It was praised by people from all walks of life as a naturally gorgeous voice, and a series of distorted noises of unknown meaning jumped out.The man stood on his head and backed away again and again.

The pitch-black demon gained more fear, and its offensive became more violent. Its instinct of longing for red blood and fresh meat drove it roaring forward.

Suddenly, a beautiful shadow flickered in front of the weak and helpless man.

In the blink of an eye, before the doomsday crisis.

Here comes the hero!

The first move was the familiar trampling of war!

As if sensing the murderous aura, the devil roared and made a desperate gesture. The ferocious monster roared up to the sky, and the mouthparts that made people feel chills exuded the smell of blood!

Then there is eternal darkness.

Sakura Mio raised her slippers, and looked down at the torn bug.Turn back to appease.

"It's okay, I was trampled to death."

There was no sound in the live broadcast room.

The staff were dumbfounded.

Chapter No.11 Tactics

At that time, the oil thief was only 0.01 cm away from the soles of my delicate feet.

A quarter of the stick of incense passed.


Silence is the serenity of dignity.

The prestige and reputation of the moderator are already in shambles.After the purple talent of "Life is not long", he will be forced by the public to be labeled as the orange talent of "Disqualified Man".In the long thinking and anticipation of overclocking, the man saw countless humble futures that were ridiculed and ridiculed.

So he decided to tell a lie.

Although Jie Liuzi has told countless lies in his life, but this one, he thinks is the most important...

"Sakura-san, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything, don't worry, this kind of filth will never get close to you!"

Yin Ze made a deep sound, walked swiftly, moved deftly, and stood in front of the savior.His previously trembling body suddenly became larger, as magnificent as a god of war standing upright.

"A mere Xiaoqiang dared to bump into Luanjia, so he should be killed on the spot. It's a pity that the slippers and the floor didn't fit very well just now, and the friction force was relatively strong, so he couldn't kick the crippled foot in the first place, but let the distinguished guest I'm bothered."

"What about you, senior? Are you not frightened?" The man asked again with concern, "Look, you can't close your mouth in fright. Alas, it's true. After all, no matter what, she's also a delicate girl who is afraid of bugs. excusable."

No one responded.

The staff froze like sculptures, not even the bullet screen in the feedback window, as if they were still under the huge shock and hadn't woken up.

half an hour.

Hidaka Mana closed her slightly opened mouth.

"...I was indeed frightened." The younger senior said firmly, "But not by it, but by you."

"Oh? This is also very normal. The sage said that thunder and wind will change. Seniors are familiar with me who is gentle and kind, but just a few seconds ago I had a murderous intention, leaking a bit of domineering, my temperament changed drastically, and I felt strange for a while It's understandable to be at a loss." Yin Ze sighed.

"Are you afraid of it?" The younger senior didn't continue to talk, but pointed directly at the sad corpse of a 3 cm thin two-dimensional creature on the ground.

"Haha, what a joke." Yin Ze's anger sank to his dantian, and he let out a mountain-like laugh like a hero in the forest, "A man is not afraid of bugs? At most, he has a buddhist feeling of sympathy for life, so in an instant, he couldn't bear it." .”

Without saying a word, Hidaka Mana took out a small pack of tissues from her pocket, took out one, and bent over to contain the corpse.Soft napkins wrap the roach's grisly remains like a shroud.

The two stared at each other.

"Senior is really virtuous, well, hurry up and hand it over to the staff and let them deal with it. Let's continue with the important live broadcast." Yin Ze said lightly.

"Are you afraid of it?"


Hidaka Mana moved forward abruptly with the hand holding the ball of paper.

The man's expression changed slightly, he stepped back three steps, returned to the protected area from the front line, and stood behind the hero.This is almost an instinctive action. When he secretly thought something bad, it was already too late.

The lies that were already riddled with holes were instantly shattered into dross.

Mana Hidaka pursed her lips tightly, her slender eyelashes were trembling, and her expression management, which had always been perfect, was showing signs of being out of balance and collapsing, yes, she was holding back her laughter desperately.

Well-informed child stars are like this, not to mention the staff who belong to the chaotic and evil camp. A series of undisguised laughter echoed in the live broadcast room. .

All the commanders came back to their senses, as if the Yamato ships and the Golden Fleet were leaping forward. After the bullet screen was filled, it swished wildly and covered the entire screen in the blink of an eye, leaving only the chaotic pile of repeated fonts. color, causing delays and freezes.

The parties covered their faces with their hands.

"Sakura-kun, my superman, please do me a favor, find me a paper bag." The man's calm words came out from under his fingers.

"Eh? Why?" Sakura Mio was a little confused by this sudden incident.

"Of course it is to button two holes, and then put it on my head." The man continued.

The live broadcast screen was temporarily interrupted, and the image was replaced by a fan drama and a broadcast promotional image. The official explanation was that it would take a few minutes for technical adjustments.

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: It's fine if the group leader doesn't bubble up, why don't you talk?"

