"Snoring—" Hidaka Mana continued to snore.

"After 15 minutes, the male and female protagonists in the movie had misunderstandings with each other, and their relationship was tested." Yin Ze's voice did not fluctuate.

"Huh, snoring, cough cough—" Hidaka Mana continued to use a thick nasal voice, and gradually lost her strength, and was a little choked by herself.

"Twenty and ten minutes passed, and a third party appeared." Yin Ze said without thinking.He raised his head leisurely and took a sip of champagne, and let out a refreshing sound.

The younger senior turned his head slowly, oppressively like a ghost in a horror movie, the mineral water bottle in his hand made a sizzling sound, and the subtle killing intent began to dissipate.

"And that tormenting dear partner, jumping repeatedly on the verge of death"

"Hello Tiger"

"Do you want to be the coward of the entire series and live for the rest of your life! Or just be the hero who resurrected back to the first issue, and pass it on to the future?!"

"25 minutes later...cough, but now no one is paying attention to the plot of the story." Yin Ze reined in the precipice and restrained himself, "My girlfriend finally couldn't help it, looking at the man she once loved deeply, struggling in her heart. Only Listen to her soft whisper—”

"Tie Niu, Tie Niu, wake up, don't let others look down on you anymore..." The man paused tactically, squeezed his throat, and used all his strength to make a feminine falsetto.However, even with this kind of experience, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, it cannot completely cross the gender barrier.

"A Man Without Flaws"


"The Rebellion of the Ten Attendants"

"Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons"

"Meng De's godfather lost the boxing game and married Yi De? How could I have such a dream?"

The junior senior who had endured for a long time was about to seize this interval and launch an attack, but was immediately pushed back by the seamless narration.

"Wuzi's voice still couldn't reach Tieniu's heart, and she showed a sad expression. Maybe, maybe this relationship was just a farce. Since dating, Tieniu has devoted himself to his career, leaving behind Her tenderness is only so pitiful, and even after drinking heavily, she will use violence, tying the weak woman to a tree stump and whipping her. The bright future she promised at the beginning, when she didn't expect it to be fulfilled, there were only bruises."

Yin Ze said sadly.

"In terms of principles, the more you fail to keep, the more you sink in life. The degree of a person's thorough understanding is exactly equal to the depth of her suffering."

"The movie is still playing, and the hero and heroine finally confide in each other. One morning, the heroine left in a hurry, but left a note saying 'I cooked in the kitchen, and I bought a few cups, I know It won't take long for them all to be smashed, so I hid one, and when you need this cup one day, call me and I'll tell you where I hid it."

Yin Ze sighed.

"Ah! How subtle! A dark and ambiguous love! This is the fairy tale that Wuzi will never get in Tieniu. In the end, she still planned to leave this man. So Wuzi stood up lightly, bowed and left, She kept saying sorry, her beautiful face was wet with tears, and she brushed off silent audiences one after another.

"She is a loser in this love, but the romance in her heart still exists. She longs to meet someone, like the refreshing wind in the mountains, like the warm light of the ancient city—"

Yin Ze spoke faster, and people seemed to see the poor girl running away in a hurry.

"Wu Zi fell down due to haste and sadness, and the nearest audience immediately helped her up... Oh, what kind of person is that? Eight feet long, majestic, with a white face and no beard, and a white dress that is as clean as snow, The Zhaoye Jade Lion crawled in front of him, completely blocking the aisle—it’s no wonder he stumbled. The Brilliant Gentian Silver Spear was stuck on the handrail together with the popcorn, and it was majestic and astonishing.”

When Yin Ze said this, his body suddenly turned towards the guest who was sitting quietly on the other side.

"?" Sakura Mio, who was being watched, paused, a little puzzled.

"The so-called instant encounters are real, some are predestined, and some are inadvertently looking back. Wuzi's soul is rolling in the waves, and she decided to seize this moment—!" The storyteller's voice became cheerful and excited.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Yin Ze said shyly again in a false voice.

"No, no." Sakura Mio sounded confused, and told the truth.

"Then you have it now." Yin Ze said firmly.

"???" Hidaka Aina.

"The most important thing is the gentleness of bowing his head, just like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze. Wuzi has gained a new love, and left the movie theater with a new boyfriend. The full text is over, congratulations, congratulations." The host sighed curtain down.

Ding ding dong——!

The crisp sound of the end of the performance sounded.

"...I was dumped?!" Hidaka Mana was dumbfounded, she pointed her slender fingers at herself, a little resentful and excited, "I, I haven't said a word yet!"

"Break up with a domestic violence man with a full face and beard, and fall in love with the brand new Bai Yueguang. Is there a more admirable happy ending than this?" Yin Ze spread his hands.

"It's all about you talking to yourself! And isn't the topic about waking me up with a high EQ? I couldn't wake up in the end, and my girlfriend ran off with a stranger in the movie theater!" Rigao Mana was shocked.

