"When I knew that Matsuda had this problem and his career stopped. I, I don't know how to put it, I have known him for so long, and we have been friends for so long. In addition to feelings of surprise and worry... ...There is even a tinge of rejoicing.

"I don't even know what I'm happy about."

"On the way here, I was always thinking about how to comfort him. However, the happiness deep in my heart made me sick several times." Iwahira Suruga gritted his teeth, his face was a little sad, but also a little hideous, "I and Like the classmate who attacked him, I feel from the bottom of my heart that Matsuda shouldn’t have developed so well and got too many grades—I’m as ugly as that guy.”

Yin Ze was silent for a few seconds. He took out a cigarette case from his pocket, "Would you like one? It's a brand of peace, strong."

"Sorry, not very good at it." Iwahira Suruga shook his head, and added by the way, "...the store manager I work for seems to be smoking this kind, too. It has a strong smell. If possible, I should give it up earlier, yes Not healthy either. And smoking doesn't solve anything."

"Hey, no one smokes to solve the problem." The man chuckled, and put one in his mouth. The lighter was smoothly held in the palm of his hand. He shook it, but he never lit it.

"I used to have the same idea, too." Yin Ze said suddenly.

"What?" Iwadaira Suruga looked at him.

"Jealous." Yin Ze bit his unlit cigarette, "The companion who has been with him day and night, somehow opened his mind, fluttered his wings, and fluttered to the sky that he couldn't touch. The place is different, and we can chat There are fewer and fewer, as if they are strangers, and in the end, they only have to like in the circle of friends and say a few words of blessing during the holidays, which is really uncomfortable. On the one hand, I regret this friendship, and on the other hand, I think that I am not successful enough."

Friends I haven’t seen for a long time, I don’t know what reason to ask about your life.

"I'll go up and have a look, are you coming?" Yin Ze took off the cigarette and stuffed it back into the box.

"No, let's talk about it in a few days, in a few days. In fact, you came just in time, and I still can't get over the hurdle in my heart." Iwahira Suruga patted the man's shoulder, then turned and left, just took a few steps, "That's right , I have already told all the contemporaries I know about this matter, that person is very dishonorable. In the future, everyone should not communicate with him. It will only be more difficult for him to continue in this industry. There's no chance to get ahead."

"See you when you have time." Yin Ze waved his hand, "Come on."

"You too." Iwahira Suruga gave a thumbs up.


The painted security door opened.

"Heyman, what'sup?" Yin Ze stood outside the door with one hand propped on the wall, his waist crossed.

"It's so late, why are you here?" Matsuda sincerely didn't look very surprised.

"Come here if you want, anyway, there are no outsiders in your room." Yin Ze walked in through the door familiarly, and found his own pair of Big Big Wolf slippers in the shoe cabinet with ease. "Treasure the free time that you can visit now if you want to visit. When you talk to someone in the future, it will be impossible. Your girlfriend will talk about you from morning to night, and you can no longer have a good night with your good brother. Even going out to drink is like Like a spy on the run."

"Why isn't it on?" Yin Ze sat on the sofa and grabbed the peanuts on the table.He looked up at the flickering lights on the ceiling and asked.

"The lightbulb has reached the end of its life." Matsuda sincerely came over and sat down.

"It's time to change." Yin Ze said.

"No need." Matsuda said sincerely.

"It's so inconvenient to be blinded by black lights, do you still have night vision goggles?"

"Well, I don't necessarily live here."

"It's really picky, but it tastes right." Yin Ze peeled the peanuts, "Have you found a better and cheaper one? Can you walk to the nearest subway station in 20 minutes? Can you recommend it to my brothers?"

"Not necessarily in Tokyo anymore."

"You don't want to commute by Shinkansen every day, do you?"

"It's Hokkaido." Matsuda said sincerely, "Obihiro City, my hometown."

The light bulb in the living room flickered feebly.

Yin Ze accurately threw a crispy peanut into his mouth, he saw the open suitcase on the floor, "You miss home?"

"A little bit." Matsuda nodded sincerely, "It's been several years, and I've only had a few phone calls with my family."

"Are you going back to Tokyo?"

"I don't know..." Matsuda folded his hands sincerely, "The agent talked to me, and hoped that I would say something about the situation before canceling the account, but I don't want to. Sword Sanctuary's ratings are very high, and even I was banned by more I got to know each other, and it is said that the firm has follow-up arrangements, but after all, I have caught the audience arguing for more than dozens of floors. Now I go to the audition. Even if I pass, the producer will have to think about it. Because if the voice actor himself leaves a bad impression on the audience, it will also affect the character work itself. So the arrangement for me is temporarily put on hold.”

"Not expulsion, but stay in school for probation." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"It's not that harsh." Matsuda replied sincerely and helplessly, "...but the meaning is probably the same."

"They should have confidence in you, but the business still has to talk about profit and loss. If you really can't get up, you can't put all the good things on you like this. In a way...at least the broker's The stomach and liver will be happy," Yin Ze said.