"Sweet Potato Stir Fry: Because I just lost my verbal skills."

"Yeyeyye God: I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, I'm stupid."

"Austrian boyfriend: As expected of my crush, he looks so handsome even with his butt on fire~"

"Speed·DD·Alexander: I must pass this scene of modern art back to the Internet in my hometown."

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

"Al Bangduo: Finally, the attribute of being persecuted has begun to negatively affect the seiyuu. It is also hopeless, and there are guards around him, but this time the knight did not die and cry, only because someone flew to save him This is a feat that Panis, Kirito, and Artoria did not achieve in the play, enough to be sublimated into a legend. Finally, the man who has been sacrificing for the dreams of others has been protected! Compared to Miss Hidaka, she is far inferior, no matter which dimension she is in, she is silently watching the knight die for her, this comparison is simply shocking.”

"Brother Dang: Tears, Wuzhangyuan is crying."

"Scallion fried rice without eggs: The University of Tokyo cried."

"Chewing Phlegm: Shizuoka Prefecture Weeps."

"Yueguro: Kiritsugu is crying."


The technical adjustment didn't last long, and soon the familiar scene of three people sitting together reappeared.

On the left and right are the Dharma King of Misfortune Guisu Lanluo Zhiying and the God of Cai Zhengshen, Xiande Xingjun of the Gonghuo Department.

In the center is Bo Xun, who pretends to be a clear mirror to stop water, pretends to be like a bodhi, and pretends to be kind.

"Hello, audience friends, welcome back to the extended broadcast revival hosted by Gongyinquan and Mengtao Girls Production Committee. I am your old friend, Takizawa Satoru." Commercialization of the formula, "Today I am very honored to invite the famous young player Sakura Mio, who is famous for the main commentator Hidaka Aina and Em."

"Hi everyone." The two girls nodded.

"As the saying goes, people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and God's heart is not panic. Today is a great and glorious day to draw a conclusion to a journey, so ah, it is also the first thunderstorm that has not been seen for a long time. Don't look at the dark clouds outside the sun and the wind. Great work, but everyone has been suffering from the scorching heat for a long time, this trip is finally cool, it can be said to be just right, double happiness."

The host folded his hands and spoke clearly and forcefully.

"Under the leadership of producer Hiroshi Mori, Nightmare Broadcasting upholds the adventurous spirit of bravely seizing opportunities, not being afraid of difficulties, and responding to challenges, and fully implements the topicality of each issue, fully highlighting the character of young people in the Heisei era. Focus on solving Puberty fans are most concerned about, the most direct, and the most realistic troubles. Therefore, with the support of many parties, Nightmare Broadcasting can achieve such impressive and outstanding results.

"Mr. Hidaka, as an indispensable partner in the series, what do you think of the current achievements and reactions?" the host asked respectfully.

"The key to success lies in people, and what is more important is the background of the times. Those who seek the luxuriance of trees must consolidate their roots, and those who want to flow must dredge their springs. I think this is actually quite simple. The result. First of all, the efforts of the program group have been recognized, and thus they have been greatly encouraged by the love of fans, and continue to work hard, and in the long run, a virtuous double cycle can be achieved. These factors are indispensable. "Assistant analyze.

"It's well-founded and convincing." The host turned his head, "How does Sakura feel about it?"

"...I feel very good." The guest said.


The painting style changed suddenly, and the excited bullet screens became confusing and displeased.

"Educational channel?"

"Nothing happened"

"There are people here who are dead and still pretend to be experts, but I won't say who it is"

"Did the cockroach die in vain? It's a waste of life! Can this world ever get better?"

"Let's go to the next link." Yin Ze turned over the script, looked down, and flipped through more than a dozen pages in a row as if nothing had happened, "Yes. Let's go directly to the next link. The stage of publicity and thanks, no Viewers who like it can drag the progress bar to the end, or use Ctrl+W to jump to the second channel, or click the × in the upper right corner to save life."

"?" Sakura Mio didn't expect such an operation, she turned her head in disbelief.

Hidaka Mana accurately took the microphone in front of the man, with a faint smile on her lips, "The next thing is 'If life can be restarted'. We will solve your problems in the form of short plays. Staff have worked hard in advance After sifting through many letters, we extracted keywords and sentences. Now we have two boxes on the table, the blue box is the scene and behavior, and the red box is the character, which will be randomly selected and assembled into a complete description, that is The theme we want to perform."

"Why do you want to dismantle it? In this way, it is impossible to answer the audience correctly, because even the questions are mixed up. What is it to solve the problem? The Staff who designed this link is to apologize to the fans who sent the letter." Yin Ze turned his body and used asked Sakura Mio into the microphone.

"Because the host lost the boxing game and is the one being punished, so he has to bear greater responsibility." Hidaka Mana ignored the appeal and continued, "Then I will draw the blue box, and Mioyin will draw the red box." Bar."

The two Dharma protectors stretched out the hands of the devil.

