"My father-in-law's daily alcohol intake has dropped from ten digits to single digits? Is it really a drop?!" Sakura Eishi was a little moved, and at the same time, a flame of revenge that had been extinguished for many years was rekindled in his heart.

His father-in-law is a person with abundant martial arts virtues. He accidentally went to the cinema in his early years, but he became addicted to Hong Kong martial arts movies and couldn't extricate himself. He was so fanatical that he taught himself martial arts and practiced stunts. From Causeway Bay all the way to West Kowloon, I just want to see every move from an expert.Later, he became a dragon and tiger martial artist who endured hardships.Until one day when the Wia broke down, the pile of apple boxes under the buttocks happened to be less, and the leg and foot broke when it fell to the ground. It happened that my hometown was urging me to return to my country to get married, so I went home to recuperate and go on a blind date. I originally planned to fight the rivers and lakes after the injury recovered, but it was a pity that my childhood sweetheart His wife is very virtuous.

The hero was drowned and tied to death in the gentle village, and a passionate adventure ended here.

And the old man who dared to be a real-life stand-in for a dummy who jumped off a building naturally possessed all the qualities that a macho should have: loud voice, big appetite, big drinker, big courage, big pectoral muscles, big biceps, and bigger fists.

To this day, Sakura Eishi still remembers that day.

The young social elite pushes away the box of the hotel, facing the legion of the immediate family members of the fiancée.

The second uncle, the third uncle, the seventh aunt, the sixth sister-in-law, and the father-in-law with a golden knife and a big horse, his hair and white beard are as wild as a lion's mane.

The whole thing is as tragic as the protagonist who has a bloody feud, running into the helm of the underworld alone.

Sakura Eishi knew that he could not escape this trial of a good son-in-law, so he gritted his teeth and dedicated his life for love.

When the consciousness was reconnected, it was already the afternoon of the next day, and he was holding the toilet to vomit, with such force that his nostrils were spraying.Out of self-defense mechanism, the body kindly deletes that memory.However, there are still some hell-like scenes left.

A few months later, when the wedding ceremony was held, when the father-in-law entrusted his daughter to him, the slap on the left shoulder, the 30-year skill of the newly arrived Yang, made the groom burst into tears.A few years later, in the obstetrics department of the hospital, when the father-in-law saw his newborn granddaughter, the slap on the right shoulder made the new father cry again.

The mother-in-law looks more and more pleasing to the son-in-law, but the father-in-law is just the opposite.

It's been more than ten years.

The situation still hasn't eased up.

In all honesty, Sakura Eishi still wanted to strengthen his relationship with his father-in-law, but unfortunately things always backfired.

"When you get older, you should stop drinking, and you have to change your temper when you get agitated. You can't be so loud, and you should start playing chess with a thermos bottle in your hand, so as to maintain your health." Eiji Sakura is easy-going. He said, "Well, I will buy some high-grade tea in a few days and visit my father-in-law."

I usually drink too much, but this time I should be able to reminisce about the past in a normal style, right?

"Grandpa and grandma also asked how Mio Yin was doing, and they forced a red envelope and asked me to bring it to you." Sakura Edomori said to his daughter who was reading a reference book while eating.

"Oh? How much did the second elder pack?"

"2 million yen."

"Here is 3 yen. I will reward you for being well-behaved and sensible." Sakura Eiji gracefully took out his wallet, took out Fukuzawa Yukichi with his fingertips, and handed it to his daughter.

"Is this comparable? No one is serious!" Seeing this, Sakura Edmori slapped the palm holding the banknote half annoyed like a strict teacher in a private school, "My dad is right, you are Nothing will happen!"

The middle-aged man looked lonely.

Damn, I must not abandon the oppression and suffering I have received from the woman's elders' family these years. I want... Although I don't know who it is, I have to pass it on to the next son-in-law, so that I can do what I want!

"Don't be busy, Mio, let's eat first." Sakura Emori said, no longer entangled with her husband.

"It's okay, don't delay." Sakura Mioyin held the book in one hand, loosened her fingertips, and deftly turned the pages.This can be regarded as a little skill honed by dubbing and playing scripts on the set.

"Why don't you delay, according to your rhythm, it's already the third bowl of rice." Eishi Sakura pondered, "Look, your face is thinner than before, alas, I thought you were fat before, it was just a joke I feel a little distressed about the weight loss. I support you to lose weight healthily, but if it is caused by stress, it’s not good, why don’t we eat it back..."

