After a long few minutes, Master Yin tiptoed back to take a look, and found that not only were the invitations not outdated, but there were a few more.He had to click accept.

waiting hall.

Grocery Prince·Itabashimoto: I just came back from a date with my partner, and I was about to help move apples for the family store, and I heard someone in the group say that a young boy who lost to Platinum is slandering me, is it you?

Peerless Master: You can throw dirty water on me in the moral sense, but you can't say that I lost to Platinum!

Grocery Prince·Itabashi Moto: It's useless for you to defend here. The Jazz with a sister was killed by a real player with a sister. It has spread in the group. You will be a disgrace in the king group.Gossip less, we have rarely played against each other since the night of fierce battle, let's see the real chapter!

P1 peerless master Cloud King (rank 55)

P2 Grocery Prince · Itabashi Yuanyun King (ranked 8)

Solo character mode...

Character selection...

Battle loading...

Yuan VS Angry Ghost

"Wow, really high-quality games"

"High quality x professional players on the opposite side √"

"The anchor is down! (Sorrowful)"

"A rare opportunity, let's play a tiebreaker"

"You want the host to die?"

In the background story of the game, Yuan and Nugui were originally a pair of mortal enemies with grievances and grudges. Now the enemy is a well-known top expert, a well-known user of Nugui. The audience of real FTG players has been ignited, rubbing their hands together, looking forward to it.

The heavy rain was majestic, and there was a miserable wind and rain blowing in the temple, and the Buddha statue bathed in the burning incense was silent.The ink-like clouds stirred, and the dazzling white electricity flickered, illuminating the old man and the fist demon confronting each other on the bluestone board.

"The Supreme Fist Principle will challenge the Supreme Violence. We meet again, old man." The broken Taoist uniform could not conceal the body that was born for fighting, and the eyes of the war-thirsty boxer seemed to be burning with blood, and he suddenly Waving his hand, a wave of killing intent condensed shot out through the air.

"Hehe, you're wrong. It should be the martial arts challenge technique. It's you who challenged me, Zhan Gui." The thin old man standing upright stomped his feet lightly. The room collapsed, the old man slowly rolled up his sleeves, and smiled wickedly, "This time, I won't spare your life again."

The two have a tacit understanding and take good care of the audience. They kept zero operations and did not skip the special opening animation.

But at the moment when the countdown ended, the two players nestled on the other side and the other side quickly pushed the joystick and tapped the keys like a mirror image.

The rain was insane, Yuan and the angry ghost launched a fast attack at the same time, and the fist demon used Tianbo Xun to win the opportunity, his figure shuttled through the night like a ghost, his scarlet eyes trailed behind him, his hands were wrapped around Jueming's grudge.Breaking through the old man's defenses head-on, fists, elbows, knees, hand knives... turning the whole body into a deadly weapon, pouring out the fighting instinct in the bone marrow of a creature.

The old man retreated steadily, during which his fingering and legwork were staggered, and he used his years of cultivation to counteract the bloody and frightening human form in front of him. Occasionally, he had the upper hand, but under the furious posture of the angry ghost abandoning defense, the old man The counterattack seems to be getting harder and harder to work.

Nu Gui punched straight, and hit the old man's chest before he returned to defense. The force of the punch pierced through the chest and even broke the stone pile behind the old man.

Perfect timing.

"A thousand strikes in an instant!"

The angry ghost grinned grimly and raised his fists, all matter was crushed into slag.Black and white flashes exploded from him.The thunder is loud but dull, and the rain roars but stops and flows backwards.The blackest realm came crashing down, taking away all the whiteness in the world.In the pitch blackness, only a pair of red eyes drifted like a ghost.

The sound of flesh and blood being separated, the sound of tendons being broken, accompanied by the howling and laughing of the Boxing Demon, densely compose a brutal movement that makes one's hair tingle.

The field slowly dissipated.

The angry ghost stood in the rain, with the word "Heaven" floating on its back made of blood.And the old man had fallen to the ground.


