"Octavian joined forces with Cleopatra of Egypt in the Battle of Actium and defeated Mark Antony..."

"In order to exclude Catholicism from school education and political activities, Bismarck suppressed Catholics and tried to completely separate church and state..."

"It's a bit difficult, but the basic test of historical facts does not require too much discussion and evaluation. This is the style of reference from Dongda University. It focuses on basic academic ability and logic, and does not need to memorize many words. The difficulty of Waseda and Keio is relatively simple, but the key words , You have to memorize the names of people and places. Oh, in a national university, a bridge is quite difficult." Yin Ze took out the experience taught by the director of Mediterranean education and the iron-blooded educator, Principal Gu Quan, and gradually analyzed it.

"It's as if I can take the exam." Hidaka Mana rolled her eyes.

"You...are studying?" Shimadzu Nobunaga looked at the scene where the two were holding the textbook together, feeling a little dazed. The hardcore content was far from the conversation he had imagined.

"This is really strange. I'm a college student, and she's a high school student. Is there something wrong with discussing knowledge together?" Yin Ze turned his head, a little contemptuously, "Do you think everyone is like you, doing unrealistic two-dimensional all day long?" A writer's dream?"

"You, why do you humiliate people with such empty words?" Nobunaga Shimadzu widened his eyes, "I also served as the president of the student council when I was studying, and I was a role model and role model in the eyes of teachers and students. The famous works at home and abroad embellish the soul more brilliantly, I ask you to apologize for your gaffe!"

"That's right, it's too much." Mana Hidaka, who is polite and polite, poked the boy with her finger.

"It's like quarreling between husband and wife and kneeling on the remote control board, but it's just a joke between brothers." Yin Ze pushed her troublesome fingers away, "Actually, I have always admired him very much. When I first met him, I thought he was a force. .Speaking of which, I haven't seen you doing hypocritical literature for a long time. Although it's a bit rusty, but in front of Mr. Taisawa, can you express yourself on the spot and improvise a poem on the spot? Let people know the background of your Qingyi office?"

"No, no, no, my poems are all critical." Shimadzu Nobunaga declined.

"It's okay, let's fix it." Yin Ze yelled.

"Then let me try." Shimadzu Nobunaga looked around the surrounding environment, looked at the two people in front of him, and looked at the elder brother who kept rolling his sleeves to wipe sweat in the distance, pondered for a moment, and said slowly, "The sound on the set The supervisory feedback echoed, saying that the main character is impermanent, the rules of the workplace are all shattered, and now the vicissitudes of life are turning and declining, and the extravagance and lust will not last long, like a dream on a spring night, the strong beam and domineering will eventually be destroyed, like the falling stars——!"

"Oh!" Hidaka Mana applauded in surprise, "It's amazing."

"Haha, it's a casual work, not worth mentioning, and there are metaphors in it, all for the sake of literature, don't go into it." Nobunaga Shimadzu smiled heartily.

"That's really strong, Brother Shimadzu." A certain person reluctantly agreed with the presence of outsiders.

"So-so, Takizawa-san~"

"Sorry for delaying everyone, I'm sure this is the only version, and everyone can get off work." The audio supervisor's generous voice sounded.

"It's time to get off work!" Hearing these words, Yin Ze jumped up from the sofa as if he had lived a second life.

"It's time to get off work." Matsuda sincerely heard this sentence, and also showed a joyful expression, like a student who was detained in school and finally waited until the head teacher received a call from her husband asking her to go back to have dinner, and thus liberated, "Yoko-san, Please teach me more next time."

"Are you in a hurry to leave? Are there any arrangements in the future?" Kasugano Yoko still had something to say, she felt that she was talking about the key point.

"Uh, no." Matsuda was taken aback sincerely.

"That's easy, let's go have dinner together." Kasugano Yoko nodded with satisfaction, "You are just starting out, life is difficult, so let me treat you as a senior."


"Hey, do you want to come too?" Yoko Kasugano enthusiastically sent out the invitation, "Our family's signature newcomer, Hidaka-chan from Taisawa, and Qingyi's trickster."

"How did I collapse here?" Shimadzu Nobunaga was heartbroken.

"Is that the case, if you are not happy, you are not counted?"

"Whether you like it or not depends on what delicacies you will eat." Shimadzu Nobunaga said deeply.

"Senior Rigao is going to a private school later..." Yin Zezheng explained.

"It's okay, I can go, I can ask for a leave from the private school, after all, it was Kasugano-san's invitation, and to put it bluntly, this is the communication between Em and Taizawa." Hidaka Mana raised her head.

