After a few seconds.

"Where did you get the Dongda vase! How brave! How dare you provoke handsome guys from universities all over the country?!"

"Is this deceiving me that there is no one in Waseda?"

"Ichiro Mishima, the titan of our swimming team, can kill this man!"

"I see that you don't take my Kanto Oguri Shun seriously!"

"Qingying, stand up for me!"

Rare, but all the male audience was enthusiastic.

But the champion has already slipped away, even the rest of the players disappeared.

"Dean, the security measures on the school memorial day must be in place, right? My life may be in danger..."

"Such a mediocre person is nothing to worry about." Onishi Chuansuke caressed his beard, not paying attention, and then smiled boldly, "Many years of heart disease will be cured in one day, hahahaha, did you see it just now, those few people on the sidelines The old stubborn face from another school? You did a good job, you did a good job!"


"Hey, don't make such an expression, as if I sold you. Don't worry, what you promised beforehand counts, you don't have to worry about failing a grade in your life!"

In other words, if you don't do it well, you will never be able to graduate normally in this life.

"Remember to go to the cafe in my department for a meeting later. It's good to have a good performance before the heat is over. That's it. I'll go first and catch up with those old guys."

Da Xichuan's face was rosy, and he walked away happily.

Yin Ze drooped his face.

The runner-up and the others also sighed endlessly.

So beauty is a disaster, beauty does not necessarily bring good luck, and sometimes becomes a tool in the hands of those in power.Looking back at history, this is the case.


Sakura Eishi tilted his head, he felt that the wind not far away was a bit noisy, mixed with the vigor and shouts of good men.

"The alma mater is still so lively."

The middle-aged man walked around with his hands behind his back.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The golden leaf is like a dream and a butterfly.

Ginkgo leaves tumble and fall, paved on the path, forming a fluffy long road.In the distance, students from the Enka Club were singing small folk songs. Yusaburo Koizumi stopped and looked up at the swaying branches. The sun was shining through the leaves, and spots of light were dotted on his shoulders. Complex emotions appeared in the dark eyes of the iron-blooded educator. mood.

The teaching director who was standing nearby squinted, feeling comfortable and quiet.As he gets older, he loves to enjoy the emptiness when his mind wanders, not to mention that it is such a hot season, the top of his head with thin hair is slightly shining in the sun.

"Summer is so lonely in ancient times, and mosquitoes come to accompany me in the scorching sun." The headmaster had a feeling in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"Good poetry, good poetry. It's lonely and down-to-earth. It's not as vain as a castle in the air." The dean opened his eyes wide and praised, "I heard that every time Bai Juyi wrote a poem in the Tang Dynasty, he would give a lot of praise. A literate old lady reads it. If the old lady only half understands it, she has to change it. If she still can’t understand it after changing it, she doesn’t want to take it. This kind of poem that is not close to the people is not worth mentioning. It is a good poem for both refined and popular tastes when you open your mouth. It’s really eloquent.”

"Casual work, casual work." Yusaburo Koizumi waved his hand modestly.

"Does this "Ode to Summer" have the last two lines?" Sanyanagi asked in admiration.

"Whenever you have inspiration, let's complete it." Yusaburo Koizumi said calmly.

"That's right, the article is natural." Yamayanagi Shengxin deeply agreed.

The high school girl who was also standing on the side saw this ugly mutual flattery. Although their expressions did not change, their eyes could not help showing a trace of disdain.

"Qinghua, I remember that when you came here, you were very interested, why didn't you say a word?" Shanyao Shengxin was a little puzzled, "Could it be because the campus environment here is worse than what you expected , Have you felt a sense of gap?"

"No, you misunderstood." Yamayanagi Shenghua said concisely, "It's just that there is no boss in front of me that needs to be flattered."

"Just like this, he coaxed a little bit like raising a child, and there was a lot of meat." Shengxin Shanyanagi moved a few steps closer, and lowered his voice.

