"Today, I would like to thank everyone for responding to my call! Although some people should have heard of me, let me introduce myself here! My name is 'Diabel', and my profession is 'Knight'!"

The man who spoke is a super handsome guy, and the appearance of today's game characters is based on reality, presumably he is also a top-notch character in reality.The voice is also very handsome, with a gorgeous and elegant voice, which perfectly interprets the originally vague concept of "Prince Charming".

"The reason why the frontline activities, the so-called top players, are gathered here, I don't think I need to say more... Although it took a month for this progress. But we must convey a message to everyone .That is the game of death, and one day we will be able to pass the level. This is the duty that we top players who come here should do now! Am I right, everyone!" The blue-haired knight spoke loudly, As if bathed in the holy light of justice.


"Get out of the way, I'm coming!" Facing the remaining blood and the floor master who entered the final mechanism, the blue-haired knight rushed out from the protection of his companions without any hesitation or fear, and the long sword in his hand burst into golden brilliance. Eye light.

"No, jump back with all your strength!"

It's a pity that this reminder came too late. The floor master's strong body jumped into the air, slashed down heavily with a wild knife, the blue-haired knight barely blocked the first blow, and then was involved in the boss's sword dance In the end, it flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground.

The rest of the companions besieged and stepped forward in horror.

"Why do you have to be alone..." Kirito ran over and helped the handsome captain.

"It's useless, my blood volume has been cleared." The knight opened his eyes with difficulty, rejected the precious recovery potion, and said with pain and unwillingness, "Please, for everyone, please defeat——"

Before the words fell, the whole body turned into blue crystal fragments, which drifted away.

Matsuda sincerely sat in front of the TV with his legs crossed, devoting himself to the plot.

Nobunaga Shimadzu tried hard to hold back his laughter.

Yin Ze was expressionless.


No sign.Bright vermilion blood was scattered all over the ground.

The King of Knights, who was still enjoying the death fight just a second ago, stopped in astonishment.Even her opponent herself was equally puzzled.

The loyal spearman stared blankly at the sticky blood dripping from the red gun body to the ground with his eyes wide open.It's hard to believe anyway.

He had no expectation or awareness of the severe pain and despair.His love gun pierced his heart.

It was none other than his own hands that thrust the spear point into himself.

That certainly would not be his will, nor his wish.

...is the command spell.


Heroic Spirit looked behind him with eyes soaked with blood and tears, and there was his master and enemy.He knelt down in a pool of his own blood, trying to speak in a hoarse and low voice.

"You——do you want to win that much? Do you want to get the Holy Grail so much? Even my only sincere wish has to be trampled on! You guys, don't you feel ashamed?!"

The spearman's beauty was distorted by hatred into a ghostly hideous face.Regardless of friend or foe, he roared out heart-piercing resentment towards everything in the world.

"O dead who have been captured by fame and wealth and belittled the glory of the knight! Use my blood to defile that dream! I am here to curse the Holy Grail! Curse your wishes to become a disaster! Waiting for you to fall into the hot oil pan of hell When I was in middle school, I will definitely recall my Diarmuid's anger ahhhh!"

The heroic spirit lost its substance, turned into a hazy shadow, and finally collapsed.But heaven and earth still echoed his cry of pain.

"What a superb acting skill." Matsuda pursed his lips sincerely.

"It's too cruel." Shimadzu Nobunaga had tears in his eyes, and his words were quite suggestive.

The man held the hand of the unworthy descendant affectionately, and the other party was frightened as if being burned by a lighter, and tried to run but was caught.

"With you without me tonight!"

The man said viciously, and then poured out the rest of the wine.

The repercussions caused by the broadcast of Sword Sanctuary were beyond everyone's expectations, and the ratings reached a new high.

At the same time, there is a very inconspicuous hashtag on the Twitter trend tonight, and a topic that a few people are laughing at and never tired of.

#Takizawa Satoru Double Kill#

Chapter 150 Six An Impromptu Poem

Sword Sanctuary, the fourth episode, recording studio.

On the screen is a scribbled storyboard with handwritten notes.

