"Huh? What's going on?" Sakura Eishi was puzzled.

"He has always wanted to be in politics. He is short of money, mainly because his political property is basically zero. Later, he managed to marry into a big family in a local constituency, married the youngest daughter of the head of the family, and now temporarily works as a secretary for his father-in-law. After a few years, I can become a member of the House of Representatives, after all, I have a flexible mind." The man said with admiration, "The sacrifice is quite big, so the girl seems to be double digits fatter than me, no wonder she has such a good background but she can't get married, and she was eventually hooked up by Long Fu It's on...he worked hard, and he didn't suffer less, if he really wants to survive, it will be regarded as a reward for every effort, right?"

"Joining politics?" Eishi Sakura frowned, "So you broke up with Mayou?"

"Oh, my brother, when did the old Huang Li die. He broke up with the monitor a long time ago, okay?"

"Stupid. A good person like Mayu doesn't know how to cherish, and instead pursues a false path." Sakura Eishi was a little unhappy, "Even if he entered someone else's house, he was an outsider after all. If he can be promoted to a high-ranking official in the future, he may be a high-ranking official." Take the blame."

"I remember you used to have a crush on, oh, unrequited love for the squad leader, right? But Takao launched an offensive in advance." The man realized clearly in his heart, "...But to be honest, even if you attack first, I don't think there is much hope. One piece of clothing can be worn for two seasons, Long Fu is much more fashionable, and your grades are also comparable, she must choose the more handsome one."

"Don't mention this, don't mention this." Sakura Eishi waved his hand, "It's all over."

"Indeed, it's not been a year of confusion. I've seen a lot of troubles in this world. In the end, whether it's power and money, ambition and planning... nothing can compare to a stable life, a harmonious family, and a healthy life." Body." The man said deeply, "Actually, in our class, I admire you the most. After reading so many political and legal books, you graduate to work in art design. This is really free, and your family background is also relatively low. I'm not much better, but in the end I really let you and Xiongda toss it out, it's really speechless. Looking at this watch, life is very happy, right? Besides, you married a wife who is so many years younger than you, jealousy makes me Fat burning. You have to thank Xiongda, he forced you to go to a friendship."

"Yeah, I should be thankful. Without him as a bridge, I would have missed it... I can't imagine the parallel world where I couldn't be with Zhisen." Eiji Sakura nodded, then shook his head again, "It's a pity that there is still a disagreement."

"Divorced?" The man beamed with joy.

"It's resignation." Eishi Sakura was speechless, "I came out and did it alone."

"You won't change industries again, will you?" The man was shocked.

"That's not it."

"Then what is this for? Is the spoils not evenly distributed?"

"How can we continue to evolve without experiencing conflict?" Eishi Sakura hummed, and then smiled again, "I once chose an exciting adventure at a fork in my life. Now I set sail again, and I am over forty years old. The past is now shining in the memory. Fortunately, I have no regrets so far.

"Although a smooth life is a little boring, but never regretting it is one of the templates of success." The man agreed, "Although I haven't achieved much, I still support my family very well. Proud. It's a pity that I'm really too busy. I always think about accumulating some wealth for future generations, but neglect to discipline. My son is very naughty, and he is worried about going to school. Even if he is not strong in the same period, his father and I are good or bad He was also admitted to the Faculty of Law of Dongdae University, but he was often invited by his son's school to talk to his parents, which is too embarrassing."

"...In the blink of an eye, our dolls have grown so big." Sakura Eishi's eyes flashed with nostalgia, "Time is so fast, and it never slows down for anyone."

"Is it a daughter in your family?" the man asked.

"Well, it just so happened that she was also thinking about going to school." Sakura Eiji said with a smile, "Just like your family, she doesn't seem to have inherited my smart mind, stupid."

"Are you about the same age? Then you can walk around more in normal times." The man became interested, "My child's grades are a little worse, but he is clever and sophisticated in dealing with the world."

Sakura Eiji's expression restrained, suddenly became vigilant and gloomy.

"Don't put on such a face." The man was speechless, "My son didn't follow me, he looks like his mother, tall and thin, very handsome."

"Please stop your sweet dreams." The old father said heavily.

"...It's just a casual talk, it's not a letter of appointment, look at your appearance as if you are facing a big enemy." The man was helpless.

