"Then I'll go, you stay here, don't move around." Sakura Mio waved the money in her hand in a triumphant gesture.


"Master Sakura, the performance is over, please return the props to me quickly." Yin Ze was like a brat who had lost a precious toy, baring his teeth and claws, and Grandet in his heart was eager to move.

"The younger generation is really the kind of philistine who will take back the gifts that have been given out." Hidaka Aina interjected, and the timing of entering the battlefield is very good, "Whether it's rings, money, or happy hours, in In the heart of the younger generation, is emotion something you can play with at will?"

"Of course - no." Yin Ze snorted.

"Does that mean I can keep it for myself?" Sakura Mio asked as she folded the banknotes with both hands.

"Of course, this is your salary." Hidaka Mana nodded.

"What about me? I was killed and buried, shouldn't I be paid more?" The man asked quietly.

"Your distribution method is more advanced, it is a pure box office percentage dividend, and the upper limit is much stronger than ours." Hidaka Aina explained.

Void theaters, right?

The barrage of Lufan Jinglun is rolling.

"Quick victory"

"Fulu's surprise attack on Sakura and Cai, there is Wuzi by the river of beauty"

"Wu Lang's ingenious plan to secure the world, lost sex and lost money"

"The host still has reservations about the guests, and he is not as crazy as he is with his assistants"



"Why didn't you resist at the end?" Hidaka Mana noticed the flow of the barrage and asked, "I thought you would pledge the thimble you just deducted when you pay. This is Your style."

"Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. In order to fight the vicious witch, I also had to accept the power of the lie devil and become a vicious demon...boy. But this is a compromise and sacrifice for justice. Senior Sang Do you really think that I'm a duplicity, a duplicity?" Yin Ze snorted softly.

"Mio's state is very good. There are several shocking turns in it, which can be played. Maybe she has a talent for improvisation." Hidaka Mana said.

"...I don't have any special feelings, mainly because the way we get along with each other is similar to this." Sakura Mio scratched her head.

"Usually get along?" Hidaka Mana was taken aback.

"Well, most of them are like this when they come out to play." Sakura Mio nodded, "As for the little milk tea joke, it also happened on the way to the art exhibition last time, so I moved it over."

"You went to the art exhibition together?" Hidaka Mana paused, her eyes shifting.

"It's the second time." Yin Ze stroked the cold champagne bottle and said, "It's good to appreciate some elegant art once in a while, to soothe the soul and complement the aesthetics. I think Senior Sang is very vulgar and confused, so we can come together next time. "

Hidaka Mana paused for two or three seconds, then smiled slightly, "Okay."

"Okay, now the live broadcast has finally come to the second half, and this damn pleasant part of testing the acting skills of the voice actors is finally over!"

While reading the script, Yin Ze calculated his off-duty time, looked directly at the camera, and made a generous speech.

"The letters received by the program team this time far exceeded the previous ones. It seems that everyone is very reluctant to give up, but the moon is cloudy and sunny, people have joys and sorrows, and there is no feast that never ends, hahaha. Come and listen to the audience Ladies and gentlemen, return to the wailing and heartfelt voice of resurrection!"

"A letter from the broadcast name 'Urban Strange Phlegm' - host, assistant, guest. To be honest, I have a girlfriend who has been with me for two years. Recently, I want to express my gratitude to her for her support and love. I plan to She let down her vigilance, that is, I sent a big surprise on my birthday. I want to ask my assistants and guests, is there any gift that will make me happy when I receive it? I want to gain some references, please give me some pointers! Trouble you two! PS: My girlfriend is really considerate and cute, being with her makes me feel that the world is so beautiful."

Is it this kind of letter that abuses dogs?

"So, two lovely ladies, do you have any presents you want?" Yin Ze gestured with his hand.

"The way you ask this question is that you will give it to us as soon as you know the answer?" Hidaka Mana asked.

The man smiled slightly, and continued to pick up the champagne and blow the bottle, without saying anything.

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: Unexpectedly, our brother Tan is the first to fight. Although he is not outstanding at ordinary times, he is still very reliable at critical moments. This excuse is really hearty. He pretended to give his girlfriend a gift, but it was actually helping the host to find out the truth. Mingxiu plank road secretly plotting Chen Cang's plan, it's amazing."

"Stir-Fried Potatoes with Sweet Potatoes: What if someone is really in love?"

"Brother Dang: Haha, it's not that easy. I'm confident that I still understand the group of friends."

"Ghost Phlegm: Yes, I have a girlfriend."

"Five of the golden pickup:?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei:?"

