"Okay, let's make an appointment next time." Yin Ze didn't regret it, anyway, he had to meet with the sound supervisor once a week.

Looking at the back of the two leaving.

The little old man was lost in thought.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sweet and greasy aroma blends well into the air.The store manager stood on the side of the street and watered the flowers leisurely, smelling the scent of butter.The young shop assistant is smiling and receiving customers.There are many bright trinkets placed in the store during decoration, which has a feeling of shining.Sweet cakes, fluffy bread, rich fresh milk and bitter coffee are intertwined into an invisible thread, holding every passerby.

"This is the place you chose." Yin Ze looked at the cranberry cheesecake and thick sliced ​​bread between the two of them, and said unexpectedly.

"Happiness is the taste of dessert." Mari Haneda folded his hands together, said "start" at the speed of light, and couldn't wait to dig out a piece with a spoon, destroying the geometric beauty of the equilateral triangle, "Besides, isn't it normal for girls to like sweets? ?”

"Life isn't so sweet, it's more about ordinary touches." Yin Ze was noncommittal, "And Sir Newton once said that power is mutual. While desserts satisfy the taste buds, they also bring fat."

"Is the formula set up like this?" Mari Haneda was at a loss.

"Of course. Sometimes you want to fix your brother, and sometimes I want to fix your brother. You are me, and I am you."


Although Yin Ze doesn't like sweets, he doesn't resist.He also reaches out fork and cuts off a tasting piece.The taste is delicate and smooth, the entrance is like ice cream, and some dried cranberries are sandwiched, which relieves the original greasy, making the whole cake very refreshing.

"How is it?" Haneda Mari looked at him with great interest.

"Isn't the sweet taste the same?" Yin Zezhinan shrugged, "It's spicy, I can clearly distinguish sweet and spicy, sour and spicy, spicy, savory and spicy..."

"Let me tell you—is the sweetness of fruit the same as ordinary sugar?" Haneda said seriously, "Strawberry tastes sweeter than pineapple, but the sugar content of pineapple is not lower than that of strawberry..."

Then there is the difference between vegetable cream and whipped cream, and the difference in melting point. The word cake comes from the ancient Norse word kaka. The Egyptians were the first to make cakes. There are strange knowledge such as mausoleum murals as evidence.

"Is this your hobby?" Yin Ze asked while grabbing a piece of bread.

"Yes, I usually like to watch cooking videos and think about some recipes. Desserts and snacks don't need many ingredients, and the process is relatively simple. Follow the steps and the taste will not be too bad. It is easy to gain positive feedback and a sense of accomplishment." Haneda Truth continues to dig into the cake with a spoon, and the reaction to tasting the delicious food is traditional cuteness.Covering his mouth and stomping his feet lightly, his eyes narrowed into slits with a smile.

"It can be said that it is a hobby that is very helpful to increase the happiness of life." Yin Ze said with emotion.

"What's your interest?" the girl murmured.

"It's more complicated. Games, movies, exciting music, appreciating art, thinking about the future in a daze, and watching traffic policemen who use Sichuan Mandarin to catch violating drivers torture education..." The man frowned, "It seems that they are all spiritual enjoyments. I am a harmless existence with a bright and beautiful appearance."

"Not interested in cooking?" the girl asked again.

"Yes, yes. But I'm only interested in eating, and I don't mean to do it. I'm sometimes picky. To put it simply, I'm a cloud chef. With all due respect, I still have a little bit of experience in East Asian food. .” Yin Ze was proud.Anyway, I am also a loyal fan of "A Bite of China". It is absolutely impossible to say that I am not interested in food.Don’t you see that even the gods and monsters included in "Shan Hai Jing" have to add a sentence about the quality of the flesh, some things have been engraved deep in the soul, such as farming, such as labor protection gloves, such as plastic stools, such as three-color plastic cloth...

"It doesn't seem to be boastful, but really capable." Haneda Mari said solemnly, "Then can I ask you to be my guest for tasting food from now on?"

"Cengfan? Of course I have no opinion... But I hope it's steamed, fried and boiled dishes. I have already tasted enough cookies and biscuits." Yin Ze rubbed his stomach, thinking of his senior a certain year I only felt my tongue was dry and I had the illusion of being on fire.

"Then how do I carry it?" Mari Haneda was troubled.

"Just put it in the insulated lunch box?" Yin Ze said naturally.

