"Did you limit yourself to a genre so early?" Hidaka Mana clasped her hands, "You are with me, starting from fantasy."

What do you know, a society ruled by law is not easy to fall into the conspiracy of others.

"As for communication. Smartphone chat software is very convenient now. The tool group and the cooking group are both useful. I hope that in the future, I will also talk on the line at work. Sometimes it is too troublesome to check emails. The main reason is that I can't answer the phone anytime and anywhere. Especially on the trams in the morning and evening.” Yin Ze said, “It’s just that the current software is still a little simple, such as the emoticon function is too simple, which can’t satisfy my interesting soul. Send me the yellow diamond service..."

"I have to mention one thing, this person is very lazy when chatting online, and sometimes he only responds with emoji throughout the text." Sakura Mioyin complained at the right time.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Yin Ze wondered.

"Of course, when I asked you what you were doing and what time it was, you replied with three emojis of being knocked on the head, which is totally confusing." Sakura Mio gave an example.

"The law is not taught to the six ears, and the way is not taught to the wrong person. I knocked on the head three times in a row, implying three o'clock in the afternoon. This truth, even the hairy-faced monk Lei Gongzui who jumped out of the stone understands it." After Yin Ze finished speaking, he successfully received a roll of eyes.

"This trivial matter at least proves that the host is very off-line and interesting in private." Hidaka Mana said with a smile.

"Although my twitter account is dedicated to being a selfless seeker and spreader of radiance, the account of line is closer to the fact that I am an ordinary person. Basically chatting with people is just a trivial matter of life, like reminding a supermarket of a promotion , Talk about your troubles. Although the job position is very close to Two-dimensional, life is not a wonderful drama. I hope the audience friends don’t think too much, and bury your head and study hard, the best way..." The man concluded and persuaded.

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

"Al explodes more: This power is far inferior to the plan of Kong Ming next door. It seems that we have lost."

"Scallion fried rice without rice: still too conservative."

"Zhongda of Xiuwen: Hehe, what do you know, victory or defeat is not in the light, but in the dark."

"Zhongda who repaired the text: In a few words, the host has revealed the truth of frequent contact, and also explained that it is a trivial matter. However! Only the more you care about the other party, the more trivial things you will tell the other party! This means that even if It’s a little bit of something, and I want to share it!”

"Brother Dang: Ah this!"

"Xue Hei: Sure enough, the conspiracy still depends on Zhong Da."

"Chewing thick phlegm: Well, girls still want boys to empathize with and understand themselves. If you have a girlfriend, you will understand this."

"Chewing thick phlegm has been banned by the group owner for 10 hours"


"The last one. The broadcast name is 'Zhenghua's Gongjin' letter..."

Now that things are up to now, he won't be surprised when the scene of the Eighteenth Princes attacking the producer will be staged in the live broadcast room.

And in the distance, in an unremarkable apartment, Tsuchiya Hiroshi, who had just sanctioned the arrogant group of friends, suddenly focused his attention when he heard this name, his eyes reflected the multiple chat groups on the computer screen in front of him, faint and deep .

"I know that there are lovely people like stars in the world. After meeting Brother Takizawa, I am even more convinced of this. You are the special attention of my Twitter account, and the incarnation of my longing... In short , you let me have a few minutes in a day, and I smiled from the bottom of my heart. As a fan, of course I have a lot to ask. You have to say it out loud to be meaningful, to exist in the eyes of others, I want to know your dreams, and know where the end point you set for yourself is."

"It's actually quite serious." After seeing so many unreliable and off-topic letters, the man was surprised, "It's just that the front is a little numb, I hope this is a girl with a more enthusiastic personality..."

"My goal, as mentioned earlier, is to achieve financial freedom!" The man said forcefully.

"It's impossible to refute it." Hidaka Mana was speechless and spoke up.

"It's just too difficult. Some things are not there when you are born, and you won't have them in this life." Yin Zeshi chanted like a poem, "So I decided to take a step back and throw away finances, as long as I am free. But sadly, modern It is very difficult for people to let go of everything and embrace absolute freedom, so I decided to take a step back and become a tourist.”

"Oh, traveling around the world?" Hidaka Mana cheered up, "We talked about this on the radio of the dark fantasy talk before."

"It's a shame you still remember." Yin Ze was surprised.

"Hey, it seems to be the time of No. 12?" Hidaka Mana tried hard to remember.

"Almost." Yin Ze nodded.

"I haven't changed my goal now." Hidaka Mana sighed, "It's really dedicated."

"Of course." Yin Ze accepted it.

"Has the plan started? Since it is a big plan for the whole world, why not start by leaving footprints all over Japan." Hidaka Aina offered advice.

"Hehe, I'm going to point out the producer. May I ask when his Yamahe R6 will be cashed in? I've wanted to do motorcycle riding for a long time." Yin Ze pretended to be free and easy, but actually expressed his dissatisfaction fiercely.