"Granddaughter has a very good temperament. It looks like she has read a lot of poetry and books. Most importantly, she has not inherited your facial features." Yusaburo Koizumi took a closer look at this pretty girl and said deeply, "Reading Makes people clean. A book may be read and forgotten, like a bamboo basket fetching water, but the result is not empty. After reading again and again, the bamboo basket will be soaked in the water again and again, and slowly, the bamboo basket will eventually It will be very tidy and clean. It can be said that thousands of people are hidden like a sea, this is the truth that only scholars will understand."

"At this age, a young student can restrain his free nature and concentrate on studying famous classics. His future aspirations are definitely not ordinary." The iron-blooded educator said with some pity, "Will you accept my guidance? I come from a scholarly family Second, I have been in the education industry for many years, and there are many peaches and plums in the world, and there is also an example of a successful reversal of a scumbag who sprinted to Dongda University in three months..."


It has been 48 hours since I heard the story of his disciple kicking open the red gate in 90 days, and the dean has a dull expression.

"I'm not interested." Yamayanagi Shengqinghua said politely, "The Duli Zhuquan middle school I attended is a top-five heavyweight middle school with strong teachers, which is very suitable for me."

"With the director's relationship, why don't you come to our school?" Yusaburo Koizumi frowned.

"...Because our unit is quite satisfactory." Yamayagi Shengxin chose to tell the truth.

"Hmph. It's all in the past tense. We now have the capital to promote. The 90-day deviation value has skyrocketed by 40 points. May I ask which other school can do it? In time, the welfare will be improved, the threshold will be raised, and the number of students will continue... That means we are No. [-] university!" The headmaster scolded Fang Qiu, extremely heroic, "Director, tell me, you will guard everything about teaching affairs!"

"I think it's a success if we can set up three top classes." The dean thought.

Koizumi Yusaburo was a little dissatisfied with this stubborn and conservative answer, but considering that the Mediterranean Sea was old and his blood was cooling down, he decided not to worry about it, "Let's talk about the important matter of attacking the city later. For now, let's go to the festival with peace of mind." The little granddaughter can feel the atmosphere here a lot, and she can also strengthen her determination to take the exam.”

The strange trio quickly blended into this lively event.The flow of people during the two days of the May Festival is no less than that of Shibuya 109 during the holidays.On this day, there are several times more people getting off at Nezu Station than before.

Koizumi Yusaburo proclaimed himself Honorary To-sama, so he took on the role of tour guide by the way.

"Next to the Yasuda Lecture Hall is the new seated statue of Hamao. Mr. Hamao served as the president of the University of Tokyo 100 years ago. He proposed to plant the iconic ginkgo tree. Now I sit here quietly and look at the historic campus. , Looking at the students in their prime."

"The architectural style of the entire campus is red brick European architecture, which has not changed for more than a hundred years. There are red brick buildings shaded by green trees everywhere, and the environment is peaceful. Today is full of festive atmosphere, and you can see family and friends everywhere. Citizen students who came to visit..."

"There was a shout from the side of the playground. It turned out that the students in the kendo training hall were sweating profusely inside, showing the mental outlook of young men. In contrast, there was an animation otaku performance on the open-air stage. The two poles competed, and the confrontation was invisible. Whether it is the nine-headed dragon that does more damage, or the dance that reproduces "Natsumi Suzumiya" on a sunny day is better, let us wait and see..."

"This dance is not good, it's only good-looking." Yamayanagi swished his thin bangs and commented harshly.

"You still understand this?" Shanliu Shengqinghua chuckled.

"The director is the instructor of our school's animation club." Yusaburo Koizumi raised his eyebrows, "And he's also a fan of the underground idol group "Jiujiu-chan will pierce your heart with cuteness~" team. It's natural that Zakuxiang's appreciation of singing and dancing is extraordinary. Your family Don't people know..."

The dean quickly covered the headmaster's provocative mouth, and escorted him away from the place of trouble.

