"In any case, this exchange, you and I have been guarded, communicated, and discussed openly. I have gained some trust. If the lady does not dislike it, I will hire a car and pay for it. Please go home. "The man waved away his confusion and pointed his sword at the core.

"There are no taxis passing by here." Akina Mana shook her head.

"There are some." The man said confidently, "Just add a little setting."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved at the side of the road, and then, as if he had activated the magic spell, a black luxury taxi appeared out of thin air on the street, coming slowly with its lights on.

"It's obviously a bicycle." Akina Mana looked at it and smiled.

The lights of the car suddenly went out, and the black high-end rental shrank and dissolved into an unmanned bicycle. The pedals were spinning by themselves, the bell was ringing by itself, and the ding ding was galloping past the two of them. The picture was very strange and terrifying... …

"I didn't expect this is a station, and the Shinkansen is here." The man was not discouraged, and said again.

The majestic headlights pierced the darkness like a sharp sword, the continuous car body sneaked like a dragon, the ground was cracked by the heavy weight, and the train roared and cut through the rain curtain.

"You read it wrong, it's a kayak." Akina Aina said again.

The unstoppable mad dragon suddenly collapsed, and the parts were broken everywhere. A small kayak floated unsteadily in mid-air, and the paddles automatically paddled the air, slowly drifting past the eyes of the two people, and the picture was once again very It's weird and scary, even a little funny...

"Senior is so unyielding, it seems that he is going to fight to the end?!" The man suddenly turned his head, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"There are only the two of us in Tokyo now, you don't want any foreign aid." Akina Aina was not afraid, and she said again, and saw that the neon lights all over the sky disappeared in an instant, and there was no trace of human beings at all. .

"This patch can be done as you like, touch stones into gold, and say what you say. One sentence, the population gap of 1000 million is really shocking. I am convinced..." The man raised his forehead, and he had even gotten used to these despicable methods at some point. .

clang clang-

The hammer sounded to signify the end of the melodrama.

The torrential rain that swept across the city and the silent city all disappeared.

In the center of the camera, the host of the passer-by Wuming's service is downcast, and the assistant of Akina Aina's service is sighing.

"After being limited by his appearance, the younger generation is completely useless." Hidaka Mana sighed, "Without the beauty, I panicked immediately, and the follow-up attack was quite unspiritual, how can I use the identity of the current representative , impart knowledge to everyone?"

"This is called limitation? If you just cut it off for 200 million years, what's the use of it, no matter how good your speaking skills are?" The man was not reconciled, and said in a face-saving voice, "If I was in my prime, it would be nothing to save a girl who was drenched in the rain. Even the Titanic broke down the iceberg blocking the way with true feelings..."

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Is this melodrama really improvised without a script? There are many twists and turns, the background is detailed, the setting is bizarre, and the dialogue is so skillful and seamless?"

"Brother Dang: Brother Takizawa is already very talented, and Miss Hidaka is also extremely intelligent. The two of them have a good understanding. What are you questioning?"

"It's disappointing." Producer and behind-the-scenes producer of language programs, Mori Hiroshi said dissatisfiedly, "It didn't reflect the essence at all."

"You don't understand, the girl in the rain can communicate with an ancient ape-man for so long without calling the police and fleeing. You can already see the extraordinary communication skills of that ape-man." The host snorted.

"Relying on transportation is already the worst policy. How can we take an umbrella, shoulder to shoulder, and walk in the rain romantically?" Mori Hiroshi said.

"I'm afraid that if I take out the umbrella, I will be turned into a baguette by the witch." The host said quietly, implying something.

"Well, Mana also pays too much attention to winning and losing. How about this, assuming you only have one umbrella at hand now, how should you invite her to open an umbrella together?" Mori Muhong pondered for a moment, his tone was quite complicated, "After all, this is a relatively intimate action."

"What's so difficult about it." The host recovered his appearance, and the fearless cloud social influencer came back again, "Just hold an umbrella for her. The girl sees that you only care about her, and she gets wet, out of tenderness Kindness, I will definitely ask you to come in and hide."