"Urban monster phlegm has been banned by the group owner for 10 minutes"

"It seems that the audience likes their girlfriend very much. They are such a great couple. In fact, everyone's preferences are different. I think as long as you are straightforward and ready to express your love lines and fresh bouquets, she It will definitely be fun.”

Hidaka Mana thought.

"Judging from the letter, the other party is not the kind of girl who will keep asking for brand-name bags, nor is she a troublesome person who will make troubles and make her boyfriend embarrassed. Therefore, the heart is more important, take care Just say what’s on your mind, you’ve been dating for two years, and you’re bound to succeed!”

"What if you're shy?" Yin Ze raised the bar.

"Then write it as a letter, it's also very romantic." Hidaka Mana said.

"Any more constructive proposals?"

"Recently, there seems to be a trend of '100 points where you like your lover'. Just write down [-] reasons why you like her. Isn't that very romantic?"

"One hundred needs? My God, I've been around for many years, and I haven't met such a greedy Party A!"

"So 'and 100 things you want to do together'?"

"Brother Tanzi's funds are only enough to prepare one or two gifts and a party. You just want him to prepare a hundred planning proposals. It's too materialistic, too social, and too realistic." Yin Ze sighed.

"Then what's your opinion?" Hidaka Mana asked with a smile.

"Break up." The man answered immediately, his face showed a ferocious twist that the devil should have for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. "As long as it is an emotional problem, my suggestion is to break up!"

"There must be some part of this person that has rotted, or he has suffered a fatal emotional injury before, so he will have this kind of revenge." Hidaka Mana commented, "Everyone, please ignore it. Mio sound What do you think about this?"


Sakura Mio thought for a while.

"I think that if they have been dating for two years and their relationship is still so stable, then for them, the daily company is the best gift. After any love experience the initial impulse and insecurities, there will definitely be a long cooling-off period. At this stage, more than roses and love words, what is needed more is the plan and basic strength to maintain it, and it is also an important part of being able to advance from a couple to a couple."

"'Urban Strange Phlegm'-san, it is better to talk to her about the future plans than exquisite gifts. Compared with being touched for a moment, protecting her for decades is the essence of love."

The scene is quiet.

Yin Ze and Hidaka Mana looked sideways.

"Compared with the assistant, these remarks are more than two layers of sublimation. Unexpectedly, you will have such a deep understanding and feelings." Master Yin praised.

"Maybe it was infected by my parents' marriage? They have been married for many years, and now they still like to play around like they just met, but standing together, they have the harmony and resilience that have spanned a long time together." Mio Sakura Thinking of the couple at home, Yin gave a funny explanation.

"You have a very warm family." Hidaka Mana nodded.

No.15 The Battle of the Counselors

"I believe Brother Tanzi is now as if he has seen the sun through the clouds, right? I wish you a better relationship, okay, let's read the next letter."

The man opened the letter and scanned it roughly.

Why is it this product again?

"...A letter from the radio name 'Kong Ming of Heisei'. Hello Takizawa, my name is Ayato, I am 16 years old, and I am a high school student. Male friends usually call me son or younger brother. I often call myself their father, and my friendship is very good. Great. As for the girls, they are usually called by my surname Jiajun. But there is one exception, she is my back desk, and she calls me 'A Ling'. To be honest, being called by her in such a special way The nickname is called, and there is a sense of self-satisfaction as her boyfriend who is in a relationship with her, and the other party is really cute. In real life, a simple name can cause great emotions. It reminds me of a nightmare In the past, once, the host and the assistant also called each other by their first names. Although it was a joke at the time, after so long, have you guys made any progress now? Is it still the colleague relationship explained that day? In addition, how should I deal with What about the daily relationship at the back table? Could this be just wishful thinking on my part?"

After reading the letter, the man was a little puzzled.

Wasn’t this Longzhong villager a long time ago the persona of an office worker?How can you be a high school student now against the current age of innocence?

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: The military master has finally made a move!"

"Brother Dang: ... By the way, the group leader is not really a simple boy who is 16 years old and has a cute back table dream?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: This is just a fabricated phantom. I am a member of Lipai society."

"Brother Dang: I knew the group leader would not betray our loyalty!"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: The story you made up happened to be similar to the situation I had with my girlfriend back then. Unfortunately, I still want to share my experience, give advice, and achieve a beautiful thing."

"Five of the golden pickup:?"

"Kong Ming of Heisei:?"

"Urban monster phlegm has been banned by the group owner for 10 hours"

"It's really a shining youth." Hidaka Mana said, "It's really good. It's really good that there is only one person saying the exclusive intimate name. Speaking of which, there are also voice actors in the industry, who have various nicknames. , is also a very interesting thing.”