Do the two have such high status in the company that they directly rose to the diplomatic level?

"Okay, let's go." Kasugano Yoko looked like a big sister of the underworld.

Chapter 150 Seventh

Colleague receptions after get off work are half-push and half-do social events. For some salted fish who desperately hope to cut work out of their lives, this is the dross of workplace socialization.After finishing the work, you have to accompany the leader to drink until your stomach twitches. Don’t you see that there are corpses scattered in the flower beds, and countless electric poles are sitting under the poles. Japanese office workers have suffered for a long time!

Now, master Yin, who wasted his time thinking about going back to the house to lie dead, was asked to accompany him by the name of a straight mature female senior. For this, he was totally...unable to refuse.

Under Yin Ze's recommendation, everyone chose an old shop with a sense of time.

In the era of rapid development, there are smartly operated fashionable restaurant chains everywhere. In the posters on the wall, endorsement stars hold their thumbs up and say "sugoi".But in the end, this kind of evergreen tree hidden in the corner of the street is the best.

The elderly couple was very busy in the kitchen, and the daughter who came home from school thoughtfully ran to the front hall wearing an apron.After more than ten years of precipitation and improvement, the simple home-cooked dishes also have the thick and delicious taste that does not lose to high-end restaurants.A small plate of cold appetizers, with a few sips of sake, close your eyes and listen to the old songs on the old player and the laughter and sighs of the diners in the house, all the flavors of life are close at hand.

Panting, suppressing the heartbeat.

You smiled and said, long time no see.

Still laughing at me for being so stupid, why bother to hurry.

Even sweating.

For some reason, I am looking forward to you today, as if I met a different woman.

—— "Jun wa Rose より美しい"

Limited by the aging of the machine, the sound quality of the song is not very good, but the noise of wear and tear brings out the sense of time, and the mellow romance of middle-aged and elderly men reaches the soft heart.Yin Ze lowered his eyes, his slender eyelashes were trembling, and the small wine cup shook slightly with the melody.

"Unexpectedly, the reposter of photo resources who is highly respected by young people on Twitter is a person who loves nostalgia like old wine in private." Shimadzu Nobunaga looked at him enjoying himself, "...Your taste is so old-fashioned, Maybe we can have a good chat with my dad."

"What do you know, old doesn't mean obsolete." Yin Ze sipped slowly, the old god was there, "During the [-]s, [-]s, and [-]s, the war ceased, and the multi-polarization of the world was formally formed. The economy is recovering, information is being transmitted faster, and different cultures have begun to collide fiercely. During this period, how many great creations were born in this melting pot of inspiration. So far, we have only innovated on the basis of our predecessors. Think carefully. , if there is another era of embers like this, it may only be the interstellar era."

"Are you really from Heisei?" Kasugano Yoko felt that the way he squinted and sipped his wine at this time was no different from the hairy-legged uncle at the next table, and the movement of peeking at the waiter's thigh perfectly fit the TV series The image of a sloppy old man.

"When I had dinner with the audio supervisor and other old people, they said the same thing." Yin Ze said reservedly, "But it's okay, I'm not particularly old, like what they say about Noh Kyogen and geisha performances, I don't have a cold, but I have a lot of interest in Sichuan Opera Face Changing."

"No wonder you get along well with those old uncles." Yoko Kasugano suddenly realized.

"In order to take shortcuts in career, I invite older people to drink and chat in old shops and talk about the past, and tutor younger seniors with homework. Do what you like, and make precise shots. It's really a deep castle." Nobunaga Shimadzu conspired Discussion.

"In order to clear the obstacles, I also despicably poisoned the food and drinks of my colleagues." Yin Ze said, and sprinkled chili powder on brother Shimadzu's grilled fish, making the latter let out a cry of heartbreak.

"Are you trying to say that you are a traditional person?" Kasugano Yoko crossed her hands and propped up her chin, exuding the strange aura of a black-bellied commander.

"A good man doesn't distinguish between traditional and trendy. I think a man's goodness can only be known by the woman next to him. It's just who is the poison and who is your treasure?" Yin Ze said casually, waving his hands.By the way, he unscrewed the bottle cap of the large liter bottle of orange juice that was newly delivered to the table, got up and poured it for the two women who did not drink.

"Oh, what a gentleman, it's too obvious that he's so attentive." Yoko Kasugano snorted when she saw her newcomer pouring drinks for Taisawa's senior with both hands.

The man was a little puzzled when he felt the sights that came in unison.

Strange, how can a gentleman be courteous after pouring water, and he would put braised elbows for a female classmate who is determined to lose weight.

