I really hope to see him perform superbly.

As I said when we first met.

"If you meet a character who fits like your own reflection, when the interpretation, mood and picture merge, it belongs to another world, and the story of another dimension will become reality. At that moment, it is like a miracle, so beautiful that it is beyond words."

Isn't this coming now?

Nagasaki Xingnan closed his eyes, listened intently to the recorded lines, and sighed with emotion for this excellent performance.Excellent scripts and storyboards, characters with a high synchronization rate, the convergence of various processes, and sparks burst out.It was finally possible for me to see him.

The audio supervisor pondered for a long time before opening his eyes satisfied.

So I happened to see someone who didn't have a trace of a handsome man consciously picking his armpits, and even lowered his head to smell his fingers, and finally couldn't help grinning.


——This guy is really evil in every sense.

"I think this part is OK, what's the supervisor's opinion?" Nagasaki Xingnan turned his head.

Maybe because it is the first episode, the animation supervisor attaches great importance to it, and rare people also come to the set to watch.After all, he is an important person who wants to control the entire drama, so inquiries are indispensable.

"The two newcomers still can't let go." Takemoto Yasuhiro thought for a while, "The cooperation is still a bit jerky."

"Then let's talk about it?" Nagasaki Xingnan said.Although the selected voice actors are very suitable for their corresponding roles, after all, they are going to act in a rival role, and the cooperation between them is very important.

Although a certain person is an old soy sauce, but Miss Zhongtian has just set off, and she is also her first personal protagonist. She is a little nervous and cramped, which is still reasonable.

It's a running-in period, just play it a few more times and you'll get used to it.

The two supervisors took the materials and went to the recording studio to give lectures and do work.

"You have to be calm, especially Mr. Taneda. Although Chitanda is a well-known lady and a traditional girl, she also has a strong part inside, and she won't be easily shy. You have to pay attention to this." Takemoto Yasuhiro explained.

"Well, I understand." Taneda Risa nodded.

"Then try it first, the two of you will write words in this string." Nagasaki Xingnan said.

The protagonist group responded and looked at each other each time.

"You guys can sit a little closer to facilitate communication." Takemoto Yasuhiro couldn't help but said.These two people monopolize the two levels of the sofa, and there are five or six seats left in the middle, so the sense of distance is too far away.

The combination of the protagonists is close.

"Are you a member of the Classics Club? Oreki-san?" Taneda Risa looked down at the script.

"Who are you?" Master Yin, who has the ability to walk around and observe monuments, just used the script as a show.

"I'm Chitanda, Chitanda Eru."

"Sorry, I can't remember at all."

"You're Oreki Houtarou, right? You're from class B, first year?"

"I'm in Class A of the first year."

"That's not an explanation... Class A, have you met in an elective class? Did we take music class together?"


"I only took that class once, what level of memory is this..."

"Why did you avoid looking at each other from the beginning to the end?" Takemoto Yasuhiro asked doubtfully.

After hearing the words, Naneda Lisa was forced to raise her head, and looked directly opposite at the male protagonist with a righteous face.Then, as if looking directly at the black history, he lowered his head in shame, his cheeks flushed slightly.

"Because of my question, there was a little misunderstanding." Yin Ze scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for bringing in emotions other than work." Tanada Lisa patted her face and cheered up again. This time her mentality completely changed into a warrior-like determination.

Surprisingly, the two are both generous and generous people. Once they entered the serious mode, they soon sat a little closer and began to play dialogues with each other in a friendly and emotional manner.

Yasuhiro Takemoto smiled gratifiedly when he saw that they gave the results he wanted at once.

Only Nagasaki Xingnan always felt that this scene seemed to have been seen somewhere before.

The sound director's eyes became sharper.

No.20 Chapter [-] Hot Coffee is Still Shining

Vending machines are definitely a major feature of Japan. They are famous for their large volume and everything.

The things sold range from beverages to fruits to fresh vegetables to batteries to exercise books to unicorns, as long as they can be stuffed in and sold, there are all kinds of things... There are even variants, krypton machines and fools that randomly harvest goods through a lottery system You can participate in the crowdfunding machine, the one-stop machine for drawing lots at shrines, and the all-in-one machine for drawing lots at shrines. The emphasis is on a scientific and efficient consecration and good deeds.

Whether it's a desolate smoke-free small road or next to a highway, the vending machines are neatly lined up.

I have never seen a staff member who replenishes the goods, but the stuff in the machine is always full... This is also an urban legend in a sense.

Of course, the most important thing is that social animals who often work overtime until late at night can find a snack at any time, which can only be said to be full of humanistic care.

Master Yin was thinking about the vending machine at this time.

Why do I feel that the types of drinks here change every day?Do you love innovation so much?

Fortunately, I am quite adventurous, and this bottle of "pepper soy sauce soda" looks pretty good, so you might as well try it.

