"And Bingguo means to become strong. In ordinary life, there are actually many miracles, but they are often overlooked. I want to show those perfectly, because it is the free world of animation, and because it is fantasy. , so we can escape the shackles of this world.”

It's amazing.

I didn't expect people like Yoshida Tomoki to be so common.

Perhaps the people who devote themselves to this industry are naive enough, so that this naivety has not disappeared until the end.

True creation is like this, everything has meaning.

No matter what the final form is, the total amount of happiness accumulated by these people will not change in any way, and the good memory built with sweat and ideals, no matter how violent it is, cannot destroy it.

"Although it hasn't been broadcast yet, I want to say in advance that the animation you made is really good-looking." Yin Ze said.

"If Oreki-san said it, then he must be worthy of this evaluation." Takemoto Yasuhiro said forcefully.

"Then I'm leaving?" came an emotionless voice.

The three turned back.

Nagasaki Xingnan watched them silently, the audio supervisor came and went without a trace, and he didn't know how long he had been watching here.

"Didn't you help me buy food in the first place?"



Tanada Lisa finished today's work and watched the passing scenery on the tram.

She habitually wanted to take out the book.

But then I thought, that novel has already been given to someone.

Turning my mind to this, I couldn't help laughing.

Taneda Risa took out another copy.

Milosz's "The Gift" was printed on the cover.

"Such a happy day, the fog lifted early in the morning and I was working in the garden."

"A hummingbird perched on a honeysuckle."

"There is nothing in this world that I want to own."

"I know there's no one I can envy."

"Any misfortune I've had, I've forgotten."

"It doesn't embarrass me to think that I am the same person as I am now."

"There is no pain in me, and straightening up I see the blue sea and the sails."

No.20 Chapter [-] Red Bull's Core Has Been Damaged

Kuromon Market, Osaka.

This is a market for locals to purchase fresh vegetables and fruits. In the approximately 600-meter-long market, there are more than 170 shops, mainly engaged in meat, eggs, poultry, fruits, vegetables, seafood and other products. There are also many restaurants that use fresh ingredients for cooking. .

The vegetable market is the most smoky place and the place that best represents the atmosphere of local life.

Seafood people work in advance, and people usually start to buy fresh ingredients in bulk in the early morning.At noon, it was quite leisurely.

Since graduation, Takada Kenliang has become an honorable shopkeeper, responsible for making change and feeding cats.

The facade of his one-acre-three-point land is like an enchantment, and he is also like an earthbound spirit, who rarely has the chance to walk away.

So swiping your phone, listening to the radio, and watching shows have become hobbies.

Takada Kenliang propped his head up, skillfully logged into his account, and entered the organization group.

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"Brother Dang: Brothers, have you watched the new "Bingguo"? Last night and the day before yesterday, there were two blockbuster episodes in a row. The production team must have plenty of time to spare, right?"

Tokyo, Chuo-ku.An office worker whose eyes were swollen when he read the report took out a lunch box with monotonous ingredients and simple appearance from the microwave oven, found a place to eat, and took out his mobile phone at the same time.

"Five of the golden pickup truck: It's really good-looking, produced by KyoAni, and the quality is still guaranteed. I have watched too many brainless harem dramas, and this delicate and plain daily life makes people feel very comfortable, and there is obviously no shocking plot. , but I just want to watch the next episode.”

Tokyo, Shibuya Ward.Tsuchiya Hongliang was doing the task of changing from a fighter to a monk. He operated in two lines, dragged the chat box to the side of the game, opened the document by the way, and copied and sent out a few paragraphs written yesterday.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: After the PV was released, I collected the information immediately. First of all, the original author is a serious writer, and the content has a long aftertaste. This is actually a story of adolescence full of sweetness and sadness. It uses reasoning additives to analyze and excavate Small incidents in life reflect the entanglement of our youth. Hiding in toilets and rooftops to smoke, being unjustly punished and standing with no excuses, substandard cultural activities, complaints about strict class teachers... These small experiences are just It is a big event that everyone has experienced in school. Watching this drama reminds me of the days when I was in school, and I remember playing around with my friends, and occasionally being suspicious of my youthful self.”

