"Right on my mind!"

"...I'll wait and see."

"Can you sit more properly?" Yin Ze suddenly asked after a pause.

"You also have to take care of this?" Shimadzu Nobunaga wondered.

"Nonsense, this is the lobby of our EM firm! You from Qingyi firm come here and put on such a show, maybe it will cause a serious diplomatic incident between the two firms." Yin Ze asked, "Why are you Are you going to come here? Could it be that you want to defect? ​​If so, I can contact HR for you... But with your resume, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Hey, our Qingyi is a master, I'd rather be a phoenix tail than come here to fight for chicken heads!" Shimadzu Nobunaga, who was sitting paralyzed, said proudly.

"Huh? Who is the leader in the speech industry, and who is claiming to be the voice of God?"

A mellow voice from far to near, revealing extraordinary internal strength, he is the bosom brother who sits in the EM club.The middle-aged man walked over with his glasses on, walking like a dragon and a tiger. The white light on the lenses covered his deep eyes, and he had the aura of a strong man who was a senior in the industry.

"This voice... Could it be that you are Mr. Suga Kiya?"

Shimadzu Nobunaga stood up in an instant, full of longing.

"I have admired your name for a long time. In each generation of "Memories of Autumn", I have been indebted to your incarnation, Nobuo Inaho, for your help many times! It is said that EM Club is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and it really deserves its reputation."

"You still call yourself Qingyi's little prince? You can remember the name. Who is Suga Kiya? This is our company's Nakajima Secretary." Yin Ze criticized.

"No, he didn't make a mistake. On the contrary, he still knows me very well. Because Suga Kiya is the alias I used when I appeared in the R18 work." Nakajima Tsukasa explained.


"That's right. By the way, my R18 account is Nero Claudius." Shimadzu Nobunaga said proudly.

"What?!" Yin Ze was shocked, "You actually participated in the R18 work first?! You even took a private foreign name?"

"There is no rule that all the names must be in Japanese. Anyway, this thing is like a blackout cloth, and you can make it whatever you want." Nakajima said.

"Then can I be called 'Dark Fear'?" Master Yin asked shyly.

"Although it's not a name anymore, and it looks like a second grader, but if you insist, you should be able to do it." Maji Nakajima thought for a while, and then asked again, "...Why do you feel that you want to play R18 so much?"

"To be honest, participating in high-quality R18 projects has always been at the forefront of my career planning." Master Yin nodded.

"Well, I was also young, so it's not that I can't understand your thoughts, but it's better not to have too many strange fantasies." Masa Nakajima sighed, talking about the year, "Believe me, no matter how beautiful Once it becomes a job, it becomes a regrettable thing like expired milk.”

They are also newcomers, but someone and Nobunaga Shimadzu have experienced completely different stories.

The two are jealous and resentful of each other.

The unavailable is always in a commotion, and the favored have no fear.

Only human beings can never understand each other.

"Didn't you say that you came today to see the students of the training center? How are you doing?" Nakajima Masa looked at the junior.

"I've seen them all. The students are all diligent and eager to learn, and the future is promising." The man smiled, showing his white teeth, looking quite satisfied.


Three 10 minutes ago.

A practice classroom full of hope and ideals.

"Hey, I'm practicing. Okay, everyone, please work hard." The man put his hands behind his back and greeted everyone who cast doubtful glances at him.

He is like the director of the Moral Education Department who is patrolling during his lunch break, and he is also like a leisurely leader who wanders around the project team when he has nothing to do.

Soon, the hunter found the prey.

With a keen sense of danger, the prey sensed it too.

Yuma Haneda was wearing neat short-sleeved sleeves, holding a teaching material in his hand, and was honing his ventriloquism in rhythm.

A certain person stood nearby, looking like a veteran cadre rehearsing for a cultural gala in the tasting factory.

It went on like this for several minutes.

"What's the matter with you?" Haneda Yuma finally couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" The man's eyes were slightly open, not arrogant, he frowned artificially, and said arrogantly, "This student, 'you'? Are you calling me? The recent newcomers are really getting more and more serious. The less particular you are, who is your mentor, I want to talk to him about etiquette and spiritual construction."

