"My brother is so cool, so did he drop out of school?"

"No, I'm from the University of Tokyo."

"What?! You still don't have a girlfriend after being admitted to Tokyo University? Is there really no future in studying?" Ken San-kun was surprised.

"Uh, this, this is mainly due to the imbalance in the ratio of males and females in the school... right? You can go to the next door, and it won't affect it."

"So that's the case. From now on, I will avoid Tokyo University and only take other first-class universities."

That is to say, the leader of the Faculty of Arts is not here, otherwise someone must be punished.

"You seem to be unhappy with your friends?" The man pinched the little boy's cheek.

"I can't run fast, I can't wrestle my wrists, and I'm easy to die when skipping rope. I even fell in the grade competition and the relay race." Ken Sanjun bowed his head in embarrassment.

"It's really frustrating, but it doesn't matter. Some failures in my childhood are very cost-effective. The blow is not that big, but I can remember it deeply, and I always spur myself."

The man squatted down, looked straight into those clear and simple eyes, and spoke slowly.

"Sometimes, whether you are accepted by the collective does not depend on your ability. The atmosphere is very complicated. When I was young, I didn't have a clear understanding of good and evil, so it often hurts people the most. If you I feel really unhappy, and there is no need to force yourself. As I said before, watch more educational programs, gain more knowledge, broaden your horizons, and become excellent. In the end, your gains will not be less than anyone else’s , and during this journey, you will definitely meet like-minded friends.

"However, wherever the future leads, please remember, don't be a person whose soul is too indifferent."

"I don't understand, it's so hard to understand." Kensan pondered for a while with distress, "But since Senior Durian said it, I will remember it."

"Very well, then let's have a final match." The man said angrily, "Better than anyone else who can finish the small box of milk at the convenience store next door. Considering you have a lot of money, I will sponsor you." Game supplies."

"I'd rather drink Coke..."


"What about milk tea?"

"It's even more impossible."


"Go home early, don't worry mom."

"My home is nearby, very close, less than 100 meters away."

"That's good. As a reward for the winner, I'll give you autographs from Durian Senior and Rose Thief."

"Thank you big brother!"

"Don't be complacent, you haven't won yet."

The little boy hugged the volleyball, hooked the palm of the hero he met by chance, and the two walked out of the park.

They are two people who have just met, but the older one and the younger one are very much like elder brother and younger brother.

Zhongtian Lisha could see the boy's bright smiling face from a distance, and she couldn't help but smile too.

Today is really a leisurely and happy day.

The girl looks at the time.

After sitting for more than ten minutes, I put away the materials, picked up the small bag, and walked out of the park.

It's about five or six minutes away from the audition location, but the selection of the male characters starts first, and the female characters follow, so there must be enough time.

at this time.

A figure ran past Changtian Lisha's side with a bang. The image of running wildly was as helpless as a man who was late for work, had no hope of full attendance this month, was burdened with a garage loan, and fell into a middle-aged crisis.

While rubbing shoulders, I could vaguely hear the broken thoughts that disappeared in the wind.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, it's late, brother Bojing will definitely execute me violently—!"


Gengtian Lisha looked at the not-so-familiar figure from afar, with a confused look on her face.

No.20 The crossroads where the first chapter meets

"A salute to an energy-intensive lifestyle."

"Ah, laziness alone is enough of the great sin I've committed."

"If you think my life will be unusual, it means you have a bad eye for people~"

"Even if the mystery is not solved in the end, sooner or later this matter will gradually fade in your heart. Life is like this, forgetting repeatedly."

"Don't do what you can't do, and keep simple what you have to do."

"By the way... About the 'business strategic vision' you gave up. Let me do it, let me master it for you, how about it?"

The unique green and lazy voice of male high school students spread through the earphones to the ears of the sound supervisor and animation supervisor.

He was so alive and real that he seemed to be able to see the drowsy student in the back row who was slumped on the desk. The next second, he was called up by the math teacher to ask questions. After the miraculously correct answer, he continued to rest his chin on his arm Squint your eyes.


Nagasaki Yukino in the studio felt his ears itch a little. He looked through the glass at the familiar face in the recording studio who played calmly, and always felt that something was weird.

Of course, the cast is very good, the character is very good in all aspects, the emotions and mood are three-pointed, the most important thing is that I am very topical, especially N station, the ghost and animal videos about him are enough to build a small division, relatively Yes, the qualifications are still young, and the salary is not expensive.

