Today is a very rare rest day for Eiji Sakura.

Ever since he betrayed Ninja Village and became a movie queen, he has been under a lot of pressure every day.The process of dividing the profit cake was over decades ago. Now, if you want to sit in the top spot, it is not enough to have a passion for it. You must have an iron fist that matches your ambition to break this iron-cast class wall.

In the past, the like-minded president partner also stood in the position of the enemy. After so long, the partner turned into a dragon that he vowed to crusade. The colleagues in the company also expressed their incomprehension in his choice to abandon his high position and run away.

You still don't know me well enough.

Originally from an orthodox law department but switched to the design industry, Eiji Sakura has already exposed his adventurous spirit in his early years. His handsome gentleman appearance is just a disguise, but he is actually wearing a coat and walking in the wilderness against the scorching sun Savage pioneers.Now it's just being willful again.

Of course, when human beings get older, they will have fetters and hesitate.

Family is his weakness.

If there is a loss this time, the income will be cut off, and the existing stable life will be disrupted.A virtuous wife will no longer be able to travel with her girlfriends, and will have to work part-time to subsidize the family.The pocket money of a well-behaved daughter will also be irreducible, and the innocence and romance that is carefully cared for and preserved will be worn out by the high price of the market.The lack of material will inevitably lead to the lack of self-confidence.Money is dirty, but it can be exchanged for purity.

Fortunately, they are well-prepared. All the employees under his command are young and strong elite soldiers. Fighting madmen who are dissatisfied with the seniority ranking system take the initiative to apply for the last elimination system in the weekly round-robin competition. The degree of turning into a werewolf.The motto is "Diligent people, seven full days a week. Lazy people, seven mornings a week."

Eishi Sakura led the tiger and leopard cavalry to fight day and night, and finally passed the initial difficult period and gained a firm foothold in the storm.

Morinichi Design Company finally got on the right track.

As for the company name, Morino and Shi naturally each took their wife and daughter and one character from their own names, and the other was Sakura Eishi's favorite Chinese character.

One, it is called specialization, with one heart, one focus.The most refined, the most specialized, the most pure.This is the only law of productivity in nature.

For the time being, let the group of old guys who took advantage of the opportunity to ascend to the throne have a little more glory, and I will eventually go against the current, hold high the torch, and replace them.

Bright mornings, loving meals, listening to beloved vinyl records.Sakura Eiji was sitting on the sofa, enjoying the beautiful quiet leisure.The cockatiel named "Beethoven" still can't sing classical music, even if he himself tuned it for so long, it would be futile.This kind of creature can't get a corresponding sense of accomplishment through exercise and labor, and can only eat, drink, and sloppy, flopping and tilting its head. It's really pitiful.

The white sunlight passes through the spacious window, and the halo shines on the profile face of the charming middle-aged man, making every wrinkle and stubble more sophisticated and handsome.Sakura Eishi swiped his phone like the boss fan.

He clicked on that guy's Twitter account, first clicked on it as usual, and then selected a few typical tweets to criticize vigorously.

perception of life.

"The dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere: young age, hurting spring and autumn, entangled in negative energy, very bad, netizens must not follow this person, there is no future."

Take a screenshot of the game.

"The dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere: At 11 o'clock in the evening, instead of sleeping and reading, they are addicted to the Internet. This is mutilating their own bodies and murdering their own future."

Advertisement for forwarding jobs.

"The dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere: Forcibly retweeting without adding a word. Is this a correct professional attitude? It is too perfunctory. There is no free lunch in the world. I suggest you do it yourself."

To collect photographs.

Save as.

For party food and beer photos.

"The dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere: eating big fish and meat, and haunting places where hormones explode. From you, I see the unique sorrow of young people in this era. Desire is rotting the soul, and the bones smell of industrial perfume. It hurts! Here is a sentence from the elders. "Life is like a box of matches. It is foolish not to use it, and it is dangerous to use it indiscriminately." "----Akutagawa Ryunosuke."

A grand promotional article carefully written for the latest.

