"The attitude of trying to get away like this is the most annoying~?" Hidaka Mana was still not satisfied, she passed the tool man in the middle, and motioned Sakura-san to join the chorus.

"Forgive me for the third year's affair~" Yin Ze continued to sing.

"I won't forgive you even if I kneel down with my hands on the ground to apologize~?" Sakura Mio was forced to come in, and also leaned closer to the microphone. This kind of national-level song has simple words and catchy words, and she can completely hum it.

The beats of the staff became more and more orderly, and they even stepped on the drums and yelled "Hey hey yo" during the interval between the trio's a cappella, which was the same as the fanatical support group and the atmosphere group at the festival.

The barrage swished wildly.

"Road Unimagined"

"The three of them sang the cheating song, and I was sitting to express my admiration"

"Scroll of Hell"

"Sura Road"

"Center of Desire Realm"

"Devil's Hymn"

"Happy cheater"

"The Seduction of Buddha's Enemy Bo Xun"

"Hurry up, please defeat the enemy and defeat the invincible cockroach king!!"


After the chorus was over, Yin Ze shut his mouth tightly, refusing to utter another syllable.

"Encore—! Encore—!"

Excited staff were outside the camera's reach, calling for the lead singer to give one away, but the appearance of the smirking and bouncing looks very much like some kind of crazy ceremony held by evil cultists.

"The younger generation is best at Chinese songs, so let's play another song." Senior Sang opened his mouth, and the newcomer broke his leg.

"You can't understand me even if I sing it." Yin Ze shook his head.

"It's okay, the picture is just an atmosphere." Hidaka Mana didn't mind, "It's just that in your Chinese playlist, it won't be the theme of an affair, right?"

"I want to emphasize once, an affair is an affair, and suffering is suffering, so don't confuse them with one another." Yin Ze said in a deep voice, "It is because of people like you that the development of love songs is getting narrower and narrower."

"It's all good, let's talk quickly, we don't have much time." Hidaka Mana took the initiative to move the host's microphone forward, showing cruelty in her hospitality.

The man fell into a brief silence.

This live broadcast almost ruined my reputation, because that damned and indeed dead oil thief, he is about to bear the name of the most unkind man in Em, and because of the rumors of senior Sang, he is about to be murdered as a traitor Road Shinkansen.

It won't work like this.

Give me time for a song, can you make up for it?

First of all, we must wash away the bad influence brought about by "Seeing Differences in the Third Year".

It seems that no strong medicine will work.

Is there any golden song that is so bitter that the listener sheds tears and the listener is sad, and is also popular in the streets and alleys?

The corridor of life is frantically filtering.

The man glanced at the champagne in his hand, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, illuminating the haze, and he suddenly realized.

Time seemed to return to that lazy afternoon, when he was passing pictures in the Internet cafe, looking at the pop-up window of "Internet connection has been disconnected" and the "Shadow Sword·Aileinor" on the ground in a daze.

The non-mainstream girl next to her was frantically knocking on the space to play Audition, and the elder brother opposite was smoking a cigarette and shaking his legs, calling out loudly. Cruel fairy tales are written in the diary in the Qzone, and the lines of Bancheng Yansha are copied over and over again in the notebook by the deskmate.

Men just find them noisy.

The speakers in Internet cafes are the most ruthless, and love to cut songs the most, and this second is no exception.

The hoarse voice sang about the love of the year.

Yin Ze came out from the hazy past, he leaned close to the microphone, his voice was astringent, and there was a wonderful vibrato coming out of his mouth.

"I'm hiding in the car~ holding champagne~ want to surprise you for your birthday~?"

"You are getting closer and closer~ There are two voices~ I was caught off guard~ so I just stood there~?"

"I should be under the car~ I shouldn't be in the car~ See how sweet you are~?"