"By the way, I don't know yet, what other name or nickname does Senior Sang have?" The man asked, "So cute and clever, is there any little boy who wants to get close, like in the letter, start with the name first? "

"No." Hidaka Mana shook her head.

"Oh, don't be shy. Tell me about your crush's requirements." Yin Ze is like a gossiping relative.

"Are you asking this to a high school student? I'm afraid it's not very polite?" Hidaka Mana curled her lips.

"Which one of us is with whom, let's treat it as a life discussion between brothers and sisters, so that I can check for you and eliminate some unrealistic fantasies in advance." Yin Ze said.

"It's bothering you, but I think I'm still very mature."

"Coincidentally, I have a friend who also claims to be mature and stable, but it is obviously another publicity fraud."

"No, to be honest. It doesn't matter if my future partner is divorced." Hidaka Aina said surprisingly.

"—Pfft!" Yin Ze almost spit out champagne, a little embarrassed, "This is too mature! You are another extreme!"

"I actually agree with what Mio said before. If it's not marriage and long-term waiting, it's just a sensational story that can be seen everywhere on the Internet. It's of little value." Hidaka Mana seemed very sophisticated, "If you think about it seriously, meeting the most suitable partner in your life is a very small possibility. It is very difficult to meet when you are young, and only as you grow older and experience and know more people, will you be able to meet the most suitable partner in life? There is hope. I am quite good-looking, and since I am a talented person with extraordinary conditions, it is not incomprehensible that I got married before I met him, right?"

"...It really makes people worry about your growth. Although I have never recommended it, I think it would be better for you to read more pink girl comics." Yin Ze was really worried.Said caringly.

"Tsk, come to think of it, does Mione have a nickname~?" Hidaka Mana didn't bother with this aspect, and passed the host who was in the middle and got in the way.

"No." Sakura Mioyin shook her head regretfully.

"Then how about we call each other nicknames now? To be precise, pet names?" Hidaka Mana said with great interest.

"Yes." Sakura Mio, of course happily agreed.

The two girls began to discuss, from favorite animals to desserts, to skills they are good at, in short, they did not miss any representative personality.Chatting with women is similar to chatting with men, they will magically hop channels and deviate from the topic.The host has also been watching from the sidelines, tasting wine and fishing.

"Do you want a pet name, too?" Hidaka Mana asked.

"I don't need to. This kind of behavior of forming cliques and forming small groups will attract the prejudice of leaders. And I privately think that since we are so familiar, why bother to call nicknames instead of simply What's your name?" Yin Ze asked.

"Calling the surname is a bit distant and serious, and calling the name is a bit explicit." Hidaka Mana explained.

"Explicit? Not so much?" Yin Ze objected.

"But don't you call Shimadzu and Matsuda's names now?" Sakura Mioyin explained from another angle.

"It's because I'm afraid they will be shy. I don't care about it. For example, from now on, I won't be called Senior-san or Rigao-san. I will be called 'Aicai' instead. See if she is shy." Yin Ze showed up to speak, and turned The familiar call from the head, "—Mana."

"Yes." Hidaka Aina didn't change her face, and even wanted to laugh after responding.

The two looked at each other for a while.

There was a hint of embarrassment in the silence.

"Look, it's not appropriate, let's change it back." Yin Ze first retracted his gaze and said seriously.

The barrage began to point the country.

"Redefinition is inappropriate"

"My fourth grade cousin has a bigger heart than you"

"Who is shy?"

"what are you doing?"

"The host always has something to say"

"Second letter. Uh, a letter with the broadcast name 'Xiuwen's Zhongda'."

Yin Ze picked up the envelope.

"In the blink of an eye, it's time to return to the resurrection. I still remember the first episode when the host and assistant were still a little green. Whether it's friendship or broadcasting skills, the progress of the two is visible to the naked eye. Ms. Miracle の Foreign Aid Sakura. I know that the relationship between the three is very good. Now is an era of advanced communications and intense information transmission. I don’t know what they usually talk about? Like ordinary citizens complaining about the unbeautiful weather, or actively How about discussing the script? Are the voice actors as interesting in private as they appear on the radio?”

"It's not that I can't understand this gentleman's curiosity. But you guys have too many fantasies about voice actors." Yin Ze put down the manuscript, helpless, "Don't put character filters and animation halos on the fighters."

"Yeah, although you are unlucky in the drama, but the younger generation is a very carefree and easy person in life." Hidaka Aina echoed, "But it is true that the image shown on the broadcast is exactly the same as in life. It can be guaranteed that this child will not disguise or wear a mask by accident, and there is no such thing as a business."

"After all, I just want a stable daily life." Yin Ze nodded, and said deeply, "So if there is a work with the theme of youth campus, please give me a chance to audition."

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