"Then what if the other party doesn't take the initiative to ask you to enter the umbrella? Follow you all the way to the end?" Hidaka Mana was curious.

"If that person is as indifferent and selfish as the senior, you can increase the distance appropriately..."

"Well, it's okay, you guys can work harder and give a detailed demonstration on the spot?" Mori Hiroshi said holding the microphone.

"My skit power has been exhausted." The host declined.

"How could the last episode of the broadcast end with a failure sound effect? ​​I prepared the success sound effect with great care!" The producer's attitude was very firm.

It's like a child who has a good test score and wants to show off more and hear a few compliments.Yin Ze thought about it for a while, and in the end he still cared about his loving father, and he thought about Brother Senmu's thoughts.


live broadcast camera.

"It's raining so hard, don't get wet." Yin Ze held up the non-existent umbrella and said softly to the girl nearby with concern.

"Thank you." Hidaka Mana lowered her head and smiled shyly, her image was far from the previous Witch of Words, just like a sunny girl next door. "Oh, your shoulders are wet, come in too."

"It's okay, little umbrella, I won't squeeze you out." Yin Ze said silly.

"Hmph, I didn't see you being so modest when I was in elementary school." Hidaka Mana snorted.

The man was taken aback.

Another play?Are you so dedicated?

"Let's fight together. If you catch a cold, ask for leave and rest at home. Why don't I deliver your homework notes?" Hidaka Mana sighed, then grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him in lightly.

In the end, the dazed host and the professional assistant managed to get together and share the umbrella.

Clang clang clang --!

The ending note sounded again, but this time it was immediately followed by a fast-paced music.

The first 8 and the last 16 rhythm patterns of the sand bell background accompaniment sound like a moving train or a running horseshoe, exaggerating the fast-paced life, and together with the syncopated main melody, it forms a rhythmic dynamic, which is very similar to when you are running in a fast pace A beating heart that loses its normal rhythm when it encounters love.

The melody goes back and forth in cycles, just like telling.

Song title: "ラブストーリーは Suddenly Ni"

The national-level songs sounded, and the barrage was full of celebrations, celebrating the perfection of sitcom 2.0.

... No wonder her role is called Akina Mana, there is still a reason for doing it for a long time.

"No, that's not right, can you play this song?" Yin Ze remembered the key question and turned to look at Mori Muhong.

The producer was opening his hands and closing his eyes to listen to Wan Lei's applause at this moment.After hearing the question, he restrained all his pain and sweat, and gave an OK gesture lightly.

PS: Documentation failure, rewritten it again.

Chapter 150

"Then this is the end of the answer to the letter. I wanted to say that the next issue is also welcome to write, but I realized that this is the last issue. I go out to broadcast every week, and I have formed a habit. Host People must feel lonely in the days to come, right?" Hidaka Mana said with nostalgia and regret.

"Not at all." Yin Ze propped his chin with both hands, his eyes were like ancient wells without waves.

"My junior, why do you still have the expression of being wet in the rain? As a professional actor, getting in and out of a play is a basic skill." Hidaka Mana looked sideways again and again.

"Seniors who are acting every time, how can they understand the pain of acting in their true colors?" Yin Ze shook his head slowly, feeling depressed again.

A rain has trapped me here.Your indifferent expression will make me sad.

The rain in June is the ruthless you.

With bits and pieces, it hits my heart.

"Eat candies?" Besides the figurines, there are some snacks and candies on the table, which are arranged for the atmosphere of the board game party. Twist the toffee and hold it up in front of the host to apologize.

"I won't eat." Yin Ze shook his head again.

"Then what do you want to eat? My sister will get it for you." Hidaka Mana asked.

"I want a hand-ground coffee."

"Our family doesn't have that kind of condition, we can only afford candies." Hidaka Aina picked up the snacks on the table, and couldn't help adding, "They're all in bulk."