Pay with coins, press the buttons to select, and bend over to pick up the goods.

Yin Ze lowered his head and pawed a few times, silently thinking about something, then got up silently, bought another bottle of hot coffee, and took out together.

The man walked to the rest area and handed the hot coffee to the girl sitting here.

Taneda Risa raised her bright and charming eyes, she seemed a little surprised, but she soon smiled, took it with her polite hands, and said politely, "Thank you Oreki-san for the treat."

"It doesn't matter, the main reason is that when I bought this bottle of soda, something went wrong, and it got stuck in the middle and didn't fall off, so I had to buy another can of coffee to squeeze it out." The man nodded gracefully.

"...What if the coffee gets stuck too?" Taneda Lisa's smile froze slightly.

"Then buy another bottle of 'Eel Energy Drink' and give it to the sound supervisor." The man snapped his fingers in a generous manner.


Yin Zeshi calmly sat down, unscrewed the bottle cap, and raised his head to taste the taste of the new world.

The liquid enters the mouth, showing all kinds of things in the world, and the tongue is so stimulated that I want to run away with a bucket, but just saying it seems to open a sauce shop, and salty, sour, and spicy all come out.However, in this chaos, there is still a taste of memory.

This, isn't this an enhanced version of Laoshan holy water? !

While the man is drunk.

Nantian Lisha handed over the hot coffee in her hand.

"Thank you, I really want to drink something that humans should drink." Yin Ze was moved.

"You misunderstood." Zhongtian Lisha blinked, "My nails are too short, please open them for me."

This time it was the man's turn to be speechless for a while.


The tab for hot coffee goes in the trash.

Yin Ze looked at the girl with her head raised slightly, her hair was pulled behind her ears, her plain white neck could be seen at a glance, her pretty side face was full of youth, and her petal-patterned one-piece dress had a summer vibe .

Gengtian Lisha swallowed her coffee, and turned her head to see that the person on the opposite side showed a hideous and painful expression after taking a sip of water.

The two held the bottle and looked at each other, and they couldn't explain the reason, but they laughed lightly anyway.

"It seems that you still remember me?" Yin Ze asked first.

"People who have received long-term sketch training are good at grasping facial features." Taneda Risa said seriously, "Of course I remember you, passer-by judge."

"It's been a long time, and what I appreciated together was your graduation work, but I still told you all about it in front of the original author." Yin Ze was helpless, "But art students, how come you become a voice actor?"

"I didn't continue on that path." Taneda Lisa said simply.

"That's really a pity. Regardless of the basic skills, but the creativity is still very exciting. Maybe I can become an excellent designer and avant-garde painter in the future." Yin Ze said with a little regret.

"Leaving aside what basic skills are... Could it be that my foundation is poor?" Taneda Risa murmured.

"Well." Master Yin snorted softly, "After all, I am a disciple of the orthodox Supai Cheschakov, a rebel of the academic school with outlines and light and shade, and a narrator of objective laws. Through the two veins of Ren and Du, the styling is naturally handled ruthlessly."

"So it's not surprising that I'm a student of the Qi family at the top level." Taneda Lisa smiled, "My foundation is not strong enough to put the broken human skeleton back together in a few minutes. You If you criticize me, then you have to accept it. However, how can such a traditional person with such profound skills come to be a voice actor?"

"Well, well, it's a long story..." The man hesitated.You can't say that you have a heart for R18 works, can you?

"It seems that everyone has the same complicated reason."

Naneda Lisha paused for a moment, hugging the hot coffee.

"When I was in elementary school, I liked comics very much. I also took a break in class, painted comic strips and so on, and even drew out pictures and sent them to friends for coloring games. At that time, I was full of confidence and my grades were also good. I felt that I It is a special existence, now that I think about it, my elementary school years should be the pinnacle of my life."

"I was brilliant when I was in elementary school, and I was a brigade committee member." Yin Ze recalled that year and echoed.

"I was in middle school, high school, and university in girls' schools with art departments, but in fact, after entering middle school, I realized that I was just an ordinary person. On the eve of my graduation work, I probably came to a conclusion in my heart. I don't have the consciousness to be a professional artist, and I don't have the courage to dare to face the storm." Tang Tian Lisha's voice was very soft here, "...the professional world, there is a Shura battlefield full of gods."

This is really irrefutable.

Master Yin nodded in recognition, took a sip of his drink habitually, and then his face twisted again.

"However, it's not bad to regard it as an interest. Part of the beauty of this world can only be discovered after studying aesthetics."

Yin Ze breathed repeatedly to suppress the irritation, and continued.

"I was not in the atmosphere of painting in junior high school like you, but only started to pick up the pen seriously in high school. I also encountered a lot of setbacks and troughs, and gave up many times, but I didn't feel regretful in my heart .Because painting can bring happiness, even if I don’t get famous, I can still use it to reap the happiness of creation when I am old and frail, so I have never regretted the time spent on practice.”