"It's too inefficient. What if it's windy and rainy? You should rent a small car with a guaranteed capacity." Hidaka Mana frowned.

"What? Senior Sang also wants to join?"

"Naturally, hiking is fun."

"...Well, it's easy to deal with alone, but with a partner, the plan will be forced to be detailed."

Seeing that a travel plan is about to be finalized.

Tsuchiya Hongliang couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Gong Jin, without drawing a weapon, used a luscious introduction to deceive attention, and then used the broadcast that had become a memory before, to lead to such a situation. The depth of the research and the breadth of the thinking are really unheard of.This tactic is already the pinnacle of Yang's conspiracy, and it is wonderful in the middle.

Moreover, he only emphasized that he is a fan of the host, and the previous sentence "You are not sincere" was set off even more murderously.

What is sacred?

The enemy is bright and we are dark.

In order to relieve the tension in his heart, and to truly feel the power and power he has now, and to fight against the uneasiness of the unknown, A Liang raised the silence time of the group friends again by 2 hours.

Chapter No.16 Su Sheng's Restriction


The man turned to the last page of the script, and saw that "end わります" was written at the end instead of the usual "つづく", and couldn't help but wipe his eyes in shock.

There is no doubt about that.

It's crocodile tears.

"Happy time is always short, and the days of reunion are always unforgettable. Let laughter accompany you, and the name of laughter is brilliant. Let warmth accompany you, and the name of warmth is eternity."

"Let me say--sound GoodBye, watch the snowflakes dance, the flowers are like tides, the days are like water, and let the future days be like dawn. Today, we sing and laugh, and today, we imagine the future."

"Let us start a new chapter of Two-dimensional with longing. I sincerely wish everyone good health and happy work! The live broadcast ends here!"

"Why are you always so impatient to get off work? This is already an accident!" Hidaka Mana next to her was half annoyed, feeling like a tired nanny with a bear child.

The ugly side committed by the broadcasting will accompany the career, and the corpse will be whipped repeatedly, so all the colleagues in the battle are tense and serious.

But the moderator's status is declining rapidly, losing Power, maybe for him, anyway, there is already a classic handed down from the rocket that was scared by the cockroach, and there is no way to save it, and it is probably completely peaceful.

On the other hand, Staff and Danmaku are still laughing and laughing at someone's sabotage, as if they have tasted the delicious main course and are full and satisfied, which is really confusing.

"It says on it that the last time is for us to talk freely, isn't it?" Yin Ze pointed at the script confidently.

"For the younger generation, the most longing words in my heart are to part ways immediately." Hidaka Mana snorted softly.

"Hehe, come on, I'm just anxious to open the door to the next fairy tale." Yin Ze said calmly.

"But you don't seem to be involved in the work with me and Mio sound recently, right?" Hidaka Mana was suspicious.

"Yes, so I would like to take this opportunity to promote it. Good news, good news, "San Hua Li Ji" starring me and my colleagues and juniors is currently being broadcast, I hope everyone will not miss it, please support... ..." Yin Ze's ad placement method, the majestic violence, is hard to guard against.

"This is our last resurrection, and you actually promote other things? It's too much! You are a man of flamboyance and lack of art and morality!" Hidaka Aina couldn't bear it, opened her eyes wide, and immediately branded him disgraceful label, and even used the seven death stars of the Big Dipper to poke the itchy flesh on the side of the cheater with his index finger.

The man who was tickled and couldn't fight back couldn't even speak clearly, he just had a correct attitude like every scumbag who was exposed, constantly begging for mercy, and coaxing non-stop.

"Speak seriously." Hidaka Mana gave the highest order after torture.

"Didn't you say that you can play freely..."

Yin Ze muttered and rubbed his waist, unwilling to complain, then turned his head to look at the graffiti wall covered with photos of memories, and sighed deeply after a few seconds.

"I haven't been distracted for 3 minutes. I always want to say something to everyone, but I have to have a head. Look at these photos. Which one is not smiling like a flower, which one is not conscientious, and which one is not a proper youth. Now the broadcast wants It's over, my heart is about to break..."

Hidaka Mana on the left side listened to his unintentional words, and locked on the target of "staring" - the latter was speechless for a while.

"There are too many things I have experienced. If you suddenly ask you to tell me, you will definitely not be able to figure out the thread for a while."

Sakura Mio interjected, unexpectedly resolving the anxious situation in a very advanced way.

"It's said that bystanders know. I haven't been on the set many times, but I remember some things. In my impression, the scenes between the two of you always go smoothly. The sound supervisor rarely picks faults, and it's done in one go."

"Senior Sang is an old hero with many years of acting experience. He performed wonderfully, as it should be, so there is no need to say more. And I, thanks to the teachings of many seniors and the main creator, have maintained a decent performance, which is reasonable." Yin Ze said modestly Said, "There is no such thing as a perfect match, but it is all set off and set off by storyboards, lines, music, and atmosphere."