"Then let's make do with it. It's a good thing I have hands and feet, otherwise how could I live so big?" Yin Ze said a few words in disgust, unable to bear the little white rabbit toffee dangling in front of his face, he opened his mouth and opened his mouth. eat up.

The bullet screens were all angry.

"This is called having hands and feet?"


"I am very fortunate to see the warm picture of Australopithecus being fed by tourists"

"Actually, a lot of great gifts have been prepared today." The producer's voice-over sounded again.

"Brother Mori, why don't I find you a stool, so you can sit here?" Yin Ze felt that the producer also had a talent for talking about cross talk, and he wanted to cultivate it.

"I'm just playing a guiding role, just like the goblin in the game who teaches you to jump forward, back and forth, and disappears when you leave Novice Village. It's fine now." Mori Hiroshi is very humble.

"Then why hasn't the novice gift package been released yet? The broadcast is about to end!" Yin Ze shook his voice, taking the opportunity to make money.

"The timing of your question is really just right! Why? Because this product implements a customs clearance reward system!"

Unexpectedly, the producer's expression suddenly became bright.

"Next, let's invite our achievement monument to make a grand debut!"

Mori Hiroshi waved his big hand again, and a burly Staff stepped into the screen, handed the display board to the host with both hands like the chairman of the awards ceremony, and then stepped back.

what is this?

Confused, Yin Ze set up the one-meter-wide exhibition board towards the camera, and then stood up himself to find an angle to look at the content on it.

The nightmare girl will not eat the list of bright monuments on the radio!

The total number of incoming letters reaches 1000+: a box of Coca-Cola 330ml*24 mini cans/1 bottle of Lanson special vintage dry champagne

The total number of broadcasts reaches 100000+: Setouchi Area Rail Pass/Shiga Kogen Ski Resort 7-day play luxury package

Reached the top of the weekly and monthly rankings once: Black Forest Cake for one person/Hegendas Ice Cream Family Bucket

In the absence of the host, squeeze into the top three in the animation extension area: Children's Amusement Park 12-item coupons/Two free Disney Ocean tickets

The maximum number of online viewers in the live broadcast is 80000: one mountain bike/Yamahe R62009 [-] model (choose color by yourself).

The number of live broadcasts and replays reaches 80000: one happy rocking chair/banana 5 mobile phone 64GB

All achieved: No.13 issue of "The Nightmare Girl Will Not Eat the Broadcast Resurrection" has been added!HD video version!

The host stared at the eyes with a green light like a hungry wolf, and said "atmosphere!", "good health!", "safe life!"

Leaving aside the resurrection with unknown meaning, the rewards above can be described as more luxurious and thoughtful.Although they are all dry words that don't even match the pictures, Master Yin can feel the taste of banknotes, which is the familiar touch. It is the emperor of modern society. Up to now, I can still feel Fukuzawa Yukichi's strong and majestic personality. The small universe is echoing the endless greed in the heart!

Brother Mori Yu Yu lives in the position of a radio producer. He is really a bit inferior. Such a charismatic, generous and capable existence is more than enough to be a top 500 executive.There is no slogan, no chicken soup, only a gorgeous and eye-catching reward, with this courage, why worry about employees not fighting? !

"Brothers, pay attention, promote the live broadcast room more, and go to the highest online number, please? Please!" The host immediately became excited, full of chicken blood, and his whole body was full of energy, even if there was another resurrection Always look fearless!

The barrage was also rolling, and I was shocked by the openness and generosity of the program group.

"This is too strong!" Hidaka Mana covered her mouth with both hands, and stood up to watch, too surprised.

"...Well, but what does this slash symbol mean?" Yin Ze carefully read it several times, and found that a slash separated the reward, the former is purely comfort, and the latter is the most important thing.

"The first prize belongs to the established prize, as long as the goal is achieved, it will be shipped immediately." The producer smiled and explained unhurriedly, "The second is an advanced version, which needs to be unlocked by the host and assistants in a unique way. Only then can you have the qualifications, otherwise even if you have achievements, you can only get the established awards."