As a representative voice actor who has no shortcomings and is well-balanced in all aspects, he can always deliver answers and results that make Party A gratified, and this time is no exception.

What's more, this time, he has a very high degree of fit with the role. Under the influence of each other, his performance in this audition is even more exciting, and he is not inferior to the veteran acting seniors, which is amazing.

Also present at the sound audition, the animation supervisor who selected the voice actor covered his earphones and nodded repeatedly. He looked at this person's profile, like a mother-in-law looking at a son-in-law, the more he looked at it, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

"Nagasaki-san, I think he is very suitable, what do you think?" The animation supervisor who was too busy to wash his hair changed to a comfortable sitting position and asked.

"...I think so too." Nagasaki Yukino glanced at the guy in the recording studio, the corners of his eyes twitched, his tone was complicated, and he reluctantly expressed his sincere evaluation, "His performance is very natural and impeccable .”

"Well, I'm going to focus on shaping the atmosphere of the campus in this drama, hoping to reduce the atmosphere of industrial processes and present a plain and real daily life. This voice actor has smashed his skills, exposed his essence, and has no craftsmanship. It’s like acting in his true colors, which is exactly what I need. And judging from his resume, he has cooperated with you many times, and he can be regarded as a veteran with a lot of experience. I mean, he is the only one.” Animation Supervision supplement.

The little old man naturally had no objection, and then also ticked the list.

As a sound supervisor, he must of course shoulder his due responsibilities, cooperate with the production side, and strictly select talents.To be honest, someone's performance in the audition this time was very good, and he should be selected because of his feelings and reasons.

The main thing that makes Nagasaki Xingnan feel weird all the time is.

Doesn't this have to be a real role...? !

The little old man complained vigorously in his heart.

Look at these lazy lines with a touch of playfulness and fishing.It's like two Smiling Thomas retrogrades on one track for that guy - pretty much right.Not to mention that it suits its own preferences, at least it is tailor-made and belongs to it.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please stay after the audition." Nagasaki Yukio said close to the microphone.

A certain person is no longer an ignorant newcomer. From what he means, the producer must have made a decision.After a short sprint, someone caught up with him breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived a catastrophe, and with an expression of finally being able to explain to his family, he bowed politely and left cleanly.

"Well, the male character is basically finalized today." The animation supervisor glanced at his watch, "It took more time than expected. It's already four o'clock in the afternoon. What would Nagasaki-san want for dinner? I ask them to advance to buy?"

"Let's eat rice balls." Yukino Nagasaki rubbed his belly, "I'm going to eat some light ones recently."

"Okay, then let's take a short break and continue." The animation supervisor said, twisting his waist and moving a few times. It is a little tiring to listen to nearly a hundred voices in a day.


Zhongtian Lisha sat on a chair and waited silently. Whenever she looked away from the information, she would see many people standing and sitting in the corridor. They were all colleagues who came to audition.

A lot of people were in the corridor, but they didn't make a sound, even though noise was not prohibited here, it was a normal corridor.

Everyone's complexion was not relaxed. Some people were pacing back and forth, while others squatted on the ground with their knees hugged. It seemed that it was more relaxed this way. Some people were facing the wall and thinking about something.Some rolled up their long hair to reveal their smooth necks, and were carefully putting on delicate makeup.

Nantian Lisha, who has come all the way from an art major, is no stranger to this atmosphere. She has participated in similar important exams. Except for a few very powerful and confident geniuses, everyone is worried.

But compared with the art exams in the student days, the anxiety and exhaustion of the people here are obviously doubled.

There is really not much comparison between the unreachable artistic future and the current life of an episode of salary settlement.

Tension and anxiety are like a rope tightly wrapped around everyone's body. For some people whose life is difficult and there is almost no way out, this rope is wrapped around the deadliest neck.

Before entering the industry, Lisha Zhongtian was warned more than once by the teacher of the training center.The replacement speed of female voice actors is very fast, and the proportion of women in voice actors is also greater. The competition can be described as fierce.

It's not good, being here, bathed in the solemn air, the timidity in my heart is about to be aroused.

Originally, I met many happy little things today.

Zhongtian Lisha took a few deep breaths, and couldn't resist going to the bathroom.

I met the same auditioner at the sink.