"Takizawa-kun~ I've run out of drinks too~" Shimadzu Nobunaga was acting like a demon again.Immediately received a cold and rude answer.

"You don't have hands?"

"Hey, I'm not happy with the difference." Shimadzu Nobunaga pouted angrily like a young girl who was hurt by a domineering boyfriend, and tapped the mouth of the bowl with chopsticks.

"You don't seem normal these days..." Matsuda sincerely moved his body away calmly. He is indeed not good at dealing with the opposite sex, but this does not mean that he is infatuated with the same sex.

It was Hidaka Mana who took the initiative to pick up the thin and straight sake bottle and filled the glass for Nobunaga Shimadzu, who was very useful.

"Oh, this flower girl with a small beard is so arrogant. She even asked senior to pour wine on her own initiative, and she accepted it with peace of mind." This time it was Master Yin's turn to be a little unhappy. Just keep your mouth open.

Seeing this, Hidaka Mana, who was still holding the sake bottle, also stretched out the cup towards his cup, but Yin Ze is not an incompetent young man, how dare he dare, and in order to be with the real young man Comparing the differences in their respective lives, he quickly reached out to cover the cup noodles, and said kindly, "I'll do it myself."

Hidaka Mana tilted her head, as if a little puzzled, but she still gave him the bottle.After the man finished pouring it and put it on the table, Senior Junior took away the bottle again, this time pouring wine for Matsuda Shinko, the latter who was always trembling, nodded and accepted as usual.

At this second, Master Yin frowned, realizing that things were not simple.There was a speculation in his heart about cultural differences and acclimatization.

"Hey, that, that, do the people here prefer others to pour their wine? Will it taste better this way?" the man whispered.

"Isn't it normal for a girl to pour wine for a boy?" Yoko Kasugano said, "It's polite."

"What, I'm the passive side? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Yin Ze was slightly startled.

"No, it's always been girls, it's an unwritten wine table rule." Shimadzu Nobunaga explained.

"What if they are strangers who don't know each other?" Yin Ze asked.

"I want it too, and if it's a stranger, you have to show face to others, right?" Shimadzu Nobunaga said.

"...Is there any special case?" Yin Ze asked.

"That's a boyfriend and girlfriend who are in a relationship. It's normal for a boyfriend to pour drinks and pick up vegetables for his girlfriend." Nobunaga Shimadzu smiled bewilderedly, showing his white teeth.

The man's face was stiff. He never thought that Han Xiangzi, a famous wine shop, would make such a novice mistake.Before, he used to drink with Bo Jing and other rough guys. As a young pioneer who grew up under the bright red flag, he didn't know this cold knowledge of the island country.

Such presumptuous and distorted etiquette is simply the aftermath of the feudal society. If you mess around with machismo like this, you will be punished by the Big Dipper, and you will be apologetic.

"It's not all right, some elder brothers poured it for the younger generation." Matsuda added sincerely.

The man's complexion turned warm, and he smiled, "Then it's very reasonable. Ms. Hidaka is not only my senior in work, but also my junior in age. In public and private, I should be considerate and courteous. It's not because I'm ignorant." .”

"Private gatherings, don't go online, you don't need to return to seniors and juniors." Rigao Aina drank orange juice, smiling into a pair of crescent moons.

"Yes, yes, it's not working hours, don't be nervous." Shimadzu Nobunaga followed closely behind.

"Is there something in your words?" Yin Ze turned his head suddenly. He always felt that these bastards were tending to move closer to the sinister villains in the animation, and their eyes and attitude were irritating.

"No, I've always been upright." Shimadzu Nobunaga maintained a hypocritical smile, leisurely.

Kasugano Yoko kept nodding, and then looked at Matsuda, who was sitting at the corner of the table, quiet and reticent. She sighed like a big sister from a mafia family who hated iron and steel when she found out that her younger brother would be bullied by a group of bad girls on campus.

"I remember that you let go of your bold words, you want to become a novelist, you want to redefine the writing method of light novels? After so much tossing, has it improved?" Yoko Kasugano asked the only voice actor on the table who hadn't been the main character yet. .

"Several outlines have been killed. Although they all have the potential of millions of levels, my goal is tens of millions. If you want to conquer readers, you must first conquer yourself. Soon, soon, my painstaking work is about to was born." Nobunaga Shimadzu said with ample leeway, "If you have investment acumen, you should ask me for my signature now."

"Does this mean that you haven't started writing yet?" Hidaka Mana said with a half-knowledge.

"It moved, but it didn't move." Yin Ze said, "I wrote it, but it's basically nonsense, which means I didn't write it."

