"No no no."

"A small thing, just one thing."

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this."

"Only one."

"Let's go to Hokkaido to fight for wealth and freedom?"

"Hey, why are you always thinking about going to the freezer? The sky is far away, and there are no acquaintances. If you want to succeed these days, you still need a backer. If you go to the ice and snow, who do you rely on?" Kashiwa Ippei asked.

"Me." Yin Ze said slowly, sitting up, exuding the confidence of a king.

"You are indeed good at dreaming." Kashiwai said flatly.

"When I first came to Tokyo, I was lonely and weak, but now it's different. Yoji Shinkawa from Kansai, Mihiko Yoshimoto and Kageo Minaba from Shinjuku, Makoto Soejima from Kanagawa, all follow each other on Twitter." Zeshu Yin Pointing his fingers, he said, "In the future, terminal games will be very popular, followed by mobile games. In East Asia, there is a large demand for art resources. Now I will start a small studio with a click to make a name for myself, and then start an entity with a click." Class training, teaching technology, and employment.”

"Package employment? Which factory can you arrange them for?" Kashiwa Ippei was puzzled.

"My small outsourcing studio." Yin Ze said naturally, "Their tuition fees are the start-up capital of my small outsourcing studio. At that time, there will be manpower, and the tuition fees can still pay their salaries."


This is too capitalistic.

"When the number of people increases, it will become a big studio. At that time, we will take a research and development route, specializing in krypton gold card draws! This is very interesting. In fact, brother Akihiko Yoshimoto has been telling me, asking if I have exhausted The dominance of Japanese art in the world. They are also ambitious. A group of people have already thought of the name of the company. It is called CyGames, which makes cards and fantasy. Can you also anthropomorphize..."

"It's a simple and meaningless name. It has no future when you hear it. The horse race is an anthropomorphic person, and the ship is nothing more than a piece of iron. There are stallions and mares in horse races, and many famous horses are males. Are you pretending to be a woman? Are you crazy? At that time, hardcore horse racers will be disgusted, and A Zhai will not like it either."

Kashiwa Ippei pouted, very disdainful.

"As for mobile games, how dare you touch porcelain computers and consoles with the performance of mobile phones? Besides, even if it's a handheld game, don't you still have a PSP? Which round will you get? Okay, I don't have time to speculate with you here, I'm still old Work honestly. I won’t mention live broadcasts, you are the best at this kind of drama. I found you a new drama, the main character, prepare for the audition earlier, don’t do unrealistic days Dreamed."

"I have low desires, and I'm alone. Earning a meal is enough to comfort my whole life, and chicness is the most important thing. It's you, who only want to cross the class, alas, but it's useless to give you a chance." Yin Ze slowly shook his head, It seems really a pity.

"Hmph, here are the documents." Kashiwa Ippei handed over the document, hummed a tune and left, not taking this pile of nonsense at all, just treating it as another chat to pass the time.

Maybe Brother Bojing is destined to work hard.

Yin Ze sighed with emotion at the manager's honesty of not eating what he had, while looking at the content of this audition.

Manga animation.

—— "San Hua Li Ji"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The atmosphere in Haneda's house today is still stable as usual.

After a hasty lunch, my mother packed the still-warm meals into an insulated box. After changing her clothes, she went out to deliver them to the busy father who was busy in the store.

Haneda Mari took over the housekeeping baton, cleaned up the dishes, and the sound of water flowing from the sink continued.And Yuma Haneda, whose cleaning ability is always not up to the requirements of the old lady, only needs to wipe the table with a rag.

The comedians on the TV are sparing no effort to tease their partners, wanting to amuse the audience and bring laughter to the world. The column team also inserted the sound effects of roaring laughter in the later stage.But the little brother at the bottom of the family status lacked interest, and he slowly wiped off the oil spots on the table.

"Are you going out this afternoon?" Yuma Haneda yawned and asked.

"Well, there is a sound audition." Mari Haneda answered without looking back.

"Is it an important role?"

"...the heroine."

"It's not bad, is this over the top?" Yuma Haneda was a little surprised.

"I just have the qualifications to compete, but I'm not sure. There is a high probability that I will lose the selection. Try another role instead." Haneda Mari said skillfully while washing the bowl.

"It's better to be a little confident in life. Haven't you prepared well? These days, you've been studying your lines in your room and muttering words while eating. This time you will definitely win." Haneda Yuma lazily said.

