"Then come on? 1, 2..."

"do not know!"

"Issus area!"

beep! ! !

"Big failure!" Hiroshi Mori hated that iron cannot be made into steel.

"I don't know what the hell it is! In your eyes, is my historical record so poor?" Hidaka Aina was inexplicably sad and indignant.

"Difficult, isn't it?" The man saw sweat on his forehead.

"I still know about such a famous battle!" The grand prize slipped away from her fingertips, and the girl kept shooting the table unwillingly.

"Six questions are wrong and four are wrong. It's a pity that you have lost the qualification to win the grand prize and killed the resurrection with your own hands." Mori Hiroshi seemed to have lost his strength. He didn't seem to expect this scene to happen, sad explain.

"I have done my best, but after all, I have nothing to do with handsome motorcycles. But this is also a blessing in misfortune." The man sighed.


"I mean it's really unfortunate..."

The barrage frenzy swept across.

"Make-up exam! Make-up exam! Make-up exam!"

"Senior paid wrong after all"

"End Time"

"Takizawa Satoru, wither!"

"You can't do this, you can't do this!"

"Make-up exam! Make-up exam!"

"Producer, the audience doesn't seem to accept all of this and wants to give us another chance." Hidaka Mana played the emotional card and said aggrievedly, with her hands in prayer on her chest, "Give us another chance Bar?"

"If it's three pairs and three mistakes, the winner is half and half, and you can add another lore question, but you are four mistakes and two pairs." Mori Muhong sighed, "It's very difficult for me."

"Then add two more questions, wouldn't it be good?" Hidaka Mana blinked.

"Is this appropriate?" Mori Hiroshi hesitated.

"It's a perfect fit!"

The members of the "Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fellowship Group" from all over the world tapped on the keyboard frantically, and their fingers danced gracefully, as if they were playing the piano music of the flying bumblebee at 4x speed.

"I didn't expect the audience to be so fond and tolerant of you. The hospitality is hard to turn down. Well, let's try adding a question first." Mori Muhong nodded.

"Okay! I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations! Junior, cheer up, it's time to fight back!" Hidaka Mana clenched her fist.

How can it be that simple.

The biggest difficulty in this game is communication. Compared with the problem itself, the most important thing is how to coordinate with teammates.

As a eulogist of human principles and a possessor of high emotional intelligence appointed by many people, Master Yin is not afraid of any challenges, but if the unstable variable of junior seniors is added, everything is so complicated that it is difficult to live in the corridor of life. Calculate the answer with high correct rate.

no, wait...

"with all due respect."

Yin Ze frowned slowly, replaying the previous game countless times in his mind.

"Through the battle just now, I seem to have glimpsed the ultimate mystery."

"Huh?" Hidaka Mana was taken aback.

"Senior, do you still remember that when I played Lianliankan back then, I paused to take screenshots to solve the difficult and desperate situation?" Yin Ze's eyes flashed with a terrifying fierce light, as if an evil villain had gained the power to destroy the world, and his mood was agitated.

"Yes, I am very impressed with your shamelessness." Hidaka Mana nodded.

"In order to pursue pure victory, you must give up the so-called shame." Yin Ze said deeply, "Our battles so far have included too much thoughtfulness, but the road to victory is often simple and narrow... If we say The support from the audience caused a miracle, so in order to live up to this miracle, we have to show stronger determination than before, or let go of more things.”

"Can you go into more detail..."

"No, otherwise it's a 'right answer', a foul. I can only say that the key to unlock endless treasures is hidden in our previous answer." Yin Ze said in a firm tone.It was supposed to be encouraging words full of hope and positive energy, but paired with a mean smile, it was inexplicably sinister.

Hidaka Mana was really a little confused, but feeling the cunning and insidiousness of the guy in front of her, she gradually realized, and slowly opened her eyes wide.

"Don't be discouraged when you lose, and reflect when you win. It seems that you finally understand the true meaning of this game." Sen Muhong felt the closeness of the two minds, and nodded in relief.As long as there is each other in the heart, there will always be a second of synchronization.

"It seems that you are also aware of it." Yin Ze nodded encouragingly, "Let's go together."

"Okay." Hidaka Mana said thoughtfully.

"Then ask questions! Please use one sentence to describe "The Nightmare Girl Will Not Eat the Radio"!"

The producers uttered this super-high conundrum with an extremely wide range of answers.

This question can even be regarded as an essay question, but now it needs to be summed up in one sentence, and both parties need to be synchronized. One can imagine how complicated the trade-offs and speculations the two have to do in their hearts.

But the producer believes that he will hear a unanimous answer, it must be a beautiful interpretation, and it is a symbol of tomorrow's hand in hand!

"It's a bit difficult, but that's all. Senior, it's time to go. 1, 2..." Yin Ze smiled charmingly.

Neither the host nor the assistant hesitated at all.

They are so full of spirit, cadenced, as if declaring the laws of the world.

"do not know!"

"do not know!"


The staff in charge of the sound effect heard the answer with the same tone, and pressed the success sound effect without thinking.

"Hahahaha, it's broken."

The host and assistants clapped their hands and celebrated like a dark character who successfully murdered a righteous warrior and succeeded in trickery.


Hiroshi Mori was stunned.

Chapter 150 Two World Famous Paintings Part Seven

what is that?

It was a blurred dance party amidst the music of the blue Danube, it was the naughty bubbles produced by the collision of champagne and pure water, it was the sculptural muscular staff applauding, it was the horizon shaken by slow motion, it was the close-up of two The scheming devil is the silent producer holding a microphone and watching from afar sadly.

The intertwining of the seniors and the juniors, the fiery comments and letters, and the promotional photos taken side by side.Scenes of the past reappeared, and tears streaked across the vicissitudes of the face.

