"walk slowly."

College students and high school students raised glasses with the same right hand and stood side by side with their left pockets in their pockets. After admiring it for a few minutes, they moved and continued shopping.

The spacious corridor is covered with reddish-brown carpets, the shoes are lifeless, and there are rows of oil paintings of masters hanging on the walls.The small lights on the zenith hang down, like the brilliance sprinkled on the stage, and the glory fragments of another dimension. The bright stars that have passed away embrace everyone who walks here.


On a bright and comfortable day, Master Yin wanted to continue to sleep, but the toolman No. [-] student Sakura sent a message, wanting to make an appointment to fight the night of fierce battle video games.In fact, since Nobunaga Shimadzu, the No. [-] man with a better tool, men seldom played prize matches with the No. [-] team.But in the mood of remembering bitterness and sweetness, he readily accepted.

It’s just that time has changed, and when he entered the video game city with the No. [-] machine, the old buddies around him who were defeated at the time pointed at him and laughed, saying something like "ruin", "self-destructive man", "piercing his own gun", " Bible Maker".Say something weird and rude.

After finally finding a clean place to fight, the older brother approached shyly like a girl in Huaichun, with a blush on his chubby cheeks like a throbbing love affair, and said that he hoped to get his autograph.Master Yin first frowned with the burden of being an idol, and then mercifully agreed to everything the fans had.

But the moment the fan took out the colored paper, the man realized that the matter was not simple, and his heart skipped a beat.

On the self-made colored paper, two characters are pasted on the left blue dragon and the right white tiger, namely the Silver Knight and the Heroic Spirit with Two Guns.The logo of the Nightmare Girl Broadcasting is glued in the center, and at the bottom is a string of excerpts of quotations - "No one loses next", and a row of Noonelostnext is turned over in a very flamboyant machine, which looks very international. In addition, there are half Empty fonts floated on the paper, such as "We will meet a master with this hand", "I will prove who is the peerless master", "Give me Lao Yuan, if you don't win the chop hand", "What's wrong with him, the shadow of collapse?" Press me?"...

Wang Defa, why don't you use this super summon to kill the gun king? !

Yin Ze held a signature pen and couldn't do it for a long time, and finally gave his real name with dedication... After all, although the composition is a bit complicated, in a certain way, this is really a die-hard fan.

But I didn't expect God's mercy to be considered cowardice by the people of desire.First, the elder brother who committed the crime of arrogance came to joke, and then the elder brother who committed the crime of greed, with a sincere look, I hope he will perform that again.

Unknowingly, the faces of these people gradually overlapped with those of the staff who committed the crime of gluttony.

I wanted to communicate with you as a high-end player reclusive in the city, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was indifference.

Yin Ze took Tool Man No. [-] and fled tactically.

Those single dog players who have been oppressed for a long time, seeing the oppressors retreat for the first time, burst into tears, cheered, hugged and told each other. After killing all the dogs, this is the first time the Alliance Army has won, and it is worthy of being recorded in the history of the construction of the video game city.

On the main street of Shinjuku, the two stood in the crowded crowd and looked at each other.

"Where are you going now? I can do it." Yin Ze asked.

"Coffee shop? Aquarium? Bookstore?" Sakura Mio sound thought about several places.

"Vulgar, unattractive." The man shook his head.

"Singing in karaoke?" the girl said again.

"Too few people, not enough atmosphere, can't get excited." The man shook his head again.

At this time, a pretty girl walked by on the street, with a pure face, a hot figure, a navel dress and hot pants, and a twisting waist, full of charms of plump women, which many compatriots cannot avoid He cast his gaze away, either admiring, admiring, or nodding.It is simply a replica of "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

Then each turned to face the death stare from their girlfriends.

Yin Ze is the warrior who has been looking at beautiful girls for the longest time on this street, and the latter even threw a charming smile at this generous handsome brother.

"A confident person is always beautiful." After a while, the man finally looked away.

"The eyes are straight, so pretty?" The girl curled her lips slightly, her voice slightly cold.

"Nonsense, it's not good-looking, who stared at it for so long?" The man was confident, and then he looked sad, caressing the air, "The autumn wind added a bit of coolness, shaking off the broken flowers on the ground. The frailty of time makes people grow old, and the joy is clear." Shallow and broken. Alas..."

Master Yin sighed old-fashionedly, and walked towards Shengyang with his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of a layman.Sakura Mione obviously wanted to say something, but found that this person was walking very fast, with afterimages of his legs intertwined, so he had no time to say more, so he had to mumble a few words and hurried after him.

