The green pig knight walked condescendingly in front of the corpse of the young female mage, slowly embraced her chest, and unhurriedly removed the head decoration, revealing the same stern face as in a CG movie.Behind him was the blazing battlefield, and wreckage was still falling from the sky. Even if he dressed like a pig for a while, he was still domineering and thrilling.

The leader of our team, T Shinnai, is a god!

In the voice software, the high-end player spoke calmly with the voice of a brave man who was almost the same as in the CG movie.

"I can't figure it out. I'm always thinking about what you are doing with the black devil, so you can't play an archer or a ninja. At least you can do something on the buff."

In front of the team leaders, Yoshida Satomi, who was pointed out in public, had a heart pounding. He watched the materialization of his childhood fantasies, and burned a circle on the surface of the green pig's clothes and hair with the fluorescence of war. The Imperial Hero of Light by the side of the light was furious and blushing with embarrassment, feeling mixed emotions for a while.

Handsome, yet infuriating, but still handsome!

The producer was deeply concerned about this matter, and had already made up his mind to let him die suddenly. Unexpectedly, the memory and computing power of the other party were extremely terrible, and the ordinary timeline mechanism could not do anything about it.

"It's just a graduation from the current version. You are only a little successful, so you are complacent. You don't know that the content of PVE is as vast as the ocean, and the plans in my computer are like stars. What you have touched is just the tip of the iceberg in the high difficulty world."

Yoshida Tomoki inadvertently revealed the latest information.

"Bahamut's majestic spiritual disaster, how can it be so simple? Further up, there is a desperate desperate level. Even you have to fall seven or eight times before you can pass. In our project team, There is also a saying, if you don't understand the desperate situation, don't wear the legend, don't prove the ultimate, you will end up as a bean sprout ant!"

"Hehe, no matter how strengthened it is, I think the Dragon God has only a superficial appearance, and the dead bones in the tomb will surely be captured sooner or later." The green pig knight didn't think so.

The producer has opened the document excitedly.

He looked at the plan that was beginning to take shape, gritted his teeth secretly, and created a new document.

Since the same set of procedures cannot cause effective torture to someone, I will design three more sets. These three sets are interspersed with each other, and a lot of disgusting random events are inserted, and then multiple violent points are set in succession. In short, Rushing to make relatives and friends fight among themselves, brothers are divided, and the whole guild is disbanded.

This wave, this wave is that the chief director wants the protagonist to die, and the protagonist has to die!

'... Now this battle memory is reproduced here with more vivid colors.While listening to the poems of despair played by foreign poets, let's experience the desperate battle after exaggerating the insanity level! '

The more Yoshida Tomoki typed, the more open his mind was, the sound of the keyboard also became louder, and the corners of his mouth twisted evilly.

"I have a question." The man who was interacting with the black silk bunny girl NPC suddenly said.

"Say." Yoshida Satomi said.

"Could it be that Alisa's voice is from my fellow agency, Ms. Sakura Mio?" Yin Ze asked.

"Exactly. Didn't you realize it until you finished the mission? Shouldn't you be familiar with each other?" Yoshida Tomoki dismissed.

"That's true." The man pondered, "It's just that the contact has become less and less these days."

"What happened?" The producer was a little taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, it's just that the interaction is not so frequent. I guess, she should be sprinting for the college entrance examination." Yin Ze thought.

Sakura-san suddenly became aloof these days, and didn't even appear in the comment section of Moments.

In the past, even when there was nothing to do, they would exchange emoticons on the line, and have an Internet Huashan debate.

Now the signatures and dynamics are changing every day, but they just don’t communicate anymore, like the people in the primary school classmates list of Penguin software for adults.

"Is there a possibility." Yoshida Satomi frowned, thinking from the perspective of a mature person, "Others just don't think it's interesting to be with you, after all, you don't have a good relationship."

"What's the explanation? You know astrology divination?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"I only met her in person when I was in charge of collecting lines for the main line. I found that the two of you are actually completely opposite types." Yoshida Satomi said.

"What kind of inverse law?"

"You are hot on the outside and cold on the inside, but she is cold on the outside and hot on the inside." Yoshida Satomi said lightly.

"How do you explain this? I have an old-fashioned heart, a sincere heart, and the world can learn from it. I just lack a certificate of the most outstanding youth issued by the United Nations as a physical proof. How can I say that I am cold?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Because I haven't seen your desire at all."

When Yoshida Satomi said this, he stopped the torture plan at hand, and moved his eyes from the secondary screen to the main screen, looking at the virtual character of that person in the windowed game.

The man was silent for a few breaths, and repeated.


"Yes, desire, something that everyone has, but I haven't really felt it in you yet."

Yoshida Tomoki said quietly.

"There are big companies such as Nintendo, Capcon, and Sony Games in China. AQUAREENIX may not be the best, but it is also famous in the world. You should also know how many young people submit resumes to our company, and the recruitment at the headquarters The process is even more complicated and lengthy, and there are still more than a thousand people after resume screening and written examination every year, and the total number of applicants can be imagined."

