
I dare to take it.

Does the agent dare to give it?

The man lightly wiped out the last few peanuts.

Then, this hot summer.

"Bingguo" has started broadcasting.

No.20 Chapter Five

The weather is fine, the sky is blue, the morning sun is clean and clear, the streets and urban areas are bright and simple, standing on the balcony and looking out, Tokyo, which has always been congested, is so open.Girls in plaid skirts pass by on bicycles, and boys wearing earphones yawn and pass by housewives. It really looks like a page in a cartoon, peaceful and warm.

Gengtian Lisha walked to the kitchen with wet hair and hair that had not been dried after washing. She first looked in the refrigerator, but there was nothing left.My parents are traveling together, and my elder brother lives in the company. In the daily life of a modern young man, it is really difficult to do regular grocery shopping.

Ignite the fire to boil the water, tear open the instant noodles, the water is bubbling, throw the instant noodles into pieces, she stirs it with the chopsticks, for a while there is no need to do anything, just stand there and stare at the noodles rolling in the water.

Cooking is also a way to relax sometimes. Listening to the sizzling sound of oil and water gravy and smelling the fragrance that is gradually opening can make people feel good, especially on rainy mornings, when the rain outside is pattering, and the fried eggs in the pan are also The drizzling sound is so clean that it can make people feel at ease.

Even though there was no gravy in the pan and no fried eggs.

In winter, there are warm hazelnut chocolates, a long street paved with thin snow, and the girls are wearing wide and heavy scarves, as cute as a gopher with only half of their heads exposed.In summer, there are frozen watermelons with ice beads falling, and cherry blossoms can be seen by bicycle.

Gengtian Lisha simply finished her breakfast, dried her hair, picked up her small bag and went out.

She saw those juniors going to school on the road, and she was still in a daze for a while.

From now on, I am an office worker.

After leaving university, I can clearly perceive the changes in my life, and I always feel that the world is different.

Many people have begun to treat themselves seriously as "adults".

For example, my brother would ask me from time to time if I was in a relationship... Even Showa's father, who used to be more resistant to puppy love, began to care, and occasionally explained the marriage story with an elder attitude.

Not sure why this is the case.

Maybe it's because she has attended girls' schools for many years, and the men in the family are always worried that the young girl is shallow and makes mistakes.

This group of people, really.In fact, when it comes to the experience of being confessed, Nantian Risa is still experienced... In the girls' school, she was often the one who was delivered the love letter, which made her feel strange troubles.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, it is the period when the spring heart sprouts. Even the most self-disciplined study committee member in the class can't help but take out the love magazine in the schoolbag in the self-study class. Longing for the sad love story of parting, life and death, and transcribing poignant lyrics or gorgeous literary poems in the notebook.Yeats' "When You Are Old" is a frequent visitor in every book.

In addition, there are no boys in the girls' school who are dominated by puberty and have excess energy, so everyone's fantasy is very pure.For those with a solid literary background, the templates are Romeo and Juliet, Venus and Ardones, Esmerhalda and the Bell Ringer, Sachiko and Mitsuo.More realistically, they are all worried about the repeated time travel in "Proposal" to save their relationship.

And then.

Naneda Lisa is collecting dinosaur stamps and reading the original Harry Potter with the help of a translator.

What the classmate read aloud at the cultural evening was "Elsa's Eyes".

"Your eyes were so deep that when I bowed down to sob, I saw all the suns cast their shadows in them. All the disappointments plunged into them and passed away, and suddenly your eyes were so deep that I lost my memory. It was a flock of birds passing by. Stormy seas. The sun shines brightly, and your eyes suddenly change..."

At this time, Naneda Lisa dressed up as a dementor, brought the apostles to the stage, and used chopsticks as a magic wand to cast forbidden spells on the stage.


The school leaders in the audience opened their mouths slightly, witnessing the transformation of a love song into a medieval wizarding war.

Black history, everyone really wants to lose their memory.

With the growth of age, of course, it is impossible to play around like a child again. With the blessing of family etiquette, Zhongtian Lisha put away her magic wand, cut off the entanglement with her previous life, shielded the secret of fate, and embarked on the path of self-cultivation. art path.

However, this fantasy seed still broke through the ground and germinated.

The contract spells that people in Lipai society cannot narrate, become voice actors but can connect to the dimension of fantasy.

For example, use telekinetics on the automatic glass doors of 24-hour convenience stores.