PS: Long time no interaction.I dare not take warm praise, and I am very ashamed of criticism.Especially thanks to the readers who donated boxes and are willing to give extra rewards, thank you friends for your support.In fact, subscribing to watch is enough, no need to pay for it.If you are a student, you don’t have a relatively stable income yet, save it up, go to dinner with friends, buy small gifts to confess your beloved girl, and go to the movies together.If you are a social person, then add an extra chicken leg to your meal, and two more fried eggs with your noodles, so you can have more balance and have the confidence to change jobs.I hope everyone is healthy!

No.12 Open Fight and Secret Fight

"The one I drew was 'How to wake up a sleeping ○ with a high EQ in a movie theater'." Hidaka Mana held up the note, opened it and flipped it over for everyone to see.

"My side is 'boyfriend'." Sakura Mio sound also held up the note.

So the topic is "How to wake up a sleeping boyfriend with high EQ in a quiet movie theater"?

"It's fun, the serious social topic has been sewn into such an ugly title, and the world where everyone is hurt is still complete." Yin Ze pretended to shake his head, then sighed and leaned back on the chair comfortably, ready to lie down. "Forget it, don't care about it. Come on, I'll be the so-called 'boyfriend', you two just play to your heart's content, let's talk about it first, the 'boyfriend' I'm playing has the spirit of getting up, and is arbitrary, Overbearing and terrifying, if the emotional intelligence is not pure enough, I will go crazy."

"What are you talking about?" Hidaka Mana raised her eyes indifferently, and said strangely, "Of course I will be the 'boyfriend'. You are the punished person who lost the game, so naturally you have to work hard to solve problems that side."

"I'm a man with guts like iron and bones like fine steel, wake up my boyfriend?" Yin Ze was slightly stunned, "Is this a bit inappropriate?"

"Then you can pretend to be your girlfriend." Hidaka Mana suggested.

"Do you dare to assume my gender??" Yin Ze put on a straight face, and the words were killer.All kinds of martial arts, this is politically correct boxing.

"You don't even have to be human, not a thing..."

"You say I'm nothing?!"

"Ugh, you're something."

"What am I?"

"...You can play freely." Hidaka Mana deliberately said in a mean and cute voice that a vulgar man can't refuse, "Anyway, you also have experience in playing monsters. Let me tell you first, if the emotional intelligence is not pure enough, you can play it in the public Under the circumstances, I will lose the man's face, but I will do domestic violence on the spot."

"Hehe, senior has already arranged everything, what else can I say?" Yin Ze catered hypocritically.

The program team didn't give the hosts any time to think about preparing for the battle. After finalizing their respective positions, they directly sounded the initial sound effect and beat the drums to start the battle.


The scene suddenly fell silent, and the world focused on the host.

The man glanced at the group of staff who had been making troubles and never stopped.

He meditated first, then cleared his throat, and then approached the microphone, reciting slowly like reciting poetry.The tone and rhythm are borrowed from "A Bite of China", and the narration is eloquent, with a long aftertaste.

"The movie theater was full of people and there were no seats left. The lights dimmed, leaving only the glimmer of light from the screen, which could not illuminate every corner. A couple also came to watch the movie. Their relationship seemed to be good, but they were so incompatible. The leader Her boyfriend was born with a leopard head and eyes, a body as strong as a diamond, and a strange smell of sulfur in his breath. He can be called a monster and is very strong. The girl next to him is only [-] years old, with flowing clouds, legs and thin bamboo shoots, and looks good during the day , especially charming, with a pair of slender and mournful eyes hiding a coolness."

"The relationship between Beauty and the Beast may have come to an irreversible end--the film begins, and the beautiful sound of the violin kicks off the romantic story. And the reborn boyfriend of the Yan Ren, who is like a snake spear, unexpectedly He fell into a deep sleep with his eyes open, snoring like thunder, maybe he is really not interested in this kind of erotic secular film."

"?" Hidaka Mana looked sideways.

The barrage calls professionally.

"Good guy, and the narration, big production"

"This is the reciting skills of the person I like, the sense of the picture is coming!"

"Shopkeeper, come to Wang Jiawei for ten catties, and cut them into action movies. Don't see the slightest emotion in it."

"This is the first time in the academic world that Ms. Hidaka is the reincarnation of Yide's important speech. Everyone should remember it well."

The senior under the age gave him face, and he was still cooperative, but he just pouted and scratched the guy around him with his small eyes.Then he followed what the storyteller said by keeping his eyes wide open, lowering his head slightly, and relying on his superb acting skills, he made an exaggerated snoring sound.

"Like the roar of Godzilla, echoing in this quiet theater, everyone felt the great power of the broken concrete like a tractor. They dared not speak out, endured it forcibly, and continued to enjoy the film." Yin Ze continued, "It's very Hurry up, 5 minutes have passed, the hero and heroine in the movie met for the first time."

"Snoring—" Hidaka Mana snorted.

"Ten minutes have passed, and the relationship between the hero and heroine in the movie has warmed up." Yin Ze said.

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