"In this way~ it's easier for me to give up~give me the courage to leave~ ouch~——"

I have sung in Ktv and the last row of the classroom countless times. There is no need to talk about the proficiency. Every tone is the humbleness and single-mindedness of the ultimate honest person.

In the live broadcast, there is only the scene of men closing their eyes and singing affectionately. This scene is amazingly contagious.

"I don't understand, but I feel tears"

"The cry is too good"

"Does Brother Tang know which song it is, I'm going to listen to the original song"

"Emotional radio anchor lives up to his reputation"

"I seem to see the picture: the old man who has gone through vicissitudes in the sunset bids farewell to the past youth, staring at the back of the person he once loved disappeared into the distant horizon and the sound of the train whistle"

Gale · DD · Alexander has been completely petrified in front of the computer.

The second he heard "the bottom of the car", Zhang Wei, whose real name was Zhang Wei, was completely stunned. He withdrew his hand from the keyboard tremblingly, reached for the water glass, and took a sip of juice to suppress his shock.

Perhaps only Ah Wei, who has no cultural barriers, can understand the pain of the singer and the song.


The second song is over.

Accompanied by clattering applause, it indicates that the drama has finally come to an end.

The staff finally calmed down.

The hands of the clock passed the appointed time, and everyone was watching him.

The host's mood is very complicated now. He saw Brother Mori's gratified, lonely and reluctant smile, and saw Staff with strong chest muscles lowering his head and wiping tears.

The man felt a bit unbearable and nostalgic.

No, psychologically speaking, this mood is just Stockholm Syndrome.

"I stumbled all the way and finally finished it. When I was first told to do a series of broadcasts, I was still a little timid. At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to it. As for work, I have to combine fishing and hard work."

Yin Ze sighed and spoke slowly.

"...But later I found that both the audience and the program team were very enthusiastic, and everyone got along very well, and gradually became less nervous. The first few broadcasts were very effective, and the results seemed to be squeezed into the performance of the platform. What list, I have received everyone's congratulations very well. But apart from being happy, I also have some worries. After all, I don't know whether the subsequent broadcast will still meet your expectations. Anyway, I really try my best to cooperate and think The show worked."

Yin Ze scratched his head.

"Ah, it's not that the communication with senior Sang on the radio is all business, that's not it, although some of them are, but not all of them. We can match up so smoothly, it is naturally based on the basis of familiarity, of course It's not particularly familiar, just average..."

"The story of this fan drama has not been finished yet, but the fan drama is over. Whether there will be a second episode, we have not received any news about this. There are too many helplessness and regrets in the industry. I can only say that this is reality. ah."

"But on the other hand, the choice to engage in the animation industry is a regrettable beginning. The moment people in the industry set foot on this road, what they pursue is no longer ordinary things, but something that is not lost to time. 'The miracle of blooming'. That is a very different type of reward and achievement from the villa car, the socially recognized success. To want a large fortune, you may need some ambition to drive your intelligence, and in this industry want To achieve miracles, you can only rely on burning your love."

"Maybe one day in the future, the three of us will reunite with you as the voice actors of those three characters, or maybe not. But what remains unchanged is that this memory will be preserved."

"The nightmare girl won't eat the broadcast resurrection return, just stop here."

The host held up the champagne bottle that he was about to finish by himself.

"Accompanying you is Takizawa Satoru—"

"Hidaka loves vegetables."

"Sakura Mio sound."

"Goodbye by fate!"

The staff set off confetti fireworks.

Staff, a strong man with strong muscles, even rushed into the camera and hugged the host.

Hiroshi Mori stared at the barrage group that almost covered the entire screen, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Tsuchiya Hongliang left his seat and stretched out the window.

The dark clouds over the city have dispersed, and the streets in summer after being watered by rain are so comfortable and refreshing.

Chapter No.17 The Savior


Part A.

"Oh, it's so exciting! Just the thought of being able to peek into your memory and rewrite your feelings makes me so excited!"

