"There are naturally candidates who meet the needs, but it's up to you to make the decision. I'm just in charge of the audio and respect the producer."

"Actually, I'm still a little confused."

"...What are you talking about? It's time to select the voice actor, so it's possible that the third episode will be the final episode, right?" Nagasaki Yukino was a little surprised.

"No." The animation supervisor scratched his head honestly, "Actually, this project was not started after everything was ready. To be honest, the character design of the protagonist was not even determined at the beginning, and the script was only written in the third. One-tenth. Although there are references from the original work, I was inspired to establish the image of the protagonist after hearing the male voice actor's performance—"

This statement is true, because there is a draft paper in front of the animation supervisor, on which a face of a Japanese character is scribbled.Because the other party started from the original painter at the bottom step by step, and his painting skills are very profound, so even if the strokes are sparse, the characteristics can be seen.

It was a boy with curly hair, childish, slightly frowning, and not in high spirits.

"You, you went to the audition site to find inspiration for the basic character design??" Nagasaki Xingnan was a little terrified this time, "Excuse me, can I run away first?!"

"Don't worry, this is just the necessary material collection." The animation supervisor said in a deep voice.

"I believe you are a ghost!" Nagasaki Xingnan protested.

"Calm down, I drew animation outsourcing for more than ten years in my early years, and I have a wealth of experience. What dead line scenes haven't I experienced?"

The animation supervisor seemed very calm, with a kind of Buddhist tranquility of enlightenment under the bodhi tree.

"I myself firmly believe that creation needs some coincidences and sparks. The original novel is very interesting, and the light-hearted text contains things that make readers imagine. Since I am the main creator of the video, I naturally want to dig out and show all that fantasy. And this kind of intention may be a realm that cannot be reached by simple repetitive work..."

"But you are sweating." Nagasaki Xingnan was silent for a long time, pointing out a bad phenomenon.

"After working at the desk for a long time, the body will inevitably become weak, which is normal." The animation supervisor didn't notice him, "Let's talk about the heroine."

"There are those whose technology and strength match, but it seems that you have not yet appeared who can make you design a picture on the spot in a flash of inspiration." Nagasaki Xingnan looked at another blank manuscript paper, and suddenly felt a stomachache.

"Well, that's really disturbing." The animation supervisor turned the pencil in his hand, "Then let's continue working! Director Nagasaki!"

"Let me ask one more question, why did you want to direct this literary reform?" Nagasaki Yukio pondered.

"It doesn't matter." The animation supervisor showed an overly innocent laugh where the big white teeth could be seen, "Of course it's because the story is very interesting."


"I'm sorry." The girl gently pushed the door open, holding the script in her arms, slowly moved to the microphone, and said softly, "I'm Naeda Risa from Taisawa Office, and the character I'm auditioning for is Misaki Sawakiguchi. Please teach me more."

"Well, please play as you like." Nagasaki Xingnan said familiarly, the little old man's voice is generous, and with his age, he sounds very kind and kind, which invisibly helped many newcomers relieve a lot of tension.

Because it is not an important role, and the lines are not too many, there is no need for cumbersome additional instructions, and the voice actors can recite by themselves.

Naneda Lisha turned her head away, cleared her throat and exhaled slightly, then unfolded the script and leaned towards the stand-up microphone.

What came out was a vigorous and weird voice that was far from her first impression.

"For the publicity team, it's really a headache not to have a title, and the production of the promotional posters has also stagnated. I hope this time we can get the script..."

"When everyone becomes unable to trust each other and becomes more and more paranoid, the weirdo will wait for the opportunity to appear! Apart from keeping a bunch of lovers properly, let's just kill the rest?! Well, in the end, the weirdo will be defeated by the couple, Kissing in the morning sun is enough to end it, how about it, is it classic? The title? The title is called Bloody Beast! How about it?"

"Aren't you a weirdo who can't even pass through walls? Otherwise... By the way, it's a wraith! That makes sense!"

As an inconspicuous green leaf character who promotes the plot, it is already very powerful to have a name and so many words.

Changtian Lisha was quite well prepared, at least from what he heard, there were no mistakes.After she finished, she quietly waited for the next instruction.

"Thank you for your hard work..." the little old man encouraged after thinking for a few seconds.

The upper limit of small roles is here. As long as you can cooperate well with other actors, there is nothing you can fault.

By the way, this method of adjusting the rhythm of output varies from person to person is a good trick of a newcomer in EM.

"Miss Taneda, can I have a chat with you?" At this moment, the animation supervisor who had been silent all the time interrupted suddenly.

Although Nagasaki Yukio was surprised, but the other party is the leader of the production team, and it is typical that even the script creation must be involved in it, and he is super dedicated and diligent in supervising all aspects, so I will wait for the following.

"Eh? Yes." Taneda Lisa was a little surprised when she saw the audio supervisor's words being interrupted.