Next to the kendo hall is a forest. Passing through the tall and lush trees and gravel paths, you will come to the very famous Sanshiro Pond, a holy place for Wenqing and a good place for dating.It's cool and humid here, like a paradise isolated by itself, you can even see wild ducks swaying comfortably in the pool water, once a freshman from the Department of Literature came here especially, and when he saw the plump feathers of wild ducks, he immediately thought, The quality of the meat must be very delicious, but it is a pity that the cafeteria only has the famous limited roast chicken, but there is no limit to the roast duck.

The side of the pool is the site of the tea ceremony club. The well-dressed girls are as gentle and tender as the ancient women who came out of the Dahe drama. The simple furniture and tatami are like the layout of the Warring States Period. The club has created a timeless atmosphere by the pool. corner.Visitors only need to spend some money to wear ancient costumes and experience the feeling of ancient daimyo here.Very creative.

The dean seemed very interested, and said, "it's not easy for the children to make their debut, and they need my support." I participated in it once, and it was full of aftertaste.I wanted to do it again, but out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of my granddaughter silently taking pictures with her mobile phone, and immediately put away my thoughts resentfully.

There are quite a lot of simulated catering shops in the campus.But most of them are bought raw materials, and then cook directly on the fire, which is simple and rude.

"Our school will hold school festivals and cultural festivals in the future. We must pay attention to it. This is a social test without scores for the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique. Don't make up for it." The principal said seriously, holding a vegetable mashed potato in his hand , It was so hot that he hissed and blew.

The taste is barely strong, and the price is expensive, which reminds people of the black-hearted catering industry in scenic spots.It is not open for a year, but it is open for a year.The raw materials are the same, and the craftsmanship is thin.The smell of roasted paste is fragrant.However, the smart high-achieving students are well versed in the way to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and they have avoided the important and ignored the minor, and put together publicity.

The store name is different.

"Beef skewers grilled from selected parts of 6 sheep!", "Li San No.10 made it by himself, and you can add 100 points for a skewer?!", "The counselor said it well, the Nobel Prize winner I shed tears when I ate it", "Ba Shi De Ban, authentic Sichuan spicy flow, if you are a man, come and challenge [-] sticks!"

Clubs and classes count on the simulated store turnover of the school festival to earn some activity funds for themselves every year, so they do everything possible for performance. It is normal for boys to wear high-slit cheongsams and bare legs as welcome ladies.

The engineering department is relatively normal, it is basically a children's activity center.Some principles are presented to parents and children through considerable phenomena, so that even people without professional knowledge can enjoy it. Children can truly feel the academic atmosphere of the university and the power of technology. Parents like to bring their children to participate in these activities. Activities, income is very stable.

But not without madness.Someone dressed up as the Gotham City Joker, or wearing the same jigsaw mask, rubbed his hands, kindly said "Hello, I want to play a game with you" to the innocent children, and then showed his carefully prepared tram Models and difficult problems such as puzzles, brains in vats, and time bombs... Naturally, the head of the department dragged her back to educate her.

But these are not the most profitable.Because many tourists are middle and high school students, as well as parents who hope their children will become a success.Therefore, the stall with the hottest business is the one of the medical department.It's not setting up a free clinic...but selling books.As the gods of learning among the top students, their homework notes are priceless. In addition to selling notes, they also have counseling for improving grades, counseling for further studies, and selling tutorial books.

"Use your mind well, and you will be invincible. Look at those who wear cheongsams and dress up as real red-eyed black dragons and black magician girls, all of them are using their strength in the wrong place." The person in charge of the medical department booth bit a chocolate bar and blew false smoke rings. He snorted softly, "Although everyone is alumni of the same school and belongs to domestic high IQ talents, there are still differences in the IQ index."

"Selling fried rice and octopus balls? Those are leftovers from playing in middle school. This time, the Department of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economics have cooperated with the Ministry of Economics to produce raw materials. It is a loss and a gain. It is better than selling old hens and sterile eggs by yourself." There is something to do. Science and engineering, as always, follow the route of the Children's Palace, with small ambitions, not enough to be an enemy. This time, we are still at the top of the list."