"Yes, the excellence of a work is the excellence of a group of people, but our work is just on the surface, which attracts more attention." Hidaka Aina also said.

"I'm still lacking technically. Once I was very confident, but was denied by the sound supervisor. At that time, I really felt that I couldn't give better results. I was so flustered."

Sakura Mio said in embarrassment, and then laughed lightly again.

"Thanks to our main character for standing up to comfort and talk about the show... Actually, there is obviously a more powerful senior on the set, but he is the seat leader, and he has a greater responsibility. I think that in the future, when I become stronger, I will help the newcomers in the same way. "

"That's right, I've changed my mind about the younger generation. I obviously only doze off on the sofa when I'm resting, but when I need you, I still won't disappoint people." Hidaka Mana was a little stunned, and nodded.

"The way of chivalry lies, it should be." Yin Ze waved his hand, without the slightest intention of taking credit for showing off.

"Speaking of which, last time you sang a Chinese song a cappella, which attracted everyone's praise, there is no reason not to show your singing voice this time?" Hidaka Aina found a new topic.

"Is this necessary? I don't have any skills in singing, it's all about emotion, and it doesn't sound very good." Yin Ze was puzzled.

"You are also an academic seiyuu who has participated in idol projects, so don't belittle yourself." Hidaka Mana encouraged.

"Is there any idol who can only sing outdated old songs?" Yin Ze shook his head, "To be honest, I really don't know much about current pop music, and the hottest songs on the ORICON list are only limited to shopping in convenience stores. Go through some clips. The audience is full of young people who are full of vigor, so I don’t want to lose face, do I?”

"Then what do you usually listen to?" Hidaka Mana frowned.

"Bach Violin Concerto in A Minor." The man said in a deep voice, shaking the champagne bottle pretendingly.

The girl puts both hands in the gesture of pressing acupuncture points.

"Actually, it's "Third Year's Change"!" Yin Ze moved his waist enchantingly to avoid the boss's roll call skill.

"Isn't that a classic affair song?!" Hidaka Mana was shocked, and then she seemed to re-examine the vigilance and precautions of the person in front of her.

"Please don't get me wrong, I just think the melody of this song is a bit brainwashing and humorous. When I was bored, I just dug it up and played it on a loop for a while." Yin Ze explained, "Besides, this kind of national-level golden song is popular among male compatriots. Can hum, is everyone a sanctimonious person?"

"Heh, why don't you come for a while?" Hidaka Aina pouted.

"I'm not coming."

"Are you guilty?"

"I'm not like you, I'm upright."

"Then come for a while."

The camera accurately captured Assistant Jiang's little eyes.

The barrage army, which was originally fighting independently, was united in an instant, united as one, and the ability to adapt to the wind has never disappointed.

"Let him sing! Let him sing!"

"This is the first time my lover has sung a Japanese song publicly since Idol King 2, I have to taste it"

"If you don't sing, you will be on the host's account!"

"Pure passerby, just one-sidedly curious about the host's singing"

"Let's sing." Even the producer Zunshen broke the closed phrase, only listening to the magnetic voice-over, "Look, everyone is here..."

The staff clapped together, like celebrities and ladies sitting in a golden hall welcoming a world-renowned pianist, looking forward to it.


Hidaka Mana stretched out her small fist, as chic as a conductor of a symphony orchestra, and grabbed it in mid-air, only to see that the audience fell silent at the moment of perfect coordination, just like the silence before the prelude to an epic.

The shy anticipation of the hunks filled the air.


After a long while, a series of unremarkable singing with a big white voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"How dare you say it~ Obviously the loser is you who fell in love with me~ If you fall in love with a man no one wants~I have to reconsider~"

"It's too dry, you have to be emotional, emotional." Hidaka Mana's little hand continued to draw in the air, as if holding a non-existent baton to control the melody, she emphasized harshly.

The man doesn't look sideways.

"Pack your luggage ~ set off on the journey without shedding a single tear ~ don't do anything stupid ~ men are like this ~ although they are out of love, they don't take it seriously ~?"

"Can you really say ~ such casual and irresponsible words ~ it's hard to believe that such words came from your mouth~?" The conductor girl actually joined the battlefield. She sang the female part, which is the song in the plot. The bag grabber.

The staff immediately became excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. No one led them, but they beat the time neatly.

"You really know how to say~ You always act like a baby to people like this~ Even if you are jealous, you won't be cute~ You should hurry up and mature~?" The man sang along with a blank expression.

"What are you on the nerve~?"

"I'm not crazy~?"

"Even if I have this heart, I have many targets~?" Hidaka Aina sang.

"It's just the third year of having an affair, can you be more tolerant~?" Yin Ze entered the vivid refrain.

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