"I'm sorry because I was a bit abrupt. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Takemoto Yasuhiro. I am one of the employees of Kyoto Animation, and I am also the general supervisor of the animation "Hyoka". "The animation supervisor introduced himself.

"You've worked hard." Taneda Lisa nodded, "What's the matter?"

"Well, first of all, Miss Taneda..." Takemoto Yasuhiro said seriously, "You have beautiful hair, black and soft."

"Uh, much, thank you?" During the audition, things other than acting were mentioned, which made Naneda Risa look confused.

Admittedly, in the dim light, the female voice actress standing in front of Mike is attractive, and her demeanor exudes restraint and courtesy.


"What are you talking about?" Nagasaki Xingnan sat next to him, resting his chin on his hand, and cast a suspicious look at the supervisor.

"I heard your voice just now, could you please use a softer voice?" Takemoto Yasuhiro had a serious expression and an expectant tone.The pencil dotted rhythmically on the snow-white paper, and at some point there was already an outline on the paper.It's long hair.

"Is this character?" Taneda Risa was a little hesitant and embarrassed for a moment. According to her understanding and the performance of the original text, the character she auditioned for should not be gentle in any case.

"No, for the lines, just use 'Chitanda's'. I have the information here." Takemoto Yasuhiro explained, "I know this is a very sudden request, but please excuse me."

"Do you mean to change the role of the audition?" Taneda Risa was still a little confused about the situation.

"Yes, could you please try it now?"

"I have read the original text and made some extra preparations, so...it should be no problem, I will try my best." Zhongtian Lisha quickly flipped through the script. She had read it silently many times, and she remembered which page she was on for a long time. Clear.

"That's great." Takemoto Yasuhiro nodded vigorously, and at the same time, the pencil in his hand drew a trace of graphite on the manuscript paper again.

The girl exhaled habitually, throwing out the trembling feeling caused by the tension.

"Why care about whether you are special compared to others? Even if there is only one person. As long as there is one person who thinks he is special, I think that is enough."

It is completely different from the previous Yuanqi, it is a calmer, slender, sensitive and clear voice.

"If you're not angry about anything, you probably won't be able to like anything."

"Indeed, maybe ten years from now I won't care. But, 'What I feel now may not matter in the future'...I don't want to think that way now. Because I live in Right now."

"That's right, what I'm talking about is to become strong. If I'm weak, I won't even be able to scream... Yes, one day I won't even be able to scream. If that's the case, I'll live like, like a walking dead !"

"It really bothers me that it took until now to give me wings."

Nagasaki Kousu leaned back in the chair silently, feeling a little surprised.

I was amazed by the perfect preparation and attitude of the young girl. Even if it was a role that had nothing to do with me, it still took a lot of effort to understand.I was even more surprised by the rare subtle power contained in the voice.

Human life is like a flood, without encountering islands and reefs, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves.

In terms of timbre alone, it is not a rare treasure level, but it has a tenacious sense of life, even if the breath is weak, there is a trace of beautiful tenacity belonging to women.

It's hard to notice at first, but when it interprets people in sorrow and loneliness, that quality begins to shine, and it has a huge attraction like stars in the innocent night.

I, who has dealt with voice actors all the year round, actually missed it at the very beginning.

Supervisor Takemoto made a special sound, is it because he noticed the unique talent of this child?

Nagasaki Yukio turned his head when he thought of this, and found that the animation supervisor was slightly lowering his head and waving a pencil. His brows were furrowed, his hair was greasy and messy, but he wrote with no regrets and precision.The other hand pressed the earphone firmly, listening intently, as if filtering spiritual light from some other dimension.

The stardust slipped through the fingers, and it was necessary to hold the palm tightly in an instant to catch the most beautiful swimming fish.

The little old man didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the supervisor who had entered the state.

The girl pauses for a moment.

"Even if I get admitted to university, I will come back here. No matter what the process is, my end is here, in this place."

"Look, Oreki-san. This is my hometown, only water and land, and people are getting old and losing vitality. I don't think this is the most beautiful place, nor do I think it's full of possibilities."

"However, I want to introduce this place to Oreki-san..."

Bicycles, teenagers, and girls in the back seat of the car.Pastoral fields, small wells, bamboo fences outside the walls, clear grass and green water, and streams in the forest.

At that moment, the sun was just right, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was just enough to melt the distance between two hearts.

Yukino Nagasaki nodded secretly, with a smile on his lips.

After finishing the last sentence, Zhongtian Lisha waited quietly for a few seconds, but did not get any response. She tilted her head quietly and looked at the two supervisors in the workshop through the glass wall.

"Could you please turn your cheeks a little?" Takemoto Yasuhiro's gentle and subtle voice came out of the broadcast.

Taneda Risa soon realizes that was not what she said.

The animation supervisor closed his eyes completely, and the pencil hung on the paper with some hesitation.He bit his lips lightly, and murmured again full of expectation and etiquette.