"Hey, third brother, don't talk nonsense, Zilong is no stranger." Yin Ze added.

"Have you ever thought about how I felt when I was woken up by the cleaners and staff when the film was over and the scene was over, and faced with this cruel ending? Your answer really failed! It's disappointing!" The evaluation given by Hidaka Mana is unqualified.

"To be reasonable, being able to fall asleep in the movie theater means that the person is not interested in the movie itself at all, or is really tired. Under such a premise, it is necessary to wake up others. This kind of behavior itself lacks emotional intelligence, so why? What about solutions with high EQ? This topic is a typical paradox, a twisted product of the wrong operation of Staff, so it is reasonable to have such a twisted interpretation and solution mixed with tauren and compulsive elements." Yin Ze Put your hands together, and say it academically and seriously.

The barrage surged.

"Three Kingdoms lovers are ecstatic!"

"The King of Hanzhong Weeps"

"Taoyuan Break"

"Fox Spirit in Troubled Times"

"The Han Dynasty declined, eunuchs caused disaster..."

"Beautiful Beauty EX"

"Please stop fighting for me (sorrow)"

Hiroshi Mori looked at the barrage army whose enthusiasm had never slowed down, and secretly covered his face.This adaptation of magical reality is still too avant-garde for modern people.

"I see. I thought you were in poor condition before, but now it seems that you are at an unprecedented peak."

"It's okay~ Rigao-san~" Someone made an incomparably beautiful turnaround, and suddenly twitched.

Hidaka Mana took a deep breath, calmed down, and returned to that calm smiling counselor again.

"Then let's move on to the second question."

"Draw a card—"

The pieces of paper draw dazzling tracks in the air.

If No.13, then I don’t need to pretend to be a gentleman anymore

"The one I drew was 'How to deal with the ○ that made things difficult for me at the Cowherd'." Hidaka Mana held the piece of paper with two fingers, turned it over, gracefully and calmly, as if throwing away a piece of gray Liuli.

"The one I drew was, uh, 'Female Boss'." Sakura Mioon unfolded the note.

"...meaning that there are still people who work in the Cowherd's shop among our audience?" Yin Ze couldn't help shaking his head, and said regretfully, "A real man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in a place of sensuality for a long time?"

"Are you qualified to say such things?" Sakura Mio whispered softly.She can still remember the first time she met the ventriloquist.A few days ago, I went to that commercial street again, and was shocked to find that the serious western restaurant had been completely transformed into a stress-relieving place for female customers.

According to Mrs. Matsuda in the agency, it seems that someone was recruited by the store manager because of his service ability, and he is a specially recruited employee.

"Female boss, right? I'm used to it anyway." Yin Ze accepted all this silently, "Let me polish my character a bit more: a strong woman type, with a cold personality, aggressive makeup, and an emotionless black man. Stockings and high-heeled shoes, called prison death row torturers by the employees in awe. Well, very good, the image has stood up. "

"You're talking nonsense again. As the punished person, of course you are playing the role of the person who suffered in the Cowherd's shop." Hidaka Aina said.

"Is it still worth acting?"


"I mean, isn't it inappropriate for Senior to play the female boss?"

Yin Ze clasped his hands and looked at the female high school student next to him from head to toe.

"At least the character setting I wrote just now can't be used immediately, I have to write a new one... Well, I have it!"

Yin Ze's inspiration flickered.

"Kyoto No. 24 is a century-old store in Kabukicho. There have been countless handsome men who have seduced middle-aged and elderly women and raised the divorce rate on the street. However, the royal power is not eternal, and the service industry is seriously involved. No. 24, Kyoto, is also in a poor family, with sick parents and withered talents. In order to save the ancestral property that is about to be acquired, the young granddaughter decided to stand up and become the manager of the store.”

"On the other hand, Yin Qingchen, a top professor at the textbook level in women's psychology and emotion, was expelled from a key university for various reasons, and left the academic circle. Disappointed, he came to Kyoto No. 24 and became a little girl. But with ten years of experience in marriage counseling, he sees the anxiety of the young female store manager. After exchanging dreams, the two, one big and one small, joined hands to start the road back to the top .Brand-new and unique youth in the workplace, a spiritual haven for neighbors...

Yin Ze's tone was as high as that of a teleshopping salesman.

"—Light novel, "Leng Shaoxiao's Favorite Boss"! Also known as "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: You Deceived Me to Addiction"!"


"I actually have a slight desire to read..."

"The title is even more important"

"It seems to be female-oriented, but it is actually male-oriented. Look carefully, yo, it is child-oriented."

"What do seniors think of this setting?" Yin Ze asked for credit.Being able to conceive such a conflicting and dramatic background in just a few breaths, a man can't help but feel a bit of complacency that a talented scholar and a beautiful woman should have.

