"It seems that you are the best quality among the newcomers, recruit, what's your name?" 』

[A high-ranking officer in a white military uniform casts a thoughtful gaze to this side. He has sharp brows and eyes, a faint scar on his cheek, and a tall and straight figure like a steel knife, which makes people feel respected.]

『The tutelary mansion you are going to is an important line of defense for our army. You must treat those children who fight for you kindly.I?I'm just a veteran who retired from the front line, hehe, don't worry about it. 』

[On the ship, the officer leans on the guardrail, showing a complicated expression towards the peaceful sea]

"The one in this photo is my childhood sweetheart. She made an appointment with me to get married when I return to my hometown. Ha, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I really want to rush to her and hug her right away." 』

[A bunch of pendants fell down, the officer picked them up, and wiped them on the corner of his clothes with care, his face was full of a touch of happiness]

"Something is wrong, did you hear that sound?"The group of black shadows catching up from behind... not good!Let everyone know! 』

『How did you break through here? !hateful!You must not be allowed to act recklessly! 』

"I will lead a team to entangle them, and you leave quickly on the escape boat.This is not far from your tutelary fort. When you get there, you will meet up with the secretary ship and quickly gather your combat power. You must not let them go further behind... Ha, don't show such a sad expression. something.Let's meet again before the horizon of dawn! 』

[The storm that suddenly blows runs without mercy, dragging life into the abyss of the sea.The ship that was ambushed was tilting sharply, and the senior officer rushed to the undamaged defensive force to meet the enemy head-on, and the pendant was also lost in the turmoil.After a long distance, the soaring flames covered the sea area, and the passing of life was so sudden]


"This hunk is so similar to the anchor's voice?"

"Tears, we don't even know the officer's name yet"

"You know, everyone knows... at this moment, just like at this moment"

"Is this the latest version of the way to die? The artistic component is still not as high as the star sinking, at most two floors, no more."

"My first recommendation is the part of Nobuyuki Sugo. The acting skills are wonderful, and the voice actors really enjoy it."

"My noble single push turned into a prologue bento, it's really delicious, you must try it"

Up to now, the victimization of this level of reputation is no longer enough to stir up waves in a man's heart.

With the end of the prologue, Yin Ze finally entered the familiar UI interface that makes people love and hate. In a trance, there is an illusion of interlacing time and space.

The root of all evil roulette composed of functions such as compilation, modification, repair, supply, factory, and attack!

"Wait for me to do some research." The man stroked his chin, pointing here and there, looking around.

Enthusiastic viewers have already started teaching in real time in the barrage, such as urging him to push the main line first to get resources, such as throwing away the construction data of the novice God of War ship, such as flirting with the gifted destroyer first.

After a few minutes.

"Okay, I have completely mastered this game." The man glanced at the main story introduction, "'Dawn Break', clear the special sea area of ​​​​the story, rush to help the senior officers who are struggling to support, and inherit the will of Hai Se. This is not a time-limited mission. , why rush to do it? It’s not that I’m cruel, the main reason is that I just matched the first few sentences, and there’s no words after that, I’m doomed, there’s no need to save it, let’s develop first.”


"So cruel heart"


"Only the initial ship, that's not okay, let's add some troops first." Yin Ze clicked into the construction interface, fiddled with the values ​​of oil bombs, steel and aluminum.

"It's Coming (Ecstasy)"

"Anchor, don't worry about the formula, 999 is full, and the dazzling fireworks flow, it will be shipped, you believe me!"

"If you want a powerful weapon, you should infiltrate a huge amount of resources, smash it!"

Master Yin did not have the stud as everyone wished, but a ten-digit ratio that is very chicken thief.

There was a clicking sound, and it showed that it took 18 minutes. Considering the efficiency of the live broadcast, he directly used the quick build... to achieve another sense of pride.

"My name is Kisaragi, please take me with you~" The little girl in sailor suit greeted her trusted admiral after leaving the factory, her face was full of longing and anticipation.

"This voice is so familiar..." Yin Ze had a bad feeling in his heart.

Click on the attributes, and at a glance, it really is that woman.