The girl with an unhealthy complexion and heavy dark circles under her eyes was pouring cold water on her face and scrubbing her hands.It was as if washing hands at Mitarai in front of the shrine, so pious that it would wash away bad luck.She was obviously more nervous than the others, and her face was a little pale. I don't know if it was because she was unwell or too pessimistic. In short, she paused for a while, then bent over and retched for a while.

"Are you okay?" Seeing this, Taneda Lisha asked with concern.

"I'm fine." The girl lowered her head and said repeatedly, turning up the tap water and cleaning it again.Only then did he look up at the companion next to him, trying to hide his embarrassment, and said embarrassingly, "My stomach is not feeling well, it's an old problem."

"Would you like something to drink? Mineral water? There's sugar cane juice in the vending machine, let me buy it for you?" Naneda Lisha kindly handed out a tissue.

"Thank you, no need, I'll be here soon." The girl expressed her thanks, then her expression became firm, she took the tissue to dry her hands and cheeks, and left quickly.

It's hard work.

In just a few seconds of communication, I can already appreciate the difficulty.

Do I want to compete with someone who has persisted to this level...?

Gengtian Lisha quickly returned to her seat, sat down against the wall, and couldn't help picking up the small bag she was carrying.

In addition to the essentials, there are also some other things stuffed in the small bag.Notebooks, headphones, and a few books, two collections of poetry, and one novel. The collections of poetry are all selected collections of foreign poets, such as Shelley and Pushkin. The novels are Japanese-style, palm-sized.

The first part of the Classic Department series: Bingguo.

Because the agent said many times that this animation has great potential, the production company is also well-known in the industry, and it is my first important job, so I even bought the original book and read it overnight.

It's not that Lisa Niangtian is ignorant of "otaku culture". On the contrary, she also had a considerable period of secondary school history.

Bingguo is not so much a light novel, but more like a youthful mystery novel with the characteristics of a light novel. It extends from the simple "everyday mystery" to the corners of life. This kind of warmth and refreshing has something that assembly line commercial works do not have. Breath of life and fresh texture.

At first, "light novels" were still a genre developed and explored by various people, and what was written at that time was still full-fledged literature.But now it seems to have completely faded away, only living in the scope of ACG, restricted by various routine templates and shortcuts.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to see the works of people like Ichishu Sakuraba in this range.

When reading the original work, Lisa Zhongtian had a feeling of seeing the era when this field was enthusiastically developed.The desire to act is also burning hotter.

The hallway was still dull.

She took out the old notebook in the bag again, which was full of lines and essays full of secondary feelings.Boys want to be Kamen Riders, and girls want to be princesses in fairy tales.There is a story about the "Princess of the Wind" recorded in the notebook.

She wrote several stories, so simple and simple that she seemed to have read Grimm's fairy tales and Hans Christian Andersen's novels.

a little ashamed...

But this can be regarded as the motivation to support her to move forward here.

"Next, Miss Taneda Risa."


Her response was clear and full of energy, so clear that it almost broke the heaviness of the corridor, and she raised her hands like a student on campus.

The waiting auditionists cast their eyes one after another.

The smooth black hair misses the shoulders, some resting on the back of the neck, some hanging down on the chest, with slender eyebrows, serious expression, slender white legs under the skirt, and firm steps.

The figure is elegant but neat, and what is even more impossible to ignore is the fighting spirit and strength.


"Thanks for your hard work, we will inform you of the result later," Nagasaki Yukio said.

Sakura Mio put away the paper and wanted to leave the microphone, she hesitated to speak, but she finally asked in a low voice and politely, "Well, how is my performance?"

"It's good, but we, as reviewers, should listen to the performances of all the auditionists before making the final decision. This is also a respect for everyone." Nagasaki Xingnan said reassuringly.

"Well, the supervisors have also worked hard."

Sakura Mioyin folded the materials and left the recording studio gently.

PS: It should be available at night or early in the morning.

No.20 Chapter [-] The Wind Rises

"Female characters are more difficult to select than male characters." The animation supervisor rubbed his eyes, wearing earphones for a long time, and he was not used to it, and the hoops were uncomfortable. It's late."

"Of course, most of the works are female characters." Nagasaki Yukisuke took it for granted, "... After all, it's not mainly about male friendship. It's normal to have more girls."

"Is the candidate for the heroine finalized?"

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