Kanto, Chiba Prefecture.Ignoring the ruthless brother who wanted to use the computer to watch idol drama junior high school sister, he tapped on the keyboard with a straw in his mouth.

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potato: Oh? It turns out that the group owner also pays attention to the comic commentary of 'Pioneer of Cute Dolphins·Tsuchiya Hiroshi'? One thing to say, this paragraph is very good."

Kyoto.The little brother who went out to watch a movie with his lover deserted, typing on his phone.

"Urban Strange Phlegm: It's mainly the reality mixed with unreality. As an active student, I have a strong sense of substitution."

"Brother Dang: Hehe, how can you have a sense of substitution when you have a girlfriend? I suggest you break up first and start over."

"Stir-Fried Potatoes with Sweet Potatoes: Is there a possibility... This drama will enter the real detective part later, and the male protagonist will be decapitated."

"Brother Dang: Presumptuous! Is it true that as long as the role played by my elder brother is played, he must suffer?!"

"Five from Golden Pickup: Brother Takizawa's acting skills in this show are really good, it feels like it's more than a notch higher than before."

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Generally speaking, the acting skills of actors are also influenced by the director and the works to a certain extent. The animation director Yasuhiro Takemoto is a veteran who is good at capturing fragmentary details. "The Disappearance of Summer Suzumiya" It is one of the manifestations of his profound skills. The emotional performance of the characters in the play, from the eyes to the subtle movements, is full of hints. Takizawa's voice is good at changing, with strong empathy, noble knights, righteous heroes, ghosts and animals Male, hot-blooded and rough... He is easy to come by, and he is still a college student, and he has not yet left the campus. The youthful feeling he expresses is just right, and the sound supervisor is Yuki Nagasaki, who asked to re-record the star El Redo who created the ghost animal area by himself. Nan. It’s not surprising that there is such a strong alliance. It’s a matter of course. It’s better to say that this kind of performance came too late. Although only four episodes have been played, it is obvious that this will become one of Takizawa’s masterpieces. Oreki-kun will also be one of the label roles of this young voice actor.”

"Five of the Golden Pickup: Tears came to my eyes. It was a pity that Takizawa was not the rookie award before. Now my single push is finally showing its glory."

"Sweet Potato Stir-fried Potato: Group leader, why did you copy Lao Liang's copywriting again? This is an apology."

"Brother Dang: Isn't Zhuge Liang also Lao Liang?"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Let me say something irrelevant. The heroine seems to be a newcomer seiyuu. This is someone else's first main character. The official photo is very beautiful."

"Five of Golden Pickup: Ms. Hidaka's first main character, Panis, Sakura-san's first main character, Takeuchi Hotaru, and Haneda's first main character, Sanka Reihime, and now there are many... Miss Taneda's first main character, Chi Tanda?"

"Ye Ye Ye Shen: I would like to call it a classic."

"Brother Dang: Oh, you people, don't see the wind and the rain. This is purely a coincidence of work. Although my elder brother has full hardware and software, he doesn't have a good relationship with every female colleague who is the main character for the first time. Right? You guys, you still need to learn one, read more books, cultivate your moral character, and don’t be impatient.”

"Stir-fried potatoes with sweet potatoes: I understand this wave, after all, except for Ms. Hidaka and Ms. Sakura, they are just ordinary cooperative relationships."

Tokyo, Keio University, ordinary dormitory, bed No. [-].Zhang Wei looked at the refreshed characters constantly popping up in the chat box, and then glanced at the video being exported in the video software.Jing Mo smiled coldly, her slender fingers danced on the keyboard, and the black switch made a steady sound.