"It's true that there are enemies who are arrogant and rampant, so I have to guard against them." Eiji Sakura had a deep meaning in his words.

"Hey, he handles things very neatly. He is a person who takes care of big things when he crosses the line and changes careers. Unexpectedly, he is also a daughter-in-law." The man said.

"You gave birth to a boy, you can put it in a free range. Anyway, the skin is thick and the flesh can withstand being beaten. How can you understand the mood and standpoint of a person who has worked so hard to raise a baby girl?" Sakura Eishi disdainful.

"Sooner or later you're going to get married, right?"

"If someone can pass the twelve trials I set up and reach the realm of a good man like me, I will naturally admit it." The old father nodded.

"You set yourself up as a qualified standard, which means that there is no way for people to survive." The man clicked his tongue, "I understand your love for the calf. But no matter how much you love it, there will always be a day when you let go, and there will always be a day when you die Bar?"

Eiji Sakura fell silent now and didn't answer.

"Family love is great, of course, but it still can't surpass life and death, the curse that will accompany us to the end."

The man said softly.

"Like my father, his last wish is to see his grandson. On the one hand, he wants to see life and the continuation of the family. On the other hand, no matter how old this guy is, I will always be a kid in his eyes who can mess things up. Head, if you have a wife and children, with pillars and reliance, you can feel more reliable and stable. This is true for boys, let alone girls? You and I are not ignorant people. In this society, women are still relatively weak. "

The man rubbed his loose belly.

"Don't mention the workplace, just in Tokyo University, if girls want to gain recognition, they have to put in more effort. In our time, girls were considered whimsical and unrealistic to enter Tokyo University. Now it's a little better, but the difference is not bad. , There is no lack of discrimination against women in medical universities, and I also heard that there are still male clubs in Dongda University that do not allow Dongda girls to join and only accept girls from other schools.”

"It's good to describe a girl. The word we often use is 'cute'. This kind of young praise and description has already explained some problems. You are a handsome man, and crow's feet are like old wine under the aura of high income. They are handsome and attractive, but what about women of this age group? Should they age quietly and gracefully, or use cosmetics to cover up the traces of the years? Professor Chizuko Ueno of the Department of Humanities and Sociology in the school is doing this kind of knowledge, you Also listened to her speech.

"Furthermore, the aging population is getting worse. Under the prosperous economy, it is the alienation of the soul. It is a common social problem to die alone. When we were young, we didn't take it seriously because of the education we received and the environment we lived in. , far surpassing his peers, his mind is full of conquering and changing the world, and the last time he has to see the stars. Only when his hands and feet are not smooth, will he admit the complaints of his parents. summary."

"Waiting for the next generation is an unknown world that cannot be fully applied by existing theories and cannot be predicted." The man took a sip of the milkshake and finally said, "So, how can you guarantee that a mere father, a person, can resist What about all her storms?"

Sakura Eishi raised his eyes silently, looked at this butcher-like scallion, and couldn't help saying, "Your image really doesn't match what you said..."

"Sad, you're out of shape." The man said miserably, "We are obviously the top students of the same realm, but you have prejudiced against me because of my fat and fat. As expected, everyone in this class has changed except me. gone."

"You are still a master, I will make you gasp for solving an equation now." Sakura Eishi rolled his eyes, "Admit it, we only have the wisdom to survive."

"Think whatever you want, the meat over there is about to be roasted, do you want to eat it or not?" the man asked.

"I don't have much appetite on a hot day, so I won't eat." Sakura Eishi raised his hand and looked at his watch, "For the dinner tonight, the promoted Lao Chuantou will also come, right? I'll take advantage of the time now and go shopping The campus, I haven’t been back for a long time, let’s take a walk to recall the past.”

"You go. Anyway, the biggest advantage of Japan is that it has not changed for so many years. The buildings in the countryside were what they were 20 years ago, and they will be the same 20 years later. The school facilities have not changed much. You will not get lost, just remember. Don't get lost in wandering, just come back to eat." The man said casually, trying his best to move towards the grill.

A set of social observations, you are more suitable for politics than Takao...


The Faculty of Law has a total collection of more than 70 volumes, which is also among the top schools in the world.I used to come here to pass the time when there were no classes.

