Because of the difficulty of choosing, it took more than ten minutes to return to the rest area with a few packs of snacks.

At this time, the scholar-like old man had already switched the video, and what he was watching was... "Nightmare Girl"? !

Things like The Powerpuff Girls and Rick Morty are understandable.

But the local quarterly dramas like Nightmare Girl, which have already been completed, are also followed so attentively and with great interest, which really makes people feel a little at a loss.

"Huh?" Sanyagi Shengxin noticed the concerned and entangled gaze, thinking that the other party was a little reluctant to let go, "The little girl can sit wherever she wants, and she can watch TV as she likes. The remote control board is under the table."

"Uh, okay, okay." Mio Sakura sat down, tore open the packaging bag, ate the biscuit, found the remote control panel, and turned on the TV.

The screen lit up, and it was playing the channel before it was closed—Rainbow Animation Theatre.


Sakura Mio was stunned for a few seconds at the pop-up special feature, and pressed it a few times habitually, only to find that something was not working.

"Oh, the battery seems to be broken. I had no choice but to turn it off because the volume was not turned up too much just now...Look at my memory, wait a while, I'll go to the counter to look for it, there should be a battery." Shan Yagyu Shin noticed the situation and took off his earphones.

"No, no, no, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. It's fine if I don't watch it." Sakura Mio waved her hand quickly, and then she couldn't help it anymore, and asked tentatively, "Does the old man like animation and manga?"

"Well, I like it. I usually play games. I have a lot of consoles at home, and the entire platform is about to dominate." Yamayanagi said naturally and kindly, "Games use both brains and hands to prevent dementia, haha. But my home The lady always told me to play less, and advised me to go out and play bridge with others... Others don't want my husband to play poker, but she wants me to, alas, helpless."

"...It's really rare." Sakura Mio said.

"No, actually there are still many older players." Yamayanagi said.

"But can you watch the popular animation now? Don't you think it's childish?" The girl asked curiously.

"Well, in fact, I don't follow the series. I usually watch them. They are also old dramas with a sense of age, such as "Cowboy Bebop" or animated movies with a full aftertaste like "The House of Weima". I will follow the update for a while, purely because I have an incompetent student who has become a voice actor, and he has acted a lot, so I care a lot." Yamayanagi smiled lightly, "And out of the idea of ​​supporting his career, I even bought a few BDs."

"This can be regarded as very supportive, so what did you buy?" Sakura Mio didn't expect such a secret, and asked enthusiastically.

""Nightmare Girl", "Admiral of Yunyan Mansion", but I personally think that the most cost-effective and collectible one should be "The Forest of Fireflies"."

The air is silent.

The girl was a little dumbfounded.

"...Then, that's what I did."

"Huh? What?" The little old man hadn't reacted yet.

"I, I have participated in the performance." Sakura Mio weakly raised her hand.

"Huh? So the little girl is also a voice actress? Which movie did you act in?" Yamayanagi was surprised.

"Forest of Fireflies."

"So, which character? No, no, no, the animation is almost a male and female protagonist from the beginning to the end."

Yamayagi recalled for a few seconds, the hand holding the spoon stopped in mid-air, the little old man asked in surprise.

"You are the voice actor of Hotaru Takeuchi...?"

"Yes." Sakura Mio nodded slowly, "That, so who is your student?"

"I think you should already know." The dean raised his forehead.

No.30 I don’t know anything else

The Rainbow Animation Theater is currently playing animations of the magical girl type. The sound effects of pink dreamy transformation and cute and heroic battle chant reverberate in the sacred remedial place for enhancing scientific knowledge.

"Ah, life is like a fast-moving train. Opportunity and fate will make many passengers who should pass by each other meet on the journey." Yamayanagi nodded quietly, "I never expected to meet the character who plays the role here." Lost in the forest, the voice actor of the girl who met the monster boy. When I first saw you, I thought you should be an excellent child, but in the end it turned out to be."

"No, I'm still far from being excellent." After exchanging information with each other, Sakura Mio couldn't help but become more reserved after confirming that this is someone's teacher.

"Hahaha, don't be self-effacing, your performance and voice may even be heard by overseas audiences." Yamayanagi smiled, "Speaking of which, when the Forest of Fireflies was screened, it was also my stunned student. How was it when you first started working? Didn’t it cause you or the producer any trouble?”