"Hail DD Alexander: I thought that, as veterans of the Orthodox Church, you must have high opinions, but you are so ignorant."

"Brother Dang: Isn't this Brother Feng? I haven't seen you for so many days. What did you do?"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: It's nothing, just doing something."

"Brother Dang: Then dare to ask Brother Feng if you have any new information?"

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: It's not new, it's just outdated information. After the end of "Sanhua Riji" last month, Animedia magazine interviewed the main creators, including Ms. Haneda and Mr. Takizawa From the conversation records, we can know that the two had contact before entering the training center, and they were classmates with Ms. Sakura during class, heh, if you say first come, then come, Ms. Hidaka was the last to meet."

"Yeyeyye God: What, there is such a thing? Why don't I know?"

A cold light flickered in Zhang Wei's eyes.

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: I have to ask the leader of the group. The military division claims to be a master of animation, but he has left out this important information and kept it secret. I am afraid it is a fluke. After all... After all, this is extremely detrimental to the Orthodox Church."

"Brother Dang: Bold! How dare you use such bad intentions to speculate on the military division? Since the establishment of the group, the group owner has been conscientious and selflessly sharing various activity CDs. How can he be easily slandered."

"Hayate DD Alexander: Hmph."

Hiroshi Tsuchiya finished his latest mission. He has become a glorious monk, but he was not happy. The bear stared quietly at the chat record, the profile picture and nickname of the latest spokesperson, his eyes seemed to penetrate network like.

"Kong Ming from Heisei: I haven't seen Lord Haifeng for a long time, but today he is bubbling, but he shows his sharpness. Could it be that he feels that he is disqualified and wants to run for the position of group leader?"

"Hail·DD·Alexander: I just saw that the group members were confused, so I came out to answer. Why did the group leader directly call it treason and usurper?"

"Kong Ming in Heisei: The number of days has changed, and the artifacts are easier to buy. When I have my strength to go to a virtuous person, the leader of the group is by no means exclusive to me. Any good brother with enthusiasm can apply."

"Fast Wind·DD·Alexander: The military master opened up the chaos, led us to build the city and build the wall, unite as one, and when the next door Zhongda suddenly emerged, he set an example and fought against the Northern Expedition many times. , should be the group leader. It’s just—”

The group chat fell silent for a while, and no one answered.

At this moment, the good men scattered all over Japan felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.The brother who jumps out like he understands does not speak anymore, the plastic chopsticks that office workers stop eating, the brother who ignores the choke attack of his sister, and the cashier who is dating can not hear the voice of dissatisfaction from his girlfriend.

Tsuchiya Hongliang remained expressionless, rubbing his chin and tapping slowly.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Just what? But it doesn't matter."

Zhang Wei's key speed increased sharply, and there were continuous crackling sounds.

"Hail·DD·Alexander: It's just that. In the past, when the dark fantasy was being talked about, the princess and the knight, the Mancai combination was a blockbuster, and after the nightmare girl won't eat the broadcast, the Yinquan platform's list is guaranteed to be the first, the friend of the heart Ms. Sakura was born out of nowhere, and then her eldest brother tweeted her account abnormally three times to proclaim Sanhua Liji. In this chaotic world, how can the military adviser make peace?"

"Five of the Golden Pickup: Didn't you just say that? Build villages and build cities, and conquer the enemy in the north."

Zhang Wei frowned and pressed the Enter key heavily.

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: Big mistake!"

"Feng·DD·Alexander: Feng, drifting away for a year, only regrets not meeting the Ming Lord. You live in Tokyo, and you first wrote articles and contributed to the circle, with hundreds of thousands of fans. Later, you opened a group to recruit heroes from all over the world, and [-]% of them are in it. You are right. You should be my orthodox teacher, when will you help the rebels and fight fire with fire?!"

The group chat was completely silent, without any action, as if they were disconnected collectively.

Although Takada Kenlianggo is a fierce man who travels the world without changing his name, he also feels cold behind him at this second.