"It's easy for you to say, don't I usually have to carry several lunch boxes with me?"

"Pretend to be less, anyway, it's just a taste, just a little bit of everything."

After all, the possibility of failure is not ruled out, and there is no need to eat up all of them with a little bit of conscience...

"I've brought all the belts, so it doesn't matter if there is more or less. Anyway, I made the bento for Yuma to go to school, and I'm used to it." Haneda Mari said quietly raising his eyes, and added in an erratic tone, "So it really doesn't matter. ? Will I really do it next time?"

"You do it, this is a cheap thing, how can I refuse?" Yin Zeshi smiled, "It also saves me to buy rice balls, and the truth is really uncomfortable, if there is a chain store of Goubuli. "

"Then let's talk about it. When I come to the set next week, I will bring a bento." Haneda Mari coughed a few times, "Then first, do you have any favorite dishes?"

"Isn't it a tasting? Why do you still ask me to order?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"You need to know your preferences and taboos first. At present, you are the only one who is trying to eat. Of course, you have to take good care of it. If you eat something bad or have resistance to my food, how will the follow-up work go smoothly?" Haneda truth explained.

"So that's how you are. It seems that you do have a fiery heart to become a cook."

Yin Ze also became serious, sitting upright, talking about everything in detail.

"After many days of transformation, the body has returned to its original state. That is heavy taste! I love Chinese Jianghu dishes, such as pepper rabbits, boiled pork slices, and beautiful frog fish heads, etc., but sweet and sour pork ribs Even common dishes such as delicious chicken soup and boiled cabbage are acceptable. Cold food is not good, such as sashimi, sashimi, and even individual sushi. The trotters are too greasy to eat, but the hoof flower soup is very refreshing, and the braised wings are also very comfortable. Because I was born inland, I don’t like or object to seafood. The usual staple food is naturally rice and noodles, whether it is Fried rice and rice bowls are always available. If you can have a spoonful of authentic chopped peppers or sauerkraut, it is great. As for the raw egg bibimbap that you often make, you are not used to it! For noodles, it is best to have a bowl of dried pea noodles. The main reason is that I haven’t eaten for a long time, and I miss it. Alas, there are many authentic stores in Chinatown, but the days are long, and it’s inevitable that you will have to eat them all. It’s a blessing if you add variables.”

"—Which region's eating habits are these? It's too far away from the Japanese people!" Mari Haneda felt a little dizzy.

"Chinese cuisine." Yin Ze summed it up neatly.

"In my opinion, as long as it is thrown into the pot and stir-fried, it can barely be called Chinese cuisine." Mari Haneda hesitated for a moment.

"What?! How can you have such shallow and distorted thoughts?" Yin Ze was shocked. "Food is the paramount necessity of the people. How can the wisdom crystallized by thousands of years of rice cookers have such prejudice?"

"Yes, that's it? Mapo tofu and Tianjin rice?" Mari Haneda reluctantly replied.

"Sweet thickened soup?" Yin Ze shook his head in disgust, "It's just like Zuo Zongtang's chicken and Li Hongzhang's offal. It's not a good product."

"I don't understand, these are not within the scope of my research..."

"It's really a pity, but it doesn't matter. I don't have too much hope. Ordinary home cooking is fine. As long as there are no satanic products like strawberry pulp mapo tofu, I don't care." Yin Yin Ze said reservedly, but the disappointment in his words still showed.

"No. You can focus on what you said just now. I'll write it down and go back and look up the information and recipes." Mari Haneda raised her eyebrows, took out a pen and paper from her small bag, and looked resolute, as if betting on her status as a housekeeper. Cold, "Cooking, many things are common, I will definitely be able to restore the dishes you described."

"Ah? Is that okay too?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Of course!" Haneda Mari nodded vigorously.

"No, didn't you say it's not within the scope of your research? You asked me to try new ideas, and it turned out to be my personal custom kitchen. Is this putting the cart before the horse?" Yin Ze frowned.

"Is there?"

"Yes, and the deviation from the topic is very intense."

"Yeah, it should be your illusion." The girl took off the pen cap and failed to record all kinds of Sichuan dishes, but turned nervously at the tiger's mouth, like an absent-minded student in the classroom, "Isn't it you?" Suddenly, I talked a lot, and at the end of the day, I pretended to be contemptuous and said 'I don't have much hope anyway'. As a culinary enthusiast who studies cooking diligently in my spare time, of course I will be angry."