"It's not as good as peace." Hidaka Mana was very cautious, she didn't want to fall into the other party's rhythm, "I think it's the first one, a female boss with a cold personality is better, although it's a bit monotonous, but it's better than being unpretentious .”

"I'm mainly worried that you can't support the role." Yin Ze pondered, "...the temperament of a mature woman is not so easy to grasp."

"Hmph, voice actors don't need real people to appear on the screen. What they do depends on the tone and emotion. If you grasp these two points well, you won't go anywhere." Hidaka Mana was a little displeased when her temperament was questioned.

"According to what you say, this acting is easy?"

"It was."

"Okay, let's go."


The response of the Staff will never disappoint. They are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, which can be called the evil of human beings.

The atmosphere of the program group is still in place. At this second, the lights are weak and dim, and the charming blue-purple light is floating. The bright and majestic live broadcast room is immediately dyed into an emotional meat forest wine pool.Who knows why such a showy lighting effect was prepared in advance.

The host complied with his emotions and entered the show in seconds.He raised the champagne and started to get drunk, his eyes became blurred, and the image of a prodigal son stood in an instant.

At night, like a light blue curtain covering the long street.People who are paralyzed by life, blow out the candles in dreams, wander in a trance, and come here to seek faint comfort when weary.Kyoto No. 24 is still sleepless tonight, the lights are bright, boxes of wine bottles reflect the writhing waist and the floating Hualan, and the fragrance of cosmetics permeates, fascinating anyone's eyes.

The night will cover up all the impurity of this flashy world.

"The reason why the starry sky is beautiful is because it shines brightly in the night sky. Maybe a person's life must be as lonely as the starry sky to be so brilliant..."

Holding the champagne, the man moved closer to the guest on the right, put his elbow on the corner of the other's chair, and said softly.

"Perhaps it is destined. Two glowing fireflies will meet in the dark night. This young guest, if you have any troubles, please tell me."

It can be seen that Fengchen Prodigal is very skilled in his business.

"I've been worrying about going to school recently." Sakura Mio replied casually, while leaning back, her lips pursed, with a mixture of amused and embarrassing avoidance.Don't look at how heroic she is in private, but in live broadcasts, in front of national audiences, she is still a little reserved.

"Oh, it turns out that you are a diligent girl who studies hard." Yin Ze admired, "You must have a clear life plan, right? How about this, tonight you and I will not talk about romance, nor exchange cups, but potato chips Orange juice talks about heroes, talk about the anecdotes of human civilization throughout the ages, broaden your horizons, and supplement historical knowledge at the same time, can you?"

"Are you sure you are a cowherd, not a private school teacher?" Sakura Mioyin cryptically reminded the host not to deviate from the theme.

"It seems that customers still have a lot of misunderstandings about this business." Yin Ze drank lightly, "Like idols, we all belong to the job of selling hopes, but the former enjoys more lighting shots and is more glamorous, while the latter has more Hidden in the shadows. Since the attributes are the same, the operation is not bad. There are 3000 people in this store, no duplicate samples, and I am the top of the "three good students" route of this store. As the saying goes, there are no diamonds, How dare you do porcelain work, there are piles of test papers from various colleges and universities in the warehouse, do you need to do a few warm-ups first to find out how you feel?"

Just when the prodigal son was having a pleasant discussion with the client.

An urban woman with heavy makeup and a strong presence came slowly.She has an air-conditioning and sophistication that is incompatible with this shop.

She doesn't need to confide to anyone, because she is different from these people, she is extremely strong, and she has never been lost at all.

"Excuse me, can he lend it to me temporarily?" Hidaka Mana's voice was full of deep tenacity, like a female leader assigning tasks to subordinates in the president's office.

"Please do as you please." Sakura-san still obeyed the rules and didn't do anything to hinder her. She only hoped that the game would go on smoothly.After getting away, he immediately nestled next to him to drink water and watch the show.

The prodigal son and the female boss faced each other and confronted each other.

"What's the matter, boss?" Yin Ze said reluctantly, "He came here specially, as if to lecture."

"You still think I'm your boss?" Hidaka Mana snorted softly.

"Naturally, you pay me my wages, and you are my parents." Yin Ze smiled.

"So you have a lot of respect for me?"

"Of course."

"Honestly, Qing Chen, how do I treat you?" The female boss's eyes were sharp.

"Uh, no, very good?" The prodigal son hesitated, faintly feeling that something was wrong with the flow of the conversation.

The female boss was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Before my uncle left, he entrusted you to me. You came to the company after graduating from Stanford's breeding major, and I was the one who led you to work on the project. I was worried that you would not have a sense of belonging, so I allocated a villa under my name to you. , you checked the wrong order and data, and it was I who helped you correct the mistakes all night..."

The more the female boss talked, the more tense her face became.

The prodigal son was taken aback when he heard that.

Temporary settings?

"How am I treating you?" Hidaka Mana asked again, emphasizing her tone.

"Okay, very good." Yin Ze could only follow along.

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