Matsuda sincerely heard the knock on the door, ran quickly and opened the door enthusiastically.

"Heyman, what'sup?" Yin Ze, who was wearing a baseball cap backwards, appeared on the stage. He was holding a small piece of beer and making fist bumps, which was trendy and moving.

"I...Iamfine?" Matsuda sincerely replied hesitantly.

"Yeah, perfect." Yin Ze expressed his approval with a hip-hop gesture.

"Did you change the design?" Matsuda sincerely looked at the other party's unique visual killer outfit of grass green T-shirt and floral pants.

"Oh, this is my pajamas. Don't be in a hurry to be confused. Isn't pajamas just something comfortable to wear when sleeping? Appearance is not important. As for this hat, it's just because I haven't washed my hair." Yin Ze touched the hair on the back of his head Si'er said, "The hair has grown again, but the barber shop here is too expensive. I really miss the 15 yuan one-stop package for washing, cutting, blow drying and shoulder massage in my childhood hometown."

"This is indeed a difficult problem." Matsuda sincerely touched his iron bangs subconsciously, deeply convinced, "I won't talk at the door, come in first."

On a hot day, two men.His eyes rolled around, and he smiled at Yanyan.

"—Slow. And me, cold as ice, cold as snow, emperor of light novels, Nobunaga Shimadzu." A young man also wearing big pants, sandals and slippers flashed out of the corridor.

"I feel like I haven't seen Nobunaga-kun for a while." Matsuda sincerely remained enthusiastic.

"It's not just you and the main characters who live a fulfilling life. I'm the same. These days, I've been acting in works, preparing novels, and running accounts. I'm very busy." Shimadzu Nobunaga smiled heartily, "Sword Sanctuary After the sound audition, the two of you still have the same demeanor, and I didn’t come empty-handed, so I specially paid a lot of money to buy two pieces of golden fruit cheese mousse, let’s have a happy meal together later.”

"Why are there only two copies? It's hard to divide."

"There's nothing wrong with this. Let's play a game. The winner will eat the loser. It's fair, reasonable, and fun." Shimadzu Nobunaga smiled, "For efficiency, let's play the simplest rock-paper-scissors—— Hey, isn’t this Em the boxing champion? It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced your superb speed and prophetic boxing, but please be considerate of my brother, please put some water. Well, let me play a psychological tactic, I will use scissors next... "

"Cultivation in closed door training is indeed very effective. The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, and even the skin is itchy." Master Yin's eyes were dark.

"Why are you so angry? If there is any impoliteness, please take care of it." Nobunaga Shimadzu couldn't help laughing mockingly.

"Stinky boy, I've come here to find fault with you over and over again during the incoming letter session and this afternoon's live broadcast, and today I'm going to be Mitsuhide Wise, and I'll bake you up!" Master Yin finally couldn't take it anymore, rushed up to hug him, and came One-trick male classic communication.chokehold.

After a round of father's spur to the unworthy offspring, the party finally officially started.

Matsuda’s house is still the same, simple and clean. The biggest change is the addition of a small indoor air conditioner. I still remember that I spent the New Year here before, and it was very cold when the power went out at night.

But now, the three guys sat on the ground with their legs open.The deep V collar that can't hide the breasts, the temptation of the shoulder straps slipping off, and a certain Nobunaga's boxer pants protruding from the edge of the pants, constitute a chaotic banquet of desire.The relationship between men is so primitive and intense.

"Brother, your red underpants are showing." Yin Ze accused slightly dissatisfied, "Pay attention to your image."

Shimadzu Nobunaga calmed down a little after being tidied up, but the old habits die hard, he pretended to be charming and coquettish, "I hate it, my junior is really h~"


"What's wrong with Nobunaga?" Matsuda sincerely served as the host, cutting the iced fruit into bite-sized pieces, "He also changed the character design? Wasn't he a literary youth before?"

"What? Didn't you watch the radio drama hosted by this person?" Shimadzu Nobunaga asked with raised eyebrows.

"Because I am also participating in the broadcasting, I watched a few episodes from the perspective of learning." Matsuda sincerely thought for a while and said, "It is true that both the content and the interaction are very high-level, and there is little boredom. It is full. It is not surprising that the results are so good. The agent also told me that this can even be used as a reference template for certain operations..."

