The makeup artists seemed to have some disagreements internally, and the foundation that the predecessor had just applied was always wiped off by the latter and started again.After tossing and tossing for a long time, there is not much progress, as if constantly pressing Ctrl+Z, the real design draft will never be completed, and the hip-stretching project team has been suspended due to power dispersion and quarrels.


Master Yin saw that his hair was suspected of being tampered with to look like a star, and immediately issued a just rejection.In the real world, with his aesthetics, the bottom line of what he can accept for a card player's hairstyle is the same style as Kai ○ Seto, no matter how fancy it is, he can't bear it.

The man wiped off all the beauty additives on his face with a towel, took the hair dryer, and dried it while rumbling.A standard bachelor gets up early in the morning and goes to the bathroom to wash his daily routine.Naturally, this simple and simple arrangement plan met strong protests from professionals.In the end, amidst a lot of wrangling, the makeup artists gave their bottom line—at least some mousse.

Yin Ze was lucky enough to walk out of the single room intact and went straight to the "studio".

Not bad.

Today is the day of the Nightmare Girl Radio Resurrection broadcast.Everything is finally settled, this time it has to be a complete end, the producers don't want to make any more moths like the resurrection of the dead, the voice of the living dead, all bad signs must be snuffed out in the infancy!

The location is the same as the last one, but the decoration is more luxurious.

The entire space has been completely sublimated from the previous warm orange color to a festive atmosphere of red orange.The background wall filled with past photos and selected letters from readers also serves as an art wall, among which there are many villains drawn by the original animation artist, and even a message from the director. The balloons are all specially made around them. , as if it was the head of the hero and the others.The most flamboyant thing is the joy display boards standing on both sides, which can be called the finishing point of the tailbone. I saw the words "warm congratulations", "it is you", "a gift from heaven" written in black ink with a brush in a chic and elegant way. Words and other words with unclear meanings, and the abuse of heart elements are also very overwhelming... Overall, the sense of theme is very confusing, between welcoming the big leaders to the company for research and guidance and celebrating the new couple's marriage.

I really don't know which Miracle team made the arrangement, I'm afraid they got 80% of the kickback.

I can do it!

Since there are three people on stage, it is natural to use a long and wide table. There are many hand-made dolls and other objects, not to mention the shooting equipment, which has been upgraded.

"It's the so-called first-time student, second-time familiarity. You have always been reliable. This time, remember to look pretty." Mori Muhong walked over slowly, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

"What is it called beautiful?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"It's worth watching repeatedly, because it's beautiful." Mori Hiroshi rubbed his chin, "The final video was processed and uploaded to Station N by the audience many times, and the popularity is extraordinary."

"Isn't it open and free on the Yinquan website? Why do you still need to intercept and upload it to Station N? Do you need to process it? What kind of work should you add?" Yin Ze became more and more confused.

"Do you know that there is a book called "Spring and Autumn"?" Mori Hiroshi asked.

"No, Erye Guan and I have both read it, what's wrong?" Yin Ze cupped his fists.

"It's good to know, then do you know why there are so many interpretations of a mere book?" Mori Hiroshi was persuasive.

"The words of the book are simple and profound. Without annotations, it would be difficult for future generations to understand, so interpretations have appeared one after another, all explaining and explaining the records in the book." Yin Ze cupped his hands and said in an apologetic tone, "Unexpectedly, the producer He smells like copper, is sinister and ruthless, and he has read such great classics? I was the one watching people through the crack of the door, so don’t blame me.”

"It's to blame, I really haven't read it." Mori Hiroshi shook his head, "The reason why I said that is because your live broadcast is also like this."


"Because the interaction is too complicated and hidden, ordinary fans don't understand its deep meaning, so there are also a group of responsible, educated people who stand on the fifth floor who stand up and selflessly make annotated videos to solve the confusion for the general public. You If the original author is also interested, then I recommend you to read the explanation version of 'Longzhong Fat Dragon', which is more comprehensive." Mori Hiroshi gave a thumbs up and praised it.

"There are such boring people?!" Yin Ze was speechless.Xiba, don't they usually work and study?

"In just twelve episodes of Yansheng Broadcasting, it streaked across the sky like a comet, shining brightly and fiercely, making the predecessors feel ashamed. You have created history, and I am honored to be able to stand in the position of the main creator and participate in it." Hiroshi Moriki Sighing slowly, "Resurrection should be the last. This is not a long journey, but it has opened up a chaotic road. I don't know what will happen next, but I don't regret it."

Yin Ze frowned, thought deeply, and then asked solemnly, "...I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter, this is just an ordinary complaint from a low-level producer in the broadcasting industry." Mori Hiroshi patted the opponent's shoulder several times with a generous palm, as if to send out some energy and belief, "There are still more than ten minutes, let's make some final preparations."

After the producer finished speaking, he stepped away and joined the ranks of the staff. The back, like Don Quixote, was so chic and fearless, and he couldn't let go of his requests.There seems to be an ancient voice in his ears, practicing for him.