The sharp-eyed compatriots around saw that they were calling the profession and decided to follow the example of Du Jie, but before they could reread the poem, they just uttered the first word of nonsense, and their ears were pulled, their pride was interrupted, and they apologized with air-conditioning.

"I'm a little thirsty." Yin Ze lowered the quality to an old baseball cap full of scars, and glanced at the hot sun.

"There's a fruit drink shop over there, I'll go to line up, you wait." Sakura Mioyin, who is wearing a breathable sweatshirt, overalls and sneakers, looks very heroic and energetic today, with neat short hair. I thought he was a dashing and handsome little boy.

Yin Ze likes to hang out with such responsible friends, so he found a resting place with peace of mind.But after a while, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.The ones sitting nearby and resting are all young girls, while the ones queuing up in front of them are all boys, basking in the sun.Master Yin and classmate Sakura seem to have switched positions, and they are so incompatible in their respective environments.

Yin Ze thought for a while, then got up, walked towards the team, patted Sakura on the shoulder, and could see the demeanor of the domineering president at a glance, "I'll come, you go and sit."

"Then I want double scoops of ice cream and strawberry milk tea." Sakura Mio said quickly, for fear that this person would regret it.

"You still drink this high-sugar drink now that your weight is increasing steadily?" Yin Ze frowned as expected, "Every 100ml of milk tea contains 2.4 grams of sugar and 6.3 grams of fat. It will provide 41 grams of fat, which is more than 2/3 of the daily oil intake. There are also a lot of food additives... What's more, the price of a cup is more than a bowl of fragrant tonkotsu ramen. I suggest you change it A lemon soda with ice."

"I, I'm not fat, and I don't eat often, so I'm a little greedy. What's the matter with drinking?" Sakura Mioyin mentioned this topic, her face flushed slightly, "It doesn't matter, I want this anyway."

Alas, well.

Yin Ze entered the team smoothly, while Sakura Mio slipped back under the shade of the tree.

"Brother, it's okay. How dare you talk to your girlfriend like that, and even use the word "fat" as a subject." The older brothers in the front and rear raised their thumbs up one after another, with envious expressions on their faces.

"You misunderstood, we are not a couple." Yin Ze said very politely.

"So that's the case, no wonder, no wonder, it really doesn't need to be so humble." The old brother suddenly realized.

Not long after, Sakura came back again, showed him the phone, and asked excitedly and curiously, "Is it okay to go here? I haven't experienced it yet."

Yin Ze looked down, oh, it is an Internet cafe that every teenager has lingered, he hesitated and said, "Although I am very tempted, underage shouldn't go there, right?"

"Yes, you can go there at the age of 16, but you can't stay overnight." Sakura Mio raised an eyebrow, "How about it, do you have any ideas?"

"Let's forget it. After finally coming out, I ended up going here to pass the time? It's a pity." Yin Ze shook his head after thinking about it.There are still few end games available in Japan.

"I don't go to the cafe, I don't go to the bookstore, I don't go to the aquarium, and I don't like to go here." Sakura-san was slightly dissatisfied, "And don't think I don't know, you often go here with Shimadzu and the others. Playing is all night and all night, and I have dark circles under my eyes for several days."

"Next time, definitely next time." Yin Ze took off his baseball cap and put it on the girl's head to shade her from the sun, urging her to go back to take a rest.

The girl who was sent away muttered unhappily, as if she received lucky money during the Chinese New Year, but the red envelope was kindly deceived by her parents and kept away.

Yin Ze continued to line up calmly. He somehow felt that the eyes of the elder brothers in the front and rear were a little strange.

"It's not a couple, you can't go there if you're underage, tsk, the world is getting worse...huh." The old man in front carefully looked at the unreliable scumbag face of the person behind him, contacted the scene, and felt that he had guessed something , humming contemptuously.

"You misunderstood again." Yin Ze was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained, "She's just my sister..."

"Pervert." The older brothers in the team spat in disdain when they heard this declaration of moral depravity that they were not ashamed of but proud of.



In the end, Master Yin chose an elegant art exhibition, and it should be very harmonious here.There will be no worldly disturbances.

It just so happens that the National Museum of Western Art is holding the activity of "Michelangelo and the Ideal Body" today. The main work of this exhibition is the famous "David-Apollo", which was specially pulled from the Bargello Art Museum in Italy. It is true. rare.

The ticket price is also very close to the people, only a few thousand yen.