"Welcome~ Thank you for your patronage~ Please come again next time~"

Use the water-type energizing technique on the automatic fountain.

Snap your fingers on the zebra crossing sidewalk on time, and use the technique of stopping at a red light and stopping at a green light.

For the slowly ascending elevator, use—

Tanada Lisa looked around slightly, and confirmed that there were no outsiders around, so she coughed lightly, mobilized the power in her body in a low voice, and called out the elf who broke the taboo door.

Ding dong.

The elevator door slowly opened.

"O enchantment that hides the power of darkness, show me your true power! Now in the name of your master, Princess Alia of the Wind Tribe—the seal is lifted!"

Point out.

The power of the mantra surged, breaking through the long-lasting protection, like a giant god standing in the sky in the wild, struggling to pull open the door of the rising tower of Babel crystallized by scientific power.The dust and smoke dissipated, the Buddhas lowered their eyes, and the evil gods held their breath.

Zhongtian Lisha and the man standing in the elevator looked at each other through the quiet air.

The girl silently withdrew her palm and grasped the strap of the small bag tightly, her bangs half covered her eyes, her shoulders were trembling slightly.

Five seconds passed.

"Aren't you coming in?" The man kept pressing the door button with his fingers, waiting politely.

"No, what I want to go to is actually the next floor." Zhongtian Lisha turned her head, stroked her tail hair, and shook her head reservedly.

"But the next floor is the parking lot." The man said, "Aren't you going to work?"

"Yes, yes."

Zhongtian Lisha suppressed the discomfort, grabbed the hem of her clothes tightly, walked into the elevator, and the metal door was quickly closed.

There was silence in the narrow elevator. A man and a woman stood on both sides, dividing the space equally. They were motionless like plastic mannequins wrapped in clothes behind the window, silently staring ahead.Only the number of the floor is flashing and changing, and the elevator wire rope is pulling and rattling.

"You came so early." Gengtian Lisha greeted softly.

"It's actually late for me to go out. Fortunately, the motorcycle won't be stuck in traffic." The man asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"I ate, what about you?"

"I had egg-filled pancakes with tenderloin."

"Sounds nutritious."


Negotiations terminated.

Continue to be silent.

"I'm sorry just now, I asked you to wait for me." Taneda Lisha said.

"It's nothing, just a few seconds, don't delay." The man smiled slightly, very refreshed.

"Did you hear anything strange?"

"No, I didn't hear anything."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Ding dong.

Finally arrived at the high-level recording studio, the heavy air was about to be relieved.

And at the moment when the elevator door opened, the man said clearly in a low voice.

"O enchantment that hides the power of darkness, show me your true power! Now in the name of your master, Princess Alia of the Wind Tribe—the seal is lifted!"

His speech was fast, like a fired bomb. After the high-speed oracle, the giant god descended again, and opened the door of technological power smoothly.

The man who immediately usurped the authority of the Princess of Wind, fearing that he would be liquidated, rushed out, ran across the corridor and disappeared around the corner.There was a vaguely successful good-natured laugh.

Girls go to girls' schools.

Now, for the first time in my life, I have experienced the feeling of being teased by a bear boy at the same table.

Zhongtian Lisha froze, her hand holding the small bag trembled slightly, her cheeks rapidly heated up and turned red, her bright eyes were gradually losing their luster, becoming hollow and empty.

After all, it was a usurped move, the mana quickly disappeared, and the elevator door closed automatically again.

Zhongtian Lisha covered her face with her hands.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

Shouts of embarrassment and indignation resounded in the closed space.

PS: My mind is empty, I can’t write anything in two days, so I’ll adjust it.

No.20 Chapter [-] Red Bull has been fighting all night

"When it comes to high school life, you will think of rose color. People have become accustomed to seeing high school life as rose color, but I don't think all high school students look forward to a rose color life. For example, some people are not interested in schoolwork, sports , Are you not interested in love at all? There are students who like the so-called gray life... But, I think this is really a lonely way of life."


Nagasaki Xingnan is also working full of energy today. As a veteran who has worked in the industry for decades and has supervised many well-known masterpieces, he is as proficient in performing the duties of sound supervision as eating and drinking.Although cultural creation is something that requires the help of wisdom, all walks of life have their own set of norms and templates. As long as they are done well within the scope of the rules, the result will not be bad.