Hiroshi Mori's melancholy is bronze-colored splendor.

In a trance, time goes back, the ultimate meaning of opportunism, everything becomes you If you are well, it will be sunny, the host is heroic, the assistant smiles shyly, and the players echo the bright memories posted on the background wall.

Everyone will be full of gratitude for his divine planning, singing and dancing, lighting bonfires, and decorating with lights to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

However, the so-called beautiful scenery on a good day is just a fake.

Hurtful words always come from gentle lips.

I think I am very suitable to be a singer.

Now only the strong wind messes with my broken hair.

"I don't admit it!" The supreme demon king who was being teased stood up angrily, and the sulfurous breath blew up the joyful atmosphere of victory. Hiroshi Mori spoke fiercely, "It doesn't count!"

"The bell of holiness and greatness has already sounded, so it's too late to say anything." Yin Ze shook his head, "Accept the reality, this is a live broadcast, and there is no chance for you to edit again... although you have never cut before."

"This is cheating!"

“How come you see?”

"Is it an answer if I don't know? It's too outrageous! Reject and reject!" Mori Hiroshi said.

"Does the producer know how vast the universe is? How long is time? The end of all life?" Hidaka Aina asked crisply.

"...I don't know." Mori Muhong hesitated.

"Is this an answer? Please reconsider." Hidaka Aina returned the same way to him.

"Can these two concepts be confused? I have also emphasized that it needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis." Mori Hiroshi was unmoved, "Although the accuracy rate is not important, at least there must be some connection. Answers like don't know, It is no different from abstaining in nature!"

"The producer is still fascinated by the authorities, and his heart is not open enough. I don't want to say it is too rude, but when you are so popular, Hongzi, you have to be generous and don't be picky, otherwise people will think you are not good." Yin Yin Ze earnestly taught.

"Okay, okay." Mori Hiroshi laughed back angrily, "It's just a match point, I want to see how you deal with the next additional questions? Let me say it first, the answer of 'I don't know' is invalid. !"

Upon hearing this, Master Yin secretly thought that it was a loss, and such an ultimate secret should be used in the final round.However, this first additional question is really difficult, and there is nothing to do with a big move.But thinking about it the other way around, the BOSS problem of "summarizing the broadcast in one sentence" has been solved, and the tricks left for the producers are also very limited.

"Come on, the final battle is over." Yin Ze's face was solemn.

"Please listen to the question." Hiroshi Mori showed a ferocious smile, "Please use one sentence to describe "The Nightmare Girl Won't Eat the Radio"!"

"Isn't this the last question?" Hidaka Mana yelled badly.

"Yes, but there is no rule. The same topic can't appear twice." Mori Hiroshi laughed three times, regained control of the overall situation, and said lightly, "Of course, you can no longer use 'don't know' to fish in troubled waters." gone."

"What's the difference between restarting the game but not keeping the BP link? You don't even talk about the BAN of Wude, our big move, do you still have the spirit of competition?" Yin Ze questioned the producer's moral bottom line.

"For the sake of pure victory, I am willing to give up the so-called shame." Mori Hiroshi gently repeated.


The stars moved, turned around and still fell on his own head.

"The time given to you is 1 minute!" Mori Hiroshi raised his wrist harshly, staring at his watch intently.

"M78 civil servants have 3 minutes anyway." Yin Ze's hair was black.

The producer was silent, just counting the seconds sullenly.Silence represents his tough attitude.

The host frowned, and was thinking of a strategy against the enemy. His lips were slightly parted, as if he was speaking slightly.

"Lip language is forbidden." Mori Hiroshi said.

The host who was called bloody had no choice but to meditate, but the facial muscles were moving imperceptibly.

"Micro-expressions are prohibited." Mori Hiroshi said again.

"This is a bit of an over-the-top line! I can't continue playing!" The host was obviously a little angry, and he tapped his fingers on the table in dissatisfaction, making a heavy clicking sound.

"It is forbidden to use Morse code to match the answer." Mori Hiroshi chuckled.

"...You can hear that too?" Master Yin, who had multiple foreshadowings but was broken in an instant, was shocked.

"Both of you, turn your backs on me, don't try to steal the treasure by unscrupulous means!" Mori Muhong issued another ruthless order.

The host and assistants reluctantly turned around in their chairs, their backs facing each other perfectly.

How can this be good?

Master Yin stared at the Yamahe R6 on the display board, feeling powerless in his heart.The big blond horse with strong hair is right in front of you, but you can't touch it, and the right to use it may belong to other strangers.He felt a dull pain in his chest just like a sufferer who watched his beloved being kidnapped and imprisoned and suffered so much.

Time is passing slowly.

Master Yin felt like a donkey with a stick tied to his body and a bunch of carrots hanging in front of his head, but no matter how hard he chased and moved his head, he couldn't bite.

Sure enough, the rewards promised by the capitalists are all flowers in the mirror!

At this moment, a slight but powerful word came from behind.

"Fate is just the boring self-consolation of the losers, and the ridicule of the cowardly. People's future can only be determined by their own will and hard work." Hidaka Mana said quietly, "Failure is perseverance. The final test, hold on."

The barrage has also united one after another, and everyone wants to help and give them a unified answer.

"It's a funny broadcast, and it's a pretty high-level one."

"Even the dojo kids know it, they are oppressors and fighters!"

"It's brother and sister comics ()"

"It's youth with scars"

"Emotional Night Radio—"

"100 Lovelorn Tips Every Day"

It seems that there is still a long time before the masses unify their opinions.

But the emotion of wanting to help is conveyed.

In this life, the broadcast is at an end, the partners are united, and the host is exhausted. This is really a crisis of life and death.However, the assistants are relentless inside, and the spirit of morale is even more magnificent. There are also those who are loyal and forget themselves outside.

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