"It turns out that you lost the love scene and the shopping mall at the same time, no wonder you are so angry." Yin Ze picked out his ears nonchalantly, and smiled, "But it doesn't matter, your book has the appearance of a great emperor, and it can suppress all cute novels in the world , when the resources are infused, the eternal dharma will appear, and the blue sky will be stained with devil blood!"

"Others in the editorial department also said the same, but the way of describing it is not as brazen as yours. They all think that hot topics alternate in a spiral pattern. Maybe I am the one that serious literary creators have been waiting for a long time. A peerless master who burns fantasy adventures and fights." Nobunaga Shimadzu straightened his back, carrying the burden of two-dimensional literary luck on his shoulders. Stylistic."

"Then what are you still struggling with?" Yin Ze asked.

"Well, although I have a brave heart, I regard my competitors in the same period as bidders, but I still have to give way to the relatives, and I can only bear it!" Shimadzu Nobunaga frowned, "Besides, there is still a lot of trouble!" One thing, and that's about the illustrations, the artist hasn't decided yet."

"Isn't the publishing house responsible for this kind of thing? Who doesn't know that the most indispensable thing in Japan is manga artists." Yin Ze shrugged.

"There are too few suitable ones." Shimadzu Nobunaga sighed wryly, "Now that cuteness is in power, the absolute realm is rampant, and the gentle hero is invincible in the current version, even if it is a fierce battle, even the humanoid mimicry of monsters has to look like a beautiful girl It is orthodox, and even robots have to have an S-curve design imitating Victoria’s Secret Angels. But my works are serious hardcore aliens, full of power and thunder, blood and glory, fate and struggle, betrayal and hegemony ..."

"Will there be a Minotaur on stage?" Master Yin asked impromptuly.

"Such a classic monster image naturally exists." Shimadzu Nobunaga nodded.

"Very good."

"What? You like the monster image of the tauren very much? Speaking of which, your online name is the tauren chief. Do you want me to arrange a heroic scene of hunting the tauren army and defending the town for the character based on you?"

"Okay, good strategy, but I want to modify it a little bit. I want to be a tauren knight, fight side by side with demi-human races, conquer cities, bully men and women, and lovers in the world. I don't dare to follow."

Due to cultural differences, it is really impossible to understand the happiness of the Minotaur Demon. Shimadzu Nobunaga shook his head and continued, "I have seen ordinary painters whose style is dreamy and pure. There are few masters who have mastered the essence of medieval dark magic. The main character is like a black-clothed swordsman, and it takes a lot of effort to create it, so we can’t lose in the illustrations.”

"Swordsman in black?" Matsuda paid attention sincerely and sensitively.

"It's not yours. I'm referring to the one with the dragon-slaying sword. Of course, the experience is not so rough, and the appearance is more beautiful." Shimadzu Nobunaga waved his hand.

"According to what you said, you can pay Mr. Miura directly and ask him to do the character design." Yin Ze said.

"Brother, just wait for your words, please lend me a few million yen for an appointment, I also saw you posted a photo showing off buying a PS console in your circle of friends yesterday, I hope it doesn't affect you Mood, brother." Shimadzu Nobunaga winked.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time. I bought the game console in installments. Can I borrow tens of thousands of yen to pay in advance next month? I also saw that you sent a picture in your circle of friends to collect a large amount of money for the fleet to force activities. That’s what the screenshot of the boat said, I hope it didn’t spoil your mood, brother.” Yin Ze revealed his true feelings.

"If there is a need for turnover, I can help you advance the installment of the mainframe." Matsuda said sincerely after hearing the words.

"Are you a voice actor guided by novices, or the undeniable leading man in the main story? It's fine if you don't lead by example and put your salary in for the first event, but how can you analyze the various data of the event boat so mediocre? Are you willing to do it? Isn’t it ridiculous to lose face in front of the majority of players?” Nobunaga Shimadzu was displeased, “Besides, it’s clear that my matter has a higher priority and seriousness than him, right? Why don’t you lend me money first? "

"Because I really don't have millions." Matsuda sincerely said every word.