"This suppression is like a ghost"

"The server number one, Old Man Yuan, has disconnected—"

"Anchor, say something!"

Master Yin, who has always been very talkative, did not say a word. In the live broadcast, there was only the sound of him repeatedly rubbing his moves and typing on the keyboard.

The second round begins.

The Angry Ghost repeated his old tricks, and once again used Tian Bo Xun's evasive body technique with murderous aura. Cooperating with his violent attack in the previous round, tremendous pressure suddenly came down like a mountain.The old man in long gown, who had just experienced a disastrous defeat, was still strong, and he ran forward with his hands behind his back.

The angry ghost directly swung the bloody purple Rising Dragon Fist on the spot.However, the old man's jump attack was originally a feint attack, which blocked the air defense very well.The situation became clear at once, the Angry Ghost, who was limited by the backward swing of his moves, would be beaten by Yuan Chang who landed early.

However, the angry ghost in mid-air sneered, and saw blood shadows flickering. Fist Demon performed a sky wave flash in the air in a floating state, and moved back and forth, extinguishing the opponent's hope of attacking.

At this moment, the old man in long gown who hadn't landed on the ground vibrated the air, and leaped forward like a snake like a dragon, his legs were like the crocodile of a dragon, and precisely hooked the heavy body of Boxer.The thin body twisted back in mid-air, dragging the angry ghost out of the flickering bloody afterimage, and smashed it to the ground, with his knees pressed against the angry ghost's chest, with a long thrust, the stone slab shattered into powder, The angry ghost spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Can this be caught???"

"Why do their characters fly?"

"Ace Combat, right?"

"This wave, this wave is my prediction of your prediction and my prediction"

The old man in long gown didn't say a word, he jumped into the air facing the angry ghost who got up quickly, his toes cut the enemy's back, his bony palms turned into swords, and stabbed precisely at the acupuncture points on the front of Boxing Demon.

Nu Gui, who lost all rhythm, was forced to a corner, and the high output at the beginning allowed Yuan to accumulate a lot of resources.

The already high-frequency keystroke sound in the live broadcast jumped to a higher level in this second, the momentum was astonishing, and the speed was so fast that the teeth were sour.

The man's right hand quickly pressed out an afterimage.

"It's coming!"

The old man's eyes overflowed with black-blue dou qi, and the vast internal force burst out from his body, blowing the thin clothing with a rattling sound. He knocked the angry ghost into the air with one palm, and his figure like a bamboo dissolved and dissipated, filling the sky with rain. There is only a deep evil smile.

"The gate of hell has been opened to you."

A relentless pallor encroached on the monastery, flooding the monastery with heavy rains that covered Buddha statues and incense sticks.Between the heaven and the earth, there are only angry ghosts who have been knocked into the air and cannot defend themselves.Just like an elegant scholar's casual splashing of ink, a black trail pierced through the fist demon in the air, blood splashed and scattered, and was directly assimilated by the pale body into nothingness.A volley of black ink spread all over the sky, and the angry ghost kept screaming.

The field slowly dissipated.

The old man in long gown stood quietly in the temple, watching the bloody angry ghost.



"What! The occupation has been seconded? Aren't you an entertainment anchor?"

"Nugui: High attack and paper defense is like this, anyone can beat me, I'm numb"

"Is it because of this that I went to practice the fat and bloody Kazuko? Itabashi, I am so moved."

"The anchor is not interacting"

"There is someone here who pretends to be a master without talking, but I won't say who it is"

The third round of the decisive victory.

Grocery Prince Banqiaoyuan: ... The old man's family suddenly brought wine to the house for dinner. Maybe it was to discuss the wedding date.

The grocery prince Moto Itabashi has left the game.


"Banqiao fell! (Sad)"

"After all, I am immersed in the embrace of a beautiful woman, unable to extricate myself"

"Everyone, don't criticize others. Marriage is a major event in life. Don't be careless." Master Yin finally had the energy to speak out.