"There are disputes about who the figure represented in the sculpture is. One says it is the hero David in the Bible, and the other says it is the sun god Apollo in ancient Greek mythology. Look at the countless scratches left on the surface of the stone, how simulated it is. The real skin texture, what an unimaginable skill, it’s terrible, this is God.” Yin Ze stared at the silently standing in front of the cultural treasure that carried the weight of time, and sighed, “Strict and closed, strictly abide by the aesthetics of ancient Greece And norms, perfect ideal beauty. Michelangelo has been pursuing the ultimate masculine beauty and dreamy body all his life."

"Why are you only pursuing the ultimate male beauty...?" Sakura Mio was also staring up.It is indeed the pinnacle of technology and a symbol of civilization, but the cold stone has been chiseled out of life, especially the naked lower body, which makes the girl a little cramped.After all, it is a classical art, and I really want to appreciate it, but I don’t dare to look directly at it carefully...

"Maybe because he likes men." Yin Ze replied.

"Ah?" Sakura Mio raised her voice slightly, then covered her mouth and asked softly, "How do you know that?"

"Don't you want to listen to the commentary?"

"It's two different things." Sakura Mio sounded like a very vulgar aunt's neighbor, who was more interested in the private affairs of celebrities than the treasures of human affairs, and continued to ask, "I'm curious."

"Actually, it's just a rumor, there's no evidence. He never married, wrote love poems to men, and is not very interested in the opposite sex. It just so happens that Da Vinci also has the same tendency..." Yin Ze shook his head and sighed, "The priceless treasure is right in front of you, but you I am more concerned about this kind of speculation, when will I be as mature and stable as me?"

The National Museum of Western Art was completed in 1959 with a total construction area of ​​17369 square meters.I really want to take some time to finish shopping.Fortunately, the exhibition thoughtfully divided several parts in chronological order, from Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerism, to Rococo, and made different areas.Tourists can watch it according to their personal preferences.

"There is also an area for university exhibitions here." Sakura Mio said, looking at the 'artworks area for students of the Academy of Fine Arts' written on the navigation board.

"The future belongs to young people after all." Yin Ze said old-fashionedly, "Is the work in front of you a student from the Women's Art University... By the way, you are about to enter a higher school, are you preparing?"

"Of course, my grades are still good."

"Why don't I believe it?"

"My academic ability is stronger than that of Mana, and I occasionally guide her to solve math problems, I didn't expect it~"

"I think the grades of the seniors are not very good..."

"Do you dare to say that to her face?"

"Hehe, I don't dare." The man paused, "How about it, do you want me to tutor you?"

"If you really want to help, I can reluctantly accept it. First, I need to make an appointment with my mother for home tuition." The girl said seriously.

"So troublesome?" Yin Ze pondered, "Since this is the case, one more thing is worse than one less thing."

"It's just a phone call, no trouble." Sakura Mio justified.

"Let's just pretend nothing happened. After all, seniors may need my help in the snow more than adding to your studies." Yin Ze whistled.

"...I'm a bit confused about the Chinese language test paper." Sakura Mio sounded like a mosquito.

"What? Can't hear you clearly?" Yin Ze moved closer.

"...If you have time, can you take a look?" The girl said with a slightly heavier tone.

"Is this the attitude of begging please?" The man frowned majestically, "How about respectful words for seniors and teachers?!"

"...Please, please guide me in Chinese." The girl bowed her head awkwardly, asking for help.

Hahaha, I can't cure Tai Ze's soul catcher, can't I also cure the same period of the same company?

The man is proud.

Since the first acquaintance, Sakura-san, who was extremely strong at the beginning of the version, was finally resolved by himself.

"Then, this student, what school do you want to be admitted to? Is there a school you like?" Yin Ze asked and investigated amiably like the director of the resource department in a higher education institution.

"Dong, the University of Tokyo." Sakura Mio turned her face sideways, and said embarrassingly as she twirled her hair around and around with her fingers.

"Which one in Tokyo?" Yin Ze nodded.

"It's the University of Tokyo." Sakura Mio paused, and added, "The one you went to."

"Be serious, I'm asking about this year's volunteers, not after five years of your repeating..." Before Yin Ze finished speaking, he was trampled by a slight war on the back of his feet.

The girl stomped on her sneakers angrily, pushed back the baseball cap on her head, put it on backwards, and walked away quickly.

"Give me back my hat."


Without the headgear, the true tauren chieftain who wields Warstomp can only bide his time...a chance to use Death Coil later and mess her hair up.