"Did you use this level of language and logic ability to explain the market situation to the employees when you were at work?" Sakura Mio cast a speechless look.

"Don't pay attention to him." Sakura Edmori then made up the knife, and then said, "But you suddenly started working hard, do you really want to be admitted to a famous school?"

"Uh, it's normal to try to get into a good school." Sakura Mio said hesitantly.

"Of course, if you just study blindly by yourself, the efficiency will be very low. Exams are not something that can be achieved only by hard work. Since you are so motivated, do you want to help you find a good cram school?" Zuo Kureda Mori asked.

"...Alright." Sakura Mio nodded.Recently, she really has no way to do it, and it is very difficult to improve her academic ability.

"But in this way, you have almost no rest time, right?" Sakura Eiji said suddenly, "Besides going to school normally, you are also working as a voice actress. Everything is coming together, is it okay? "

"It's nothing, anyway, no matter how hard I try now, I can't get the main role." Sakura Mio said in a muffled voice.

"Oh, is this a defeat?" Sakura Eishi raised his eyebrows, "After all, you are in the professional circle. You are still immature and lack competitiveness. It is understandable to be dismissed... As for failure, it is also rare. Experience, don’t worry about it.”

The old father himself couldn't bear to carry out strict education. If she encountered some obstacles in society and the workplace, it would be fine.

"When you first became a voice actor, you played the heroine of a theatrical animation. I started too high, and I was a little worried." Eiji Sakura sighed, "What you are encountering now is actually the normal state of ordinary people. ah."

"Yeah." Sakura Mio put down the reference book, lowered her head in frustration, "It's because I don't have the talent."

Obviously both parents are excellent.Not much to say about my father, not only did he come from the Faculty of Law of Dongdae University, but after entering the society, he also achieved a perfect cross-industry, resigned and started his own business, and everything he did was smooth.My mother is also a talented woman. Apart from taking care of the family in an orderly manner, she is also practicing her hobbies and has many cooking certificates.

However, he has a failed student career, and the resources for voice actor work are obviously good, but he is not advancing but retreating.

"What are you talking to the child again?" Sakura Edmori was a little dissatisfied.

However, Eiji Sakura became serious at the dinner table at home.

"In this case, I remember you said it once when you were young, right?" The middle-aged man recalled, "At that time, I switched to design, and you were influenced by me, and you also played with the digital board, painted and drew. I wanted to be an illustrator, but later I saw too many outstanding works on the web, and I was timid.”

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

"You were too young back then, so I didn't say much. But now, I can say it. This is the most real situation in the world. There are really too many dazzling figures walking under this sky like us, and Compared with us, we are too ordinary, we will be discouraged, we will be restless, and a little improvement is so difficult."

Sakura Eiji stopped his chopsticks and said.

"In the future, you will definitely encounter more troubles, regrets, heartaches, love and hate, and parting. When luck is really bad, you can't help but want to pull God down, pull it down Questioning in front of you. Broken ideals, sickness, hunger and cold, and finally reaching the end, sleeping in the years, without tears and smiles. This is life, everyone's life."

"It's unavoidable, why be greedy for a moment. We feel sad when we see mayflies live and die, and we feel sad when we see the changes in the world in Cangshan and vast seas. Dynasties will turn into a page of history, the sun will go out, and the stars will die. Whimpering in the almost eternal night, and finally being classified as 'nothing'."

"Our end is not fire, but ice."

"So I think life should be a tragedy. Those talented people are the same, they are so gorgeous, and they will slowly disappear. But at the same time, I think being alive is also an indescribable miracle. Come here It’s so rare, if you don’t do something to your heart’s content, you’ll feel like you’re at a loss, even if it might be insignificant, maybe you won’t be considered a success, maybe you won’t make money, or get status.” The old father said deeply, “But Mio, I sincerely hope that you can work hard to accomplish a few things in the mud in the future. That is not evidence of existence, it is just the meaning of existence."

Sakura Mio was a little surprised.

She rarely saw a father like this.This kind of father exudes a strong charm, not the rough nerves who have no defense against his wife and force the parrot to learn classical songs every day.

Sakura Edmori showed a gentle smile, she looked at the purity in the eyes of the middle-aged man.Married for too long, the relationship has been shattered into the habits, and I almost forgot why I became interested in this guy for the first time.

"Leave the cram school to me. Dad will definitely give you the greatest support." Sakura Eishi patted his chest.