"This is really a romantic idea." Taneda Lisa was surprised by this open-minded attitude.

"Romance is not how many roses to send, nor how many love words to say."

Yin Ze sighed, he looked up and looked at the plain ceiling, but he seemed to see a higher blue sky and white clouds.

"Romance is an unfettered imagination, an occasional flash of light in ordinary life, a little sense of ritual that makes oneself happy. It is love and respect, thoughtfulness and kindness. It is a little surprise and faith. Persistence is the uncompromising in the face of an ordinary life... Romance is the antonym of numbness, dryness, indifference, death, and despair. There is nothing wrong with being a romantic person."

Naneda Lisha looked at him steadily, and then the corners of her mouth were upturned visible to the naked eye.

... Is she holding back her laughter? !

"Why do you show that kind of expression that you understand the cold joke after knowing it?" Even Master Yin felt a little uncomfortable with the audience's attitude at this time.

"It's nothing, it's just, hahaha—someone would really say such things to others in reality." Zhongtian Lisha couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, "The scene just now, to be honest, looks like a scene from a TV series. .”

"Hehe, what is this? There are still people who will open the door of the elevator and sing the spell of Kingdom of the Wind." Yin Ze counterattacked so quickly.

This is the third time that Zhongtian Lisha froze today. She pursed her mouth, glared at the prisoner who exposed the black history, and immediately slumped down like a deflated balloon, "...if you want to laugh, you can laugh." Laugh, a grown-up with a full college degree would do this kind of kindergarten stuff."

"I won't laugh at you. Didn't I say it just now? There's nothing wrong with being a romantic person." Yin Ze comforted, "Besides, I was still talking lines with you when I got out of the elevator."

"So, I'm the one with a small belly?" Zhongtian Lisha raised her eyebrows.

"No, no one said that. Right and wrong are right and wrong. In this materialistic society, being a good person depends purely on self-awareness." Yin Ze spread his hands.

"By the way." Zhongtian Lisha suddenly remembered, "Do you owe me something?"

"Is there?" Yin Ze frowned, "...but you owe me a can of coffee now, right?"

"Tsk, you fussy guy. At the art exhibition, I wanted to see your work, but you refused it with the excuse of 'not on hand'?" said Taneda Risa, "In hindsight, this is impossible, serious Painters, why didn’t you save a few pictures in your phone? You can’t just be a master of talking on paper, right?”

"At that time, time was tight, and, besides, there was nothing that could become a masterpiece." Master Yin was ashamed.

"What about now?" Taneda Lisha asked.

"It's a coincidence, I still have it now." The man then took out the phone, called up the design drawing in the folder of "Yoshida Satoki's Mission", and handed it over.

"This Logo?" Naneda Lisha glanced at it briefly, hesitating, "Is it Final Fantasy?"

"As expected of a big factory and a heavyweight IP, you can tell it at a glance. Yes, this is the art setting diagram of Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth." Yin Ze nodded in approval.

"No way?" Zhongtian Lisha was stunned, a little unbelievable, "Is it a remake of the 14th generation that made a lot of noise a while ago?"

"Yes, you know?"

"Of course, this is earth-shattering news in the game circle. In those few days, almost all the game media websites were full of news about that luxurious gambling. Wait a minute, haven't the setting sets been released yet? Are you from Where did you get it?"

"What do you mean you got it?" Master Yin had black lines on his face. "This is what I drew. I took over the outsourcing of their project team and participated in the production."

Not long ago, Yoshimoto Mihiko, the former leader of the 2D art team and art director, has officially resigned. By the way, some key members who have solved their knots have left with relief.

Although there is definitely no shortage of people in big factories, there are actually not as many technical experts who can sit in charge and develop the follow-up version of this first-line project, and they even know each other, which is a rare talent.Not to mention that those who can combine various styles, have rich practical experience, and have good management and communication skills, all of them are old qualifications of various companies, and they have already established their own fortresses.

There are fewer job-hopping situations in Japan, not to mention that there are still some celebrities who are too lazy to clock in at work and take the route of free creation.Now that they are living outside, there are not many masters waiting to be employed.

So if it wasn't for my deep understanding of the pain of artists when the version is updated, blocking Yoshida's demon whispers, and rejecting the producer's sugar-coated shells, maybe the devil who is thirsty for labor has already pulled a strong man to Zhao'an, to Zhao'an. I really sat at the team leader's station, let it be squeezed, and worked on the 3.0 expansion piece day and night!

Even the toilet time was recorded in an Excel spreadsheet. Although it was a special period before, I was able to get a glimpse of the dark side of Yoshida's personality... Going to work there, although the treatment is good, but there is always a thrill of turning into a shiny bald head feel.

Next time, next time for sure.

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