The local residents in charge of the festival unloaded bundles of steel rod supports from the small truck one by one, tied them up skillfully, and then put on the rainproof cloth, and the simple stall was completed.The fresh ingredients were taken out, regular sounds were cut on the vegetable pier, and short greetings from parents kept coming and going. The preparation stage was already in full swing, and the atmosphere was full.

More people were coming, including tourists who drove from surrounding towns.People are wearing appropriate bathrobes, talking and laughing.

The most active and anticipating students are the students of the township middle school here. In their eyes, the summer festival with girls in buns and clogs always has a different kind of romance. The man also heard a few middle school classmates passing by discussing the confession plan .No matter whether it is successful or not, when the night falls in the near future, this experience under the radiance of fireworks will definitely become a beautiful youth for the teenagers and others.

The scorching sun faded away, leaving only dusk, but there was still a little sultriness in the air.Yin Ze stayed by the side of the road, opened his bloody mouth mercilessly, and bit off the popsicle in his hand.

The sky is getting darker, and the wind blowing from the river has a moist coolness.Uncles with an average age of over 50 rolled up their sleeves vigorously, and they finally pulled up the long line to hang the lanterns, and the lights blurred the festival street.

I always feel that this is a good way to appreciate the summer here.

The man tilted his ears, listening to the ballad sung far away.

There was a sound of crisp footsteps, approaching.

Yin Ze turned his head and saw the unexpected Sakura Mioyin.

The girl wears a bathing suit with a red quince pattern on a white background, which means smile and happiness.Although she has been joking before that drinking milk tea will make her fat, she is not fat at all, and her waist is very slender in the close-fitting bathrobe.The soft, medium-short hair was coiled up beautifully, and the exposed neck was fair.

She is like the daughter of an ancient famous family, with her back standing straight and well-educated.The childishness and carelessness of the past can no longer be seen in the slightly whitewashed ruddy face.

So glamorous and beautiful, it is unexpected.

Yin Ze couldn't help but think of the first time he met this person, suddenly it was difficult to connect the beauty in front of him with that reserved student.

"It's quite beautiful, did you rent it?" Master Yin's comments were as precious as gold.

"This is at Grandma's house." Sakura Mio lowered her head to hide her expression, so that people could not see her nervousness clearly, "Let's go down too."

"it is good."

In the summer festival, the clouds are scattered and the stars are seen, and the lanterns flicker.

They walked down the path to the river bank below, surrounded by more and more people like them, and the brisk and crisp sound of their steps was full of joy and youth.

The beautiful sound of soup sizzling has already been heard in the shed shop on the shore, and the bosses with white towels around their necks are starting to yell loudly, and popular snacks such as taiyaki marshmallows are preheating first.But takoyaki is a little slower, and when it is hot, the aroma is overflowing. Game shops are opened one after another, children with goldfish bags and water balloons are running past actively, and middle school students are fighting for the battle in the air gun shop.

The uncles who participated in the activity were fully fired, imitating the costumes of the ancient Warring States period, riding horses and carrying sedan chairs, marching on the central road, speaking plausibly, beating drums and singing in unison. Behind them were gorgeous and colorful floats. Instantly dazzled.

"The battle is so big? Is this called spontaneous?" Yin Ze was a little surprised as he watched a float with a height of seven or eight meters pass by.It really is a master among the people.

"These associations have often participated in the official summer festivals. Of course they are professional." Sakura Mio was not surprised. She looked around, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she ran over and bought a white card from a booth. The fox mask, smiled and stuffed it into the man's hand, showing off and hinting, "I think this suits you very well~"

"That's true." Yin Ze raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood, and calmly put the mask on his head, "I have to be careful today, don't bump into the brat, or I'll be out of my wits soon."

"You're still wearing a shirt, this cosplay doesn't mind at all."

"The clothes you wear look better than those in the show, isn't it just superficial?"

Putting myself in their shoes, I can now somewhat understand the feelings of Ah Yin and Yingying in the Forest of Fireflies.

A team of musicians and singers also arrived. They performed traditional songs, and the floats still passed by like a torrent.During the festival, there are big and small taiko drums, men and women dancing around the bonfire, sanshin musicians, and local folk singers also form a team to sing and dance, full of enthusiasm and vitality, forming a long straight line of lanterns, It seems to be pointing someone's direction, leading to the brightly lit place.

This remote village and town, far away from the richest and most prosperous city in the country, suddenly glowed with an extremely strong vitality.

The crowd was crowded and extremely enthusiastic.

Sakura Mio's movements were limited in the joyful flow of people, and she felt pushed further and further away.She subconsciously reached out to her companion for help, and grabbed the middle sleeve of his shirt stiffly.

"I won't really lose my mind." The man turned his head a little funny, and held the girl's palm back without hesitation, "Go this way."

Yin Ze supported the crooked white fox mask and led the girl through this dizzying summer banquet.

Sakura Mio had no time to refuse, so she could only be taken away. There was a faint, involuntary feeling in her heart. Her ears were filled with the sounds of laughter and blessings. The aroma of delicious snacks permeated the tip of her nose, as if there was something substantial Hook the tempting stomach, too many beautiful things to handle.