The barrage became excited for some reason.

"Yo yo yo yo"

"I think you guys don't understand at all, what is the bond between a knight and a princess~"

"Dimensional Projection"


The anchor continues to increase his combat power, and only pays a stable ten-figure salary.After a while, a whole team of young destroyers with little appetite were recruited.

The man fell silent.

At a glance, Muyue, Kisaragi, Wenyue, Changyue, Juyue, Mochizuki, Mikazuki... are very neat!

Most importantly, the CV is still one person!The "admiral" with a similar sound and a different pitch almost filled the live broadcast room.

The man didn't expect to encounter such a thing at all, his back felt cold, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Screenshot! Why are you staring blankly!"

"I'm going to die laughing in front of the computer, what's the probability?"

"Who is calling the former...fleet?"

"The anchor doesn't speak, he must be secretly happy"

Master Yin stabilized his mind, organized all the ships into the team, and ignored the main line, but attacked the general sea area. The battle process was lacklustre, and the most important thing was the spoils interface.

"I'm Satsuki.Please take care of me!Admiral-san! 』



"Shut it off, it's boring"

"Keep going, it's very interesting"

"That's all the collection? I'm really convinced, are you the reincarnation of the Moon God?"

"What is it, bond! bond!"

The man covered his face again.

But what fell turned out to be a finished ship. Mr. Tanaka did not implement the "fragmentation mechanism", perhaps he also noticed the great darkness and despair contained in it, so he stopped the deal with the devil.

After doing a few small tasks, Master Yin led the fleet to deal with the funeral for the senior officer, very cold-blooded.

"Resources are relatively scarce, and you will see the bottom after playing for a while." The man said, "Numerical planning is not bad."

"After all, it's a nurturing game, there's no way, please understand."

"It's so lucky, why don't you top up a 10,000+ Yen Dajian to help the fun?"

"—But it's not completely without loopholes." Master Yin smiled slightly, his eyes dim like will-o'-the-wisps.

On the screen, I saw him organize the newly dropped Satsuki into the team, exchange fire several times, replace the damaged old ship, and then enter the disintegration interface in a dark and unclear manner.

With a bang, the old ship became a fresh resource.

"Since the new ship will be lost in the attack, then I will directly trade the new one for the old one. The old ship will not be maintained, but will be sold directly into resources. The profit is stable, zero cost, and there is no middleman to make the difference and huge profits. Isn't it a perpetual motion machine for materials?"

The anchor's soliloquy resounded in the ears of the audience, and it sounded like Hannibal was appreciating delicious food to others, which was creepy.

The bullet screen was silent for a few seconds due to this sudden divine operation.



"I beg you to be human!"

"Heavenly Punishment—!"

"Devil King Boxun"

"You really didn't lie to me, you have completely mastered this game, what kind of super understanding is this?"

"Dark Alchemy"

"Fleet Elegy: Admiral of Hell"

"In 30 minutes, overthrow science and make all the strategy groups bow their heads!"

"The high-dimensional demons invaded, the death of the guardian mansion..."

"The rest of my life is shaken, and the destiny is manifest..."

"This hidden plot is originally the lowest-level code, because it is too difficult to trigger, and it cannot be opened by those who are not destined. It is said that Takizawa Satoru separates evil thoughts and good thoughts, and good thoughts become senior officers to block guns for every admiral's survival. Evil thoughts become The ultimate solipsist set off a bloodbath. It can be said that one shadow points to the light, and the other shadow points to the darkness. I am honored to see it in the live broadcast of station N today, thank the host!"

It's just that this battle between light and darkness ended because of the temporary maintenance of the server.

A few hours later, the game was temporarily updated, and the resources recovered after the disintegration of the ship depended on the damage rate and durability.

"Thunder Cliff Nail House" has also directly become the historical sinner of the forum section.

A certain person tweeted another wave of @.

Following the resurrection of the Nightmare Girl on the radio, this time it is considered to be a complete confirmation of the alias of "Bo Xun without a conscience".

No.20 Brother Sihua is just a legend

"I don't understand anymore."

