a farewell speech.”

"It's not good, it's obviously the feelings of the hero alone." Hidaka Mana shook her head.

"From the perspective of the male lead voice actor, I think Fuji Yuankai can understand all of this, so it's okay." Yin Zechun and Yixiao.

"It seems that our opinions can't be unified, and it's not an option to continue arguing, so let's decide through a duel." Hidaka Mana's tone changed.

"What method?" Yin Ze raised his eyebrows.


"Hahahaha, after all, senior and I don't work in the same firm, so I don't know the anecdote about a former boxing champion fighting ten against ten at the spring reception." Well-behaved students who haven't reached the age, isn't that a dimensionality reduction strike, killing them at will?

"Okay, what do you play? Drinking orders, tiger sticks? Or the common 'go there' game in Japan, I don't care." Yin Ze patted his chest.

"Rock, paper, scissors." Hidaka Mana said softly.

"That's it, I still..." The man suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking, and stiffened on the seat.Those understated words were like a thunderbolt from nine heavens, and his whole mind was buzzing and confused, like a stockholder who saw the stock price plummeting, losing his ability to speak.

"It's a bit abrupt to decide the winner or loser. It's two out of three games." Hidaka Mana pondered for a while.

Seemingly thoughtful suggestions, in fact, contain evil intentions.

"My luck has never been bad. I always lose when playing with my classmates. I hope I can change my luck today." The girl said with a guilty conscience, still clenched her hands into fists, cheered herself up for a while, and finally showed a determined expression of going all out, "Then come ? The real sword wins!"

The man seemed to want to say something, but he raised his eyes and saw the girl's hypocritical smiling face, so he took back his words.The assistant was also wearing a thin layer of blush, her skin was smooth, her eyebrows were lively, and she was youthful and attractive.

But some people know very well what kind of demonic soul hides under this gorgeous body.


The two faced each other and started a match.

The man mechanically pulled out the scissors twice.

Sure enough, he was knocked down by two fists.

"Wow, a clean two-game winning streak, without even a tie, I won!"

Hidaka Mana was really like she had never won a boxing match in ten thousand years. She suddenly won, which made her cheer for a while. Seeing that the defeated host still kept the gesture of scissors frozen, it was like waking up from a dream, "No, we used to Did you make an agreement? The younger generation can only produce scissors? I forgot about it...I didn’t expect you to remember it! I’m so happy!"

This, this guy...

The man whose wound was sprinkled with salt was silent, but tightened his cuffs in grief and indignation.

"Hey, although the victory is not martial arts, but the lines are left to the younger generation." Hidaka Mana straightened the retro peaked cap on her head that had been loosened due to excitement and celebration, and gave instructions.

It doesn't matter, it's just a false confession, the man snorted, thought of a few rustic love words, and dealt with it.

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