When I was studying, I didn't have much money in my pocket, and my ability to participate in fancy activities was limited, so I could only constantly acquire knowledge.At that time, even if you eat in the cafeteria, you have to eat cheap set meals.He was even lucky enough to be picked up by Mr. Nishikawa, the dean of the Department of Literature who is known as the "Specialized Detector for Excellent Poor Children". He treated him to a big meal and arranged a part-time job.


Eiji Sakura looked at the bustling crowd, at the friendly school buildings and buildings.

There is indeed no change, as if time has not passed, but it has been many years since I graduated.

1994 1 Month 29 Day.

The weather was bad. It had been raining and snowing since yesterday evening. After midnight, the windows were covered with snow. For the city of Tokyo, such heavy snow is quite rare.It snowed all night long, and at dawn, the streets were covered with pure white, as if we had come to Otaru in the north.

Eiji Sakura, who was working overtime, turned down his work and hurried to the hospital.

With the warmth of melting ice and snow.

He finally met the petite, cute little girl.

It's really weird, after just one glance, he swears that he will give her all the best things in this world.You must know that when he proposed to Zhisen, he hesitated for at least 10 seconds.

Zhi Mori, who was still resting on the hospital bed, thought of the word "Mio". Since he liked music, he picked out the word "Yin".

Later, because the little girl liked behind-the-scenes, she somehow became a sound worker, which can be regarded as some kind of fate.

Eiji Sakura doesn't like to do things without preparation. Any decision must have enough will and preparation so that it will not become a disaster. He has also read many parenting books, but he still has no idea.

Alas, it would be nice to have a test.The difficulty of the judicial examination is frightening, but there is a reason why it is difficult, because the things carried by the law are extremely heavy.

——But human beings do not need any exams to become parents.

I am from a top university, and I know how to do it so well that I can become an elite.So the initial education was very strict, similar to games and animations, which controlled the reading and playing time.I don't know if it had the opposite effect. Mio sound was very wild when she was a child. She even played football with a bunch of boys and rolled in the sand in the park.

I haven't waited to think of a new plan from my distress.

Mio Yin was admitted to the hospital due to physical reasons. After a long period of recuperation, coupled with Zhi Mori and her own fear, she did not go to school for a long time, and because of this, she was out of touch with her peers of that age.

In an instant, she became very lonely. Originally, she didn't want her to go out and play wild, but now she really hopes that she can enjoy the only childhood with her friends.

Things didn't get better until I entered middle school.

But that has nothing to do with me.As a father, he can provide a lot, but there are some things that can only be done by new fate. The identity of "family" sometimes has limitations. Maybe it is because they are too close that they are at a loss?

Scallion is right.

What awaits the next generation is an unknown world that cannot be fully applied by existing theories and cannot be predicted.

The road still has to be chosen by oneself, and life belongs to her first.Others can only guide and encourage, and never impose your own obsessions on others, making children be their own projections and marionettes.

The young Sakura Eishi went out to the world, pursued the unknown, and was not afraid of different cultures. He believed that life can survive in the world.He is very willing to take risks. When he met Zhisen, he was a law student in front of his father-in-law. Just when the father-in-law thought that he would have a son-in-law who was a lawyer in the future, he might be a judge if he thought about it, but after a few days of marriage, he became a dead man on the street. Designers, you must know that there is no shortage of art in Japan...

Fortunately, Sakura Eishi is strong enough to swim out of the Red Sea. When Mioyin was born, the Sakura family was well-fed and well-fed, and bank cards were easily swiped.

But Eiji Sakura couldn't hold back after being quiet for so long, and jumped back into the sea again.

It is not a good thing that the pillar of the family loves to toss.

Can you hold it?

Mioyin must have lived longer than him and Zhisen in this life.

Eiji Sakura moved his steps slowly, he was in a complicated mood.

At this time, take out the mobile phone, open the Twitter account, and step on the guy's tweets, which will help you relax.In addition, this guy is really a talent, and the Twitter account management is really in place and interesting, attractive portraits, silly things, life insights, game strategies are all alive, and it’s quite fun to brush up.

But unlike his online friends, he had actual contact with this person.

Will kindly park for the needy, see the world from a unique perspective, have a wealth of knowledge, and have a humorous conversation... In all honesty, I really want to recruit into the company to work overtime.