"My luck is very good. I entered the office within the deadline, met so many friends, and had two leading roles. It should be used up." Matsuda said calmly, unable to feel happy or sad, "This The cruelty of a line, after I actually entered, I realized more profoundly. Stalling is equivalent to saying goodbye. Too many people exited in this state of being inseparable from the set."

"Didn't you say before that it would be nice if you could contribute your voice, and you don't care about popularity." Yin Ze asked.

"Now I think so too." Matsuda breathed out sincerely and silently, "But am I really suitable?"

"Then how about your hometown, how is it compared with this Tokyo?" Yin Ze threw a few peanuts over.

"Cold, there are many old people on the street, and there are few changes in the city." Matsuda sincerely opened his palm to catch it, and said impression words.

"It sounds very clean, quite suitable for fishing."

"There is Yachiyo public breeding ranch, which can graze more than 1500 cows in summer. There is an art gallery, and children's art exhibitions will be organized for children on weekends." Matsuda sincerely recalled, "Traveling there is quite fun, but the southwest coast is different. Lake hot springs, as well as rubber boats and hot air balloon flight experience. Tokachigawa hot springs are next to the sightseeing base, and there is always a lot of traffic.”

"So good?" Yin Ze paused, "The consumption must be cheaper than Tokyo, right?"

"But since I grew up there, I don't find it very interesting." Matsuda shook his head sincerely.

"What do you plan to do when you go back to your hometown?" Yin Zerao asked with interest, "Sure enough, it's car repair?"

"If possible, it is best to enter a repair shop." Matsuda sincerely showed a peaceful smile, "Actually, I have thought about it a long time ago, starting as an apprentice first, and then working in a branch shop. And, hey, you may not know , Obihiro City is the venue for the Japanese station of the World Rally Championship. So if one day the technology is completed, maybe you can modify and adjust the professional racing car by yourself!"

"Good guy, this step by step is pretty solid. It's much more practical than you being a voice actor." Yin Ze praised, "Not bad, not bad, it's a good route to fight for a lifetime. If that's the case, then when I go to Hokkaido, I will first Find a job as a children's art teacher in the art gallery you mentioned, save enough money, and open a spring, winter and summer interest class."

Matsuda's sincere smile subsided slightly.

"In the future, the network will be more developed and the network speed will be faster. Then I will take advantage of the situation and open an online digital painting training institution. The name is, uh, called Riel Education. Well, it is foreign, with an international style. etc. Once it is done, I will hire other first-line painters to teach, and I will be the shopkeeper, and then I will go to Turin, Fomei, Repin and other world art academies to study gold plating, hold several exhibitions, spend money to publicize, and become a master of the new generation. Fame and fortune are just around the corner!" Yin Ze's eyes flashed with the light of money.

"You, are you going to Hokkaido?" Matsuda sincerely didn't listen to those ambitious declarations.


"What are you going to do in Obihiro City?" Matsuda repeated sincerely, "You still want to study at Todai University."

"Hokkaido University belongs to the same national level, and it is quite strong. If you think about it, it is not bad to be an internal exchange student to study humanities." Yin Ze explained, "The difficulty of the plan lies in the first step, which is Talk to the dean, according to the experience of my brothers and sisters, I should not be able to escape the skinning torture..."

"What about the seiyuu work? How can you do activities without Tokyo?" Matsuda said sincerely and hastily.

"I won't do it." Yin Ze said casually while biting the peanuts.


"What did you say?" Matsuda was sincerely a little shocked.

"Don't do it."

"Are you crazy?!" Matsuda growled sincerely in disbelief, and he spoke quickly, "Do you need someone to tell you how good you are now? Several sound supervisors are very fond of you, especially Director Nagasaki, It can be regarded as a year-end friendship! There are still your ghosts and animals on the N station, with more than 100 million views. The same is true for broadcasting. There are so many fans submitting articles for each issue. Bo Jingsang told me categorically that in a few years, you will definitely Will become a super popular adult voice actor—"

"Stop." The man motioned him not to recite the scriptures first, and then said seriously, "If, if even a person like you can't make achievements in this industry, then I don't need to do it. It's not about success or failure, profit or loss, simple Whether it's worth it or not."

You came over the mountains, but they laughed at your feet covered with mud.

"You are hidden because of this, and if you quit because of this in the end, then I will quit too." Yin Ze smiled, stretched out his hand and patted the other party's shoulder vigorously, "You came to Tokyo alone. It's okay. On the way home, there is Brother is with you."


Matsuda sincerely opened his eyes wide, wanted to speak forcefully, and responded with a more serious attitude, but he choked up uncontrollably.It's not that I want to cry, it's just that I feel sad as hell.

"For someone like me... for a guy like me who can't even hold on to his dreams, you have to give up these things? You can graduate from the best university here, you can become the best voice actor, you can be young You have the achievements that others dream of, you are more social, and you will never lack friends in the future, why do you want friends like me, people like me—"

"Then why do you fight for me and others with hundreds of thousands of people? You still think that the big deal is to throw away your dreams and drag them back to your hometown? I have to be righteous, buddy. And..."


The man was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head to look at the night sky outside the window.

It's really strange.

Looking at the night like this, looking at the bright moon, I have the illusion that I have not gone far, and I am still in place.

he said softly.