The summer festivals in the past didn't seem to be as powerful as today...

"Boss, here are two skewers."

"Good! Sheng Hui!"

"Here." Yin Ze held two crystal-clear candy apples in his hand and said to the girl, "I used to see them on TV all the time, but I finally tasted them today."

Sakura Mioyin took it, and gently licked the sugar noodles with her tongue, a rich sweetness came from the tip of her tongue.

“so sweet”

"So sweet."

The two spoke almost in unison.

"Sweet is right, our family doesn't cut corners." The boss proudly compared his thumbs, then turned his head to take a closer look, and muttered, "Hey, you seem to be a little girl from Yonger's family...?"

"Let's go." This time it was Sakura Mioon who grabbed the hands of others, "Let's go and occupy the best viewing position in advance."

After all, they were locals. Under the guidance of the girl, they managed to avoid the most crowded place and came to a clean high slope.This is indeed a very suitable place to enjoy fireworks

The festival, as beautiful as glazed glass, is just below the field of vision. Overlooking the past, the whole summer festival is simply a mass of melting fire, and the river below the starry night is also reflecting the flowing orange light.

What a clean night sky, no clouds, only the moon and the stars dotted each other, the stars are dense, and the silver river hangs upside down above their heads, which is endless and magnificent.

When I was young, as long as I looked up, I would be able to see the Milky Way.But after work, it seems that we rarely meet each other. Maybe it's the disadvantage of urban development, or maybe it's just that I was too busy and forgot to look up.

But I saw it today.

"It's so beautiful." Yin Ze stood with his hips on his hips, taking a big breath of air, I don't know how many times he felt emotion today, "Those are billions of years of starlight, really far away, some may even have died. Just such a small starlight has the weight to crush our civilization, so whenever we look at the universe, we always feel small and humble. Our story is not important on this planet. This is a cruel truth .”

"That's not important." Sakura Mio said silently, her eyes sparkling, "Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's hundreds of millions of years, billions of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. It has been a huge and long time, so the starlight watching each other is still eternal for us."

"Well, this is also a theory of relativity." Yin Ze smiled.

"So whenever we who are alive look up, there must be stars shining in the sky." The girl said slowly, "Maybe they are covered by the sun, maybe they are hidden behind the clouds, maybe the light is so weak that it is hard to see...but it doesn't mean they don't exist. , no matter when and where, the stars are there, never passing by."

The starry sky really hasn't changed.

The man thought.He has always thought so.

When he was young, he was catching crabs in the field of the production team. As long as he looked up, when there was no wind or cloud, what he saw was this night with stars and moon shining.

Unintentionally working hard to do his homework in the evening class of high school, he leaned against the classroom window and yawned. What he saw when he looked up was also the night with the moon hanging over him.

Procrastinating and procrastinating, working overtime until late at night, getting up and moving the numb and stiff spine, on the way to make coffee, the night seen through the high-rise glass of the company's office building is the same.

You haven't changed, but even you can't be my coordinates anymore.

The man said to the night sky in his heart.

Helpless, this is also an impossible thing.

"I met Mr. Yamayanagi Ikunobu some time ago." Sakura Mioyin lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers.

"I never thought of this." Yin Ze looked at her strangely, "How about it, tell me? That teacher has lost morality, did the old and disrespectful dean give you any trouble?"

"No, it's just a coincidence to chat." Sakura Mioyin defended, "Teacher, he appreciates you a lot."

"Well, after all, the return of a prodigal son is one of the most romantic things in this world. Uh, it's not a prodigal son, but it's about the same meaning." Yin Ze answered naturally, and he probably guessed that the director of Mediterranean Sea and the girl said something.

"It's not just about academic matters." Sakura Mio looked over, "He is also happy that you have made many friends."

"Ah, I know." Yin Ze nodded calmly.


"What's the matter, I'm still hesitant, just say what you have to say."

"I just, I just think that you shouldn't encounter those things. Because you are such a caring person, generous and kind, and have courage, so I..." Sakura Mio said intermittently.

"What happened all of a sudden?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

There was a brief silence.

"I don't understand it myself, but what makes you sad now is only because of your previous experience in school?" The girl lowered her voice very carefully, lest she would cause the other party's displeasure.

"Being isolated and ostracized, I have experienced it too, so I know the feeling very well. I am really sad, and there is no one to comfort me, and there is no one to persuade me when I cry and get angry. But you are different, right? Everyone is praising you, saying you are amazing, Grinding the depression, coming out of the predicament. But I don't think it's just that."

The girl spoke carefully and slowly.

"My father said that it takes more perseverance to endure loneliness or poverty than to endure poverty. Poverty may reduce a person's worth, but loneliness may corrupt a person's character. However, you are much stronger than me. I will not be overwhelmed by all kinds of people and things, and I will think quietly in loneliness and mature in thinking. This is what my parents want me to learn, the wisdom of survival."

