"Then why did you leave the company? Leave me?" Hidaka Mana's expression suddenly became vivid, resentful and angry, ordinary people would subconsciously feel unbearable.

"Isn't the boss's company the Cowherd's shop?" But Yin Ze, who was already full of resistance, grasped the core and was very puzzled, "I was still soliciting business just now."

"I didn't expect you to say such nonsense." Hidaka Aina slapped the table and said angrily, "It's clear that you left without saying a word. Do you know how long it took me to find you?"

Ah this.

Yin Ze fell into a brief thought.

The topic is indeed "How to deal with the female boss who makes things difficult for you in the Niulang shop", but it does not stipulate that both the boss and the employees belong to this shop.This is because his thinking is limited.

"There are deep reasons for this."

A few scripts flashed through Yin Ze's mind, and then he sighed pretentiously.

"A person longs to be recognized, that is, the eyes of others, but at the same time, when other people's eyes surround him, he feels suffocated and not free. Between being recognized and pursuing freedom, I choose freedom. Heh, like you boss Such a successful person must not understand, right?"

"I haven't seen you in a year or so, and I don't even want to be called by my name, but, boss?" Hidaka Mana kept sneering, but her immature face was covered with ice, "It seems that the wings have indeed hardened."

"...Then how should I address it?" Yin Ze didn't know what to say.

"What do you think? Qingchen?" Hidaka Mana asked back.Voices, questioning, eyes, emotions, all turned into whip ropes of lust, trying to bind this person firmly.

"Sorry, boss."

The man was silent for a moment, his smile was pale and weak.

"Actually, I unfortunately suffered from a strange disease that is rare in the world. My memory seems to have an upper limit. When I remember new things, I will be forced to forget other things. Right now, I only have some impressions of you, but no matter what happens to my heart Trembling, and can't recall any more."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Hidaka Mana was slightly startled, and said anxiously, "Let's go to the best hospital and the best doctor, and there will be a solution!"

"Forget it, you will come back after you leave, and you can't choose not to leave when you come back. The soul longs for freedom, but it can't be the master of the body, let alone the master of fate." Yin Ze said freehand and chicly, "Since old friends reunite , we should celebrate, come, let's have a drink and smile away our grievances."

"Drinking is once you start to relax your requirements, one sip will become a glass, and a glass will become a bottle." Hidaka Aina chuckled nostalgicly, "I know it, but it's still the same, relax your guard, lose your vigilance, Only then did you follow the path of a heartless man."


"When I was young, I always longed to be like a dandelion, floating freely in the air. When I grew up, I realized that the dandelion is the most involuntary." Hidaka Aina smiled bitterly, "I have always refused to grow up, and I have always longed to be pampered. I have always wanted to be free and afraid of being alone. I have always lived in a vacuum. Until I met you, you promised, and you embraced me. I thought for a long time that it was the whole world, so beautiful. Now you say, you forget me ?”

"You have to try to get used to separation." Yin Ze sighed full of Zen, "No one can accompany you to the end of the universe, we are born alone."

"Parting? Not even a goodbye?"

Hidaka Mana clenched her little hands tightly, the tenacity in her voice was gradually melting, and there was a hint of crying.Emotions piled up layer upon layer, and finally completely released and exploded here.

"Do you still have the ring I gave you?!"

Yin Ze tilted his head, he was a bit unable to use this set of combos, but he still resisted, "Don't stare at me like a sinner... What about me, the ring I gave you, why don't you still give me the ring?" Do you take it with you?"

Immediately, the assistant proved it with her actions. She miraculously took out a ring with obvious texture from her pocket. This was a lore that no one expected.

"This is what you gave me, what about yours?" Hidaka Aina cast a hopeful look, like an abandoned person holding tightly to the end of this relationship, refusing to let go.

"..." Yin Ze continued to be dumbfounded.

"What else is there to say now?" Hidaka Mana smiled miserably.