"You are only in your twenties, and it is time to show your ambitions. I have deliberately promoted you as the general manager many times, and even want to directly hand over the vacant 2D art team leader position to you. Politely refuse."

Yoshida Tomoki sighed.

"When the former team leader, Mihiko Yoshimoto, was still doing unrelated graphic design for a living, he didn't even enter the door of a game company. I think you should also be very clear about the front-line technical director of the world-class IP R&D department. The importance of position, it is almost the technical end of the career of game art, and further improvement can only be in the administrative aspect, or it also involves knowledge other than art, such as technical art that understands 3D and game engines.”

"In 09, the average annual income of AQUARE's employees had reached 1700 million yen. It is true that outdated data and comprehensive annual average persuasiveness are not so strong, but the treatment can be seen. The people who gather here are all the elites of the industry. Ying. I don't mean to offend, but this is far better than your current seiyuu career, both in terms of present and prospects."

Yoshida Tomoki paused after speaking.

"It's such a good opportunity. You knew it and rejected it more than once... Gibbon mentioned to me that when you first came here, he looked at you and the designs and designs that you had gradually developed. Paintings, I always think you are weird. It’s not that I have never seen a so-called genius, but like you, with a blank resume, in your early twenties, rounded edges and corners, self-expression and business obedience, and a good understanding of the implementation norms, it really makes people feel Weird. Such a young body should not have such a mature soul and experience."

As expected of the first echelon artist, who has almost never left the front-line high-pressure environment for decades, the sense of smell and intuition are so terrible.

In the eyes of such kindred spirits, he couldn't hide himself well, the man felt the complicated emotions that were half seen through and sighed.

"Everyone has desires, which are the driving force of behavior, but you don't. If I hadn't accidentally found you on Twitter, if the situation in Final Fantasy 14 hadn't been so tragic, I had no choice, you might have been Buried," said Yoshida Tomoki.

"In such a society, most people can only use a high annual salary in exchange for happiness, but I am very lucky, and I don't need to follow the crowd. This is a rare freedom in the modern age of material expansion, so there is no need to do anything extra." Yin Ze sighed.

"Very good, what do you think of 'friends'?" Yoshida Tomoki asked again.

"Where you can be, if you can't, don't bother me." Yin Ze smiled, "Brother Jitian, don't think that we have nothing to do right now, maybe one day, one day suddenly, we won't be in touch. .It may be due to the physical distance, or the missing of spiritual meaning.”

"Don't go to greet again? Pick up friendship?" Yoshida Satomi continued to ask.

"Since it's a friendship, why did they break up before?" Yin Ze said he felt strange, "Everyone has their own way to go, after passing this Chenghua Avenue, some go to Erxian Bridge, and some want to go home. It's normal, it's abnormal to go along the way for a lifetime."

"So I think you are cold inside." Yoshida Tomoki said calmly, "You see the 'separation' too clearly now. When a person is used to the sadness and unhappiness when leaving, his continuation of the relationship depends on the situation. There is a lack of painstaking protection and irrigation. When a person gets used to spending the rest of his life alone, his desire for a companion is as lukewarm as lukewarm water, and he lacks the pursuit of love."

The man was silent for a little longer this time, and he spoke with a little resentment after a few seconds.

"I was also forced."

"Actually, you are similar to Houtaro-kun only in appearance but not in spirit. At least the grayness in the character's heart will be filled with spring in the future. And you have already had spring in your heart, but now there are few people there." The producer suddenly gave an example .

"...Didn't you usually say that version updates are tiring? Are you still chasing dramas?" The man was helpless.

"There is an old saying that wisdom will hurt, and love will not last. There is also a common saying that a doctor cannot heal himself." The producer said, "Sometimes, it's better not to be so smart."

"Unfortunately, there will be a day when the universe will be extinguished. Our ending is not fire but ice. Just think of me as a pessimist of macroscopic destiny." Even if you read [-] lines of pineapple and jackfruit, it will not bring about a miracle. What can you do in the end, you can only give up.

Coming and going, helpless, most of life is like this.

"Go and contact her."


"You have just passed the threshold of fate, and it is too early to realize the pessimism of life."

"...Brother, she was really just preparing for the exam, but it turned out that you stretched it out and said so much, it was as real as it was."

But it's just the right time.

The phone dinged.

After more than ten days, a message came.

"Mature and stable adults: Do you want to go to the fireworks display?"

No.30 Chapter [-] Seeing Fireworks

Yin Ze was standing next to the magazine rack in the convenience store, and an orange cat walked past his feet. He picked up an out-of-date publication to pass the time, and took the cool breeze from the ceiling fan in the small shop by the way.

It is far away from the center of Tokyo and the hustle and bustle of the city.Originally, I wanted to ride a pretty blonde, but I forgot it. Although the black and gold Yamahe R6 is strong enough, the Shinkansen is more powerful and convenient.