"The dream of a middle-aged and elderly woman in the Eastern Hemisphere: Literal and sour, I don't know what you want to express. Is this the skill of a high school student? It's really funny."

Due to Sakura Eiji's persistent dissent and criticism, he was also sniped and suppressed by those discerning and righteous netizens.But the middle-aged man is still firmly doing what a black fan should do.

"Didn't you say there is a college party? Why don't you prepare for it?" Sakura Edmori asked strangely when he saw her husband showing a sinister expression on the sofa.

"Don't worry, I'll go out later." Eishi Sakura said lightly, holding his mobile phone to compete with knights from all over the world, "This time is the open day of Dongda University, students also take this opportunity to meet and open There are so many bells and whistles every day, it doesn’t make any difference whether it’s early or late.”

"Your classmates were all lawyers, right? Can we still have a common language now?"

"Just reminiscing about the old days. By the way, the weather is so good today, you and Mio Yin are going out for a walk too?" Eiji Sakura said gracefully, "Swipe my card."

"I was going to visit my mother-in-law, but I haven't greeted her for a long time, but Mioyin said that she hasn't finished her homework yet, so she will arrange it until next week." Sakura Zhimori looked in the direction of the second floor, "Beginning to work harder, That kid finally feels the pressure of going to school."

"Just that little homework, and it took so long to write?" The old father of a high-achieving student looked at the problem from a different perspective, "It seems that I have to find a private school for her in advance..."

"A useless man who only talks sarcasticly here, but you are still from a top school, and you can't even tutor your daughter's schoolwork!" Sakura Edomori said dissatisfied.

"It's been almost 20 years since my college entrance examination, my academic ability has deteriorated, and I've forgotten all the knowledge I have learned." Sakura Eishi felt a little embarrassed, "If she is really fighting, why don't you hire a tutor?"

"It must be the best." Sakura Edmori thought.

"Of course." Eiji Sakura said in a personable manner, "Don't worry about the fee, just swipe my card."

"Having said this, does she have a detailed plan?" The old father got up serious, "Testing exams is a science, and we also need to do market research, analyze the scores of various colleges and universities in recent years and the scope of the test that suits us. The strength screening..."

"She said that since she wants to take the exam, she should take the best one." Sakura Emori, "Aiming at the University of Tokyo."

"Okay, she is indeed a daughter with my blood." Sakura Eishi was very pleased, "It seems that being a father occupies a great place in her heart. One wants to embark on the path I have experienced, and the other I don’t want to be far away from my family, which is very good. Even if this goal is a bit ambitious and overreaching...but I am really touched by my father."

"Are you able to talk?" Sakura Edmori angrily picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it at the middle-aged man.

Eiji Sakura snatched the pillow with his head with a grin, then grabbed the pillow and threw it back.They are both fathers and mothers, but they still love to joke and fight like middle school children.

I saw the domineering president push the petite woman into the sofa, the corners of his mouth curled up in a cold and sarcasm, "I can give you everything, money, status, power. Women, why don't you obey me?!"

"Give up, I will never give in. I made an agreement with him to wait for him to come back."

"Hehe, I only spent [-] million yuan to degrade that person. I thought he was so noble. Now, with my help, he has successfully engaged with the daughter of Elvis Enterprise. He is married! Remember this A letter, this is your love letter back then, look, it's in my hands! Now I'm going to tear it up!"

"Woo, no, it's not true, I don't believe it, Kenzo won't break his promise—!"

"Ken San-kun, Ken San-kun, the helm of my majestic Sakura Group, how can he be inferior to him?! He is just a down-and-out underground racing driver! Also, according to the family rules over there, his name has been changed to Fugui! You Kenzo will never come back!"

An impromptu drama.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Mio Sakura, who was tortured by the geometry and had a head ache, got up expressionlessly, and closed the bedroom door to isolate the nonsense from the door.

PS: Merciful father, I have fallen into the kingdom of insomnia and Calvin

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The 18th Award Ceremony for the Most Beautiful Face of the Heisei Generation at the University of Tokyo.