"Not at all, I'm the one with the short board." Sakura Mio Audiovisual answered questions in class, and said politely, "Because I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of professional studios at first, I was so nervous that I couldn't even speak the lines fluently. The schedule of the edition is loose, if it is put into a weekly updated serial drama, this kind of performance is absolutely unforgivable. Thanks to him who took the initiative to contact and talk with me and persuade me."

"There's no one around here, so you don't need to be so tactful." Yamayanagi Shengxin joked, "If he doesn't do something well and troubles you, just tell me."

The old man also happened to find an excuse to wander around and attack others, the little old man hummed in his heart.

"It's not a polite word, it's true... If it weren't for his help, I must still be very depressed now." Sakura Mioyin quickly emphasized, recalling those things, her tone slowed down.

"Decadence?" Director of Mediterranean Sea is an educator after all. Hearing some students say this, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "I seem to have heard just now that you and your father ran away to private school all day today. Could it be from the parents' generation?" Are you expecting too much? Is the pressure of studying too much? If so... Even though he speaks lightly, I can try to communicate with your father."

"No, my family is very kind to me, and even a little tolerant." Sakura Mio sound shook her head, "The main reason is that before, my classmates and I always had a bad relationship, and I didn't have many friends around me. I was lonely and depressed, and there was no goal or direction at that time, so I was a little confused."

"That's right. After all, it's the most delicate and sensitive period." Yamayanagi was stunned, and immediately chuckled, "But is it really a creative performance industry? Your experiences are somewhat similar... But, um, but he Is it possible to stand on the side of the helpers and enlighten others? Really, it is very gratifying."

"Similar, what do you mean?" Sakura Mio was puzzled.

"Didn't you hear it from me? Although it's not something worth talking about. But that guy has experienced being bullied by the so-called 'group atmosphere'." Yamayanagi sighed, "Although there is no physical property The injury, but it must still have an impact, and when I look back on campus life in the future, I may only think of a period of gray."

"...Is that so? Has this kind of thing happened before?" Sakura Mio was a little surprised.

Is the person who is so familiar with himself that he drags the sound supervisor to drink and eat meat, and can chat with anyone, is he a marginal existence who was rejected by the collective in middle school?

"How did the little classmate know him? On the set?" Yamayanagi asked.

"At first it was in a restaurant, where he was working. Me, my friends and I made an appointment to go, but then they changed their plans temporarily, and they didn't come in the end. Seeing me sitting around until closing time, he couldn't help but ran over and said Talking, I must have guessed something, I can't see it." At this moment, Sakura Mio recalled the evil staff meal steak.

"He's quite kind. Of course, the most important thing is the ability to strike up a conversation." Shengxin Yamayanagi smiled wryly, "If he had this kind of spirit back then, maybe I would have met him for a puppy love instead of asking a health care teacher to check his psychology. healthy."

"Puppy love?"

"Do you know his family situation?"

"My parents are divorced, and my father has passed away...?"

"Well. Later, my mother reorganized a family and gave birth to a younger sister. But no matter what, that family was unfamiliar to him, so he chose to live alone instead of living with his stepdad. , In terms of economics, I also talked very clearly. After graduating from high school, no matter whether I go to college or not, I will never ask for money from there. I guess he must have a bad relationship with his mother, which is why he is so determined. "Shan Liu Shengxin said, "The splitting of the family relationship happened very early, so he lived alone in middle school. It is estimated that he wanted to save a little love and save living expenses. According to his class teacher, the class involved payment of fees. I have always tried my best to abstain from group activities, and the clothes, stationery, shoes and so on are all very old.”

"In the semester after the new year, the students bought new school uniforms, wore expensive sneakers, downloaded popular apps on their fashionable mobile phones, and watched the most lively gossip news. He could only repeat yesterday, and applied for a work permit outside the school several times. The supermarket is struggling with how to match the most affordable ingredients, and the class is following the trend to buy a modified pencil case, but he can really use up an eraser." Yamayanagi Shengxin said, "It is very easy to destroy a child's self-confidence. It’s enough to eat pickled rice balls countless times in front of classmates who eat the exquisite bento prepared by the family.”