"Actually, I have a pretty good candidate. It's very suitable to be a tutor..." Sakura Edmori said suddenly, "But I don't have any teaching experience yet."

"Where can I go? If it is not inferior to my management, I want to find a senior teacher who has brought out the champion." Sakura Eishi frowned.

"According to this, that person really resembles you in some ways." Sakura Edmori chuckled lightly and said abruptly.

"Where?" Sakura Eishi was a little confused.

"After seeing the essence clearly, I still love this aspect of life."

"Very good and worthy of praise. But what does this have to do with tutoring?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to matter."

"... How do you say you hide half of it, it's weird."

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man pondered for a moment before deciding on the follow-up work. He has always been strong in execution.

No.30 Yuxi's core operation is normal

Japanese middle school students have been haunting major dramas and light novels for a long time. They are wise and powerful, and they seldom attend classes. They are either eating cakes, drinking afternoon tea and playing bands, or hanging their lives for Koshien, or wandering through the multiple relationships of adolescence. Either fight a modern mechanic with a single tennis racket, or fight a world-destroying evil villain with a game of cards.

In short, it seems that I just don't study much.

This is of course not the case.

Although the coursework is relatively easy and the duration is short, the department activities are indeed rich.

But for those three good students who want to enter the top colleges and universities, they also live a miserable life of getting up earlier than chickens and going to bed later than pigs

There are special entrance classes for admission to higher education that take classes six days a week, and there are supplementary classes and dormitories during the winter and summer vacations

In Japan, after-school cram schools are called "juku", and the teachers are strong, and the fees required for the top "juku" with frequent champions are also extremely expensive.

In a newly established cram school in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

"Although it is biased to say this, it is still a typical society with academic qualifications. To some extent, it is related to this unique employment system. After all, there is a lifetime employment system. Therefore, in the talent market with asymmetric information, the applicant's final Academic qualifications and the ranking of his alma mater are the few materials for recruiters to judge the excellence of a person.

"Although the current supply of higher education is already oversupplied in the context of declining birthrates, the competition for students to enter those national universities is still very fierce."

A little old man with thin hair, a fat figure, thick-rimmed glasses, and exuding the temperament of an old scholar and a dean is introducing and explaining to a parent who comes to the field for consultation.

"The cram schools in Japan are all very large. As a representative, they are Yoyogi, Sundai, and Kawai Juku. The pass rate is high and the price is very beautiful. But we are different from large-scale cram schools. We belong to the same school. One-on-one tutoring. It is high-quality, and the teachers give individual guidance based on the problems reflected in the students' homework. Such teachers only teach the problems, not just the content, and the efficiency can be seen."

"But aren't you a new establishment? Where are the achievements?" the parent asked sharply.

"The teachers here are all practical, with many years of teaching experience, and have brought out many outstanding students, many of whom have worked in the Juntai and other cram schools I just mentioned." The little old man explained.

"Oh, so it's a senior team." The parents nodded.

"Let me introduce the teachers to you." The little old man pointed to the scholars in suits and leather shoes on the wall with arms folded.

The decoration of the cram school is also very atmospheric. On the walls are the heads of great figures in history and many famous quotes.

"Ms. Fujikawa Kumoni, who was born in Cambridge, has been engaged in the education industry for many years. He has always adhered to the principle and spirit that the greatest responsibility of educators is to cultivate children's attitudes and habits of independent learning. In order to solve the frustration encountered by children in learning, we use games Stage-based teaching, aimed at students, using self-compiled textbooks, is very popular and has brought out several Top." The little old man said first.The man in the photo is gentle and gentle.

"It looks pretty good." The parent continued to nod.

"Teacher Gu Zeliang, especially good at science, is also a psychiatrist. He has worked in towns and villages for many years. It can be said that he understands the troubles and anguish of students of this age group very well. Even children with flaws in personality who are difficult to take care of will be treated by this gentle old man. Infected by the lady, it is like listening to a grandma telling a story, leading to the ocean of knowledge, and even helping a girl with mild depression to get out of the trough of life." The little old man added.The woman in the photo has gray hair and eyes as calm as a lake.

"It's really kind." The parents commented.

"Mr. Kawakami Masao, who specializes in Chinese and geography, is a rare talent. Since he worked in a first-class manga studio when he was young, he has excellent drawing skills. His greatest trick is to create on the spot, using knowledge points in the form of comic books. The form is shown on the spot, combined with the rakugo-like explanation style, so that students not only remember deeply, but also learn art lessons."