"This little effort is nothing compared to other practitioners. I have only been in the industry for a long time, and this is nothing. Many people have waited for five or six years without waiting for a master." Mari Haneda said lightly.

"What do you do in this business and eat as much as you want? Can you only drink white rice porridge for several years? Isn't this too miserable?" Haneda Yuma muttered, "Your firm is considered a big firm, and the registered voice actors It’s only a hundred people, and there are obviously not many people. But is the competition so fierce?”

"What do you think?" Mari Haneda snorted softly, with a hint of showing off, "My errand is not that simple, so don't think that being able to talk is enough."

"Sister, I think that you may not have a clear personality and lack of personal characteristics." Yuma Haneda frowned, "Brand management is a profound knowledge, and now is not the era of relying solely on business to determine success or failure. It's very important. The male classmate you kidnapped back home, your colleague. Now it's booming, with several protagonists in hand, even supporting roles, and it's also full of topicality and popularity. There are countless creations. Once the market will take the initiative to help you market, it will become a climate.”

"You said that he seems to be relying on crooked ways. It's because others are good enough. He has met the needs of several crews in a row, and he deserves to be a top-notch existence." Mari Haneda said angrily.

"Hehe, if I hadn't followed his Twitter account, listened to the radio, and watched the live broadcast, I would have believed it." Haneda Yuma showed a cold and proud smile, "Honest man? First of all, he looks very dishonest. Harmony with his assistant Qin Se, In the live broadcast, the Bible keeps going, and the rhetoric is a set of words, which is not like a pragmatist, but a sophisticated calculator."

"You still follow him?" Mari Haneda didn't look back, but her tone was a little weird.

"My understanding of him may be better than you, old lady." Haneda Yuma said seriously, "It is said that Lu Bu among people, Chitu among horses, Staff in the industry, who specialize in stabbing Satoru Takizawa... "

"What kind of impolite description is this, where did you read it?"

"Tweeting hot comments, he even replied with a 'hehe' and a smiley emoji. He didn't care about it at all, and he seemed very generous. A person who dares to entertain himself must not be a mortal, thick-skinned, good-looking skin, hypocritical Smile, resistance to suffering, these are the essential qualities of an evil lord." Yuma Haneda shook his head slowly.

"I've only met someone a few times, so I'll give it a certainty. You, you are just like those A Zhai who watched a few idol interview programs and thought they knew her very well. You are their intimate partner and soul friend. Superficial Stupid." Mari Haneda despised.

"Oh, that's right." Haneda Yuma raised his eyebrows, stopped wiping the table, and asked with his hands on his hips, "Then, in your opinion, what kind of person should he be?"

"At first, he was kind and docile, but gradually he became capable of execution. His thinking and vision were very broad-minded. Most of the time he was very casual, not a person who cares about every detail... Occasionally he would be in a daze, and there was a sense of disgust in his eyes looking into the distance. Nostalgia for the past." Mari Haneda added while thinking.

"Oh, that's right." Yuma Haneda nodded slowly, "You really observed carefully."

"Oh what? It's so cold, what are you asking for?" Haneda Mari arranged the washed dishes and chopsticks in different categories, and wiped her wet hands on the scarf.

"You said, can I be a voice actress?" Haneda Yuma sighed after thinking for a long time.

"—?" Mari Haneda finally turned around, a little surprised, "What happened suddenly?"

"You know the situation at home. I owed a lot of debts to my relatives a few years ago. Although I paid it off, my savings have bottomed out. If there is a major event such as illness in the future, I will have to stop. I thought, I will not go to university. Come on. Just come out and do things." Yuma Haneda had a clear mind, "Don't be in a hurry to teach me a lesson. If I am strong enough in academics, of course I will try my best to fight for my future. The problem is that my grades are mediocre, even if I read it, it is useless. In the end, I still had to find a clock-in job when I came out. Secondly, my classmate’s family is a folk theater troupe, and he even went to the Bunraku Theater. He saw that my image was not bad, so he pulled me to be a young man. Now that I have passed the test, I can do something behind the scenes And playing Faceless, there are many middle-aged and elderly audiences in Osaka, with little money but stable accidents. Finally, I want to learn an extra skill in my spare time. The voice actor is quite suitable for my situation.”

"Are you sure? Have you thought about it?" Mari Haneda said seriously, "Have you discussed it with your parents?"