"Could you please turn around?"

After a few seconds.

The pencil is like a moth chasing the flame, and like a flying star in the night sky, it clicks quickly and stops, and finishes the last few strokes freehand.

Yasuhiro Takemoto opened his eyes, looked at the beautiful girl's face that appeared vividly on the paper, and smiled with relief.

Even Yukisu Nagasaki, who has been through this industry for a long time, also has mixed feelings.

It seems that this work will be quite exciting.

In the evening after dinner, the sun is slanted, neither arrogant nor dark.

The man stood alone on the top floor of the short building, biting the white rabbit toffee bored and waiting for the result.

The branches are carried by the wind through the green leaves, the birds are ringing, and the wind is whirling.The left ear whispers naturally, and the right ear whistle fluctuates, leisurely and peaceful.

"It's windy at night."

Master Yin looked away from the phone screen and looked at the city.

PS: Sorry for making you wait so long...I will write some more during the day to make up for it.

No.20 Three Chapters Justice Execution

"No pictures or high-quality games, purify the competitive environment."

In the live broadcast room, the keyboard sounded, and the intense mouse sound symbolized walking on the tip of the knife.

"What about the locust anti-tower, how about the seduction of teammates, what about the invisibility, how about the crit, how about the blood sucking... what the hell, why am I being seconded?! It’s okay, buy a job! The ultimate move time So what about returning to the field at the speed of light - Gan! Void Spirit Dagon!"

The weaver paid a high price to the god of death to be reborn, traveled through time and space again and returned to the place where he died in battle, and wanted to take over the harvest of the team battle. He never thought that before he even moved, he would be thrown into nothingness by a turbulent flow, followed by three red lightning bolts of destruction , leaving a lot of burnt smell in the air.The newly alive little spider scored twice, twisted into a ball again, vomited green blood, and belched with his belly up.

The man's super-high hand speed was eventually exchanged for a high-speed second burial, and he let out howls and screams of collapse.

"The enemy has achieved certain success. They have arranged vision and controlled map resources on a large scale. We even killed the flying chickens that went shopping in the field store. But it doesn't matter, as long as I wipe out the wild monsters that Brother Niu helped me before, and make Black Emperor Staff, everything will be fine." The man was worried, muttering something, and manipulated the hero to go to the lower half area.

"Yin Zhiping (Dragon Knight): Don't go, the ancient wild monster..."

"Yin Zhiping (Dragon Knight): The ancient wild monsters have been stolen by the opponent just now."

"Pure Love Destroyer (Crypt Weaver) has left the game"

The man covered his face decadently.

Although most locals can't understand this profound game, it doesn't prevent them from seeing the embarrassing speed of light and exiting the game, reaping the joy.

"Anchor, you're playing a game of kneeling again, how about a win?"

"Could this person be the beauty who was resurrected back in the day, encountered insects during the dinner, and the hero saved Miri?"

"Spicy eyes, let's go to the last punch 4"

"Still punching? A few days ago, I was in a trance after being beaten up and down. I have already dropped to Platinum, so I don't want ○ anymore ("

"It's so difficult to control a unit, it seems that real-time strategy is not suitable for you."

"No, but I think the anchor has the qualifications to demote"

"Exactly. I think the heroism of the anchor is no less than that of the red rabbit under Lu Bu's crotch!"

"Do you really think I can't dispatch troops?" The man retorted stubbornly, "Could it be that I don't know soldiers?! I have great ambitions, a good plan, a chance to hide the universe, and the ambition to swallow the world. Let me show you today! Already!"

Then he opened Plants vs. Zombies in the hard drive to demonstrate his operational skills and mechanized management level.

A round of dense "?" brushed.

The camera was not turned on, and Dave, the guard, was still playing. It was a rare live broadcast, and the people who came here to have fun were of course unwilling to hear the news.

"Don't grow sunflowers, let's play fleet collection, register now and get a limited edition"

"Has the game been released? So soon?" Yin Ze was taken aback. It's only been a few days since he finished preparing the novice guide... The main reason was that he had chatted with Mr. Tanaka at the time, and he didn't know what the game would become after leaving the factory. What kind of monsters and ghosts, some instinctively don't want to touch them.

But at least it is a joint action with a long history, and the old buddies in the audience seem to be eagerly looking forward to the irrigation of father's love, and it is difficult to refuse, so out of compassion, click on the browser to search for the website.

"I've seen it all. I haven't touched it before. I just got started. But with my experience and quality, I will soon become a veteran in this field. Let me show you what is called extraordinary talent." Yin Ze registered an account on the spot with the name After a little thought, I took it as "Thunder Cliff Nail House", following the usual Niutou tribal style.

After a dispensable opening animation, enter the novice tutorial.

The man frantically pressed ESC repeatedly, but found that he couldn't skip it, so he forced to watch the plot with a black line.


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