With such a wealth of work experience, naturally I have seen a lot of voice actors from all walks of life.Talented, hard-working, humble and gentle, talented and arrogant, unknown...

Among these people, someone also belongs to a very distinctive category.

When we first met, he was still a guy who relied on his excellent timbre and used his cleverness to gain a trick.Relying on the panacea and three-handed approach, during the busy novice protection period, he went to various studios, making barrel after barrel of soy sauce.

During this period of time, someone successfully grasped the "standards and templates of voice actors" and completed the evolution of "a cost-effective and high-quality handsome boy in the eyes of Party A".

This is actually relatively rare.

Most of the fledgling newcomers will fall into a certain degree of anxiety after initially feeling the seriousness of actual combat, the pressure of production, and the shocking acting skills of their seniors, and even lose their love in the long marathon.Therefore, I am very eager to improve my strength and study hard.

And someone... had no anxiety at all.He even visited his own office after his debut, and even openly invited his seniors and staff who are more than 20 years older than him to drink and hang out.


Little do they know about princes and generals, the differences in class, and the sequence of years of merit? !

Under the worried and nervous eyes of the newcomers at the same time, many seniors expressed their unfamiliarity with someone's cheerful invitation and rejected it neatly.

The Japanese workplace hates hassle.The reception is very troublesome, wearing a mask to push a glass to change, the drinks are full of sophistication and benefits, and the energy consumption of office workers is no less than that of selling insurance.

However, as the number of times increased, I still ate meat and drank heavily with some people.

Immediately afterwards, someone's career slowly climbed up, and dramas, animations, and games blossomed one by one.

Just a glance.Other newcomers in the same period are just young people who have just joined the business department, full of longing and hard work, and a certain person is a real job-hop, not good at business, but is appreciated by the leaders, and often takes shortcuts and harms the progress of the project. Despicable colleagues.

But Nagasaki Yukisuke can say that this is not the case.

——Because of this guy, he really just wants to find someone to eat and drink! ! !

"Xiao Mori-san, why are you reading emails again? You have to separate work and rest. It's rare to come out to get together and relax. Since graduation, I've been surrounded by alarms all day, three o'clock and one line, how long have I not felt 'romantic' Two words? Life is short, do more happy things. Storyboard? Leave it to the deputy supervisor!"

"Brother Bojing is frowning again, alas, you are aging so fast. It's seven o'clock, drink first, it's useless to calculate too much, the presidents have finished dividing up, there is no top spot for you, Eat chicken wings first."

"Brother Yiping, ignore him!"

"Huh? Nakajima-san, your hands are swaying behind your back? What do you mean?"

"Hehehe, Nakajima-kun wants to go to the toilet to hide from drinking, but the hero cup you called is wide, big and highly concentrated, so of course I don't want to run away."

"Oh, everyone calls you bosom brother, it turns out that you also have a macho flame in your heart! Knowing that you are powerless and enduring the emergency, you just want to have a few more drinks with the Sa family! Come on, fill up. "

"Nagasaki-san, don't talk nonsense, I, I don't, I'm not..."

Obviously, the ages of the people at the same table vary greatly, but it looks like a dormitory coming out to play with each other.

Nagasaki Xingnan looked at the young man who was already a little drunk, and couldn't help but make a joke, "You feed chicken soup to the manager every day, don't you really want to make a lot of money? Make some noise?"

"I want to, but I don't want to." The man stretched out his chopsticks to pull the diced chicken, and sighed, "There are tens of thousands of mansions, seven feet of sleep at night, thousands of hectares of fertile land, and only three meals a day. It is enough for one person to eat and live, and now Some people earn so hard because of their insatiable greed, and they force others to earn as much as possible.


"Because others don't make money, he can't make money."

A more lively and noisy dining table in the distance.That was the serious reception. The employees were all red and smiling. When the atmosphere reached a climax, they imitated comedians to make shows and put on all sorts of embarrassing appearances.The minister and section chief sat firmly like an ancient daimyo, and applauded in a dignified manner.For a while it was fun.

The little old man felt that young people were still a long way from being drunk.

In fact, his talent is not weak, his vocal cords are tough and wear-resistant, his timbre is beautiful, his voice range is wide, and his plasticity is very high.Combined with the internal strength of the six realms of society and animals, if you work harder, you will definitely be able to make a name in the industry, and you will not only be a performer, but also a sound supervisor and lecturer.


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