The man cooperated with the picture on the screen, showing a sinister and vicious smile with a synchronization rate of 92.41%, and his voice was even more greasy, which perfectly interpreted the attribute of "yellow hair".

"But before we tamper with your souls, let's have a fun party! Ahhhh...the long-awaited moment has finally arrived. Now that the best guests are here, it's worth all the hard work I've endured! Now all the file information in this space will be recorded! You should try to make vivid expressions!"

"What are you trying to do...!" the black-clothed swordsman who was powerless on the ground shouted.

"Hey, it's so beautiful, NPC really can't make such a pitiful and vivid expression."

The man blew out two whistles full of saltiness like a street skater.He let out a cooing laugh, and when the storyboard progressed to the point where the villain walked around behind the girl, grabbed a strand of long hair from the girl with his hand, put it on his nose and took a deep breath——

"Ha, hehe, it's really fragrant, um, it's so fragrant! It took me a lot of work to faithfully restore the fragrance of Asuna-chan in the real world. I really hope you can understand that I specially moved the analysis machine to the ward What a painstaking effort!"

"Stop it... you bastard!"

"It's okay, Kirito-kun. I won't give in just because of such a trivial matter!"

"Tsk tsk, that's the way to go." The man licked his lips, "I'm curious how long you can keep your mouth shut, an hour? Or a whole day? Please try to prolong my fun—"

The chest part of the dress was torn wide open, and Asuna's fair skin could be seen from there.The girl's face was distorted in shame, and the edges of her tightly closed eyelids kept shaking slightly.

The Elf King tilted his head and smiled while stroking and touching the smooth skin.His lips rose, and then he spit out a long red tongue, and licked the girl's cheek.

"After I've had a good time here. I'll go to your hospital room, lock the door, turn off the camera, just the two of you and me. I'm going to set up a big screen in there, and I'm going to play a video of today's party while I'm watching again. Enjoy your real-world body, hahahaha!"

The man let out a sharp, contented laugh.

Although the restrained stickman girl was terrified, she still kept her mouth tightly shut.

It's just that the uncontrollable pain in the heart turned into two drops of transparent tears and flowed down.

At this moment, the Elf King licked away her tears with the tip of his tongue.

"Ahh... so sweet, so sweet! Come on, shed a little more tears for me!"

The man's heart was surging, and he finally proved the gold content of his online name "Tauren Chief".The interpretation became more serious.

Too bad it didn't last long.

Soon the situation reversed two levels.

"A higher authority than me? How is it possible, how is it possible, I am the ruler, I am the king of this world, I am a god...!"

The Elf King yelled loudly and pressed the scratched cheek with his left hand, and the whole person flew back.

"Hey... ah ah ah!"

The black-clothed swordsman who had entered a berserk state was fully charged, took a step forward, and chopped off the golden holy sword in his hand from the front.The right hand raised by the Elf King reflexively was cut off by a blow, and the broken arm flew away spinning.

"Ahhh! Hands! My strength! My hands ahhhh!"

The man wailed heartbrokenly in front of the stand microphone.

On the screen, the body of the Elf King wearing a green robe was cut across by the black God of War.



Part B.

It was so quiet, and there was no one in the parking lot.

Only large snowflakes fell silently from the sky, dyeing the whole world white.The young man who left the virtual world ran anxiously, exhaling scorching white air.

"It's too slow, little brother Kirito, what if I catch a cold~" The enemy came out from the shadows in the corner, and the man hissed and said in a resentful tone, "You are so cruel, you feel the pain It hasn't disappeared yet."

"Xu Xiang, you are finished, the evidence is solid, accept the punishment of the law obediently." Matsuda said sincerely and solemnly.

"What's the end? I'm not done yet! But a large number of companies want to hire me. I still have the huge experimental files accumulated so far. As long as I use those files to complete the research, I can become a real King, true god, I will become a god in the real world!"

The man growled shrilly.

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