"...Senior, what can you do?" Haneda Yuuma paused abruptly.

"Hmm~" Master Yin lazily responded, like looking at the fresh goods in the vegetable market, walked around Yuma Haneda a few times, and said old-fashionedly, "Little classmate, there is a big problem with your acting skills."

"Senior, please give me some advice." Yuma Haneda squinted.

"You have weak emotions, poor articulation, loose tone, slow drama, and none of the syllables are decent. Do you still want to be in the same office as your sister and me? Difficult, difficult, difficult——" Yin Zeyao First sigh.

"Kung fu pays off, why did senior come to sarcasm? Is he so afraid of being robbed of his job by the young faction?" Haneda Yuma forced a smile.

"Haha, what kind of outlandish words are these. We don't know each other at all. We are so familiar, and we still call them 'senior'. It's the same. If you want to, just call it brother." Man Sichuan Opera He changed his face and became hypocritically gentle.

"...Brother." Haneda Yuuma forcefully choked out a sound.

"Hmm~~" the man agreed, "You, I still need to learn a lot. I am the main character of many dramas, and I happened to be free today, so I came to the office by chance. This is a rare opportunity, so let me teach you practical experience. "

"Thank you so much bro." Yuma Haneda said.

"It's so hot, my throat is so dry." The man deliberately coughed a few times.

Haneda Yuma glanced at the drinking fountain three steps away, thinking that since it was in the office, it would be better to show some face, so he accepted the hint, walked over to get a glass of water, and tried to keep his smiling hands Hand it over, "Brother, drink some water."

"Did brother ask you to fetch water?" The man frowned and said displeasedly.


"Do you think brother can't catch water by himself?"


"Do you regard brother as someone who can't even catch water?"


"Haha, just kidding, you still have some eyesight, brother is very pleased." Yin Ze took the paper cup and said slowly, "By the way, I heard from your sister that she is still busy with the theater at the same time, how about it?" , is sleep guaranteed for a while?"

"It's okay, I can still sleep for 6 or 7 hours. The main reason is that I am too tired. I go home and go to bed to rest." Haneda Yuma replied truthfully.

"Hey, don't blame brother for talking too much, really, how can you sleep at your age?" Yin Ze showed a sincere attitude.

Haneda Yuma held the hand of the teaching material, trembling slightly, clenched tightly.

"Oh, that's fine, you study first, and after the class is over, I will cook a small stove for you." Yin Ze tasted the water from the water dispenser gracefully.

"No need, I have to go to the theater later, the schedule is very full." Yuma Haneda showed a suppressed smile.

"That's it, let's find another chance next time." Yin Ze said with a little regret, "Then I've seen it, so I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Haneda Yuuma suddenly called out, his expression either happy or sad, and asked clearly, "Is the bento delicious?"


"Let me ask you, is the bento delicious?"

"The taste is not bad. Speaking of it, I'm just an experimental subject. To be honest, your sister's craftsmanship has improved, and you are enjoying the blessings, aren't you still a younger brother?" Yin Ze said casually, "If you thank me, you don't have to Say no more. My brother is leaving first."

I believe in you.

Obviously I am the experimental subject!

Yuma Haneda growled inwardly.

He recalled the cruel time of being tortured by spicy, sour, sweet, spicy, spicy.

"Are you happy?" Yuma Haneda asked without joy or sadness.

"What?" Yin Ze was taken aback again.

"I ask you, are you happy?"

"...Happy, if I have to say it, I am naturally happy."

"That's good, walk slowly, don't send it off."

"Okay, don't give it away, you should also use more snacks, don't let your sister's expectations come to nothing."

Yin Ze finally avenged his shame, and he was proud. When he walked away, he was still whistling lightly.

"Who is that person? He looks so strict? You don't have any enemies in the office, do you?" A classmate who had been watching the audience came over curiously and nervously.

"It's nothing, he's my sister's friend, and he's worried about my study progress, so he just came to take a look." Haneda Yuma stared at the back, and smiled mysteriously and gloomyly.

In the end, it is still unknown who will be the knife and who will be the fish.

Let the situation ferment for a while.