"The host who made the series brilliant is here, why don't you ask in detail face to face?" Shimadzu Nobunaga reached out and grabbed the iced apple slices.

"Well, 'How can I become as talkative as you' is a common question." Matsuda scratched his head sincerely.

"One day I'll send you a package of cross talk videos, watch both sides, and you'll understand." Yin Ze waved his hand.

"Hehe, the king of fast food who is favored by the sound supervisor, the strongest newcomer, just needs to catch up with the high school girl seniors in the next year to shine. And there are also female seniors who can rely on, and the advantages and disadvantages of full-strength fighters who have won the main role one after another It's also obvious." Shimadzu Nobunaga said in a low voice, "Only I, a dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, walked on the right path step by step. Your success has too many external forces. Although it is gorgeous, it is a castle in the air. Sure enough, in the end I am the most likely to be able to achieve the supreme light environment."

"Didn't your office arrange to bring your senior with you?" Yin Ze asked, shaking his head again, "Senior Yangzi adopted a sheep-herding training method for me, and she thought that I no longer needed guidance on the funny route, so she focused on Matsuda. It just so happens that Taizawa’s senior Hidaka often worked with me during this period... So I said, ‘Oh, that child is very experienced, and the basics of learning are the same as hers’. What is it about throwing your own employees to others in a grandiose manner?”

"Senior Yoko really took good care of me, although occasionally he used too much force..." Matsuda sincerely recalled the hell scene of being forced to listen to Mei Zhai's lines to give thoughts on Wang Dao's set, and his face was a little ugly.

"What's going on with you?"

"It's your Em's inherent tradition to lead newcomers like a trailer. I don't have a so-called direct senior." Shimadzu Nobunaga said emotionlessly, "At most, the manager will entrust a good senior to take care of and teach during the newcomer period. One or two. My guy is a typical old-school behind-the-scenes guy, male, 45 years old, serious, unsmiling, very demanding on technology, will be reprimanded if he eats screws, and occasionally invites him to drink, talk about his high school days Those love affairs in the swimming department..."

"That's great." Matsuda sincerely imagined the beautiful scene of discussing sound technology with senior voice actors.

"It's so good." Yin Ze imagined a harmonious scene with his big brother in an izakaya, eating meat and chatting about the beauties of the world.


Shimadzu Nobunaga felt that the faces of these two people were extremely hypocritical.

Why not eat minced meat? !

"However, Ms. Kazuhidaka, work is work, someone must not make mistakes." Nobunaga Shimadzu said seriously, "At least wait until someone else goes to university..."

Master Yin glanced at the big hairy legs of the two relatives and friends, held up the beer, stuffed a peanut into his mouth, and frowned like a man who had finally run out to fool around with his family behind his back, "It's a beautiful day, let me mention her as a gift!" very?"

"Okay! A good man is everywhere! Dispose of it after use! Break it when you break it! It is a lesson for my generation!" Nobunaga Shimadzu held up beer cans with both hands, drinking freely to show respect.

"What is disposable?" Matsuda asked sincerely.

"A few days ago, I was engaged in the campus youth workplace marketing of an old hapless innocent senior x a clever little devil junior, but now I turn my face and deny people." Shimadzu Nobunaga said with full respect, "See? Learn a little bit, This is the spirit that a person who wants to do great things should have!"

"What a mess." Yin Ze was taken aback, "There's also this inside story, why didn't I know that the mailbox was full of proposals written by the producer?"

"Huh." Shimadzu Nobunaga pushed the non-existent glasses, "In the middle and late stages of the broadcast, your wolfish ambitions have already been revealed, and the live broadcast is even more undisguised. This is the core--putting a pair of good-looking partners , created in the direction of Huanxi Enemies. She is responsible for throwing down-to-earth life topics, you are responsible for defense, and occasionally you can’t catch the ball and feel embarrassed. Persecution Physique (Explosion System)' fertilizing and watering can be said to kill two birds with one stone, a win-win situation. I have to admit that the producer named Hiroshi Mori is indeed a strong man with transcendent vision and mind. This radio drama is not a mere animation extension product at all, but a serialized, situational and sound series starring real people! The audience has directly spread from animation fans to general groups, and this achievement is only possible under the wide-area attack! Respectable and awesome!"

"It looks like the real thing." Yin Ze was speechless.