"I also came to Tokyo alone."

Matsuda sincerely pushed his hand away, turned his face to another direction, and wiped his eyes vigorously with his palm.

"Are you just thinking about going home and not checking your phone?" The man picked up the phone on the table and handed it over.

Matsuda took it sincerely, only to realize that he had many unread messages.

"Pure Moon Man: Damn, I originally wanted to repost the one I liked the most, but the manager noticed it in advance and confiscated my account. It's okay, brother, I haven't played the main role yet, no Happy every day? You also cheer up, find time to come out to eat, drink and sing, I treat you. PS: Don’t call Takizawa. →_→”

"Iwadaira Suruga: The identity of that troublemaker has been exposed by me. Don't take it to heart, can everyone still not know you?"

"Jia Chengyao: Compared to the difficulties we encountered in cultivation, this trouble is nothing, let's go all out! b( ̄▽ ̄)d"

"Bojing Ippei: Don't worry, don't be impatient. Even if the office doesn't make any moves in the end, I can still drink some popular main characters for you. Just kidding, who doesn't know that my liver is the strongest in the Tokyo circle? PS: Don't do this. Tell Takizawa."

"Nakajima Maji: What you did is not wrong. We are free. Let's go to the children's amusement park again. I have saved a lot of discount coupons. Oh, by the way, there is also authentic imported fermented bean curd, I will send you a bottle .PS: Remember not to disclose it to Takizawa, you understand.”

"Yoko Kasugano: I am very happy to have a junior like you. Sometimes you are still very handsome. ^_^"

"Haruka Maeda: tgtg, if you want to thank you, please let me and other people say it face to face on the next set. Don't be affected by it. The production team is looking forward to your wonderful performance next time. Your performance is great. !ヾ(?°?°?)ノ?”

"Mature and stable adults: there will always be some bad things on the Internet, don't be discouraged."

"Haneda Mari: Please don't lose your fighting spirit."

"Mizukura Yui: Mr. Matsuda... I am really happy to work with you. You are a very gentle person. I hope to work together again in the future. Be sure to work hard (*?▽?*)"


There is too much news.

There are classmates, contemporaries, colleagues, seniors, staff on the set, sound supervisor, director...

Matsuda sincerely kept wiping away tears with his sleeves, but the tears could not stop.

After coming to Tokyo, it was the first time that I cried so much.

Indeed, in this city, there are always more hard memories.But now, those happy, beautiful, and cherished things are all in front of me at once.

He seemed to hear the crisp and sweet sound of clinking glasses again, and he laughed so happily.

The warm wind passing by the quiet lake will leave sparkling waves, and the years walking through the ancient forest will leave rings of growth rings.He, too, left a lot behind.

"I'm leaving first, there are documents that haven't been sent yet." Yin Ze stretched out his fist, lightly touched Matsuda's sincere arm, and went to the door to change his shoes again.

"Have you ever regretted anything?" Matsuda looked back at him sincerely with red eyes.

"Yes, there are too many." Yin Ze said while tying his shoelaces, "But it's pretty good. If you really have no regrets in life, how much fun will you lose?"

"I might regret not being a car mechanic."

"pretty good."

"I closed the door for you."

Yin Ze stood in the corridor and went downstairs. After walking a few steps, he took out the pack of cigarettes as if remembering something.


He let out a long breath.

Holding the cigarette case and looking at the trash can outside, the man hesitated a bit.

He approached, half intending to throw the cigarette away.But at the end, like the gambler Stud, he withdrew his hand worrying about gains and losses.

Is this a bit too direct?

Why don't you compromise first?

Start with banning flue-cured tobacco from menthol tobacco?

The man rode on the Pretty Woman and drove to the nearest convenience store.


"Give me a pack of mint cigarettes, please."

sequence odd and trace

Most of the museums and art galleries in Japan are created by famous architects.Tokyo is a small place, but there are many large and small museums and art galleries, whether it is national, private, modern art, or contemporary art, non-mainstream... Those who are interested will find that the tourist collection map is actually a building division map.

The National Museum of Western Art is located in Ueno Park.The exhibition works at the beginning of its establishment are mainly Impressionist paintings and sculptures from the early 19th century to the early 20th century.

Now the museum has collected more than 4000 pieces of Western paintings and sculptures.From Rodin to Rubens and Renoir, to Monet and Gauguin, it's all covered.It is often carried out under the theme of "Western Painting and Sculpture from the Late Middle Ages to the Early 20th Century", and then you can see the collections of the masters mentioned above.

The Japanese are really fond of Impressionism, and wealthy bosses in modern times also like to collect these masterpieces.

"In a sense, it is also a manifestation of Japan's 'modernization'. After the Meiji Restoration, people began to admire Western science, culture and art. The collection also mostly reflects their desire to connect with the international community. Such a large number of European medieval works, in Asia It is still rare in art galleries in the region." Holding a glass of iced lemonade, Yin Ze said vaguely while biting the straw.

"You don't have to explain everything, it will make me look ignorant." Sakura Mio also held a cup of iced fragrant milk tea, biting the straw.

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