The girl and the monster crossed each other and attacked the enemy.The short sword on the right hand reads "Flashing Blue Light", and it keeps slashing at the ape-man monster.While knowingly triggering the gorgeous effect, the ape-man screamed first, and then shattered.

Among the fragments of objects that exploded, the girl whose HP had entered the red zone turned around and found that multiple monsters had already besieged.

Just when she had a premonition of death coming.

A bright and eye-catching knife light flashed across, and in an instant, the monsters were cut in half one after another, shattered and scattered with the sound of screams and destruction.

Under the sea of ​​withered data, a male player in a black coat stood in the distance, slowly putting his long sword into the scabbard behind him, his not strong body exuded the majesty of a strong man.

The storyboard has not even added basic sound effects, and the recording studio is quiet and peaceful.Nobunaga Shimadzu sat on the sofa with a solemn expression. He watched the story of the hero saving the beauty with soaring fashion value, his eyes flickered with envy and thought, and he inadvertently brought himself into the perspective of the strong.

The name of kingship is not groundless.The inspiration in my mind at this moment must be used in my own creation.

"These equipments are enough to reach level five or six. If I go with you, it should be fine." The main character standing at the central microphone position said in a flat tone.Matsuda's sincerity posture is a bit unique. He will stand on tiptoe unconsciously, and the other hand that is not holding the script will cover his ear like pressing an earphone.

"Huh...?" The girl was very vigilant about the help and care for no reason, and she had experienced the death of the familiar and the crisis of her own life and death. She said hesitantly, "Why...you want to help me with this kind of help?" Where is it?"

"It's not a comic plot... If you promise me not to laugh, I'll tell you." Matsuda sincerely muttered softly.

"I promise you." Hidaka Mana said while reading the lines while pointing to the timeline.

"Because...you are very similar to my sister." Matsuda said sincerely and awkwardly.

This answer made the girl in the storyboard couldn't help laughing.Although the paper man hastily covered his mouth with his hand, he still couldn't hold back the smile that came up, Hidaka Mana also covered her mouth and let out a chuckle.

"You clearly promised me not to laugh..." The man in the storyboard had a hurt expression, dropped his shoulders and lowered his head in disappointment.Matsuda Makoto also continued to read the words.But for some reason, the performance of his words gave people a feeling of being unrestrained, and the front and back seemed abrupt.

"Cut." The audio supervisor seized on this big mistake, "Kirito's tone of voice must be embarrassed and low, your tone is too high-spirited, don't laugh with Silica."

"Yes, I'm very sorry." Matsuda sincerely knew that there was a mistake, and quickly bowed to apologize.

"Matsuda-san, I'm too emotional, did it affect you?" Hidaka Mana hugged the script to her chest, and asked at the right time.

"No, no, it's because of the lines. It made me think of other things all of a sudden, and my mind was distracted." Matsuda sincerely felt a little panicked by this honor, "It's none of senior's business at all."

"Lines?" Hidaka Mana was puzzled.

Matsuda scratched his head sincerely, it was rare that he didn't answer the senior's words.

I don't know which nerve was provoked, the sentence "You are very similar to my sister", is related to the sentence "I regard her as my sister".The important thing is that the person involved in the quotation is still sitting in the back, and if he is not careful, the corner of his mouth rises, so he can't control his tone.

Recording continues.

The swordsman and the girl who formed a temporary team and worked together to find the precious props of the revived familiar encountered a guild of villains who wanted to intercept the treasure on the way back.

"What can two people do?" The enemy leader showed a cruel smile, and waved his hand twice.The originally quiet bushes on both sides of the road began to shake violently, and then one figure after another ran out.The ten newly-appeared thieves each put on a standard expression of I am a villain. In the storyboard, the corners of each person's mouth are grinning exaggeratedly.

A new role was added, and the two outsiders finally moved and shared a microphone.Yin Ze and Shimadzu Nobunaga exchanged stereotyped goo-hee treacherous laughter.

"Tong, Brother Kirito, there are too many of them..." Hidaka Mana said worriedly.

"It's fine. Before I ask you to escape, you just need to prepare the crystal and watch it by the side." Matsuda said sincerely with ease.