Through the clean glass, you can see the railway track with a sense of age, the safety bell is ringing, and the sound of the train passing the track is regular and steady.The dense telephone poles, intertwined cables, and students riding bicycles all cast long, oblique and thin shadows at dusk.

The man also suddenly remembered that after he came here unexpectedly, he had never left Tokyo.So he raised his head, and cast his quiet eyes on this less lively place.

Villages and towns have always been a special existence.The old stone bricks with moss are more likely to evoke people's memories of the past than the reinforced concrete in big cities.

Japan is indeed a place that has gradually stagnated.

The young birds couldn't bear it anymore, and flapped their wings to go north, leaving only an empty echo.So although there are so many less mountains and valleys here, the part about sighs and sorrows in the old days made the yellow and moist breath the same as in memory.

Looking at the walls and old calendars in the shop that have been eroded by the years, I think of the old buildings with peeling walls that also stand on the mountain.Listening to the tinkling sound of the mechanical texture, I thought of the spiritual old man who walked around the streets, knocked on the pickaxe, and sold sticky gum.

I also think of my mother-in-law crossing the bridge with a round of sunset on her arched back, followed by a little boy in fork pants eating a 5 cents pudding sorbet.

In the magazine in his hand, he casually flipped through a few pages.

"Ah, young man, can I trouble you to pass over the remote control over there?" The elderly man guarding the counter greeted kindly.

Yin Ze put away the publications neatly and took them over.

"Thank you."

The old man took the remote control and turned up the volume of the small TV standing in the corner of the counter, and a gentle singing voice immediately became clear.

What was unexpected was that the handsome young man in the store also hummed softly.

"Oh, you will too?" The old store manager was a little surprised.

"Who hasn't secretly listened to this decadent music? I know the Chinese version."

Yin Ze smiled cheerfully, and the language changed immediately, seamlessly connected, and followed the chorus, with a sense of age in the tune.

"As time goes by in a hurry, I only care about you, and I am willing to infect your breath. How can I get a confidant in life~"

Seeing this, the old store manager clapped his hands and applauded lightly, and at the end he kindly gave away a pack of snacks.

"You're here for the festival, aren't you?"

"How did you guess that?"

"Otherwise, how could a guy like you come to such a boring and quiet place? Where did he come from?"

"Tokyo. But it's still fast, after all, the train won't encounter traffic jams or anything."

"Are you alone?"

"There are companions."

The two chatted briefly.

The small TV and the DVD player should be homemade discs, because after the classic "时の流れに身をまかせ", there will be country rock and Cantonese songs in the follow-up.The styles and languages ​​are different, but they are all golden songs of the times.

It is worth mentioning that men also like this playlist.

Yin Ze looked down at the latest news on his phone, waved goodbye to the old store manager, and walked out of this humble shop.When he came to the spacious road, he first looked around, and finally turned his head as if feeling something, and finally saw the inviter of this event.

Sakura Mioone didn't wear the serious school uniform today, and it wasn't the casual clothes with sophisticated materials and stylish designs, but a simple and unadorned dress, with fair calves and ankles under the fluffy lace skirt.

She was wearing sandals and had short hair over her shoulders. The evening wind blew across the fields, bringing the fragrance of eustoma along with it. The light of the sunset hit the girl's body with a smile on her lips, and her eyes were bright and energetic.There is an unreal sense of illusion.

The girl stood with her hands behind her back on the side of the road, leisurely and lazy. It didn't seem like she had made an appointment beforehand and came from a long distance. On the contrary, she looked like a child in the town who just went out for a walk after dinner. They met here by chance. That's all.

"This is you?" Yin Ze, who was carrying a messenger bag, walked over, a little puzzled.

"You seemed to be in my grandfather's shop just now?" Instead, Sakura Mio asked specifically first.

"Grandpa...?" Yin Ze was a little slow, but quickly figured it out.

"I said, so this is the town of your hometown. No wonder you set the location here. Obviously, if you want to watch the fireworks, Tama River and Nagaoka are more famous. From this point of view, you should be very early in advance Arrived?" Yin Ze chuckled lightly.

"Such a large-scale event, with a limited date and a large number of people, is too tiring. It just so happens that today is a traditional festival day in the town, and I haven't visited my grandparents for a while, so I came here." Sakura Mio said .

"If I had known earlier that it was your grandpa's shop, I wouldn't say it was just a gift, but at least I would have bought a bottle of water before leaving..." the man mused.

"I also cleaned up a room for you. After visiting the festival, you can stay for one night before going back." The girl suggested.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's too presumptuous, so let's forget it. I'll just take a train back, it doesn't take much trouble." The man declined without hesitation.

"Okay." Sakura Mione kicked the pebbles on the side of the road, "Then I'll take you there."

The setting sun passed over the mountains and the crops in the field, and they stepped on the road bathed in warm light just like that, crushing the flowers like the evening sun.

Yin Ze walked behind, so he could smell the fragrance from the front.

There seems to be something different about Sakura-san this time.

he thinks.


A lot of people have gathered near the river.

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