'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.It is the Lord, the righteous Judge, who will reward me in that day; and not only to me, but to all who love his appearing. '

Today's producers always feel different from usual.Everyone in the program group has also changed, and they have become more smiling, with the reluctance and relief of watching their best friends go to the distance hidden in their eyes.Just like a movie, the progress bar has come to the end, the music is soothing, the sun is shining, the city streets are hazy and clean, the pedestrians have slowed down, and every move is slow and leisurely.Everything ends gently.

A bald photographer with bursting chest muscles looked at him from behind the camera, his eyes were tender like hot water, melting the lonely winter snow.


Master Yin couldn't help shivering, and pulled out of this delicate atmosphere.He rubbed his arms to find today's assistants and guests.


Tsuchiya Hongliang heard thunder coming from outside the window.The scorching heat lasted for many days, and finally a heavy rain came to cool down the road. Tokyo under the rain is another scene worth taking pictures.Ah Liang got up and closed the window a little bit tighter, then went to the bathroom, took out the movie set with Coca-Cola potato chips in the refrigerator, and then returned to the computer without haste.

On the screen is a web live broadcast room with a black screen. Although it hasn't started yet, there are already a lot of barrage scrolling.The two chat windows standing next to them were also very hot.The activeness of the Mancai broadcasting fan group and the friendly witness group during the same period is only about equal.

As for Ah Liang, who sits as the leader of the two groups and walks between darkness and light, the sense of accomplishment in his heart at this moment is indescribable.

Ha ha.

Is this what it feels like to be in control behind the scenes? It's such a wonderful feeling, so depraved willingly, like that Lucifer.


Message notification tone, and poke.A brand new private chat window popped up in the center of the screen.

"Shadow: Are you pushing alone?"

The sky is gloomy, and the wind and thunder are agitating.

Tsuchiya Hongliang frowned unconsciously when he saw the message.He suddenly felt an indescribable thing, like an invisible mountain, pressing down on him.

Ah Liang tapped the keyboard with confidence.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: I am the only fan."

"Shadow: Do you know the essence of single push?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Tell me!"

"Shadow: Yu Cheng."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Sincerity?"

"Shadow: Only sincerity can reach the pinnacle of true love. People who are not sincere are not enough to call themselves fans."

The other party was slightly separated by 2 seconds.

"Shadow: You are dishonest."

Ah Liang's pupils suddenly contracted, and the fat all over his body suddenly tensed up. After a long silence, he also asked the question at the beginning of everything.Fight poison with fire.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Are you pushing alone?"

"Shadow: Love is endless, and single push is even more endless. Since you are a pioneer, you should know that single push only needs to be sincere in your heart, and it doesn't have to be true to others."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Who are you?"

"Shadow: I am a darker existence than you. You, who played Crouching Dragon and Tsukatora consecutively, must know something."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: What?"

This time, after a long time, when we talked again, the nickname of the other party had changed.

"Zhenghua's Gongjin: The sound is enlightened, Zhou Langgu."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: ?!"

The two stopped talking, the words were exhausted.

The end of the road is the end of the world, and the end of the words is fighting.

The keys are in hand and will be unsheathed.

At this moment, a screen suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room with a black screen, and the resurrection officially began.The bullet screens that have been charged for a long time are like a fire of boiling oil, igniting brilliantly.

Tsuchiya Hongliang's face was hidden in the light and shadow.

The heavy rain washes away the gold, the cold shines on the iron clothes, and the majesty and evil spirit in the live broadcast room are definitely beyond anyone's imagination.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Authentic good radio, authentic good voice actors. Welcome to the special resurrection of the nightmare girl brought to you by Yinquan, the leading platform of Yansheng Broadcasting. Retweet the tweet and participate in the lucky draw, and there is a chance to get a 1:1 hanging painting peripheral and handwritten Signature color paper. Follow the official Yinquan to learn more about the program, or log on to the official platform to watch more exciting content. Special thanks to the viewers who supported the program group at the end. If the resurrection is the miracle of the return of Jesus after the crucifixion , then you are digging graves with soil shovels and prying coffin lids, O Lord, almighty, Amen—"

The man sitting in the center of the screen is as serious as a newscaster, with a sonorous and powerful voice, as if this is a grand press conference.

"As you can see, I am the host of this live broadcast. As for my name, the sign with my name is on the front anyway, so I don't need to introduce it. Next, please sit on the left and right of me. Two lovely and extraordinary Greetings from beautiful and moving guests..."

"Wait a minute, anyway, if you have a famous brand, you don't need to introduce yourself, right?" The assistant broke the silence.

"The charm of live broadcasting lies in the real-time nature, and the beauty lies in the interactivity. You see, my name is being swiped all over the barrage now, do I need to say more?" Like the spokesperson of God, exuding unparalleled affinity, and radiance behind him, "Some of you betrayed me, but it doesn't matter. Those who praise my title will win forever on the ladder, kowtow at every step, cut pension insurance premiums in half, and protect your studies. "

"As expected of an existence that repeatedly jumps and turns between hell and the world, it has broken through life and death, and its thoughts have sublimated."