"I vaguely heard the host let out a sigh of relief"


"Although there was an accident today, I finally showed everyone my kingly strength. It's a pity that I wanted to complete a feat that surpassed myself in the third game, but fate didn't give me a chance. Alas..."

Ding dong.

"Human Awakening Haru Kawasaki invites you to play a game"

The man's eyelids twitched, and he chose to tactically ignore the application and the barrage of fire.

"Oh, it's getting late, and it's time for dinner. Goodbye everyone!"

In the next second, the live broadcast suddenly went black.


"Goodbye by fate"

""meal time""


"Tokyo FTG Frontline Group"

"Chuan Shengchun: Where's the person? Just now the friend status shows, isn't he still fighting with Banqiao? Why did he go offline suddenly? @巨世高手"

"Taniguchi Tsubasa: Didn't my junior say he went to eat?"

"Chuan Shengchun: How do you know?"

"Taniguchi Tsubasa: He's overturning his car live"

"Chuan Shengchun: Oh! Anyone can! Come and fight with me all night!"

"Daguan Jinye: Are you not in love? Why do you have such fighting spirit?"

"Chuan Shengchun: Woohoo, I was dumped! I am in so much pain! I want to cry so much!"

"Jin Shandao: Good, great, very good. The knight who brought his sister was killed by the one who brought his sister, and the warrior who fell in love has come to his senses. Everyone has a bright future!"

"Chuan Shengchun: Who is this person, I have never seen it before."

"Oseki Shinya: The new Kansai brother from Osaka, kicking the club until the night of the fierce battle you often go to, seems to have some inner demons, and has been holding on to it. Some colleagues saw that he has such a high purity of fighting spirit, just pulled it in"

"Jin Shandao: Who is the master who killed the jazz with a sister? Is this not in the group? I want to whip someone's corpse all the time!"

"Meiyuan Dagu: It seems to be me..."

"Chuan Shengchun: I don't understand, I don't care. @金山道, there is a rush in your words, and you look like you can fight. Come! Room number 3314!"

"Jin Shandao: That's exactly what I mean, I'd like to see how much you weigh!"


Yin Ze couldn't help grinning as he looked at the chat records on his phone.

I'm broken in love and want to find him to be a beanbag all night?Do I look so gullible?

"Don't dare not think about it or shouldn't ~ thank you for your love ~ I have to exist ~ like a dust~?"


"Teacher, how are you doing these days?" Yoshida Tomoki's voice came over.

"Thanks to your manuscript fee, I ate very well." Yin Ze nodded.

"Then I'm relieved, speaking of which, there are still two design drafts..."

"No problem, leave it to me! I'll send it to you in three or four days!"

"You're so sure, I'm a little skeptical." Yoshida Tomoki pondered, "Speaking of which, I didn't expect the teacher's game level to be so high. Fighting games are very hardcore."

"how do you know?"

"Oh, I saw the promotional link on your Twitter account, so I clicked in and watched it for a while."

"Why do you still pay attention to my tuba?"

"It's not surprising. Didn't you make an appointment to present the warrior of sound and light? After that, I have to send a work email to your company. It's normal to pay attention to the teacher's voice actor." Yoshida Satomi chuckled, "If the teacher If you know any seiyuu colleagues, you might as well recommend them to us.”

"It's too polite. Your company is a world-renowned manufacturer after all. It's a big party. It should be the servants who took the initiative to ask you for work."

"Whether the rebirth will be successful or not, no one knows." Yoshida Tomoki sighed, and recovered his mood after a few seconds, "Again, I didn't expect that the teacher's broadcasting ability is so outstanding, and his eloquence is very good."

"You still look at that thing?!" Yin Ze was shocked.

"Relax while you're busy. By the way, does Ms. Hidaka Mana have any experience in making games? If she is interested, she can join in." Yoshida Satomi said heartily.

"The producer, who named her by name, really knows the way. I can try to ask her..."

"Is it phone communication, or software chat?" Yoshida Tomoki asked with great interest.

Uh, is there a difference?

Master Yin was puzzled.

Chapter 150 Five: The Knight's Fate

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