"This is not over yet. Hiroshi Mori's handwriting is more than that. Through the cultivation of radio dramas, the combination of host and partner has been deeply impressed and bound together. As long as we continue to cooperate in the future, the foundation laid before will be like a passive skill. It diffused faintly and attracted former audience fans. These people are naturally highly supportive of you, and will spontaneously promote the famous scenes of the year, thereby expanding the fan base like a virus infection. He actually let you usurp it in advance through such evil ways. The power and power of the supreme light environment is so terrifying." Shimadzu Nobunaga said slowly, "Not to mention that he will do similar broadcasting work in the future, which will be the second part of the series. Let the subsequent programs also be infected with personal Imprint, Mori Muhong is really greedy, as expected, the strong have the fierceness of the strong."

"I don't understand." Matsuda was sincerely immersed in the analysis, "But he looked very powerful and was very shocked."

"It's too long to listen to, can you shorten it to one sentence?" Yin Ze shook his head.

"—The atmosphere of more than friends but less than lovers, the marketing of the next generation workplace, Hiroshi Mori can be called a hero." Nobunaga Shimadzu summed up.

The peanuts in Master Yin's mouth almost didn't pop out.

"It's a bit bad." Matsuda sincerely expressed a dignified expression, "Senior Hidaka is still in middle school, how much should it be this year?"

"She was born in June 1994." Said the self-propelled computer, which knew the general history of the world backwards.

"You're so young, it's not okay, do the math, I'm only 18 years old this year, I remember you were born in 1990..." Matsuda sincerely pondered for a long time, and finally raised his head silently, his eyes kept shifting between the two in front of him, "Uh, 18 and 22 years old, seems to be okay?"

"The oldest of the three of us is Matsuda, right?" Shimadzu Nobunaga said casually.

"That's right, the age difference between me and Ah Wu is equivalent to the age difference between him and Hidaka-senpai." Matsuda said with a sincere smile.

"What kind of strange example is this..." Shimadzu Nobunaga said, "But physically, I think you are the youngest, and this guy is the biggest."

"You are right. My soul has already died."

"It's cheap to be a good boy. But it's true, work not only earns money, but also expands friendship through convenience." Shimadzu Nobunaga's tone became arguing again.

"You guys think too much, my assistant and I are just normal colleagues and friends." Yin Ze was ashamed, "There are so many weird things you said, it's outrageous if the lover is not full, I even put her in the first place. Treat it like a sister."

"Yo yo yo, here I come. 'Just be my sister', the classic saying appeared." Shimadzu Nobunaga's elbow poked Matsuda Makoto, "I have read a lot of books, and I have dabbled in ancient Chinese. Everyone only knows One trick is 'the moonlight is so beautiful tonight', but there is another trick 'I have seen this sister before'."

"... I'm too lazy to argue with you." Friends of the same sex like to fight on the topic of playing with friends, and Yin Ze disdains to argue, "And the title of Huanxi Enemy should fall on Sakura, um, after cutting off the word Huanxi, it will be more to be accurate."

Shimadzu Nobunaga and Matsuda Makoto looked at him quietly.

There was a brief silence.

"Why didn't the two brothers say a word?" Yin Ze clasped his fists in doubt.

"The animation is going to be broadcast, let's order takeaway, it's time to order food." Nobunaga Shimadzu suggested.

"I'll go to the restaurant downstairs and order some." Matsuda sincerely got up calmly.


Most of the dishes on the table are ordinary home cooking.Sauce pork chops, tempura prawns, chicken kebabs, etc., of course, there are hamburgers personally handled by Chef Matsuda and my vegetable salad to relieve the tiredness.Beer with rising bubbles and floating ice cubes is a must. The crisp clinking of glasses between friends and the warm atmosphere are better than ordinary delicacies.

Three young, strong, energetic men gather together, so there is no need to say more about the movie that should be watched.

It's an animation, "Sword Sanctuary".


"Speaking of which... no matter how many times I watch it, I can't believe it. This is actually in the game." The down-and-out man with the red turban put his sword into the scabbard at his waist.

"Although it's in the game, it's not like the soul is sucked into the game world. It's just that our brains replace the eyes and ears, and we can directly see and hear the information transmitted by NERvGear using electromagnetic waves." The boy shrugged.

"You guys may be used to it. But this is the first time I have experienced full stealth! This is really amazing, really, it's great to be born in this era!" The red turban sighed.

