"...It's okay." The girl was a little unnatural when she heard the words, and she scratched the material of the dress with her fingers, "It's not that weird."

"But after knowing the name, the theme became clear immediately." Yin Ze nodded.

This time it was ultramarine blue, and the girl in a raincoat stared blankly at the blue butterfly spreading its wings in front of her. The background was the deep black air, condensed with cobweb-like bouquets, as if she was in an abyss.The raincoat wraps around the girl like a cocoon.The girl's face was no longer as pure and flawless as the previous one, but with black hair and dark eyes, and a scar-like blush on her face.

"It's very meaningful." Yin Ze said softly, "The pure and cold tones are still distinguished, and the biggest highlight is the light from above. Although it is also cooler green and lemon yellow, it can be compared with the highly saturated dark blue Against the background, it is also endowed with a subtle warmth, not too much, just right. The atmosphere of heavy rain is also there. This one is more complicated than the previous one, but it has a solid foundation and a sense of story."

"You're really transparent." The girl said in surprise.

"It's because the author drew a lot of things, so I have something to say." Yin Ze walked a few more steps modestly, and looked at the next picture. The girl seemed very interested, and followed him.

"BirthofCrystal", the birth of crystals.

The strength of this work is the strongest. The 3-meter-high canvas makes people have to take several steps back to see the whole picture conveniently.

There is only one word in full bloom for the evaluation. Through the foreshadowing and accumulation of the previous flowers and butterfly cocoons, at the end here, it finally fully blooms. It is the power and excitement to break through all shackles.

The strong light penetrates, and the green water lily bursts out with incomparable life, and what unfolds in the center is a regular, symmetrical, technologically beautiful crystal, as if growing absolutely in an instant.The clear ice crystals spread at the bottom, and the splashing ice dew filled the picture, adding more information, and faintly playing the role of speed lines, making the painting more dynamic and powerful.

"This guy really likes cyan." Yin Ze raised his head, "It took a lot of effort to be so tall."

"It seems that it is because of the graduation work that I am so ambitious to make a giant painting." The girl also stepped back a few steps, stood beside her and said with a smile, "So what about this one, Mr. Judge?"

"Perfect." Yin Ze gave a surprisingly heroic answer with his arms crossed.

"Is it such a high evaluation?" The girl was surprised, and tilted her head slightly, "There are paintings by Rubens and Renoir next door, do you understand it?"

"Is this a graduation work? At least for this painter, it should be a perfect work." Yin Ze sighed, "Such a large space can still ensure the integrity of the composition without fragmentation, although the main body is a symmetrical geometric shape , It was a coincidence, but it obviously took a lot of energy. The precision of the strokes is high, and it should be very painful when it is repaired later. For this person, this is a summary of what they have learned so far, and 80% of the things are stuffed Going in, for the author, of course it is perfect, presumably that person is also very satisfied at the end, take a long breath, the apron must be covered with paint, it can't be washed clean, hands and face are also dirty Xi's."

The girl just brushed the hair in front of her forehead.

"The shape of the pistil..." Yin Ze squinted his eyes, looked carefully for a few seconds, and said, "Was it a skeleton before? Did it last change?"

"How do you see this?" The girl was surprised again, she raised her eyes again, and the thick paint was piled up in a thick pile.

What kind of vision does it take to see the draft hidden at the bottom?

"My personal style is more European and American, and the classic elements such as skulls are often used, so practice makes perfect." Yin Ze sighed, "But classic also means old-fashioned. Nowadays, simple skulls are synonymous with earthy taste. ..."

"Indeed." The girl also laughed, "If it was really a symmetrical skull, the teacher would definitely frown and say 'this is a little sick...'"

"I saw a nice painting." Yin Ze said again, without any hesitation in praising it.

"Even compared with those famous classics?" The girl insisted.

"Of course." Yin Ze said affirmatively, "It took Picasso four years to acquire Raphael-level technology, but it took him a lifetime to look back on his childhood. Every penny is a wish."

This unwavering attitude made the girl a little embarrassed.