"Not necessarily. I just got the news that the coffee in the literature department next door is crazy." The classmate frowned.

"It's just instant coffee, even the cups are disposable, how much profit can it make?" The person in charge shook his head.

"They seem to be selling it at five times the price." The student flipped through the documents, his eyes twitching.

The person in charge almost couldn't catch his breath, and the chocolate bar was bitten into several pieces.

"Why the hell don't you just go and grab the money!" The person in charge slapped the table angrily, "It's too much to bully people, and it's all about these crooked tricks, isn't it just bringing goods? Where's the guy in Wudou? He's also a runner-up anyway, show me come over!"

"No way, Wu Dou is handsome, but it's just a big ice cube, and words are like gold. There is no interaction at all. When the guests come, they don't bother to answer. The seller is just as pushy as the buyer. But the guy next door is different. Bone, the same face can perform a variety of female-oriented routes, and he can evolve the temperament and conversation of the top 10 most beautiful faces by himself. Moreover, he is a part-time voice actor, with a smooth tongue, double enjoyment of vision and hearing... I don’t bother to cover it up now, and launched a buy 10 cups of coffee, and provide customized scenes and lines." The classmate said aggrievedly, "There are also free set meals if you buy more."

"What's the difference between this and buying wine for the cowherd and sending flowers for performance?!" The person in charge gritted his teeth and stared, "It's unbelievable that such a thing of selling beauty will happen in a dignified academic center, at the end of the domestic examination!"

"He's not just selling sex. He's ranked seventh in the Wensan exam, and he's in the first echelon. He's also a student of Dean Onishi Chuansuke. His future is bright."

"Damn Takizawa Satoru!!!"

"Oh, classmate, do you know Takizawa Satoru?" In front of the booth, a middle-aged and elderly man who had just walked over was flipping through old notes and asked with great interest.

"After today, who doesn't know?" The person in charge panted slightly, "Before, I used a loudspeaker to transmit sound, saying that there is no rival in the world."

"Such arrogance?!" Yusaburo Koizumi couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

Sure enough, the golden scale is not a thing in the pool, it will transform into a dragon when encountering a storm.In this great mystery where scholarships are everywhere, three good students are not as good as dogs, the students taught by themselves are still not fading, they are still shining, they are unique existences.

The mentality has advanced from the undefeated in the East to the seeking defeat of Dugu, which is shocking!

And Kawasuke Onishi... that was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 94 for "The Firework Man of the First Year of Bunjiu", and he directly rejected the nomination with the simple sentence "I am not hot enough, and I deserve it".The principal himself has been fascinated for a long time and admired the existence of this kind of master. It is really outstanding to be accepted by such a master soon after entering school!

"Oh, the moon is so bright. It's a pity that Mr. Yaskawa and my card friend Dr. Xincun didn't come today. Otherwise, how happy I would be to know that the poor students and depressed teenagers have transformed into butterflies." tearful.

Kiyoka Yamayanagi was also well aware of Onishi Chuansuke's position in the traditional literary world, and was a little shocked for a while.

"Does he have a job on the school festival?" Yusaburo Koizumi asked.

"Go a few hundred meters to the east, and you will be at the venue of the Literature Department." The person in charge gave directions angrily.

"Thank you very much." The Iron-Blooded Educator couldn't wait to experience some of the miracle boy's current brilliance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I suddenly wanted to go through the fog of 20 years and go back to the evening on the Shinano River.In the setting sun, the bells of the students’ bicycles fluttered on the shore with the wind, maybe I should say something else to my past self, such as “You are a boat, and drifting is your destiny, so don’t dock.”


"Takao Nagase will confess to the female squad leader before you. You'd better implement the plan to fight to the death in advance. In addition, the consumption in Tokyo will increase in the future."