"So much coffee, have you really finished it?"

"You can't waste it."

"It's the same if you take it back and distribute it to other people. Or sell it at a lower price in another place, so..."

"In this way, you can patronize Takizawa-kun's business?"


Sakura Eiji's ears moved slightly, and he sensitively cast his gaze in the direction of the communication sound.

How do you mention so much instant coffee? ? ?

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled, but he inevitably walked in that direction.


"Hello, how can I help you?"

The man sat there, although he was still talking, but he was obviously hopeless, and even his eyes were a little empty.

"I buy 10 cups of coffee, can I make an order?" a girl said shyly.

"Please tell me." The man replied mechanically.

"I accidentally glimpsed the morning through the leaves, stepped on the path of crushed snow, listened to the soft whispers of nature, and raised my head to meet a bunch of warmth. I wander here even more, squinting and dreaming, it would be great if I had you by my side, I will spend the rest of my life reminiscing about this scene with you." The girl blushed more and more as she spoke, but she quickly added, "I hope I can speak from a lover's point of view, preferably with a little coldness and sadness, um, the man is suffering He was terminally ill and was about to die soon. In the last days of his life, he and his wife went to the end, embraced in the cold morning sun to welcome the end, and finally her boyfriend's nosebleeds dripped shocking petals on the ground, and the sadomasochistic love ended The sense of loss should be a little youthful."

"... Time is limited, let's follow Mr. Guo Xiao's style." After listening to the appeal, the man nodded and began to brew.

In the girl's melancholy and pleasantly surprised eyes, the boy in front of him has completed a gorgeous transformation, his smile is rippling, alluring, and there is a hint of madness like relief, which is so depraved that it makes people jump into flames moths.

"Recently, I like the word silence more and more." The boy tilted his head slightly, and the sunlight fell like shards into his pupils, "It seems that everything can become more pure and kind in silence. Yes The essence of youth is loneliness, or does loneliness permeate the whole youth?"

The girl held her breath.

The boy stretched out his hand slowly.

It was a very gentlemanly invitation, she took it for granted and accepted it without hesitation.

A tall and wide golden door carved with ornate patterns opens, and a grand ball with glamorous luxury appears in front of you instantly. Tall women wearing masks are dancing in the middle of the dance floor, and the brilliant reflection of the crystal chandelier exposes them in the air. The skin of the people is hot, and the people's dance is so poignant and thrilling, just like a dying swan stretching its last posture by the ice lake.

"Come here." The boy kept reaching out.

The girl grabbed that hand in a panic, because she had a premonition that the other party was about to disappear.

"Our lives exist in such a small, crowded, and warm era. The huge singing voice echoes melodiously throughout the world, embellishing this prosperous era with Phnom Penh."

the boy said softly.He embraced the girl, stepped lightly on his toes, led her, and twirled into the center of the ball. Those masked dancers scattered and clustered around, as if meeting the king and his concubine.

"How lucky... to have these eyes, able to gaze at you in the bright day. I can't forget that life sinks into the eternal night. If it blooms in a dream, the eternal night will turn into a sunny day.

"Will you marry me?"

His eyes are lowered, looking like an angel in an oil painting, innocent and holy.

"I am willing!"

Girls just had time to talk.

Death's shadow has a shape.The platinum hall, the fragrance of power, and the non-stop aria.When time reaches a fixed scale, it will piece together with shadows to form a complete sickle, cut off all love in the world, and rush to the darkness.Dancers wearing swan masks are still swaying, waiting for the ball is already cold in the world.

The boy fell down, the corner of his mouth was red, he was proposing marriage with blood in his mouth.

"If time can be suspended, if love and hate can be frozen, if memories can be turned into eternal amber, if time can slow down and not go to the end of the soul, I can have you forever..."

This is the scarlet ending, this is the strongest syllable of the tragedy, and what pervades the entire open world is a huge mourning.

The throbbing sobs and tingling pain in his chest were all forced into the inside of his body.Like a violent meteorite impact on the moon, after being blocked by vacuum, everything is silent and empty.

"Thank you for your patronage."

A few seconds later, Yin Ze, who was lying on the table, stood up and became mechanical again. The previous affection disappeared without a trace, as if it had been formatted.

The girl touched the other's hand again, and left with a cup of coffee in her arms.

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