"Naturally, club activities are also absent. Firstly, I have to do part-time jobs, and secondly, sitting in the department classroom is no different from sitting in the class classroom. The head teacher mentioned that he wanted to go to the art department for a while, but After trying for a while and then giving up, I say ashamed and frustrated with my performance."

"But, but his painting skills are very good." Sakura Mio said anxiously.

"That is unknown. But the reason why he came into contact with painting is probably that he felt comfort in various works. After all, fantasy adventures will not be as boring and depressing as reality. Comics use irony, humor, symbolism and other techniques What praises people and things is not only an entertainment product, but also a romantic art. It is the author's understanding and attitude towards various world affairs, and the same is true for literature. He is always alone, and he must want to talk to someone. "

Yamayanagi continued.

"Great grades and sports are inconspicuous, coupled with his reticence, he is a dispensable person everywhere. But he also has his little secrets, such as falling in love with girls in the same class, the opportunity is not important, maybe it is a thank you, borrow a A pen refill, quietly reminding the answer... And the life after having the secret has not changed, at most, I will secretly look at each other a few times."

"According to his character at that time, he would definitely hide it until graduation, and then on the eve of parting, write it down on a small note and put it in the other party's classmate. But the cover-up failed, and the little secret was discovered by the friend of the crush. , and it became known to all.”

The little old man shook his head.

"When I was a student, this idea was the most exciting thing for the group. Everyone had an extra piece of material for chatting, just like a comedian designed an extra set of programs. As for the material itself, the classmate who sat in the back row and had a weak sense of presence, No one will worry about it. After all, he is not familiar with it at all, and it is fresh because of the unfamiliarity. In the end, even his personal hobbies became the content of ridicule. This little secret was completely wiped out, and I simply refused."

"The biggest concern was exposed, the person he liked gave irritable and disgusting eyes, and his hobbies were also teased. He must have been very painful that day. Later, he hid in the rented house. Until graduation, he never saw me and the principal again. Been to school, been to class."

Sakura Mio listened, but remained silent.

She can understand the feeling of hiding in the bedroom, but at the beginning, she was injured because of a fall, not because she was riddled with holes in her heart. Naturally, her skin and flesh will heal, but will the heartache scab?

"You don't need to show such a sad expression." Seeing this, Yamayagi Shengxin said immediately, "Before the end of high school, the head teacher dragged him out of the house, and after that, he also showed amazing perseverance. With the support of the principal and the principal, it only took three months to pass the entrance examination to a top university, become a voice actor, and start a career. I have heard about his popularity now. At least he no longer has to worry about discounted products. ?”

"...Is this good? In any case, the injuries suffered in the past exist and cannot be recovered. According to what you said, he seemed to have grown up overnight, but my father also said, Suddenly growing up is not something to be happy about, there must have been more sad things happening to him that we don’t know about.” Sakura Mio said in a low voice, clenching her palms sullenly, “And those heckling and Laughing people, what reason do you have to mock an innocent person?"

"Those classmates may not really have evil thoughts in their hearts." Yamayagi Shengxin pondered, "Most of them were like this when they were young. They didn't know right or wrong, and they didn't know the sharpness of words. As long as it was interesting, they did a lot of ridiculous things unintentionally."

"I originally thought that a guy who treats people warmly like him..." Sakura Mio whispered.

The following words were not spoken.

The girl suddenly remembered that even though they were familiar with each other, they were only familiar with actions and words.

In fact, I don't know the past, and I haven't shared the future.

The old man narrated very clearly, a lackluster, regretful, abrupt end, an experience that everyone felt sorry for.


That may be his youth.

The youth worth remembering by others may be the tacit understanding of the childhood sweethearts, the dinner party after the training of the club members, the melody of the school song that I am tired of listening to, the conversation and laughter at the dinner table under the harmonious lights, and the blackboard with chalk marks. It is a bright and energetic classroom.

And all he has is a lonely rented house, a hobby, a goal, a pair of palms wet with dish soap, and small fragments and stories about the warmth of childhood.

I am here and you are here.

I am honored to share your youth.

And these may not be all.

The hemp rope is cut at the delicate point, and bad luck only finds the poor.

In that lonely night, in the night when he regained his strength, he must have experienced something else, something as cold and sad as ice crystals.