"With such a strong foundation, why didn't he continue to engage in comics?"

"It is said that he felt the crisis of sudden death."


"Teacher Lyon, a graduate student at Harvard, an authentic British gentleman, and a kind uncle. He has a London accent, and he also masters Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Thai and other languages. His rich experience makes his lectures full of fun. Sex, not only teaching foreign languages, but also explaining the customs of the corresponding language, helping students broaden their horizons, playing with grammar and enriching their vocabulary. But the only pity is that I will resign soon." The little old man said in a regretful tone. .

"Isn't it just established? Why are you leaving?" The parents felt that the teacher's beard looked like Tolstoy.

"Because he loves to travel, he can't stay in the same place. He plans to travel around the world within five years, and the travel expenses during this period are all earned by working on the trip. He was working as a translator in Latin America before, but when he encountered resistance activities, his ass was burned Come here to feel the peace of modern society." The little old man shrugged.

"It's been a great experience," said the parent.

"Mr. Onitsuka Island, this one is special. He is also good at teaching awkward and paranoid students, but the method he uses is more physical. Of course, it is not physical punishment, but waterfall practice, which uses actions to drive the spirit. Ghost Mr. Zhong was a bosozoku in his early years, and later dropped out of school to work. He knew the difficulties of society. In the end, the prodigal son turned around, changed his mind, and passed the entrance examination of a first-class national university. Poor student, very thoughtful."

"The muscles are really well trained, and the bald head and sunglasses are very imposing."

After that, the little old man showed the rest area, classrooms, and those advanced teaching equipment to the parents. It can be seen from all aspects that the cram school has a lot of investment and great ambitions.

"I don't know what you want?" the little old man asked after coming one by one.

"To be honest, your cram school is the most diverse I've ever seen... all aspects are top-notch." Sakura Eishi was silent for a moment, "But I don't know why I can't stop worrying about coming to this class."

Before the old father came this time, he specially talked with the little old man on the phone.The other party's extraordinary conversation and broad knowledge are very admirable, but after driving to the field for inspection, I feel a feeling of being cheated.

Maybe the boss will use these resources to set up a tea house and salon will be more in place.

"Sure enough." After receiving the reply, the little old man didn't feel depressed. He shook his head and said in a natural mood, "I also think that their steps are too big. Rao is a new education, and they still have to take one step at a time. .”


"Well, this was done by a friend of mine. I just came here to help with some work. I am the dean of the Metropolitan No. [-] Middle School. I really can't be a teacher of a private school." Yamayanagi explained.

"The old man misled me." Sakura Eishi sighed.

"It's not all." Sanyagi Shengxin said with some hesitation, "The children of some families are particularly rebellious, and it is difficult to lead them in the right direction with ordinary methods, but coming here, there may be surprises."

Sakura Eiji was noncommittal about this.He took out his mobile phone, clicked on the memo, and crossed out one on the "list of cram schools".

Next, there's another one two streets away.

"Mione, you don't have to go with me, you can have lunch around here first, I'll just go and have a look." Eiji Sakura said loudly in one direction.

"Oh, yes." Sakura Mio, who was also not aware of the situation, was reading the teacher's introduction wall.

The middle-aged man seized the time and left in a hurry.

"It's time for dinner so soon. There are vending machines here, with a wide variety of products, and there are many good restaurants downstairs. This cram school, regardless of other things, is really well located." Shan Liusheng The letter gives advice to young students who are still admiring the extraordinary resumes of teachers.

"Well, I see, thank you, grandpa." Sakura Mio said crisply.

"Oh, what a polite and cute little girl. Speaking of which, my granddaughter is about your age."

The little old man didn't help his friend to negotiate a business today, but he didn't have the slightest burden. He leisurely put the bento he prepared in advance into the microwave oven to heat up.Then sit down, whip out your tablet, put on those sleek, expensive headphones, and watch—animation? !

Sakura Mio's expression suddenly became strange.

If I remember correctly, this bookish old man seemed to claim to be the dean of the Metropolitan Middle School here just now, right?However, seeing the Powerpuff Girls here, the scene is weird.

"You can drink all the drinks and coffee here." The little old man suddenly remembered something, raised his head again, said kindly, and immediately went to pour himself a small glass of Coke.


Sakura Mio was riding in her father's car today, wandering around the city, she didn't exercise much, and she wasn't too hungry.She simply didn't go downstairs to eat in the store, and bought some things from the vending machine.

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