"When you are studying theory and techniques to achieve excellence in the eyes of ordinary people, the initial ignorance will inevitably be worn away by training. When you turn back and try to communicate with your childhood self, you find that the techniques have become iron-colored thorns , deeply rooted in the road behind, and can never return." Yin Ze looked around, smiling a little relieved. "Innocence is my teacher..."

"Which college are you a student?" The girl suddenly asked, "Can I have a look at your work?"

"It's ashamed to say that I haven't touched paper painting for many years..." Yin Ze said, "And my paintings are not as good as these. They are just the offspring of commerce on the assembly line."



Yin Ze finally got closer and looked at the author's name and brief introduction under the huge picture.Then, as if he had missed some wonderful opportunity, he quickly waved to the girl, "I'll go first, I wish you a happy shopping today."

The girl also waved.

Soon, she watched suspiciously as the young judge trotted out, crept up to an unsuspecting little girl like a liger before hunting, then swished closer, and quickly took off the opponent's hair. Baseball cap, then stretched out his hand to mess up the little girl's hair.

In order not to cause trouble to others and disturb the quiet atmosphere, the scuffle between the two was very restrained. If you push me lightly, I must also push you lightly.

The girl was stunned at first when she saw this elementary school student-level discussion, and then she laughed helplessly.

She turned around again and looked at the ice crystals in full bloom, the corners of her mouth curled up, as if regretful, but she said so complacently.

"...How can it be so good."

"Birth of Crystal"

Author: Tanada Lisa

Introduction: At the same moment, the same feeling passes you and me, this moment is a miracle.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: On a stable day, I am like a drowning prisoner, like an empty shell praying to a broken statue, numbly swiping the man's Twitter account, grinning like a rip girl, I know, this is The curse I contracted, this disease, there is no cure for it.”

"Sweet Potato Stir-fried Potato:?"

"Brother Dang: Re-browsed all the broadcasts, barely alleviating the instinct of sugar addiction, but this is just drinking poison to quench thirst, why can't it come out after resurrection, can't replenish new energy, I'm about to die."

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Which school are you from? The head teacher doesn't care? You surf the Internet with your mobile phone all day long, don't you study?"

"Brother Dang: Hehe, I have left my status as a student and become a laborer with more economic freedom."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potato: Are you going to hang out with water until you get off work? You useless rice bug, you will only eat rice expensive if you stay in this world."

"Brother Dang: Don't make trouble, my family is engaged in seafood. They catch fish and deliver the goods in the early morning and finish their work. They sit in the store to bargain during the day. Oh, why don't you hold offline activities? I must grab the front row seat and get up close. To breathe the warm air from that man, and to send him a few tunas, will prove my heart!"

"Austrian boyfriend: I'm not dead, you are just mistresses after all."

"Urban monster phlegm: Damn, I told you to kick this guy out earlier, but now it's fine, there are already infected people!"

"Five of the Golden Pickup: By the way, is Brother Takizawa and Ms. Hidaka just a business relationship? All interesting interactions are for the effect of the program. Now there is no cross talk show to watch every week, but I calmed down. I checked their Twitter accounts a few times, and found that there is no communication, there is also a need for publicity, to be honest, is it just a play on the spot?"

"Brother Dang: I see that you are an old official at any rate, but you said such absurd words and disturbed the morale of our army. What is your intention?!"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: What's the trouble with this? Brother Takizawa said more than once, 'Just a simple colleague'. If we really want to talk about private relationships, we still have to look at that Sakura who made the hunk eat spicy curry generously." At the same time."

"Brother Dang: Well, one or two have already become traitors. They really live in the vegetable market and their hearts are in the cherry yard! Could it be that they have joined the neighbor behind their backs, and they are the secret work of the enemy army!"

"Brother Dang: Our army has just finished the war, and it's time to recuperate and plan for the future. You are so embarrassing and useless, I really can't hold back. Through the informant, I have reliable information that the group next door is recruiting troops. , the members of the group circulated the Firefly Forest event CD to each other for free..."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Is there such a thing?"

"Brother Ding: It's absolutely true."

"Kong Ming from Heisei: Well, I didn't notice it for a while, and I was almost deceived by that little Sima who watches the wolf."