This is the girl's intuition, so firmly believed.

"Thank you, teacher, for telling me this." Sakura Mio bowed her head in thanks.

"It's nothing, let alone the parties involved have come out." Yamayanagi Shengxin waved his hand, instead of continuing to read the old chapter on this matter, he changed to other topics, "By the way, you really don't think about it, so you are here to study? The block is really pretty good.”

"This, let me refuse." Sakura Mio gave an affirmative answer.

"That's right, I really have to give my friend some advice." The little old man nodded helplessly and earnestly.

The girl lowered her head, took out her mobile phone, clicked into the chat software, and looked at the user in the recent contact list.

Suddenly, I wanted to talk to him about something.

Everything is good.

However, even if she had nothing to do in the past, she would send a few emoticons, but now she really wanted to say something, but she couldn't type it anyway.

Haven't figured out what to say yet?

It doesn't seem to be either.

The girl's shoulders drooped slightly.

I no longer know.


Yin Ze had just returned from a meal at Xiangyue Jiang upstairs. While his belly was full, Xiangyue Jiang's historical performance had also improved significantly, and he was very satisfied.This is a literal exchange of knowledge for food.

The man entered the room wearing slippers and turned on the computer first, but he was not in a hurry to start playing and enjoy the evening break.

He took out an old diary with a sealed case from the drawer, spread it out, flipped to the middle at once, took the pen, and began to continue writing, in Chinese.

The first half of the diary is in Japanese, and the second half is in Chinese characters.The first half is a good expectation, and the second half is barely realized.

"The "Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth" project I participated in before was well received. Both the number of players and word of mouth are rising. Although my evaluation is not worth mentioning, this feat of saving the virtual fantasy world, It will definitely become a good story, an anecdote, and a legend in the game development industry. I am not only the art team, but also the voice provider of the protagonist.”

"Recently, I starred in a work called "Bingguo", which is also the protagonist."

"Meet a lot of interesting friends."

"I'm very happy."

"I hope you are happy too."

No.30 Three chapters lotus root, it's you boy

"A Certain Technological Railgun", on the set.

Owari's Big Stupid, Thunder Cliff Nailto, and Matsuda Makoto sat side by side on a bench as usual.Their respective behavior patterns have not changed, such as brooding with arms crossed, watching movies with squinted eyes, pondering over acting skills.

In fact, ever since Matsuda came to prominence by relying on "Sword Sanctuary" sincerely, and someone relied on live broadcast, broadcasting, second creation and other crooked methods to shine in the ghost and animal area, the two of them are gradually taking on quality and quantitative jobs, and the nameless tricks are getting less and less up.

Today, "the three of us" were able to play soy sauce in the same field again, which can be regarded as fetters and fate.

The three played three gangsters each, quite like the Mohicans of Beidou Shenquan. They wanted to electric shock the tsundere of level five to make their sister rob money and sex, and then they were raped by an ordinary boy with a hedgehog head at level zero. One kick, disturbing a beautiful thing.

Now that the dubbing is over, it's time to enter the familiar fishing process.

"The essay competition I participated in has already come out with results, and I've made it all the way to the finals." Shimadzu Nobunaga's tone was calm, and there was no trace of pride or complacency, only the peace that should be.

"It's finally here. I'm waiting to see more." Yin Ze paused the film to the backstage, opened his eyes, and looked restrained. "So when will we be able to buy masterpieces?"

"I asked a young and beautiful female editor to arrange publishing matters for me, and I have already replied in the mailbox..." Shimadzu Nobunaga's expression became cold and stern, and his voice suddenly became bolder, "It's not allowed! She is Seeing that I only won the second prize in the competition, that's why I deliberately dismissed my request!"

"Why are you talking so loudly?" Yin Ze hurriedly made his voice quieter so as not to affect other people, and immediately questioned him righteously, "Besides, you also said that it is the second prize, so it is not very important to give priority to No.1." Is it a normal thing?"

"Nobunaga, you are so amazing that you can get No.2?" Matsuda sincerely admired him.Maybe this guy can really go through this crooked road and achieve lane change and overtaking.

"Crimes other than war, No. 1 is about "My beautiful childhood sweetheart is actually the publishing house's strongest copy editor"." Shimadzu Nobunaga said flatly.

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