"All our dignity comes from the control of desires and their appendages. Every outstanding person has a period of silence. It is a lot of hard work, enduring loneliness and loneliness, and not complaining or complaining. When I talk about it in the future, The days when even I can be touched. You are amazing, but I can’t see your goal. You only say that you want to travel around the world, and that you want to be more chic and free. They all seem to have one thing in common, that is They're all rootless."

"I haven't heard you seriously talk about your dream." Sakura Mioyin clenched the cuffs of the wide sleeves of the yukata, "Everyone said that you are strong, although it is true. But it is not about overcoming the past, but more Like, it's more like a compromise now, addition to being bullied at school, something more irreparable must have happened."


Those worried and bright eyes seemed to be able to see through herself, and she actually touched her deepest regret without any evidence.

Yin Ze opened his eyes wide, a little moved, and it took a long while to return to normal, and remained silent.

Being ridiculed and bullied is of course sympathetic and angry.

But what I lost, what was taken away, was the whole of a world.

After a disaster, there will still be ruins, but there are not even broken walls left, everything has been obliterated.The god picked up the eraser, wiped it lightly, and wiped away family members, friends, concerns, and the arrogance and ambition broken in the wine glass.Even this vast starry sky may have changed, who knows if what I am looking up at now is the same starlight as that world.

Except for the name "Yin Ze", only this name is left, which is the only thing left, and it belongs to him.

"Can you tell me? Can I help you?" Sakura Mio asked timidly.

"No." Yin Ze said cleanly.This seemed to be the first time that the man explicitly rejected the girl's request, "You can't help me."

No one wants to disappear from this world.

Now that I close my eyes, I can still really feel my heart shaking, but it's not my heart.

It was an ups and downs that transcended sorrow and loneliness and fundamentally shook one's own existence. This storm lasted for a long time, and only by putting his arms on the rope of fate and giving it an excuse, he endured it for the time being.

No one can be saved, no one can be saved, this is insurmountable, irreparable, and can only be accepted.

Only occasionally, at night, I would have those salty and fishy dreams over and over again.

"There's no need to worry about it, it's over anyway." Yin Ze said again with a familiar smile on his face.

Suddenly, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause from the ceremony below, and that applause was also a signal, followed by the sound of bangs and explosions one after another.

Amidst the warm applause, the flames began to rise, and the fireworks and salutes placed on the bank of the river rushed into the sky in an instant, blooming wantonly under the white stars and moon.Someone made a wish at this second, someone held hands with each other, and the male student who wanted to confess should also pretend not to care, and quietly approached the person he admired.

The fireworks are gorgeous, the sparks dance wildly, and the summer night is sparkling.

"Well, that's right, it's over."

At that time, I didn't know you yet, so I couldn't help you much.

Sakura Mio's voice suddenly became clear and clear, she raised her head slightly, and under the sky full of fireworks, her body was also covered with colorful light and shadow.

"In other words, although I thank you, I always feel that I was not sincere enough at that time. So I want to say again, thank you for talking to me at that time. In the cold winter, I went to the forest with fireflies under the fireworks. Thank you for accommodating my willfulness and temper after that.

The girl took a solemn bow.

"Thank you for being my first friend, listening to me and talking with me so much."

"I'm sorry, I caused you trouble from time to time and made you smile bitterly. But I will be a college student next year, and I will be a responsible and independent person."

She spoke so forcefully.

"The past cannot be changed, and I can't predict what will happen in the future. I don't have the confidence to reach the next decade, but please continue to be friends with me."

"I want to be admitted to your school and perform more touching works with you. I don't have very good talent, but I will try my best to study and exercise. I don't want to give up, I will definitely slowly Catch up, such an excellent you."

The girl stood up, smiling like a flower, with prosperity reflected in her pupils.Below are the blessings of thousands of people, and above the head are fireworks all over the sky.

Yin Ze opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to respond for a while.

It's just that it's really beautiful and brilliant.

The fireworks lit one by one on the bank of the river are like meteors flying against each other. They are also the seeds of flowers. They bloom in an instant, making the sky more charming. They rise and fall with the wishes made by many people. Say goodbye to the coming summer.

"I've always believed that you will be an excellent person in the future." Yin Ze finally stretched out his hand, patted the girl's shoulder with relief, and said cheerfully, "You have grown up."

Sakura Mio had no reason, and was a little unhappy with his attitude towards a junior.

Under the light and shadow of everyone shouting, they looked so small.

The cool wind hits the face, and the covered cicadas sound around the grass slope.

There was no words for a while, forgetting to talk, just looking up at the starry sky at the same time.

The girl's eyes inadvertently moved away from the grand fireworks scene, and lightly fell to the boy standing beside her with her hips on her hips.

Her thoughts began to wander along with the blooming and cracked fireworks and the scattered stars.

There are very few people in this world who follow you from beginning to end.

"Thank you for inviting me to your hometown." The boy said softly.

As soon as the words fell, it was followed by the most exciting and grand fireworks, which touched the fleeting time.

It's so beautiful, it's like projecting the neon and colorful lights on the ground onto the night cloth in the sky, so bright, it's like a clear starry sky, the sky is shining.

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