"So that's it. Your respect for cooking far exceeds my expectations." Yin Ze sighed, "I had the honor to taste your stew before. In any case, I have taken advantage of it, and it is really rude to ask so many things. Well, you can play to your heart's content, no matter what kind of bento, I will enjoy it with my heart and give detailed feedback. "

"Let me play?" The girl's tone became more serious.

"Yeah." The man nodded.

"Then, let's start with the 'Haneda style' that I'm good at. That's what I said. It's just the accumulation of daily cooking. It tastes the same as my own dining table. You seem to have a high opinion of my skills, but don't Expectations are too high." The girl said again.

"It's all up to you." Master Yin has always been open-minded.

"it is good."

Haneda Mari smiled lightly, then lowered her head to dig the cake.Full of sweetness.

After a period of slightly intense routines and agreements, the chat seemed to enter the intermission stage.

Summer is always hot, burning passers-by feel restless.But today it is very pleasant and comfortable, maybe it is a gift from the drizzle last night, unexpectedly it is not boring, but a kind of refreshing comfort.The bakery didn't even put up its parasols today, and the guests were all bathed in the soft and warm sunshine.

The cranberry cheesecake was basically eaten into the girl's stomach.The man destroyed those fluffy and delicious breads, and he also drank bitter black coffee, which somewhat matched his own style, simple and full of aftertaste.It may be due to the feeling of fullness and the leisurely time in the afternoon, he half closed his eyes, propped his head up, with the cuteness of waking up.

Pedestrians who come and go have faint smiles on their cheeks, because of the beautiful weather, sweet cakes and milk, and friends around them.

Mari Haneda suddenly discovered an interesting thing.

There was a pair of immature students who seemed to sneak out during their lunch break, and they gathered at the front desk to order something.The two looked up at each other and smiled shyly at each other tacitly.The boy seemed to be reluctant to let go, but the girl occasionally dragged her voice and said something, which made the boy dare not look at the other person's eyes. His hand tentatively wanted to hold the girl's hand, he hesitated for a long time, but the girl took the initiative to give it to him. Grab that big indecisive palm.The boy's face turned redder, and he was even more at a loss.They walked away with packed cakes and drinks, but they still didn't hold hands in the end. They looked like ordinary classmates they met on the way to and from school.

Mari Haneda turned her head and found that the man sitting opposite was also looking at the stupid couple.They looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Love is such a strange thing. Although the mode of getting along is the same as that of ordinary people, you can tell that they are dating with just a glance, even in a sea of ​​people. That kind of youthful and delicate atmosphere is really too conspicuous. I can't fool others." Yin Ze lamented, "The schoolwork is still too easy. But it also reminds me of myself in middle school."

"Have you ever had such an experience in middle school?" Mari Haneda asked while holding sweet and hot milk in both hands.

"Yes." Master Yin sighed, "It was the same for me back then. On the street, I saw the couple in the class next door getting bored. In the end, I was so angry that I went straight up, separated the two of them from the middle like a sharp knife, and passed by It's a pity that the road is a very long straight road, and no one can escape from the scene and avoid the turn of sight. It made me silently bear the sight of resentment behind me, and it took me a few minutes to get away in embarrassment."

"...You are too pitiful." Mari Haneda felt a little sympathetic.

"This condescending tone?" Yin Ze was displeased, "Could it be that you were once a cashier who has experienced pure and beautiful student love?"

"No, I didn't tell you about the situation I was in when I was studying. I was excluded by a small group and so on. Of course, some boys came to confess, but most of them had bad intentions." Haneda Mari said.

"High school students, especially girls, do have a lot of troubles when they are models." Yin Ze nodded.

"I haven't pursued it before, and I haven't accepted others' pursuit. I don't want to say how regretful it is. Occasionally, it's a pity. After all, the love when I was a student is very special." Haneda Mari said slowly.

"Not necessarily." Yin Ze stretched his waist on the chair, "They are all in their teens, most of the girls are precocious, while the little boys are in the stage of quarreling, all kinds of magical ideas emerge in endlessly, sometimes hurting others, It took a long time to realize it. You were right at the time, there is no need to look forward to the injured youth."

"But entering society is much more complicated." Haneda Mari replied casually.