Good guy, battle pass, this person is ten years ahead of the planning industry with his ability to incite players to krypton gold and foresight.Don't be a radio producer with such a whimsical idea, join the dark side of the game industry now.

"Then I don't know how much I need to recharge to become a noble member and obtain qualifications?" Yin Ze asked cautiously, "Let's say it first, if you want to get back the cost and play with eggs, I will embrace the established subsistence allowance bonus on the spot."

"Don't worry, it's a beautiful thing in the first place, and I will naturally not let it be tainted with a vulgar smell of gold. There is no real price for the two of you, just play a small game." The producer nodded.

"Oh? What game? Whether it's strategy, reaction, or puzzle, I'll follow." Yin Ze smiled confidently and arrogantly as if he heard that he was about to guess fists. He persuaded with earnestness and earnestness, "Senior, don't move around here, just lie down. As long as you don't disturb me, when someone receives the reward, you will naturally share half of it."

"What, I'm also very strong. So far I haven't met an opponent in Tetris." Hidaka Mana who was underestimated said dissatisfied.

"What are you talking about childishly? This is a dark game with hundreds of thousands of yen bets, and there is no room for relaxation. The bloody cruelty in it is beyond your imagination, just listen to me!" Yin Ze said seriously.

"Listen to this, have you ever gambled money playing games with others before?" Hidaka Mana scorned.

"Just kidding, when I go to arcade halls, other people always pay for it. I'm not a bad bounty hunter. I'll just watch my operation quietly later." Yin Ze's attitude was firm.

"That can't be done. Fighting alone is not in line with the happy and harmonious style of our program group. This game can only be played by the two of you." Mori Hiroshi cut off the idea of ​​someone being a lone wolf.

"Did you hear that?" Hidaka Mana proudly rolled up her little sleeves.

"It's okay, anyway, it's not the first time to bring recruits to fight." Yin Ze sighed, and found that there was no room for maneuver, so he had to agree, "So what kind of game is it?"

""Touch the truth!" Mori Hiroshi pushed the glasses frame, as if introducing a high-tech project to investors, and said very dignifiedly.

"...I suddenly lost my fighting spirit. No matter how luxurious the reward is, I can't ignite it." The host released the opening board like an electric shock, and the assistant helped him quickly.

Master Yin became a doctor after a long illness. He kicked his legs tactically, and the chair with wheels sent the person 10cm away.

"Don't be timid, I admit that maybe the name is more aggressive, but the rules and content are still very fresh and simple." Mori Hiroshi said gently, "First, our staff will come up with the topic, and then the two of you Answer the questions at the same time, and if the two answers are the same, it will be considered a victory. In the end, as long as more than half of the answers are correct, even if you succeed in the game, you can also unlock the advanced prizes. "

"At first glance, the focus of the rules is the consistency of the answers, not whether the answers to the questions are correct?" Hidaka Mana listened very attentively, and pointed out the key point keenly.


"Then if my answer is the same as the host's, but the answer is wrong, how to judge this situation?"

"This requires a specific analysis of the specific situation. As long as the error is not particularly outrageous and there is a relationship with the correct answer, then the 'synchronization' of the answer is the priority for victory." Mori Hiroshi gave detailed criteria.

"That's how it is, so the test is not our knowledge, but mutual understanding and cooperation." Hidaka Mana nodded deeply, "Indeed, as the game segment of the last broadcast, this is really suitable."

"I think animation broadcasting should do more links related to the original work..." Yin Ze said silently.

"The encounter between Fuji Yuankai and Qiuyue Mingmeng is full of stories. We also had misunderstandings when we met for the first time. They didn't deal with it at first. We also had friction and conflicts when we first started working together. They finally had a good relationship. We also make friends now. After forming a deep friendship, the process of pulling the distance between hearts is the same. The bond between Fujiyuan and Qiuyue has been shown, and now is the time to show the bond of the slave." Hidaka Aina explained.

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