"It's funny, I still have a certificate, Tanaka P has cleared the level first, I'll think about it later." The man was speechless, "Didn't you start looking for experts on the Internet when you conceived the last book on the street? Now the second book has 10,000+ words, and you haven’t found an artist partner yet?”

"Actually, I did find one, but he was cold and unruly, like a snow lotus left on an iceberg. So far, there has been no response to private messages." Shimadzu Nobunaga's expression was lost, as if he had been thrown into the cold palace. , lonely like a concubine who has not been favored by the emperor all year round.

"Oh? What is it that makes the godfather of emotion Shimadzu look so sad?" The man was curious.

"Just take a look." Shimadzu Nobunaga took out his mobile phone, switched to the Twitter app, clicked on the person's homepage, and showed them.

I saw continuous dynamics, all pictures, no accompanying text, no common small diary, sharing life, life insights.Some are just high-quality paintings, ranging from simple head portraits to vertical paintings to scenes to concepts.Demonstrate its vast ocean of knowledge and skills.

The dynamic update time is about a week or so.

The latest one is a fan picture of Final Fantasy 14. There is only a pair of underpants on by the purple bald Luga man, posing like a spearman jumping backwards.

The user's avatar is the default white silhouette of a stickman's head, neck and shoulders, the homepage wallpaper is the initial blue sky and snow clouds, and there is no personal profile.

Just such an account that is completely ignored, the navy is more alive than it, it is almost like a robot account.But the number of its attention is not small, there are as many as a hundred, and those people are often familiar with it, and the strong are like clouds.


"cygame_ Mihiko"

"cygame_Kageo Minaha"

"Yoji Shinkawa really doesn't want to draw fine grass anymore"

"Soejima Makoto"

"Yoshitaka Amano @YoshitakaAmano"

"Katsura Tanaka doesn't want to draw the line @Tony"



"No impressions, no descriptions, only wonderful works and the likes and affirmations of bigwigs. Talking and laughing have great touches, and there is no newness in communication. Retire from the industry and don't care about world affairs. This is simply some kind of urban legend. A little-known sweeping monk, a lonely seeker who is tired of commercial self-made picture graves, an unknown eunuch who silently writes magical secrets deep in the Ouchi Imperial Palace..." Nobunaga Shimadzu was fascinated and began to sigh.

"Stop, I know that your reading volume has increased a lot recently, and you have read a lot of martial arts classics, but please don't cleanse others casually. Besides, according to your order, it should be followed by Jiuyin instead of Sunflower." The man stopped.

"It doesn't seem like this master is unpredictable." Shimadzu Nobunaga said proudly, showing off his virtual girlfriend in front of single brothers, "You often talk about art in front of me. , Now let you taste these paintings, how do you feel?"

"It's a casual work, but that's it. Out of dozens of pictures, there are only a few that satisfy me." The man shook his head, neither humble nor overbearing, "Only by accidental encounters can we master it. In my opinion, it can barely be ranked among the first-class masters."

"Madman! They don't know that these followers are all heroes in the world. They all follow and like, but you are here to belittle! Do you know better than them? I think you and that user named Cang Lanying are the same. !” Shimadzu Nobunaga was furious.

"What does this have to do with Cang Lanying???" The man was immediately puzzled.

"Just like you, she always complains that something is wrong here under some exquisite paintings. It's weird there, like a despicable party A, so annoying that this unknown master who is indifferent to fame and fortune can hardly maintain his guru demeanor. Reply." Shimadzu Nobunaga snorted softly, "A sincere person like me naturally can't see it, and help the master reprimand Cang Lanying."

"And then?" Matsuda asked sincerely.

"Then the master told me not to meddle in other people's business. Damn, it happened again and again, obviously I was helping, why did the master keep talking for that person? Could it be that Cang Lan Ying is his girlfriend?!" Shimadzu Nobunaga was a little angry, the flames of jealousy in his eyes were burning.

"Then you think he is suitable, do you have an invitation to communicate?" Matsuda asked sincerely.