"It's okay, you will get used to it, and you will have to suffer from this society for decades." Yin Ze comforted in reverse.

"This mentality and way of speaking is really the same as the second uncle across the street from my hometown." Haneda Mari glanced at him, "It's not suitable to discuss this kind of thing with you. Are you full? It's time to go."

Yes, it's time to go home and play games.The man warms up by rubbing his hands together.

The two checked out, and the potted plants were carefully cared for by the store manager.

"Is this a hydrangea?" Mari Haneda stopped in bewilderment, leaned over, and took out his phone to take a picture, "It's still a little different from the animation."

"This flower is quite common." Yin Ze said, "And when it comes to animation, the original author used a lot of hydrangea, which also has a special meaning."


"Flowers have many meanings. Hope, loyalty, eternity, happy reunion, and unswerving love until death." Yin Ze said with a smile, "The story of falling in love with a girl who became a zombie reveals sadness and love from beginning to end. Powerless. Although the ending has not been broadcast yet, this can be regarded as a hint."

Mari Haneda was slightly taken aback, not expecting such a metaphor.After a long while, she said slowly, "Yes, it must be a happy ending."

"It's good enough for me anyway." Yin Ze said abruptly, his tone indifferent.

"Huh?" Mari Haneda was puzzled.

"Fortunately, it wasn't the male protagonist who fell to his death and became a zombie... Some people even protested on the Twitter account, saying that this kind of role that has gone through hardships should be played by me, so as to live up to the reputation. Ghost's reputation!" The man was furious.

Haneda Mari was stunned again, and immediately burst out laughing loudly.She seemed to be really amused, and she squatted on the ground.

It took a while to calm down.



"I will really bring a bento next time."

"Isn't everything settled?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

April nineteenth.

Tokyo.heavy rain.

It is suitable for sacrifice.Avoid starting work.

Master Yin is in the rain, and the pink and pretty lady is galloping.

The company building looked thick and indifferent under the dark clouds, and the lightning flashed from time to time added to the gloom.

The man settled the battery car, and the tail of the raincoat was dripping with icy raindrops. He was like a brave man who went through all kinds of hardships and broke into the Demon King's City.

"You're here." Mori Hiroshi sat alone on the sofa in the public rest area, looking up at the man in a black raincoat.

"I'm here." Yin Ze took off his hood, revealing his wet forehead hair and those sharp eagle-like eyes.

"You're still here after all." Mori Hiroshi sighed.

"I'm still here after all." Yin Ze also sighed.

"What do you mean by sneer?" Mori Hiroshi asked again.

"My sneer means a sneer." Yin Ze answered immediately.

Mori Muhong stopped talking, he had finished speaking.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the producer biting off the chocolate bar.

Yin Ze turned his head, only to realize that he was surrounded.The female make-up artists look like wolves and tigers, as excited as discovering fat meat discounted in a supermarket.Before the man begged for mercy, he was escorted to a separate room, like a prisoner, pressed on a comfortable ergonomic seat like a tortured person.Surrounded by makeup artists and hair stylists, the breath is filled with the soft feeling and shampoo smell unique to women.

Those of you who have worked behind the scenes as artists for a long time are very excited and have shown a strong desire to challenge in the face of these rare skins in the past few decades.They are like paranoid scientists who have discovered new elements and particles, making low hey sounds excitedly.Waving the powdered powder concealer eyeliner in his hand like a scalpel, he kept scribbling back and forth on the modeled face.

The hair stylist dried the wet hair with a hair dryer and began to comb the hairstyle. When he got a little inspiration, he overturned it and tried all the ideas on this best head. The pure water spray was sprayed like fertilizing the farmland.

"What a young stubble, like a weed that has just broken through the soil, it strengthens the lower brows, and the handsome temperament is ready to come out!" Someone affirmed.

"The skin is a bit rough, it should be because I often stay up late, but thanks to this face, the dark circles under the eyes have the charm of black and white literary movies. It is better to make broken hair to magnify the decadence and let the temperament flow." Someone suggested.

"No, no, look at this razor-sharp facial features and melancholy eyes, his soul is broken in Venice. He should follow the Western style of abstinence. How long can a boy be young? Time flies, this beauty is at its peak, it should be Unobtrusive blooming. The traditional family is enough." Someone said with emotion.

"It's a waste, it's too wasteful, it's too wasteful to apply a commercial template with such a good foundation." Someone objected.

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