"By the way, who are you?" Masa Nakajima suddenly turned his head to look at Nobunaga Shimadzu, and he noticed something was wrong, "I remember young people who are prone to psychological troubles in the company, but this face is Very strange."

"He came here to collect the TV set." Yin Ze said casually, "Isn't Matsuda going to accept the award today?"

"Yeah, I watched it by myself and felt that there was no atmosphere, so I came to him." Shimadzu Nobunaga said very familiarly.

"I see." Nakajima nodded and said happily, "Although Matsuda's social circle in the industry is narrow, it's good to have good friends like you."

The three of them sat back on the sofa and watched the TV hanging on the wall at the same time.

The Voice Actor Awards is an award specially awarded to voice actors. Today, it is only the sixth year, and it is a relatively young official award.

Matsuda sincerely won the "New Actor Award", which means the best newcomer of the year.

The news came quite suddenly.

When everyone called to congratulate, the winner himself felt a little embarrassed.

"I don't know much, what is the gold content of this award?" Yin Ze asked while fiddled with the snacks.

"100%." ​​Nakajima said in a loud voice with his hands in his hands.

"So fierce?" Shimadzu Nobunaga exclaimed.

"...The main reason is that there are no other official awards, so doesn't it have to be 100%?" Nakajima said.

"Does it mean it's not important?" Yin Ze asked.

"Of course it hasn't risen to the level of 'award winning is a proof of strength', but no matter what, it is also a great help for the winners. Anyway, I haven't won it myself, just In this regard, Matsuda has surpassed me." Masa Nakajima also grabbed Peanut.

The awards ceremony will soon begin.

The occasion is not so grand and luxurious, spacious and splendid, but the sense of ceremony is still quite strong.

After the other awards were announced in turn.

Finally, the young man whom the three of them missed appeared on the screen.

Makoto Matsuda appeared in formal attire, but his slightly thin body couldn't support the suit, and he looked a little wrinkled.The whole person looked tense. He kept his back straight after receiving the trophy, but after he started to speak, he subconsciously lowered his head.

"It's really like when I was studying, I was called to the podium to read the text. I was shy and nervous." Nakajima said with care like a senior, "Did he not do a special styling today?"

"It seems that Moss was scratching his hair at home, and then he went out." Nobunaga Shimadzu said.


Matsuda sincerely faced the camera, feeling that the hands holding the cup were trembling slightly.

The spotlight hit him, and the eyes of thousands of people converged, giving him a sense of nothingness.

"I am Makoto Matsuda who won the New Male Voice Actor Award this time. Well, I am able to receive this award this time. Well, in this industry, I am really grateful to everyone who supports me. Thank you my friends. I met you , is my greatest luck.”

"As well as the Staff, each segment is really desperate. Each segment really makes me feel 'every segment is infused with life'."

"From now on, I will continue as before. Well, really, as I have always said, I, Matsuda, will be sincere and will do my best. Also, from now on, in short, just move forward and work hard with acting skills. Bringing joy to everyone, really, please take care of me!"

The young voice actor bowed deeply forward.


There was applause both inside and outside the TV.

"Sometimes it's really surprising. Matsuda is always so silent, seemingly inconspicuous, but he suddenly rushes to the front." Shimadzu Nobunaga said with emotion, "To be honest, this time I thought the rookie award was for the king of dragons."

"Let's talk about it later." Yin Ze thought for a while, "At least I personally think that there are more people worth taking than me."

"In fact, Matsuda is quite strong when it comes to technology alone. What's more, the works he starred in are not low. To win this award is also an affirmation of his hard work. After all, he has been in trouble before... I think , No matter if he is a very strong person or not, there is always a difference between being encouraged by someone around him and being encouraged by no one around him. This recognition is really suitable for him at this stage."

Said Nakajima Satoshi contentedly.

"As for this fermented bean curd agent, what you lack is a representative work that can be included in your profile, just like Yu Matsuda in "Sword Sanctuary". That's how actors are, and they complement each other."

"It just so happens that "The Beast of the Chalk Mercenaries" is about to have a sequel, and it may be the beginning of your take-off." Shimadzu Nobunaga said with a sincere look.

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