Eiji Sakura looked at the big man in front of him. He had three times more fat storage than ordinary people, and even the large short sleeves couldn't cover the billowing flesh. He tried his best to connect this spherical outline with the thin and stunned young man in his memory. At the same time, fortunately, the impressions of the facial features can barely overlap, so I somewhat believe that I have not identified the wrong person.

"...Scallions?" Sakura Eishi tentatively called out the other party's title in college.

"Oh? Are you Sakura? It's changed too much!" The big man smiled in surprise with fried skewers in his left hand and a milkshake in his right. His eyes were so thick that he couldn't see it. right?"


President Sakura's attire today is very young and casual, with a gray-green shirt and white pants, sunshade sunglasses hanging on the breast pocket, limited sports shoes, and a Rolex watch as the finishing touch. His temperament made him look like he was not here to attend the class reunion, but to play golf for an outing.

"Everyone, Sakura is here!" Xiao Conghua casually wiped off the oil from the corner of her mouth, and turned to remind others.

A dozen or so men and women who had been there earlier came together immediately, full of surprise, emotion and joy.

"I haven't seen each other for more than ten years, right? He's much more handsome than he was back then!"

"It's ok. I haven't put on weight at this age, and my abdomen is still tight. You don't exercise less?"

"What a heroic rooster suit, and the hairstyle is not bad."

"Clink glasses and clink glasses."

"You should come earlier, and you can still see Lao Chuantou. He is not teaching now, but has changed to management. He just came for a tour. Now he will go to inspect the work of the juniors."

Looking at these familiar and unfamiliar faces, Eiji Sakura felt mixed feelings in his heart, shaking hands one by one to reminisce.

"How did the chopped green onion become like this?" He turned around and asked specifically because he really cared about it.

"Often drinking, big fish and big meat, that's it. I also like sweets. When summer comes, I always like to eat a few boxes of ice cream. That's it, understand." The man smiled very honestly, and took a few mouthfuls of iced milk Xi.

"Pay attention to your body. At our age, the consequences of bad work and rest are revealed when we are young. After that, when we are five or sixty years old, geriatric diseases will appear. We must pay attention to health in advance." Eishi Sakura advised.

"You speak in the same way as my mother-in-law." The man shook his head, "I understand the truth, but it's so easy. In the year of fighting, can there be fewer drinking games?"

"Not a lawyer?"

"No, I didn't take the judicial examination. It took a long time, it was difficult, and I had no income during the judicial training period. At that time, my father was admitted to the hospital. My family has provided for my education for so many years, and I didn't want to cause any more trouble, so I simply came out to find something to do. The man said with a sigh, "In the third year, Dad still didn't make it through. After paying off the debt for a period of time, he fell in love with his childhood sweetheart, got married and had a baby naturally, and then basically developed in his hometown."

"Looking at the tonnage, besides socializing on weekdays, your wife must also have extraordinary skills?" Sakura Eishi thought for a while.

"Haha, it's okay, she just likes to study cooking." When the man mentioned his wife, there was love in his eyes, and it seemed that the marriage was happy.

"If you don't say anything else back then, you were still very savvy. If you go to the legal and political circles, you may not be able to get a place." Sakura Eishi felt a little regretful.

"That requires frequent dealings with people, a test of endurance, and the most important thing is time and financial strength. I am not suitable. And some people have learned to lose their humanity after studying the Fa..." The man lowered his voice, looked around, and paused Dun, "Remember Liangjie, he upholds the golden rule that a lawyer is not a judge but a client's advocate. For so long, he has made a big name with an astonishingly high winning rate. He even worked as a consultant for a large company and earned a lot of money It is also full of money. Another Yonghui became a prosecutor. He took the opposite path. He couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes, hated evil like hatred, and was full of social justice. He prosecuted criminals without compromise and caused a lot of trouble. This The two of them had a confrontation, and the friendship between classmates has long been gone."

"No wonder I didn't see them. Back then, they were all shining new stars." Sakura Eishi looked around the small venue and sighed deeply, "Where's Nagase? Why didn't he come?"

"Takao?" The man paused, "His surname is no longer Nagase."

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