"You are quite reasonable..."

"Cheer up! Don't you have a heart for the Ocean Freedom Ticket!"

"The most expensive thing here is the motorcycle, right?"

"Expensive does not mean good. If you go out to play with friends and leave good memories, the weight of that day cannot be matched by more money." Hidaka Aina earnestly taught.

"It makes sense. If you win this game, then I will give you the tickets to Ocean Paradise or the ski resort. Please enjoy playing with your friends and live up to your youth. I only want a motorcycle, is that okay?" Yin Zexin said happily. nod.

"This is giving up the kindness of the program group? Aren't you going?" Hidaka Mana frowned.

"I am ashamed to say that I have done so many episodes of broadcasting. In my heart, I have many good memories with my seniors. For me, the most beautiful place with my seniors is the recording studio, the set, and here. As for Magnificent Snow Mountain and Paradise of Enchantment are both dispensable." Yin Ze chuckled.

"It seems that the host is still a little slack, how about this, in order to give you some enthusiasm, I can exercise the rights of the producer and give you the advanced reward for the first achievement, that is, Lansong special vintage dry champagne Seeing this, Hiroshi Mori shook his head.

"Is this true?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Of course, otherwise, some people would think that I was just working on the effect of the show, but in fact there was no preparation at all." Hiroshi Mori pointed out.

"The world can learn from the enthusiasm of the producer, but there are still third-rate villains who doubt it." Yin Ze frowned, "In order to dispel the thoughts of those street fools, please quickly bring up the champagne, and let me taste it myself to prove that You are innocent."

It was still the burly Staff with the display board, and he took the stage holding a green glass bottle with a thin neck and thick low in both hands, lightly put the bottle on the table, turned around and took two goblets before leaving.

There is also ice dew, which can be seen from the small refrigerator that was chilled in the meeting room not long ago.

"Senior isn't old enough to drink, right? Haha, I'll leave it all to you." Yin Ze smiled sinisterly.Press the cork with your thumb, point the mouth of the bottle in the direction of no one, and hold the bottle with the other hand and rotate it.The air pressure inside the bottle will slowly push the cork upwards.

Slowly tilt the front of the cork slightly to release carbon dioxide.Finally, with that loud and beautiful popping sound, the champagne was opened.

Yin Ze poured the golden wine into the goblet, picked up the cup, waved his hands at the mouth of the cup artificially, sniffed its aroma, and then raised his hand to sip the aftertaste.

In the close-up shot, the host who ate alone closed his eyes and shook his head, while the assistant squinted coldly.

"How is it?" Mori Muhong snorted softly, seeing that this person opened the bottle quite neatly, he asked again, "Isn't it a parallel import?"

"I don't know. After all, I've never drank." Yin Ze opened his clear eyes and answered honestly.

"Then you put that product for a long time??" Mori Muhong was slightly startled.

"But according to my experience, the quality of 2 or 30000 yen is still there." Yin Ze is sure.


He really got it right!

This guy really reveals an outrageous temperament inside and out!

"Okay, I've drunk the wine, I've had a good time, it's time to play Pound Jump!" Mori Muhong said a little unhappy.

"Is there any edamame?" Yin Ze asked shyly while holding the wine glass. He drank the stylish champagne as if he was trying to buy wholesale beer on the street. "Peanuts are also fine. I don't choose, hehe."

"No! Start the game now!!"

PS: Delayed, I try to write as fast as possible.

Chapter 150 World Famous Paintings Part [-]

A game that tests tacit understanding?

Gu Long's "Seven Weapons" Zeng said: "The person who knows you best is often not your friend, but your opponent. Because only your opponent will really pay attention to observing you, studying you, and mastering you."

In this short-term struggle of caution in the workplace, Master Yin and the younger seniors won and lost each other. recognition and respect.

For Master Yin, it doesn't matter whether he can win or how to win. What worries him is the resurrection... As the producer becomes more and more arrogant and begins to hide his desire to make trouble, he has reason to suspect that Hiroshi Mori I will go further and further on the road of writing nonsensical and weird plans.