"Kirito?" The smile disappeared, Shimadzu Nobunaga also muttered to himself, "One-handed sword, but not equipped with a shield, could it be the rumored 'swordsman in black'?!"

"What? Isn't that a master who has been playing all the way since the closed test? This guy is in the strategy team!" Yin Ze pushed Shimadzu Nobunaga away, pointed at Mike, and said in shock and fear.

"It is impossible for the talents from the strategy group to come here to hang out. This guy must be a fake. Besides, even if he is the real one, with so many of us, he is definitely not an opponent!" Said domineeringly.

"Master Raiders, you must have a lot of money and equipment on you, you are such a good prey."

"Not bad, good luck today."

"Isn't it just a fraud sealer, can you beat us all alone? It's not wrong to grab it!"

Yin Ze and Shimadzu Nobunaga each used different voice lines to coax, creating an atmosphere where more than a dozen people shouted together.

"Brother Kirito, it's impossible, let's run away!" Hidaka Mana said extremely worried.

However, the swordsman did not make a sound, was neither afraid nor arrogant, just stood there quietly without moving.Seeing his calmness as giving up, the thieves raised their weapons, like hyenas seeing fresh meat, and rushed to run, hunting the swordsman.

"Oh! Go to hell! You stinky brat!" Nobunaga Shimadzu yelled happily, obviously getting into the drama.

The sword and spear pierced through the frail body of the swordsman dizzyingly, all pointing at the weak point, striking out a critical strike.Bad guys revel in the taste of cathartic violence.However, after attacking vigorously for a long time, the swordsman showed no sign of falling down, but became more energetic.

"What's wrong with you? Hurry up and kill him!" Yoko Kasugano shouted dissatisfied.

"No, no, this guy...why doesn't he lose blood at all?" Yin Ze said in shock.

The thieves took a few steps back in surprise.The swordsman standing in the center finally looked up at everyone.Matsuda said sincerely and calmly, "——400 every ten seconds, this is the total amount of damage you caused me. My level is 78, and the upper limit of health is 14500. The combat recovery skills I have can be recovered every 10 seconds 600 points. To put it bluntly, your output can't even break the hem of my clothes."

"Wow, there is no such thing, it's too exaggerated, I don't admit it!" Yin Ze lost his voice.

Shimadzu Nobunaga also groaned.In my heart, I highly praised this wave of breezy and fashionable scenes, and fantasized about using it in my own creation.

The black-clothed swordsman finally singled out the group of villains, activated the corridor crystal on the spot, and threw the villains one by one into the cold Black Iron Palace Prison.

The extras finished their part-time work and returned to the sofa to watch the performance of the main character.

The red light of the setting sun shone through the window, and the girl successfully revived the familiar.But it also announced that her brief encounter was coming to an end.In the light of twilight, the distant swordsman left only an unforgettable and reassuring blurred silhouette.Holding the newborn blue baby dragon in her palm, she faced the direction the swordsman was leaving with tears welling from her eyes.

"Bina, I have a lot of things I want to tell you. About today's exciting adventure... and about the person who helped us and became my brother for a day." Hidaka Mana narrated in a suppressed crying voice .

The timeline ends here, and the storyboard stops.

"Thank you, please wait for a few minutes. I will sort out the files here. If there is any need to adjust, I will let you know later." The audio supervisor is a middle-aged man with a happy attitude, and he raised his thumbs at them across the workbench.

The voice actors immediately broke away from their work status. Out of respect for the set, they still avoided making unnecessary noises, but they would start talking and chatting with each other.

Matsuda sincerely rushed towards the corner of the sofa immediately, walking in a hurry, like a student going to the cafeteria to grab a seat.But he was caught by Yoko Kasuga in the middle of the journey, and he insisted on pulling him to sit next to him, saying, "I'm making progress again", "Is the pressure of life still high?", "Why did the heroine talk to you before when she only showed her prunus face but didn't say a word?" For the topic, we started a face-to-face life conversation.