From the exhibition hall of the great painters in the Middle Ages to the student exhibition hall, I still feel a little uncomfortable.It was like returning from the mottled battlefield of the Weeping Blood Desert to the bookish quiet academy.Traditional fine arts is a difficult and difficult road, and those who can make achievements in it and leave their names in history are all leaders. They are all stars who have achieved eternity in civilization.

Looking at the paintings of famous artists, you will only feel that the long road is muddy and difficult, you will feel your own insignificance, and you will be silent for the blood and tears poured into it and the murderous intent to press close to your opponent.But to look at the students' paintings is to look at yourself.At that time, everyone was still young, full of vigor and vigor, and wished to crush the fragrant dreams into colorful paints.

Having skills but no aura is a common problem of many professionals at the end of their careers.It's a pity that they have no time to look back and capture the innocence in the wind.The University of Fine Arts is the beginning of anxiety for artists.His strength is not enough to support himself in the painting world where there are many gods and strong winds.After barely gaining a foothold, they can only continue to compromise and move with the flowing water.

Yin Ze walked past a series of grotesque works, looking at them seriously.The master's flawless and ruthless sword is next door, and here are all new shoots, not strong enough but vigorous enough.

He prefers these weak hidden truths to the world-defying demon knives whose masters have been stained with the blood of their contemporaries.

The man suddenly stopped in front of a few paintings, and took a closer look.

Title, "The Birth and Fusion of Flower and Maiden"

Bright orange-red rootless flowers bloom in the deep sea, wafting out a gorgeous trajectory like a phoenix feather. The sunlight penetrates the water waves and turns into bright and fine dust to shine on the flowers.On the other side of the light, on the other side of the flowers, is the solemn face of a young girl, with silver hair, snow skin, and gray pupils.The flowers in full bloom are fierce and fiery red, but the girl is as indifferent as navy blue.The strokes are delicate and the edges are clear, reminiscent of the fantasy literature of the last century.

"The transition of warm and cold colors distinguishes between human nature and nature. It's a unique idea, which is really good." Yin Ze praised lightly.

The pictures in front of him were all made by one person, so the man wanted to move his feet and look at the others.

Only then did I realize that someone was already standing on the right.Moved hastily and nearly crashed.

After recovering, I smelled the pure fragrance that was close at hand.

The gray chiffon straight dress is very inconspicuous, and the hair is simple, straight black hair that has not been dyed or permed.The contours of the face are soft.She had a good smile on her face, her eyes were bright, and she was not aggressive at all.People can't help but think of the demure women walking in the ancient Kyoto in the [-]th century.

They are keen on flower arranging, their makeup is plain, and the brightest thing is their red lips.Wearing expensive kimonos without wrinkles, you will enjoy the mournful singing and dancing of geisha on the opposite side of the Kamogawa River.He will hold a writing brush at his desk, and his eyes are full of imagination about the distance. The long white paper hangs down from the low table to the tatami, on which are copied the exquisite sentences of female poets in the Heian period, or written love letters to those who admire him in the distance.Traveling in the rainy season, I still dress meticulously, holding an oil-paper umbrella, stepping on wooden clogs, and passing the vermilion bridge, the drizzle and cherry blossom petals are shattered on the thin umbrella leaf.The clear springs flow in the distance, and the empty mountains are quiet.

"I'm sorry." Yin Ze moved away for his lack of focus and negligence, bypassed this quiet woman, and continued to look at the work.

The girl nodded with a smile, stood where the man was before, and looked carefully.

There are very few people in the student exhibition area. After all, Michelangelo's ingenious masterpieces are here. In the common saying, it is like a marble opening, ruling the world, praising the names of the three masters of the Renaissance, and bless you on the road of reincarnation.No comparison.

Both Yin Ze and the girl were silent, only the slight sound of footsteps.The sound of breathing is faintly audible.

"...What word is this?" The man suddenly said to himself.

The eulogist of humanism, the owner of the talent for converting simplified and traditional Chinese characters, the senior expert in art history appreciation, and the passer-by of parallel worlds, found that he could not understand the title of the work.

Qinglan, caterpillars, green lotus root?

Yin Ze scratched his hair and guessed.

"It's "Green Cocoon." A soft but resilient voice came from the side, and the girl walked over with her hands behind her back, and said with a smile, "It means the green cocoon."

"So that's how it is." Yin Ze said, shaking his head pretending to be profound, "Students nowadays have weird names, and they always want to be more complicated. It seems to be very deep, but in fact it is a bit of a secondary school. You must know that the road is simple."

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