He was the one who came up with the surprise plan, but he was the one who implemented it. It is really unsettling to let others manipulate his reputation.


An assortment of precious rewards is charmingly provoking the line called rationality.

Although the obedient pink pretty lady is good, her gentle horsepower, Xiaojiabiyu's speed, and her scarred body are like a seven-year itch marriage that has gone sour, and it can no longer stimulate the galloping desire in a man's chest .

In the afternoon of that day, it was the vicuna against the bicycle, and finally the bear child succeeded in overtaking.The picture of Fat Tiger looking back triumphantly and giving a thumbs up is unforgettable for the man forever.At that moment, he was thinking that if he could own a Kamen Rider mount, he would definitely win over all the student cubs in Tokyo who own human-powered vehicles.Now that the opportunity to have an affair with the blonde and strong horse is in front of him, Master Yin must consider whether this is the only opportunity in this life.

The fresh and pleasant fruit fragrance permeated the cavity of his tongue. Yin Ze shook the goblet, his eyes flashed with the desire for victory, he sighed unceasingly, looking at the little girl with the appearance of an angel and the heart of a devil, "I really didn't expect that there would be A day to fight with you."

"Aren't we doing broadcasts all the time?" Hidaka Mana shrugged.

"Everyone has a destiny in the world, so many trials and games are all for today." Yin Ze snorted softly, "It's always a broadcast, let everyone see our capabilities."

"Oh? Are you planning to form a team?" Hidaka Mana couldn't help laughing at his awkwardness, "The younger generation has finally been completely honest. I have to say that I was also scared by the producer's handwriting Well, now that the grand prize is at hand, it's not impossible to let go of the reserve of the seniors and fight together."

"OK, let's see who is real Scheming genius." Yin Ze snapped his fingers contemptuously.

The host and the assistant looked at each other with half a smile on their faces, and there seemed to be sparks flying in the air. The two were gearing up, clearing their throats and pulling up their sleeves, sitting upright, with a strong fighting spirit rising.

The barrage also joined in one after another, and the crowd was excited.

"It's on fire!"

"Dawn of Heroes"

"Conclusion of the Holy Demon Contract"

"Workplace Integration"

"I unilaterally declare victory in the game"

"It seems that you two are full of confidence. I hope you can really take away my private house... treasure." Mori Hiroshi was very satisfied with the atmosphere of the scene and the barrage.I saw his complexion suddenly changed, and his tone became low, as bloodthirsty as a brave man who had traveled a long distance, and a demon king he had met, "The game is starting now, please pay attention to the topic—"

The host and assistants were calm and not nervous.

"The first question!" Mori Hiroshi said loudly, "When you think of the food that will be added to chazuke, what will you think of...?"


The host and assistant quickly met each other's eyes.

As expected, they are all fellows who are good at scheming. The two sides only met each other to confirm that the scope of the answer was "side dishes", not other messy things.

"Side dishes with rice, don't I need to say more?" Yin Ze said in a deep voice.

"En." Hidaka Mana nodded confidently.

"That's about to start. 1, 2..." Yin Ze counted down.

"fermented bean curd!"



The ugly sound of failure sounded loudly, like a giant ax of judgment falling, cutting off the red line of trust.

"Failure!" Mori Muhong shook his head vigorously and shouted.

"What kind of strange answer is fermented bean curd! At this time, everyone will think of pickled vegetables, right?!" Hidaka Mana stared at her teammate next to her with wide eyes.

"What is this?" Yin Ze was also shocked, "Have you forgotten the stalk of 'Chinese butter'? This is the first episode of "Nightmare Girl", which was mentioned in the lines of the male and female protagonists during dinner! It was recorded at that time , you asked me specifically, and I explained the recommendation to you without reservation, and said more than once that my ochazuke is served with fermented bean curd!"

"Who will remember! At this time, you must choose the public with a high fault tolerance rate to answer!"