"Humph, this voice is deliberately pretending to be cool." Nobunaga Shimadzu complained while eating, "There is no future for handsome guy characters, why don't you understand."

"I just follow the guidance of the sound supervisor." Matsuda said sincerely and helplessly.

"Immersive games, I don't know if I can play them in my lifetime." Yin Ze licked his lips enviously.

"Even if there is, you will be old at that time, maybe you will get sick, and the old man still wants to compete with young people?" Shimadzu Nobunaga teased.

"Stupid, who will compete fairly with those youngsters? Wait until the day when my children and grandchildren are full of children and grandchildren, I am leisurely and rich, and directly violent krypton gold, superior skills, 999 Tongren with one knife. Others are attacked by magic swords, but mine is Ferrari crash." Master Yin laughed loudly as he imagined using the dark laws of adult society to abuse the flowers in the greenhouse.

"It's leisurely and rich, and it's filial to my children and grandchildren. I'm afraid it's not the other way to go. I'm lonely to death."

"Don't worry, I still have friends."

"What if I die too?"

"Brother Shimadzu's Tiandi Tongshou is getting more and more perfect... I will bow down."


"Everyone must be thinking why now. Why——developer Akihiko Kayaba did this?"

The voice of the huge blood shadow at this time has some kind of emotion.

"This situation is the ultimate goal. To create this world and watch it, I invented NERvGear and created SAO for this purpose. Now, all my goals have been achieved."

After a short period of time.Kayaba's inorganic voice sounded again.

"SwordArtOnline, this is the end of Sword Art Online's official game description. Players——good luck."

The last sentence echoed and disappeared.The blood shadow gradually assimilated with the system information covering the entire sky as if melting.The shoulders, chest, and limbs slowly sank into the blood-red water, leaving only a ripple spreading out.

The sound of the wind blowing over the square and the performance by the NPC orchestra, the BGM on the streets of the town gradually approached from a distance, touching the hearing smoothly.The game is restored to its original form again.The only change is that some rules of the game have changed.

Things have come to this point, the player group of 1 people has the reaction it should have.

The screams shook the entire square.

"Senior Hidaka called here too." Matsuda said sincerely.

"What do you want to express?" Yin Ze turned his head.

"It's nothing." Matsuda sincerely did not look sideways.


"Then let's break up here. If you have anything to do, please send me a message...Then I'll be leaving first, Klein."



The young man looked back and asked with his eyes. The knife hand in the red turban just shook his cheekbones slightly, and didn't say anything else.

The boy waved his hand, and when he walked about five steps away, a voice came from behind him again.

"Hey, Kirito! Your real face is quite cute! It's my favorite type!"

"The face of a down-and-out warrior you have now really suits you."

"To be honest, I thought that someone would get the role of Klein." Nobunaga Shimadzu held his glass, and suddenly remembered something, and smiled strangely, "Actually, my hunch was indeed right, after all, they are all guns. Bing—by the way, you can’t miss the F/Z later on.”

Matsuda rubbed his hands sincerely. Since the first episode started broadcasting, he has been very nervous. It is obvious that the dubbing has already been finished and it is on the air. No matter how worried he is here, he can't change anything, but he just keeps reflecting.If this place is dealt with here, if that place is treated like this, will it be much better.

At the end, there is a young swordsman running towards the sunset.That muddy path seems to be far from his end. From then on, there are still several battlefields, long years, encounters and partings waiting for him.

The swordsman seemed to have a premonition of everything in front of him. He roared vigorously, roaring violently, like the edge of a sword, pointing straight to the end of this destiny.

Matsuda stared blankly at the ending song and the credits flashing slowly.

The first column of the seiyuu table.

Matsuda Makoto

When he came back to his senses, tears had already flowed all over his face.

Yin Ze and Shimadzu Nobunaga applauded and blessed, and kindly filled the beer glass for the owner.

The sound of clinking glasses echoed in the small room.

It was a sound that had never been heard at home before.

What was always lingering in his heart, the lonely platform covered with snowflakes and the howling train, had been turned over.What stays in my heart now is the sound of the clinking of wine glasses filled with joy and laughter.

Matsuda bowed his head sincerely to wipe away his tears, then held his head upright and drank it down in one gulp.

Two friends who were already half drunk and discussing the meaning of half a glass and half a glass were left by their side.The two looked down at the same full cup, gritted their teeth, and drank heavily.


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