The huge bronzing font hangs high above the top of the big stage, and it is written by the highly respected Liberal Arts Academy.The dean is not only one of the representatives of today's traditional Japanese literature, but also a master of calligraphy. He has never written inscriptions easily, but today he made an exception and wrote 20 characters in one breath, just to help the school's memorial day.

It's so tender...maybe.

Summer is a season of being sexy on the outside and innocent on the inside.

The noise of the cicadas and the warm light and shadow under the tree, the waving hands by the school road and the faces that are gradually going away, the hot longing that burst out just after saying goodbye.And bright gold insects and love.

A lot of people have gathered near the open-air stage. Since the theme is the most beautiful face of men, most of them are girls, but there is no shortage of boys who join in the fun.

There were no fancy arrangements or programs, the main reason was that the results came out very early, and this time it was time to take advantage of the excitement of the school festival to re-present the awards offline, and the booth would be returned to the animation department for a house dance later, so it started directly.

"The runner-up, Department of Agriculture, first grade, Haruto Ida. Beside the trail is a golden field of wheat ears, a factory stands in the distance under the setting sun, and the bell of the school in the south is ringing. The street scene in the memory, the childhood that I can't go back Time, you came to me, and I saw that energetic self again—"

The host's voice was soft, as if narrating a poem.

A clean and tidy boy appeared waving his hands and trotting. He is the kid next door described by countless authors.

The audience in the audience whispered, and the bold girl even asked loudly for her email address.The Dianjun student heard this, but scratched his hair shyly, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

This elk-like little move led to more welcome and teasing.

"Little brother, I can do it, hehe, just like a kitten." Someone couldn't help expressing the desire in his heart.

The dean of the literature department nodded in satisfaction when he saw this. Not only did he write the inscription, but he was also present in person to present the award.Smilingly, they wore medals for the winners and issued commemorative certificates.

"The third runner-up, engineering department, second grade, Aikawa Yangsheng. He is 180cm above sea level, and his angular muscles are both powerful and beautiful. He is the new star of our school's baseball department. He is brave and good at fighting, and has repeatedly made outstanding achievements. He defeated the Zaoqing school team The wonderful cheerleader's tempting off-the-table moves, hitting a miraculous home run at a critical moment, and completing a shocking comeback, can be called a contemporary Odysseus. Please come to the stage to accept the award—”

Under the host's impassioned, powerful and provocative voice.

An iron lover appeared on the open-air stage. His facial features looked like Hiroshi Abe in his youth. He was heroic, with a mellow and warm smile, shining into everyone's heart.

"It's delicious, the facial features are too standard!"

Girls from the school who watched the ceremony and tourists on the school festival day couldn't help raising their mobile phones to take pictures.

It's a good pastime to look at handsome guys in summer and see those pectoral muscles soaked in sweat.

"Runner-up, Department of Medicine, first-year, Tojo Takedo. A family of doctors with outstanding achievements. Under his indifferent and slender appearance is a burning heart to help the world. No matter how splendid life is, it is also accompanied by the curse of birth, old age, sickness and death. He is the cold armor The snow horse, the watcher and unyielding knight who rides the clouds and waves, cuts off the suffering with a scalpel, and wipes away the tears of the world—”

A bespectacled man with an indifferent temperament appeared on the stage, his eyes were sharp and ruthless, and his whole body exuded the word "elite".With his hands in the pockets of his clothes and a stethoscope hanging around his neck, he looked like the chief of surgery who had just walked out of the operating room.There was also a lack of interest when receiving the award.

"I like this one better, it's cold and feels good."

"And he's a doctor, he's the ideal type."

"Is this the runner-up...? There will be no shady scenes, right?"

The crowd started talking in low voices.

It is not surprising to have such concerns. The beauty competitions held by Japanese schools have always been strange. They always jump back and forth between drafts and beauty pageants. The uncertain standards sometimes give surprising results that lack credibility.

But the girls who had seen the list before were eagerly looking forward to it, holding their small hands restlessly on their chests, and their eyes were shining with a different kind of light.

"Champion, Department of Literature, first grade, Takizawa Satoru."

The host's voice paused and became extremely solemn.