"What do they have to object to?" Haneda Yuma said nonchalantly, "My son has ambitions in all directions, worked hard, and never asked for capital. 24K is purely a good thing. Look at Sangu's stunned young cousin, looking for The family asked for 200 million yen to start a business, but was deceived into the deep mountains and old forests by pyramid schemes..."

"Don't go to college and work in a theater company. When you have free time, talk to your parents. As for the voice actors... I want to remind you that this is not an easy road. There are many people who rely on love to support themselves, half-hearted people Absolutely can't succeed." Mari Haneda emphasized emphatically.

"My goal is not so lofty, I just want to work hard to master one more technology, not to mention participating in popular works, summer and winter fan clubs doing independent games, theater troupe children narrating to the show... These can always stretch their feet, and they are also secondary, but in Running in different but interoperable fields adds up to a considerable amount." Yuma Haneda said naturally.

"Let's pass the test of the training center first." Haneda Mari is still a little pessimistic, but still said, "Just go to the Japanese Broadcasting Research Institute where I study. There are very few courses a week, and you will calm down gradually, and you will have time to work. own business."

"You want to express to me the high threshold and low ceiling of this industry." Yuma Haneda thought about it, scratching his head, "You said that you must have love. Sister, why did you aspire to be a voice actor? ?Although you also play games, when you were a child, you held on to Final Fantasy and never let go. When you were studying, you cosplayed Suzumiya Natsuri... But just because you like it? Did you worry about whether to go to school or enter the society? At that time, I remember you still I went to experience the bus tour guide, struggled for a while, and didn't make up my mind until the last moment."

"When I had to make an important choice, I just favored the side I liked more..." Mari Haneda was silent for a few seconds.

She is indeed a difficult person to make up her mind.Ordinary people naturally suffer from the so-called 3-minute fever disease.

In middle school, because I was interested in ancient culture and wanted to become a maiko, I was thinking about dropping out of school and going to Kyoto all day long. I had an unusually firm attitude, and I had the feeling of working alone, overcoming difficulties and obstacles in the news and anecdotes, and finally becoming famous.As a result, I forgot about it myself.

I still remember that day.

In January, the students in the third year of high school basically determined their future development trajectory, exams, internships... She was also thinking about the future in the lonely and gray winter.

Due to her nostalgia for acting and the influence of many good works she had encountered in her childhood, she still followed her inner voice and went to the voice actor training center to experience a trial reading.

Then, by accident, I saw someone.

Passing by, the passing light, the retrograde boat, the flowers on the shore, and him who I met by chance.

When the frost and snow in January meet the midsummer in July, what will happen?

Of course, this is just a small opportunity, lead and spark.

There are many people gathered there, and there are great differences. There are not only people of the same age, but also married women with children, and there are also young and energetic young girls in the lower grades.But the common point is that everyone is very good. Despite the gap of identity and age, they can talk about everything and train for the same future.

If it is such an innocent job, then it is not bad to devote the long future into it.

"Old sister?" Yuma Haneda greeted, "You're back to your senses."

"You can figure out a solution for dinner, I'm going out later." Haneda Mari left from the memory, glanced at the younger brother, and prepared to pack up and go to the audition.

"One more thing." Yuma Haneda looked like he just remembered.


"you like him?"

The air was quiet, and the blood relatives with similar faces looked at each other across the dining table, floating fine dust could be faintly seen in the penetrating sunlight.

"...Who are you talking about?" Mari Haneda couldn't turn his mind for a moment.

"When you fall in love, you have to be decisive, cut the mess quickly, and be indecisive. Eternal waiting is wrong. The good years will pass, and everything in life has a shelf life." Yuma Haneda Seriously said, "The most important thing is, don't link this feeling for others with your own ideal future. Because people's hearts are the most unbearable to waste."

"Are you preaching to me?" Mari Haneda was stunned for a few seconds, and then put on a stern face, "How old are you, and you look so unpredictable, don't forget, it's me who chased your deskmate in the first grade of junior high school. To help you make suggestions, even small gifts are paid in advance for my pocket money, now that the wings are stiff, are you kidding your sister?"

"Why didn't you continue to ask, who is the 'he' I mentioned?" Haneda Yuma was unmoved, but sighed like a counselor who knew everything well.

This veiled gesture is very irritating. Mari Haneda glanced at the time on the clock, suppressed the mood of the repair bear, and dropped a classic scene of "I'll take care of you when I come back", and quickly sorted it out. After a while, he went out without stopping.

Haneda Yuma heard the door slam shut and looked at the empty living room.Shaking his head silently, he went to wash the rag.