"What do you mean 'Who will remember?' Isn't this a test to test our bonds?!" Yin Ze felt bursts of grief.

"There is no time for you to shirk your responsibilities. The second question is coming!" Mori Hiroshi said ruthlessly like a devil, "Please listen to the question! What is the most suitable drink to drink during working hours?"

The college boy and the high school girl look at each other again.

This person has been blinded by the prizes, so much so that he regards the experience of the 12 episodes of broadcasting as an impurity, and cuts it off from the range of answers. I have to make changes and cooperate.man thought.

This person's dedication and honesty are unexpected. Even if the prize is in front, I want to connect the broadcast so that the audience can also have a sense of witness and participation. I have to make changes and cooperate.girl thought.

"Adaptiveness is a master's style! It's time to go, 1, 2..." Yin Ze counted down.

"energetic drinks!"

"hot coffee!"


The ugly failure sound effect sounded again, and the red line that was broken in two was cut again.

"Failed again!" Sen Muhong stomped his feet angrily.

"How can you get energy drinks without working overtime and staying up late?" Yin Ze scratched his hair anxiously, "Why do you have to ask for trouble and limit yourself to coffee?"

"When we first met, didn't you give me a can of hot coffee? This was mentioned many times on the radio." Hidaka Mana was also a little anxious.

"People's hearts are unpredictable, and it is so difficult to synchronize the frequency of heartbeats. If you don't cross this gap, you will not be able to take away the luxurious prize from me." Mori Hiroshi said with half joy and half worry, "The third question has come Please listen to the question! May I ask what you usually do after the collection is over?"

Is it a limited career topic?

The two have been colleagues on the same set for so long.

"This answer, shouldn't he think about it?" Yin Ze made a sound to test himself.

"The collection is over, so that's the only thing to do, right?" Hidaka Mana said to herself.

"Okay, yes, it's time. 1, 2..." Yin Ze counted down.

"Go out and go home!"

"Say 'you worked hard' to everyone!"

beep! !

"It's still a failure!" Mori Hiroshi gritted his teeth.

"It's actually a part of bowing and saying goodbye? Do you want such a thin one?" Yin Ze's face twisted.

"After the audio supervisor announced the end of recording, of course I would like to thank you. This is something I do almost every day. Is the younger generation only thinking about rest?" Hidaka Mana covered her face with her hands.

The barrage of sad news scrolled.

"No understanding"

"The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth"

"The collapse of the world"

"The Pure Thinking of Australopithecus"

"Question [-]! Please listen to the question! What is the most impressive line so far?"

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.The valiant and high-spirited duo has retreated a bit, which is exactly the performance of the military's lack of morale.

"Just follow your heart." Yin Ze sighed, "Here we come, 1, 2..."

"The star is sinking!"

"The star is sinking!"


The beautiful sound effect like the ringing of wind chimes filled the live broadcasting channel.

"That's right!" Hiroshi Mori let out a long sigh of relief.

"...Speaking of the most famous line of the younger generation, it really is this one, although it has nothing to do with this article." Hidaka Mana coughed twice, "To be honest, I also watched a few videos on N station."

Yin Ze was speechless at this.

"Okay! Question five! What is the game you often play?"

Yin Ze's heart moved slightly, and he immediately cast his eyes away.I saw the younger senior shaking his head slightly.

"If that's the case, 1, 2..."

"Last Fist 4!"

"Last Fist 4!"


"I'm really worried that you will say Tetris." Hidaka Mana couldn't help but patted her chest nervously.

"I still have a basic view of the big picture, seniors, don't underestimate it." Yin Ze said.

"The last question!" Hiroshi Mori was more nervous than the others. "In 333 BC, where did Alexander's army defeat the 10 Persian army led by Darius III?"

Is it a serious question that is rarely seen in this broadcast?

"Let's change the position this time." Yin Zeyan succinctly hinted.

"Okay." Hidaka Aina didn't look sideways, she felt that she was gradually catching up with the rhythm.

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