Tsuchiya Hongliang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the feeling of being lifted by someone made him feel murderous. Almost instantly, he called up the option of "kick this member".

But at the end, Ah Liang's fingers stopped.

After a short thought, Xiong Xian restarted the operation.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Liang, you have been taught."

"Group notification: Haifeng·DD·Alexander has become an administrator"

The turmoil came to an abrupt end in such a generous way.

Everyone was so preoccupied that they stopped chatting for the time being, but returned to life and dealt with their own crises.

Did you choose to stand out from the shadows?

——Gong Jin.

Hmm, stupid.

Military division of Shu Han, military division of Cao Wei, plus Longzhong Feilong, a well-known blogger, all accounts are all my own, how do you fight with me?

Tsuchiya Hongliang narrowed his eyes slightly.


Sakura Eishi is also stepping on someone's Twitter account today. Of course, good-looking photos are never missed, and they are all saved in the phone. After all, everything has two sides. To treat the enemy's sugar-coated bullets, you must put The sugar coating stays, and the shells go back.

This time the stamping operation seemed to be going smoothly, there was no righteous partner to snipe, he had fought with netizens so many times that he even remembered those old opponents.Among them, there is a special idler named Brother Dang, who replied 100%, but for some reason today he put up the exemption card.

It seems that this person's fan stickiness is nothing more than that.

Eiji Sakura put away his cell phone and looked at the slightly lonely living room.

The beloved has returned to her mother's house, and the good daughter is doing her homework, leaving only him and the parrot "Beethoven" staring at each other.

During this period of time, Mioyin really worked hard. In addition to studying, she often heard the voice of practicing her lines from her bedroom.

In all fairness, the old father didn't spend much energy on the child's studies. First, Mio's previous poor living conditions were more worrying than studying. Second, he believed that as long as he had the wisdom to survive, then The ability to simply solve math problems is poor, which is nothing.

During this period of time, Mioyin suddenly had an inexplicable drive to work hard, with a goal and direction to work towards.This is a good thing.

What I discussed with my wife before, such as extracurricular tutoring and tutoring, seems to have to be implemented.

Sakura Eishi thought to himself.

Chapter No.30 Yuxi core has been activated

"Mom's teeth hurt a lot recently. She probably needs to go to a dental clinic to have them pulled out, but she doesn't want to. Speaking of which, my grandma also refused to pull out her teeth. I don't know if it's against the dentures, or because she can't bear the teeth that have accompanied her for decades. .”

"This is also normal. Not everyone will undergo prosthetic modification surgery. Although we are still far away from advanced transformation, replacing the innate flesh and blood with cold technological creations will be rejected physiologically, and the human body will be transformed." Sorrow is incomprehensible to us..."

"The worst result is just wearing dentures, can you stop talking like Kamen Rider No. 1?"

Sakura Edmori glanced at the middle-aged man who was vigorously planing rice at the dining table.

"By the way, you should go back with me, right? The last time we went back together was three years ago. Your son-in-law is too incompetent."

"Oh, I also have my own difficulties." Eishi Sakura held his job bowl and licked the rice grains from the corner of his mouth, with a sad expression, "Who in your neighborhood doesn't know that your father and godfather are famous? Every time I go to see him If you are less than three catties, you are not worthy of going to the bathroom. After so many years of marriage, the children are about to go to college, and when I go back to my father-in-law’s house, I go to Longtan and Tiger’s Den like meeting my parents for the first time. I am also a human being. Who can tell me about the pain in my heart? , when the father-in-law is obedient to the old, the realm has fallen, and the skill has dissipated, I will perform the filial piety before my knees!"

"My dad is also getting old, so how can he still drink as much as before? He hasn't touched strong alcohol for a long time, and the summer heat is unbearable, so he just drinks cold beer with meals." Sakura Zhimori said, "This trip At home, he drinks freshly squeezed juice."

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