The most important thing in life is to discover and know yourself.

Mari Haneda feels that she has not done these two things well.

The dangling handle ring in the tram car is just like the mood at the moment, swaying and unstable.

She exhaled lightly, and her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably as she approached the location of the audition.Mari Haneda complained in her heart about her brother who was causing trouble.If she fails to perform properly and misses the role, she must sever her sibling relationship for at least three months.

In fact, there are not so many people who are just right in the world. They just happened to meet, so they are called just right.When the time is right and the mood blossoms, it happens to be sublimated into fate.

You just happened to be passing by, and I just happened to see it.

Walk on the walking trails.

The boy walked towards him, and the white short sleeves were there, shining brightly in the sun.

"What a coincidence, are you also auditioning?" Yin Ze saw it from a distance, raised his beautiful eyebrows, and stretched out his hand to clap through the air.


This scene seems familiar.

Mari Haneda paused for a few seconds before smiling back.He also stretched out his hand high.

They were separated by a long distance, but they seemed to have touched a crisp sound.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Takizawa Satoru@9527yyds: I have had different feelings for zombies since I was a child, and even dreamed of a LoveLove story with a zombie girl. Naturally, I collected a lot of zombie-related objects at home. One day, my cat was unlucky Died, but God gave a glimmer of life. I discovered the resurrection technique in the ancient book "Preparation for the Wilderness and Su Shilu". During the preparation of the surgery, I met a girl in the ruins of a restaurant with few people. She is a fresh life with With a delicate face like a doll and a youthful body, although she lacks interest in living people, she also accepted her assistance and jointly made resurrection medicine... But no one expected that a change would happen. The girl also had an accident, She was supposed to die, but she was revived by drinking the experimental resurrection medicine—although it was incomplete. That's right, with cold skin, dilated pupils, and blood that no longer flowed, she continued to move in the state of a corpse , became the living dead, became a zombie. At this moment, I am completely in love. There is not enough space, but, you know, I have a date with a zombie."

"Takizawa Satoru@9527yyds: Zombie! Born from the resentment and filth of heaven and earth, immortal, immortal, and abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings outside the six realms of sentient beings. Divorce once in a quarter, and the mountain rain that is about to come, summons the best among beautiful girl zombies, the fair-skinned and beautiful zombie king Sanhua Liji..."

"Takizawa Satoru@9527yyds: A love story struggling between life and death ~ a journey of tears and laughter about struggle, confrontation, and longevity. Adapted from popular comics, shocking lineup, ups and downs of the plot, not to be missed. Looking for it together, with you Where is the world of the world. The manga adaptation "Sanhua Riji" is on the air!"


"This? Fan drama promotion? Is it true or not?"

"Crap, typing so many words, I thought he was revealing his unpopular habit, but it turned out to be Xuan Fan. Why didn't he repost and copy it this time?"

"You actually posted two consecutive posts for work, you have changed, you have become so strange"

"Two versions? So grand? I'm afraid I also joined the production committee and invested money?"

"Looking around on the official website, the heroine seems to be a newcomer seiyuu, also from Em (the official photo is a bit pretty)"

"Whoa, all the dedication and tenderness are left to my colleagues. You are so realistic. You are such a man who forgets his roots. I suggest that the employees of Taize not cooperate with this person in the future."

"One time at a time @ how many times, have you changed it? Changing the soup but not the medicine, Takizawa has no face to reply..."

"The visual map is not bad, and the PV is also good. I can look forward to the official animation."

"Thank you for the recommendation. I have already bought two truckloads of BDs. My child said they taste very good. Even the cassettes and disks are included. I didn't waste a bit. I will come to buy business again next time."

"Hello, Tweeter, I heard that you are especially good at mathematics. Recently, I am studying the Navier-Stokes equation. I hope to discuss one or two."

"May I ask what you think about the Baguda movement in 284 AD?" Reply → "The pusher is very cold and rarely interacts. Besides, what kind of machine is Baguda? I haven't heard of it." Reply → "That's the oppressed , People with no way out trying to escape the struggle of the Roman Empire! You fake fan who doesn't study hard!"

"I read the manga, it has a special style and atmosphere, it's great"

"What happened to the summer beach series before? Since you found it, write down the model's name!"

"Great tweeter, please clarify. It's cool to wear skirts in hot summer, so will I catch a cold if I wear ten skirts?"

"The comment section of this voice actor is the most complex I have ever seen..."


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