"Wait for me." Yin Ze pointed at the ring with burning eyes, and asked, "This is clearly the thimble used for threading and sewing in handicraft class! There are several of these things in the sewing box in my hometown, you Don’t try to deceive people. No matter how poor I am, I would never send this thing for engagement, you are slander and slander!"

"Where's your ring?" Hidaka Mana just emphasized.

Where can I go and find one for you? !

The man gritted his teeth secretly, unexpectedly this turned into a prop contest.

"It's gone!" Yin Ze turned the table and said in a deep voice.

"...not here, what do you mean?" Hidaka Mana was heartbroken.

"Sold it! I ate it with beef rice!"


"And this in your hand." The man said fiercely, "Give it back to me, and I'll sell it too!"

"A thimble, buy one get one free at the [-]-yuan store, you still have to find it and sell it second-hand?" This time it was the girl's turn to be completely shocked.

"Yes, I've sold it. I'll exchange some test papers and give them to my new best friend!" Yin Ze said loudly, "Hand it over honestly, or I'll steal it!"

"?" Sakura Mio said.

"Why does this scene seem familiar"

"Senior sent a villa to hide Jiao, but Jiao has nothing to repay the senior, wrong payment, wrong payment, sigh sigh!"


Hidaka Mana's expression changed, facing this rude counterattack, she finally sighed in disappointment.

"You said before. The walking of the needle is difficult, and it needs to be completed with the help of a thimble. Just like this, one stitch at a time, one line at a time, one step at a time, one ring at a time, just like the hardships of life, step by step. .”

"...I didn't say it, don't make it up."

"If you want a far away place, I'll give you a far away place, without any fetters that get in the way." Hidaka Mana bowed her head, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.


The girl took the man's hand and gently put the ring on the other's ring finger.

Ding ding dong——!

The staff struck the ending sound precisely.

"Tears, after all, it's old clothes that fit well, not as good-looking as a new coat."

"Cupid kills a heartless man with one arrow!"

"Don't host the host, let's be an individual first"

"This is not for his Twitter account? The pure love army is attacking!"

The host looked blue and black.

The assistant chuckled disdainfully.

"It's so vicious, Senior Sang." Yin Ze took a deep breath.

"Performance is a part of exposing one's heart. I just lured out the ugliness in your heart, my junior." Hidaka Aina stretched out her hand, "The difference has been made, and the thimble can be returned to me."

"Hehe, if you come out to mess around, if you want to sell it, you have to sell it, otherwise, wouldn't it make people look down on you?" Yin Ze angrily took off the thimble, and stuffed it into his trouser bag.

This is the last stubbornness of a man, also called, stop loss.


Hidaka Mana was speechless for a while.

No.14 The witch is wise but still has the time

"It's not over yet."

Rigao Aina doesn't care about the lost thimble, anyway, buy one get one free at the [-]-yen store, but the old thing is used to it, and she wants to chase after it.

"Draw a card...'Ask the other party for Fukuzawa Yukichi's ○ for shopping in the commercial street'."

"Hey. Well, what I drew was 'Ambiguous Opposite Sex'." Sakura Mio's chain followed closely behind.

"So, am I going to be the opposite sex this time or become a Kaizi?" Yin Ze said calmly.

"You are the defeated one, the punished one, and of course the payer." Hidaka Mana twisted the paper and thought for a while, "I have participated in the performance twice, this time it will be Mio's role."

"Ah? Me?" Sakura Mio was a little surprised, and said hesitantly, "But I may not be able to produce a show effect like yours."

What an innocent child, he thought he was acting, but it was clearly a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just follow your pace." Hidaka Aina was vaccinated, "Anyway, our host has excellent control skills, and if something goes wrong, it is also his fault and responsibility."

"Then I'll do my best!" Sakura Mio sounded a little nervous and took over the short play.

Ding ding dong——!

The leisurely BGM is played in the live broadcast, which has the taste of GalGame players coming to the street.

Sakura Mio, who made her debut for the first time, actually chose to go first. She pretended to be panting while running, and then waved to her agreed friend, "Ah, you are here. Sorry, have you been waiting?"