"It's obvious that Matsuda has a big deviation from this role, and he can't talk about acting in his true colors, but after listening to the performance, he feels that it must be him, which is really strange." Shimadzu Nobunaga watched under the guidance of the mature female senior, gradually The embarrassing main character rubbed his chin and said.

"Where is the big deviation?" Yin Ze spoke lazily.He leaned on the cushion, seemingly closing his eyes to rest his mind, but he was actually watching the web drama "Undocumented Crime".It happened to be the classic moment when the villain took off the cotton filter and lit the cigarette in reverse.

"It's only the fourth episode, and it's already started to mess with women. This character is absolutely full of luck. Look at the main character..." Nobunaga Shimadzu sighed.

"Oh." Yin Ze replied symbolically, and at the same time adjusted the reverberation of the movie theater in his mind to be more moving.

Suddenly, a young and lively air rushed gently.Not a strong perfume smell, that scent is poisonous.It's a faint fragrance, maybe an ordinary shampoo, fresh and moving, and ordinary.

"...Is he catching up on sleep?" Hidaka Mana leaned forward with her hands behind her back, she closed her eyes after looking at her, clasped her hands together, as peacefully as a boy undergoing an MRI, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"This question is unexpectedly very philosophical." Nobunaga Shimadzu showed a subtle smile, and then kicked the question ball to the person involved, "After all, we can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep."

"Huh——" Master Yin didn't say it clearly, but snored quickly, trying to express his state of mind with hints from the social rules of adults, but unfortunately because of lack of proficiency, he choked and coughed with his eyes wide open.

Hidaka Mana snorted and handed out unopened mineral water.Yin Ze thanked and took it, unscrewed the lid and took a few sips.

"Are you still going to a private school today?" Yin Ze asked casually when he saw that the girl was carrying a schoolbag with her today.

"Yeah." Hidaka Mana nodded lightly.

"You're really hardworking. You're about to go to school, right? Which school do you plan to take?" Yin Ze asked again.

"It's fine within Tokyo, mainly for work reasons, and I can't go to other places."

"It's still a little stressful. The requirements of being able to open a school here are not low. The national ones are more difficult, and the private tuition fees are expensive, but you work ahead of time and earn far more than your peers. This is easy to solve. It's just another word Come back, if the purpose of getting into a good school is to get a better job, you have already done it, and now your career is going well...It seems that it doesn't matter whether you get an exam or not."

"I still want to try my best to get admitted to a good university. Although the schoolwork burden will be heavy. But this is my small wish." Hidaka Aina said, "The word student almost interprets youth."

"It's really a mature thought." Yin Ze praised again.

"In this area, I have to learn a lot from the younger generation. Are you taking care of work and study at the same time now?" Hidaka Aina said softly, "I usually see you on the set, always paralyzed in your position, resting with your eyes closed , must be very tired, right?"

"That's not it."

"Hey, pretending to be cool?" The girl raised her eyebrows.

"Not really..."

"Senior talks to you, it's fine if you don't get up, and you don't ask people to sit down, it's really not big or small." Shimadzu Nobunaga at the side couldn't see it, and made a dark voice.

"Yes, I was negligent. Senior, sit down quickly." Yin Ze quickly stood up and invited him with both hands.

"On the road of life, you are my senior." Hidaka Mana shook her head, "What's more, I ask you for advice. The teachers in the private school always praise me for doing a good job, and use it as an example for other students. Explain it."

"It's not worth mentioning because it's easy to do. You come up with a question." Yin Ze nodded as usual.

"That's troublesome again, Master Master." Hidaka Mana sat down next to the boy, and skillfully took out the textbooks and workbooks from her schoolbag.

What kind of picture is this?

The girl in the summer school uniform bent slightly, her beautiful black hair hung down, and the figure of that person was reflected in her eyes.There is almost no need for deliberate guidance, and the corners of the mouth will be raised unconsciously.The boy sat with a relaxed posture, as if he had just finished a basketball match against the class next door, his handsome and handsome face was full of green and beautiful.The sound of cicadas is the countdown bell outside the window, and the scores of the examination papers are the climbing vines.

"The Punic War Rome got the first state, Sicily."

"The other two in the triumvirate with Caesar are the most basic and must-remember content..."

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