"Urban Phlegm:..."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: We should also take action and help."

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potatoes: The question is how do you support? Broadcasting and live broadcasts are free and public on Yinquan, and there are no events, character songs are not sold, and photos are not available, but Brother Takizawa will be intermittently twitching on N Station live..."

"Austrian boyfriend: It's useless. Last time I voted for two samurai swords, he changed hands and donated all the proceeds to the World Children's Fund. He really deserves to be my favorite man, hiss, he is such a beauty Kindness--"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: I think the next door, the 'Takizawa Satoru [-]-Year Single Push Group' is more suitable for you. Although they are all vulgar female fans who are obsessed with that man's handsome skin."

"Austrian boyfriend: I created that group."

"Kong Ming of Heisei:?"

"Sweet Potato Stir-fried Potato:?"


"Urban Strange Phlegm: What's the matter? You are MI[-] fighting the CIA???"

"Five of the golden pickup truck: No one answered me, my topic is the root of this chaotic world where dragons and tigers fight each other!"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: After all, we are only people in the audience and can only watch the performance on the stage. Once the curtain falls, we can't see anything."

"Five of the Golden Pickup: Master, is everything we do meaningless?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Idiot, how can it be called meaningless? You and I have established a friendship because of our common hobbies. It is the greatest fate and harvest to meet in this vast crowd. Besides, Mancai makes you laugh out loud. , Youth chatter makes you sigh about the past, and scheming and humor make you laugh. In this materialistic society, isn’t a piece of easy happiness enough?”

"Brother Dang: Just like Schrödinger's cat, we don't know the truth behind the curtain, so the probability of sincerity and business relationship is [-]-[-]..."

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Brother Tong is an optimistic person."

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: What are you talking about here? The news from the resurrection replay has come out! Hurry up and watch it!"

The group of friends suddenly fell silent.

There was a thunderclap between heaven and earth.

Four countries and nine states, five bases and seven provinces, one after another are soaring into the sky, with a magnificent momentum.Brothers scattered all over opened the webpage together and squeezed into the official Twitter account precisely.

银泉@onsen 10 seconds ago: "'Night Tapir Girls Won't Eat the Radio Resurrection' has finally started~ The most popular radio drama of the season has finally ushered in the end?! Is this the farewell? This time the latest broadcast will be used Technology! Let's meet on a cool and beautiful Saturday in the hot summer! Retweeting will also give you a chance to win a mysterious gift~! b( ̄▽ ̄)d」

"Stir-fried potatoes with sweet potatoes: If this battle is fought well, there will be no small disturbances in the world except us vegetable eaters!"

"Urban Monster Phlegm: Did you come back to the water group after just one look? Would you like to take another look?"

"银泉@onsen: Guests, Takizawa Satoru, Hidaka Mana, Sakura Mione"

"Five of the golden pickup: menacing, dark clouds overwhelm..."

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

"Fried rice with chopped green onion without eggs: I never imagined that the power of the Nightmare Girl's broadcast can only be brought into full play in the hands of Ms. Sakura."

"Yuki Kuro: It's also understandable that the results of the proxy play period were also in the top five. Without me, Ms. Sakura, what kind of Nightmare Girl broadcast revival?"

"Ai Er exploded more: Is this the dawn after the dark night? Recruiting talents and avoiding their edge, I thought it would take a long time to rise up, but I didn't expect a good opportunity from God. This is the perfect time to steal the authentic Daliu. The sky is dead, Huang Tian should stand!"

"Shield-wielding man: What is stealing? It's called taking back the honor it deserves."

"Zhongda who edited the text: Well, it's time to prepare a plan. I plan to write a letter and submit it. The Zhuge village man next door is very human. When confronting him, there is always the illusion that he is fighting with himself. You have to be careful and follow each other. Just buckle it."

"Brother Ding: I'm here to serve as a military advisor."

"Chewing thick phlegm:..."


EmEnterprise, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

Yin Ze was half lying on the public sofa in the agency, the phone in his hand was beeping non-stop, indicating that there are many people @ him now.