"I've paid so much attention to the thatched cottage, but unfortunately the other party never paid any attention to me." Shimadzu Nobunaga sighed.

Master Yin frowned, silently took out his phone, and switched users with one click.

Then I found that there were more than 20 private messages in the message box of the small Twitter account.

Click in to have a look.

"You paint so well! You are simply the reincarnated soul boy of the three masters of literature and art in Florence! Let's become Qingli No.1 together!"

"The moon is a metaphor, and the whole body is you. I want to turn off the lights in the whole city, and bathe in the moonlight tonight with my teacher!"

"Are you lonely sometimes? There is only one such outstanding person in the world, the teacher!"

"I'm not Picasso, but you are a godsend."

"Even if the mountains are high and the waters are far away, I am willing to come for you."

"The first time I saw the universe was when I encountered your paintings!"


The man felt chills all over his body, and felt that even if he read these messages, he would never reply...

Master Yin grinned his teeth for a long time, and finally questioned him with his father's love and disgust.

Shimadzu Nobunaga was sighing, when suddenly the phone ding-dong.As soon as he turned his gaze, his figure suddenly froze, and immediately trembled with excitement.

"What's wrong with you?" Matsuda was sincerely puzzled.

"My Kaolin Flower replied to me. He said that I am so persevering and I am deeply moved! I want to have a long talk! Sleep on my feet!" Shimadzu Nobunaga clenched his fist.

"?" Master Yin was taken aback. He looked at the screen of his mobile phone and was sure that he only sent a punctuation mark.

My poor Sixth Heaven Demon King has fallen into such a hallucination. One question mark can make up so many things in his brain, which is more serious than an adolescent boy in a state of crush.

"Go, tell him that you want to establish a cooperative relationship." Yin Ze instructed.

"Presumptuous, how can you be so rude, it's a cold and ruthless job?" Shimadzu Nobunaga was dissatisfied, "What if the teacher thinks that I won't come?"

"Then let's pay the advance payment first, um, let's give 8 yen first." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"Do you think the teacher is like an ordinary person like you?" Shimadzu Nobunaga reluctantly continued to communicate, "And the advance payment...how did you calculate the amount so accurately?"

"8 yen to pay in installments, 9000 yen to buy a plate, and 880 yen to buy a few bottles of drinks. It's almost the same. Let's do it in the early stage. We will see the situation later and then take it slowly." Yin Ze said logically.


Master Yin really couldn't bear it, but short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, so he handed over the phone.

Nobunaga Shimadzu just glanced at it.

A thousand years at a glance.

Microbial evolution.

The vicissitudes of life.

A comet hits the earth.

Big Bang reboot.

His expression changed from solemn to terrified, then from terrified to devastated, then from death to sorrow, and then from sorrow to emptiness.In just a few minutes, he seemed to have experienced the human tragedy of a dream where the lover committed suicide, the child was raised by the enemy, and finally came to kill the father. The whole figure was like a fish that landed on the shore. mud.

God, I killed the soul of a teenager.The man wipes the crocodile's tears.


Shimadzu Nobunaga suddenly stood up, with green will-o'-the-wisps rising in his eyes.

"Then who is that Canglan Ying you have maintained many times?"

Master Yin didn't expect this question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"It will never be..."

Shimadzu Nobunaga muttered to himself, flashes of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Couldn't it be this kid?!" Shimadzu Nobunaga pointed at the bewildered Matsuda Makoto, and the panic swept over again.


No.30 Chapter Four

"Mr. Yoshida, your technical information is really too backward. The player's hand rubbing suit you are wearing is an outdated product on the auction board two weeks ago. And my set, the Garrond suit, is from West West last month. Germany's latest product, worth three thousand divine tome stones!"

"You said three thousand is three thousand?!"

Limsa Lominsa, the Teleportation Crystal in the main city.

In the city, various iron bridges erected on countless small islands and rocks connect the buildings, forming a unique street scene.Against the background of the sweet sea breeze and the warm sunshine, the petite black magician of the Larafele tribe, who was just over 1 meter tall, was trying to talk to a human swordsman with his head held high.