"When a person is getting old, he will have a lot of memories, but they will often and inadvertently come to mind, probably not too many. Among them, there must be a young face, and the brilliance associated with this face memories. That face does not necessarily belong to the lover, nor does it necessarily belong to the first love, it only belongs to the moment."

"The grass will wither and the flowers will wither, but I pray for the four seasons that you will never wither. The mountains and fields are fascinated by the ancient starry sky, but this discovery is meaningless. The stars kiss the earth, which is a cruel adult fairy tale. Since you can't If you realize it, don’t care too much about the discovery, even the “only” can only nod indifferently and wave goodbye. You can only express it calmly. You are the romance I can’t let go of in the end—”

There is no description, no description, only a feeling like a lost love, in her sigh, there is such a strong soul.

Haven't waited for the audience to savor it carefully.

A person quietly stepped onto the stage.

Under the afternoon sun, there was no blush on his delicate cheeks, only a sickly paleness.He frowned, as if something was on his mind, in the depths of his eyes were high clouds and vast seas, and the sun was setting and the sky was at a dead end.The tall and slender figure appeared illusory in the scorching day, as if it would disappear in the next second.

The ceremony suddenly fell silent.

People endured the long-lasting breath blowing towards their faces, and unconsciously held their breath.

The old days of the farmhouse, the passionate running, the lonely and desolate peak with no one to go to... These feelings brought by the previous contestants have all been silenced.They are still vivid, but they are just old mottled and yellowed photos sealed in photo frames.

Years will eventually bring us to this point.

People will sigh, they will look back on the past, and they will burst into tears.

The words echoed again.

'It belongs only to the moment.I pray for your four seasons that never fade.You're the last romance I can't let go of. '

There is no comparison.

That is enough to make people denounce the ruthless time moved.

The boy seemed a little surprised by the silence.So he hid the sadness in Xuejing's eyes, and cast a questioning look to the audience.

The girl who was being watched seemed to be touched by static electricity, and she pushed and rubbed her best friend unnaturally to cover up her pounding heartbeat.

"Congratulations, the most beautiful face on the summit." The dean of the Department of Literature walked forward in the quiet called "Invincible", patted the student's shoulder with satisfaction, put a gold medal on him, and presented him with a certificate.

"Thanks to everyone's love..." The corners of the champion boy's eyes twitched, and he said the scene with a forced smile.

"At this point, you must have prepared your acceptance speech, right?" The dean kept smiling and asked kindly, while secretly strengthening his palm on the student's shoulder.

"Yes, of course." The champion boy nodded passively.

"Very good, let us listen to your speech!" The dean handed over the microphone and applauded vigorously.

The man reluctantly took a few steps forward, slowly pulled out the crumpled note from his butt pocket, and unfolded the manuscript tremblingly.The handwriting on the paper is extremely beautiful, with iron-painted silver hooks and a strong penetrating paper back. It is undoubtedly the handwriting of calligraphy masters... and very coincidentally, it matches the handwriting of the theme on the top of the head, but the content is a bit shocking.

He licked his chapped lips, embraced the last sliver of hope, and looked back at the dean.

"It seems that he is a little nervous, please give me some encouragement." Onishi Chuansuke said kindly without being moved.

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

The girls pursed their lips, unwilling to miss a word of expectation.

The man stood still, with expressions of joy and desolation on his face, moving his lips, but making no sound.His attitude finally became respectful.

"...Students from bad schools study hard in the cold window. They have been refined into steel. They have few rich clothes and jade food. It is inevitable that they will be young. Now that they are looking forward to it, they should kill the prejudice of mediocre people. Leaping over the red gate is for the blue sky."

The man pauses.

"In addition, if you are lucky enough to be taught by the two schools of Zaoqing, you will have no regrets in this life. However, I think about it at night. Throughout the ages, there are 82 national schools, 87 public schools, and 588 private schools. None of them can be called the roost. , not as beautiful as mine.

"Ai Ai Ai—!"

The champion's voice was as sweet as that devilish beauty.

There was a complete silence in the audience.

But this time it was a real shock.

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