You don't need to look to know what it is, Mori Hiroshi told him in advance.For the trials in the near future, he didn't think too much about it for the time being, and quietly became a scumbag who left all troubles to tomorrow's self.

In this regard, the man had only one question, asking why the Yamahe R6, which was earned by his own ability, was not available yet, was it hype, was it a bad check, or was he pocketed?

Kashiwa Ippei sat across from him, concentrating on reading the documents. After a long while, the manager put down the thick printing paper, cast a harsh gaze on the salted fish in front of him, and said angrily, "Matsuda-san just encountered setbacks, but even more so. He is strong and insists on coming to the office to report and show his face every day. From top to bottom, no colleague does not praise his responsibility. He even occasionally goes to the training center downstairs to be a guest teaching assistant, imparting his only experience to future youngsters in the industry selflessly Miao—now all the resources in my hands are devoted to you, but you have this attitude, alas, if there is a comparison, there is a gap!"

"I'm so familiar, don't drag these words, I'm tired of drinking chicken soup, so just speak up." Yin Ze propped himself up.

Kashiwa Ippei coughed lightly, and secretly glanced back.

I saw Matsuda Makoto being pulled by Nakajima Majima to talk and laugh. As the only designated confidant brother of the firm, the latter has not been glowing and sweating like these days for a long time.Masa Nakajima knew that Matsuda would be uncomfortable during this time, so he took him to play all day long, and sometimes he was busy and had no time, so another confidant elder sister Yoko Kasugano took care of the baby.

In short, it looks like a doctor and nurse caring for a heartbroken patient.

But Matsuda's sincerity is far beyond the imagination of his colleagues. Although he is more restrained and reticent than before, he always has a springy smile on his face.Even if the resources are stagnant, but with a bunch of extras and bragging rights, they are full of energy and energy. It doesn’t look like they have encountered setbacks. On the contrary, they are as happy and fulfilling as winning a lottery of [-] million yuan. Everything they see has a rainbow filter.

According to the voice actor on the Sword Sanctuary set, he sat in a corner and occasionally laughed out loud.

...this seems a little weird and creepy.

"What exactly did you tell him that night?" Kashiwa Ippei was puzzled, "...Don't curse the honest boy?"

"We just discussed it briefly, and we will advance and retreat together in business," Yin Ze said.

"That's it?" Kashiwai Ippei certainly didn't believe it.

"That's it." Yin Ze broke the oranges on the table and said, "If he quits his citizenship, I will too. Let's go back to the countryside to farm."

"I can understand that..." The manager was silent for two seconds, "Damn! Have you ever asked me for an opinion like this! Have you forgotten that we are in the same boat through thick and thin? You two ran away, leaving me as a poor commander? I Trying to meet the mid-life crisis, you are murdering the future of an old man whose youth has passed away!"

"Would you like to go to Hokkaido with us?" Master Yin said seriously, "I've seen it all. The houses there are cheap and clean. The cost of starting a company there is very low, and it doesn't affect business contacts. Information technology In the office age, and in order to stimulate the economy and retain young people, there are many preferential policies in the local area. Matsuda wants to repair the car, we don’t care about it, but I can start an outsourcing studio first..."

"Stop, don't try to fool me." Bo Jing Yiping waved his hands, looking at people from the corner of his eye, "You're still planning a career?"

"What do you call me? Do you think I've never looked for a job? You think I'm just your notification tool?" Yin Ze frowned, "I can tell you, Shinjuku District, AQUAREENIX Company, Final Fantasy Division, I There, earn the qualification to be the protagonist of a series!"

"You really should be an actor. This sense of belief is too oppressive. The fake ones seem real." Kashiwa Ippei smiled, and began to eat oranges, "Okay, Final Fantasy, national IP, so awesome The resources, who did you communicate with?"

"Game producer, chief director, Yoshida Tomoki." The man raised his legs.

"Hey, did you cheat you a lot of money?" The manager said it was terrible.

"Oh, don't care about it." The man declined, "It was forced to be given to me over there."

"Brother, you gave me such a big surprise, I have to thank you, if I go up, the big factory won't bother me until next year, I must reward you." The manager said solemnly.

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