And that human swordsman crossed his arms, squinted into the distance, slung a bladeless sword Cortana across his waist, carried a sacred shield behind him, and had the title of "Final Witness" on his head, looking extremely majestic under the bright sun. Majestic and imposing, with an extraordinary posture... If it weren't for the fact that the whole body was not surrounded by furry doll costumes.

It turned out that it was a human swordsman who transformed his whole body into an upright porch pig, and even spent a lot of money to dye it a bright green.There is a huge crowd, he is definitely the most beautiful boy in the street group of Haidu Station, his whole body is so green that he panics, and the passing players don't look at him, they feel uncomfortable all day long.

The producer far away at the company's workstation clicked on the character information of this guy, and looked at the almost version-controlled data inside, and felt his liver was crying in a storm.

"Such a terrible progress, did you share the account with other monks in the temple, and people keep using it?" Yoshida Tomoki said viciously, "Playing proxy fight? I can seal your account!"

"Stupid." The True Warrior of Light in the narrow sense said disdainfully, "I'm worth a studio by myself."

"Don't you usually sleep?" Yoshida Satomi was speechless.

I am a big time traveler, and I have my own favor here.

The social animal overclocking mode, the blade of the heart, can be used to catch the dead line, or to be the emperor of the liver, extreme fatigue and extreme fishing, just in one thought.

"However, since I have played so deeply, I will also do a survey by the way. If you are hardcore, what do you think are the shortcomings of the current version?" Yoshida Satomi's professional habits came up psychologically.

"Can you add a set of Tauren costumes with the same specifications as this pokey pig? I can provide the design drawings for free." The man is rare and generous.

"This is a long-term plan."

"Then why don't you go to the House of Sand? Or can you set up a teleportation crystal at the door?"

"No, the important thing is that you have to enjoy the process in the middle... Well, the main reason is that the project department was not very proficient in designing the task process at the beginning. I can only use a stupid method, which is to forcefully set The time required to complete a task to ensure the connection. Don't you think I won't be tired from running errands by myself?!"

"Then there is nothing to discuss. If there is nothing else, I will go back to the Golden Disc Amusement Park. Today is the decisive battle against Qiu Mingshan. The server bird king contest is 16 to 8. The chocobo 'Santana' under my crotch I'm so hungry and thirsty." After the green pig knight finished speaking, he made his handprints on the spot.Yoshida P, who is loved by everyone in the player group, has no nostalgia for it. The powerful ether wave overflows, and he teleports away in an instant.

"Go to the bird race? Then I'll add one." The producer also got excited.The young girl black magician followed closely behind, also teleported to the golden cave where luxury and extravagance destroy the desire of adventurers to advance.The two short legs flew up, chasing the green pig knight who was shining brightly in front of him.

There is still some time before the bird, the pig knight and the young female mage choose to scratch the lottery first.

"Gate of Rebirth version 2.0 should be finished, right? The Bahamut Great Labyrinth is finished." Master Yin said slowly.

"Of course, I will officially enter 3.0 after updating a small version. What will be realized at this stage is my dream about the giant dragon and the snow-mist castle." Yoshida Satoki snorted, "At the same time, the project team has finally settled down The dungeon design and gameplay have become more mature, and the next step is an important step to officially unleash the potential of Final Fantasy 14."

"That's it." Yin Ze yelled, "Before you told me that the extreme god level must be second to the true god level, and the zero-type difficulty is to redefine teamwork and the baseline for screening high-end players. As a result, I It’s all done in one night, it doesn’t live up to the name.”


As the chief director, Yoshida Tomoki could only hold back when he was ridiculed like this.

Before the project team's relatives and friends group opened up wasteland, one of his dignified dungeon designers was knocked down by an unknown AOE within 4 minutes of entering the arena.

The main reason is that there are too many mechanisms written by myself, so I will list them.

But someone who only read the simple internal text guide did not die once, all situations were handled perfectly, and in the endgame where only himself was left to live alone, a set of injury reduction plus drug use was accurate in calculating blood, miracle harvested BOSS, and completed super god .

On that day, it was 9:53:24 p.m. real time.

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