"Innocent Monster EX"

"From resisting to accepting fate, the light in the eyes has disappeared (sorrow)"

"Didn't the host die long ago in the fight with the knight Eldredo?"

"Did it break as soon as it appeared on the stage? I'm sorry, but I will temporarily take over the power of MC." The assistant took a deep breath, put on a beautiful smile, and said the words crisply and sweetly, "Hi everyone, is the picture still clear? I'm Qiu Yueming Hidaka Aina from Yumejou, after many days, are you all still in good health? I will try my best to bring a lively program today, let’s enjoy the last time together, please give me your advice. Okay, next is this one!”

"Big, hello everyone. I'm Sakura Mio from my childhood friend Ichikawa. Uh, that, although he doesn't have many roles in the play, it is a key role that promotes the development of the plot, and has always been loved by many people on the set. Help, it’s a great honor to be able to meet fans of animation and broadcasting here today, um... the above desu!" Facing the live situation, the guests seemed a little nervous, their smiles were immature, and their waving strength was unbalanced.

The two seem to have discussed it in advance, and their dressing styles are somewhat similar. Rather, they are just showing up in their true colors, because they are both wearing school uniforms.Under the attack from the left and right, the man in the Lipai windbreaker made a slight appearance. He looked like a ronin who had repeated his studies for two consecutive years and was receiving guidance from fresh graduates in a private school.

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: If two moons share the same sky, there will be great chaos!"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: In the middle!"

"Five of the Golden Pickup: Strange, how come the group leader didn't talk about such a big thing?"

"Is this the first time for Mio to participate in a broadcast of this nature?" Hidaka Mana asked over the host who was in the middle.

"Yes, I didn't expect to be able to play like this. Although I have done event and non-picture broadcasts before, I am still not used to it." Sakura Mio replied frankly.

"Hey, let's take a closer look. You seem to be participating in these events for the first time with our host?" Hidaka Aina raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, I catch up every time." Sakura Mio nodded slowly.

"It's really bad luck to be with this guy..." Hidaka Mana leaned back exaggeratedly, "Is it a bad memory for you?"

"No, no, he is very capable and delicate, and he often takes care of me when doing activities." Sakura Mio said earnestly.

"Facts speak louder than words. The host has not yet recovered from the downtime. Up to here, his disqualification has been fully reflected." Hidaka Aina used "kill".

"Looking at the moment of resurrection, I didn't even do superficial work." The host, who had never said a word, used "Flash" in a low voice.

"Suddenly I feel refreshed, very good, keep this state." Hidaka Mana began to look for topics, "By the way, your coat is so thick, is it a winter style?"

"Today, the rain was too heavy and the temperature plummeted. I really didn't have such cold and stuffy equipment in my closet. In addition, I was short on time, so I had to wear this to go out. It's okay to ride a bicycle, but it's hot when I sit here. Get up." After Yin Ze said, he took off the overcoat with extremely elegant fabric design, revealing the cool-colored floral shirt inside, and the penance ronin became the ronin of Kabukicho First Street.

"I always feel so familiar...Oh, isn't this the one you are wearing in the official photo?" Hidaka Mana couldn't help but glanced a few more times, thinking of it belatedly, and suddenly realized.

"Hey, this has all been discovered. You have observed it carefully." Yin Ze was surprised, and immediately nodded in praise.

"After all, it is a partner who has created a record. You still need to have this vision." Hidaka Mana said bluntly, "The texture is great."

"You get what you pay for." Yin Ze said in a deep tone.

"Usually it looks quite casual, but it gradually becomes refined, heh, I must have earned a lot these days."

"Oh, no matter how much you earn, it's none of Senior Sang's business."



Both sides made disdainful nasal sounds simultaneously.

Sakura Mio was watching from the side, covering her mouth lightly to avoid making a sound.

"Let's turn our attention back to the script." The assistant looked down at the draft paper and touched his chin. "First, we have to play a small game, and the loser must be punished. The first event is boxing!"

"I admit defeat." The host replied in seconds, "Next project."

"So fast? Stop you work harder?" Someone surrendered so fast that Hidaka Mana hadn't even had time to show it.

"No need!"

"Hey, it's really boring. At worst, I'll let you do a trick, and I won't make a cloth."

"Well, I don't want to be invincible, can I not use the scissors?"



Master Yin suddenly stood up.

"Keep your word?"

"Of course, fair competition." Hidaka Mana insisted on the word fair.

"Okay, refreshing enough."

The man rolled up his sleeves, revealing the white and clean unicorn arms of a beggar. His expression was like a startled cloud, exuding a strong fighting spirit and a high desire for revenge, which can only be described in four words.Don't cry death!

"Today, all heroes in the Jianghu are face to face. The life and death certificates have been signed. The victory depends on the person, and the wealth depends on the sky. Come on, let's compete in an upright manner!"

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