"It's nothing, I just listened to the cicadas chirping for three hours at the flower bed, look, the sun is almost setting." Yin Ze flicked his bangs across the world.Instantly put the other party on the moral low ground, creating a problem.

Sakura Mio was slightly taken aback, and said after a brief delay, "But you clearly sent me a message 30 minutes ago to tell me that you want to meet here?"

A strange look flashed across the faces of the host and assistant at the same time.

This technique of unloading force by skill is not jerky.

"It's a long story. I originally made an appointment with a certain senior to discuss the script in the tea restaurant, but she changed her mind at the last minute and brought a newcomer who was younger and fresher than me. It's very disgusting. And I thought about it all, if I went back without doing anything, I would have wasted my rest day, so I found you." Yin Ze explained.Throwing the pot to a third party diverted the conflict and reset the situation.

"So I'm an option?" Sakura Mio asked in seconds.


"It's just work with senior, you are the first one to find someone to play with." Yin Ze subconsciously blocked.I was surprised, but when I looked carefully, the guest's expression was normal, and it seemed that he was just improvising.

"Oh, where are we going now?" the girl asked again.

"There are fountain shows and open-air movies in the square in front, let's join in the fun." The old soul said the entertainment program that was eliminated.

"Outdoor movie?"

"Yeah, today is "Guest on the Iceberg". It's very classic."

The two swayed on the chair to the brisk BGM, imitating the appearance of walking.

"Come on, sit here, sit here, the view here is good." Yin Ze showed no physical performance, leaned his head and looked forward, knocking on the non-existent tobacco pole in his hand, and then said regretfully like an old boy from Tiankan who came late , "It's almost over, come late."

"Just go back and rent the DVD to watch." Sakura Mio sound comforted.

"The important thing is not the content, but the memories and the atmosphere." Yin Ze sighed, "The past, that is the past that can never go back...Forget it, let's go shopping elsewhere."

"Then I'll go buy some drinks first." Sakura Mioyin kept the theme of the skit in mind.

"Go, go." Yin Ze waved his hands like herding sheep.

"I want to drink ice cream and milk tea." The girl looked serious.

"Is it okay to drink orange juice?" the man suggested.

"I want a macchiato ice cream cream milk tea."

"Hey, I'll buy you another box of Oreos."

"I want to drink macchiato pudding, grass jelly and coconut cream milk tea."

"...You might as well just buy eight-treasure porridge. Besides, you drink so much, it's time to order XL clothes!"

"Nonsense, this is for the effect of the show. I will be exercising every day tomorrow to burn off calories!" Sakura Mio subconsciously rubbed the soft flesh on her cheeks to defend herself, then stretched out her white and clean little hands, feeling emotionless. Say, "Give me some?"

"How much?" Yin Ze asked.

"10000 yen." Sakura Mio swindled and doubled the price to earn a kickback.

"I'll personally give you another 5000-yen discount coupon for Rolls-Royce. Remember to drive one back when you come back." Yin Ze chose to grab it.

"What model?"

"Rolls-Royce Phantom."

"Okay, it's the Rolls-Royce hallucination, I get it."

Sakura Mio sound continued to spread her palms.

Seeing this, Yin Ze thought for a while, holding the fake air coin, and put it in the opponent's pink and rosy palm.

Sakura Mio was unmoved.

"Why?" Yin Ze frowned.

"Fukuzawa Yukichi." The gaze cast by Sakura Mio sound was extremely pure.

"Isn't it for you?" Yin Zeweng said in a low voice.

"No, my hands are clearly empty." Sakura Mio turned her head, turned her palms over, and nothing fell.

The BGM continues.

The host pointed at the guest, his lips trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent, and slowly took out a wrinkled wallet from his trouser pocket, and took out a banknote from it.

On the paper, Mr. Fukuzawa raised his head slightly, his eyes were deep, three points of arrogance and seven points of pity.

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