Shimadzu Nobunaga looked like a lost traveler with a blank voice.

"When you kill randomly, everyone praises you, when you are hammered to the ground, everyone celebrates, you visit the house dance area under the guise of researching a strong team DEMO, everyone encourages you, you do unrighteous deeds and are played The business has caught on, and everyone is writing sacrificial essays for you, showing off your talent. Even if you do nothing, there will be warm-hearted good brothers who will use your only video and audio materials to create ghosts and animals, and generate electricity for love. Why? Do you feel that you have true fans supporting you in everything you do?"

"...Actually, I really want to know the answer too, really." Yin Ze grabbed the free snacks on the table, peeled a peanut and threw it into his mouth.

"Believe me, man with a human face and a beast's heart, none of the words are true. You and I have both 'Longzhong Fat Dragon' and 'Great Snake' in our common concern." Shimadzu Nobunaga played with Master Yin mobile phone, showing teasing eyes, "This is with me, how can I explain it?"

"...Then I must know what they have done, right?" Yin Ze was helpless.

Shimadzu Nobunaga didn't take it seriously, sneered twice, and continued to use other people's mobile phone data to watch videos happily.

In fact, some ghost and animal videos are nothing, the most important thing is the collection of these recordings.

A certain person does not have a fixed live broadcast time, and they just play and have fun in their spare time. However, the scary thing is that almost every time they can keep 70% to 80% of the relatively complete recording and broadcasting resources of the content.

What does this mean?

It shows that there is a group of idlers who are also on rest day and are on standby at any time. This group of ghosts hovers in someone’s Twitter account and the dynamics of station N. Once they find that the happy planet has opened the door, they will immediately start calling for friends. friends skills, get together to watch this stand-up variety show without a script.

God is sorry, Shimadzu Nobunaga thought he was the only one who would be so boring!

The voice of the mobile phone is playing outside arrogantly.

"The blood demon on the opposite side is so low! Chasing from the top lane to the bottom lane, if you chase it, just chase it hard."

"Does Sand King dare to catch it? Their small map is completely black, aren't they afraid of my teammates?!"

"A real player with a score of 2200 or more on the ladder will not be too aggressive or push the line too much. Pay attention to my words, he is a real player with a score of 2200. This is what I will show in the middle lane. You Maybe I don’t understand it, but it doesn’t matter, remember it first, it will be used later... Heck, if the five mages hit the acrobatic push, and the teammates don’t come, I’m getting an A.”

"I just want to make two Battle Fury Axes!"

Of course, from now on, there is no way around it, and it has been regarded as a classic Battle of the Conferred Gods.

"Since that's the case, there's no need for a cup... Yes! Cockroaches! Beetles! Hey hey——!"

On the slap-sized screen, the terrified face of Pianpian teenager caught up with the highest level of Yanyi judge Malik, jumping up in fright.

This paragraph is the most popular.

Even Shimadzu Nobunaga, who has seen it many times, also laughed "goose goose goose".

"Give me back the phone." No matter how kind-hearted and selfless Master Yin was, he couldn't help but snatch the phone back and reset the volume to zero.

The man looked at the screen, his past self.

He was obviously just like an ordinary person, drinking pineapple beer and wandering around the house dance area, why did he suffer such a catastrophe?

"Could it be all the disasters caused by drinking and sex...? I was so devastated and haggard. Since this is the case, from today on, quit drinking!"

"You are not a child anymore, you have to learn to accept it, and it is also a good thing, it will help your career." Shimadzu Nobunaga changed into a comfortable position and half-lyed on the sofa, and persuaded him with kind words.

"It's against my career path."

Yin Ze shook his head slowly.

"As an actor, if your own label is too conspicuous, it will seriously affect the charm of the character. I hope everyone remembers my image in the play, not me, and I don't want the two to have a fixed connection. I What I am pursuing is the possibility of one person with thousands of faces! For this reason, I am practicing a lot, widening the range and changing my voice!"

"So traditional? Then the first thing you have to do is to turn down various meetings, events, and even radio dramas." Nobunaga Shimadzu said.

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