"This is a lie. What you have read are all experimental products. You have not read my real masterpiece." Shimadzu Nobunaga stroked the satchel, which contained his pride and his soul, "This time the Lightning Library Contest, I'm going to come out on top."

"The pioneer of carbon-based bioaesthetics has a new draft?" Yin Zepi smiled, "What kind of advanced art is this time?"

"Forget it, I was invited to dinner today, so I released some information in advance to add to the fun." Shimadzu Nobunaga cautiously took out a stack of copy paper fixed with a back-end clip from his satchel, as if it was as valuable as an order of hundreds of millions.

Yin Ze, who was sitting next to him, took it directly and took a closer look.

I didn't take it seriously at first, but gradually I became dumbstruck.

"Demon Front"

"The key university student Shimada Nobugen disappeared in an experimental explosion because of his research on controllable nuclear fusion. When he woke up, he found that he was not dead, but came to another world with another identity. This is a world of swords and magic. There is no strict rules. Science, yes, is just swordsmanship and forbidden spells that have been multiplied to the peak! In the depths of the devil world where coldness and darkness coexist, nine huge celestial demon corpses guard the ancient golden coffin, which has existed forever. And a divorce letter opened the letter. From an extraordinary road to saving the world and hunting demons..."

I am grass! !

The man's heart was frantic like a sea wave because of these words.Thunder and lightning ignited the fire, burning the soul with heat.

"You, who are you?" Yin Ze's palm holding the manuscript trembled slightly, his eyes stared like copper bells.

"This appearance, could it be that I was overwhelmed by my work?" Nobunaga Shimadzu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled proudly, "Although I don't want to admit it, but your suggestions and ideas are good. I stayed up all night thinking about it, and finally came up with it. With this edition set, the book will definitely stir up the industry."

That's right brother, brother is too right.

"How about this, did you make a move?" Shimadzu Nobunaga held his head high.

This time it's not a joke, Yin Ze pondered for a long time, and finally could only sigh with emotion, "The posture of the great emperor..."

Chapter 150 Eighth Pride

"Thanks for your hard work."

It was the end of another drinking party. People who were dizzy from drinking, people who had difficulty distinguishing things helped each other go home, and those who couldn't walk were resisted by everyone and got into a taxi.Everyone swore that he would never vomit, but the well-informed driver still took out a plastic bag and hung it on the drunk's chest.

Matsuda, who was also on alcohol, waved goodbye to his colleagues in the production team, turned around alone, and walked unsteadily along the brick pattern of the sidewalk.

The street lights of the city are flickering, proclaiming the darkness of the night, and the crowds of people are silent, drowning in the noisy street.

There is no night here, the noise and glare have forgotten the memories of the dark night in my hometown in the endless running time.The dim moonlight and the highly saturated neon echo each other, respectively telling the loneliness in the sky and the prosperity in the world.Matsuda, who was washed by beer and sake in turn, looked around in a daze, feeling an inexplicable nostalgia and sadness for no reason.

The screen of the mobile phone is on and off, the phone book is clicked and closed, looking at the names of the parents, a long shadow is drawn behind him.

There is a saying that "report good news but not bad news. He has good news now, but he doesn't know what he is afraid of, so he still doesn't dial it out in the end.

A city is a place where millions of people live alone together.

He can see the loneliness behind the bustling city. If everyone does not have heavy foundation on their faces, their smiles may be more cordial and natural, and people may communicate better and become friends.

That's why the honest and self-sufficient type is so rare and has become the central topic of discussion.

Matsuda sincerely walked towards the small building, the room with no lights on was his own room.

I don’t know since when, the small rented house with dusty walls is not as deserted as before. Although every time I open the door to greet myself, it is still dark, but the feeling of “going home” is gradually deepening. The phrase “I’m back” There is also temperature.

Matsuda sincerely collapsed on the sofa, gasping out strong alcohol-smelling gasps, rubbing his temples to relieve fatigue, his alcohol capacity can only be said to be average, even some girls can't drink.But even though it was uncomfortable, he still couldn't forget to turn on the TV.The room was filled with various sound effects of the animation.

Matsuda sincerely also plays Twitter. Although it is not as intensive as some people's operation, and he does not aspire to be the godfather of cultural youth, he still does the publicity that should be done, and he will forward the news like ordinary netizens.

Some philosophers have said that vanity and greed are the two culprits of human beings, and among them, vanity is the most difficult to eradicate.

He is not unavoidable, after having some small achievements, he will also be curious about the evaluation from others.

The enthusiasm of "Sword Sanctuary" also spread to him as the main character.It is obvious that the number of visits to my Twitter account and blog has suddenly increased.

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