She looked at the boy, and the boy's eyes also reflected those, also sparkling.

Just at this second.

She seemed to hear the sound of a violent heartbeat, accompanied by the melodious sound of fireworks in the summer night.

what is this?

The girl belatedly stretched out her hand to stroke her cheek, only to realize that it was so hot and her heartbeat was accelerating.

The girl stared blankly at the boy who was close at hand. There was nothing strange about him, and he continued to stand there peacefully.



She suddenly seemed to understand, the thoughts that had been unclear for a long time.

Although I have never encountered it, even though I only know it from books and stories.

But now so sure.

This throbbing, this feeling of not wanting to be left behind, to catch up.

Oh I see.

Not friendship.

Rather, romance.

I, Sakura Mio sound, like this person in front of me from the bottom of my heart.

The fireworks are still going on, and the sound is still there.

No.30 Chapter [-] Free Lunch



Haneda Mari couldn't help but reached out and patted the opponent's shoulder lightly.


The man who was in a dazed state trembled and came back to his senses in an instant.

"What are you thinking? You are so perfect in a daze?" Haneda Mari said a little funny.

"Nothing." The man rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

"To be honest, you are usually on the set, and every time you take a break, you just sit on the seat and close your eyes to rest your mind. You look like you are thinking about the theory of unification. Are you really too tired to make up for sleepiness, or are you thinking about your life? Big plan?" Mari Haneda asked curiously.

"No." The man still shook his head.

This time it was really not, he neither listened to the cross talk nor replayed old movies, he was indeed in a pure daze.

Short videos can easily occupy fragmented time, not to mention Schrödinger's Life Corridor, a top-notch pastime tool to kill boredom?Since the continuous update and iteration, research and study of the new version, now the use of the corridor is becoming more and more proficient, and the popular brain-broadcasting film and television area is neatly organized, such as hot Europe and America, youth campus, classical martial arts, fantasy fantasy ...all made magnificent.

There is a famous saying that time is like a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be something.As for Master Yin's time management, not to mention Zhengu Shuojin, it is also rare, and he has to cut his head to rap when he waits for an elevator.The conversion rate of happy time is 94.52%, and entertainment to death belongs to yes.

It has been a long time since I have experienced something as meaningless as a daze.

Ever since Sakura came back from his hometown, he felt a little uneasy in his guilty conscience.

It seems that I am still remembering the sky by the river, the bursts of fireworks.

"It's still secretive, deep down in your heart, there must be some little secret hidden." Mari Haneda snorted softly.

"What's the matter with you calling me?" Yin Ze scratched his head and asked.

"It's lunch break, it's time to eat." Mari Haneda said helplessly, holding up the bag she carried with her.

"Oh." Yin Ze wiped his face with his hands, stood up and stretched.

Naturally, the recording studio is not a place to eat, and snacks are fine. Occasionally, seniors and cheerful colleagues will share candy or something, but the smell of hot food is too strong in a closed space.

There is a place to rest freely outside the recording room. It was time for meals, and there were not many people. Most of the staff and other voice actors went downstairs to eat nearby.

Master Yin does not need it.

Because there is a free lunch today.

Throughout the ages, everything that involves the word "free" has more or less hidden secrets, such as online games that charge for items, such as trap cards and gifts of lust, such as brother, please do me a favor...

How can a man not understand the superficial truth that there are no pies in the sky, but counting this time today, he has eaten six Bawang meals alive, and the lunch box was taken back by the other party to wash.

However, Master Yin has peace of mind, because Ms. Gai Haneda has a sincere heart to ask about Sichuan cuisine, as a friend, how can I turn a blind eye.

Soon, soon, Chef Haneda's skills have entered the room, almost the people who have arrived here can accept the ultimate Sichuan flavor, and if it moves forward, it will not be acceptable to the Japanese who have light and sweet food.Therefore, after the seventh meal, the man will have nothing to comment on, and he will retire after success, and will not eat free food again.

After waiting for a while, the girl came back with a bento that had been heated in the microwave.After coming here for so long, Yin Ze is still not used to raw and cold food.

"Today is ginger-stuffed duck, pickled pork with preserved vegetables, and hot and sour duck blood. Try it." Mari Haneda opened the lid, and a box full of side dishes and meat is full, full of fragrance, and very bright in color .

"Great kindness." Yin Ze took over the pink plastic chopsticks, looked at the pink lunch box, and praised, "The appearance is almost orthodox, and the atmosphere is also strong. Even if you go to Chinatown to open a store, even if the business is not booming, at least you can buy it." Make fish's eyes pretend to be fake..."

"Is this metaphor really a compliment?" Haneda Mari had black lines on her hair. Her own portion was an ordinary Japanese-style bento, and she was not in a hurry to move her chopsticks. Instead, she hesitated as if waiting for the other party to taste it first. Next, "The duck and braised meat are fine, but this is really the first time I've dealt with this duck blood... the lumps of duck blood are congealed, is this really delicious?"

"Naturally. Do you want to give it a try?" Yin Ze stretched out his hand grandly, and asked the other party generously.

"No, no, no." Mari Haneda backed away.

"Strange, you made this, why are you so resistant?" Yin Ze wondered, "As a chef, you have to taste it yourself after it's out of the pot, right? So you must have eaten a little bit before? Otherwise, how can you determine the quality? "

"I forced this into my brother's mouth, and asked him to give advice as an ordinary human being." Haneda Mari replied in seconds, without any sense of guilt in his words.

"So it turns out that my brother is so lucky, I really envy others." Yin Ze was pleased, "Then how does he evaluate it?"

"It seems to have the expression of discovering a new world?" Mari Haneda recalled the complicated and distorted expression on his younger brother's face after being forced to pour hot and sour duck blood on the table.

"Ling brother said yes, that's it." Yin Ze picked up a piece unhurriedly while the girl was watching, took a bite, and nodded, "It's so complete for the first time, it's worth it." Admiration, why don't you try it too? This side dish is extremely delicious, you must try it."

"Forget it... I can't accept it." Haneda Mari continued to back away. When she went to the vegetable market to buy, she was a little terrified with a small bag of blood clots in her hand.

"Hey, it seems Brother Yuma understands me better, but having said that, since he likes it too, if I have a chance in the future, I'll take him to eat the advanced version, cold raw duck blood!" Yin Ze said boldly.

"Can you still eat raw?!" Mari Haneda was taken aback.

"Why are you so shocked? Don't you usually eat sashimi and sashimi?" Yin Ze was quite puzzled.

"But, but, it's blood after all..."

"It's just duck blood, I go to the food stalls for barbecue, and I often order pig brains."

"Brains, brains—" Haneda Mari heard this, her face turned pale, and her tone was a little unsteady, "You, are you so heavy-spoken?"

"It's okay, if I insist on being serious, it has to be the Inuit living in the Arctic. Due to environmental problems, they can't grow land, so they can only rely on hunting marine animals and land animals to ensure their main food source. The sparrow is their specialty. Kill the puffin first, stuff it into the stomach of the seal, drain the air, brush the grease to seal it, bury it in the ground, let the stomach acid of the seal and the original flavor of nature ferment for several years, and dig it out for food That’s enough.” Yin Ze spoke with eloquence, “The old Inuit way of eating is to point their mouths at Haiyan’s buttocks and absorb the viscera and brains that have been fermented into liquid. It has a sponge-like texture and a stimulating taste enjoyment. It has a taste similar to bran and natto."

"You, don't say it..." Mari Haneda just imagined it for a while, and felt his stomach churning, extremely bitter.

"Happiness comes from comparison. In front of the arctic state banquet dish like pickled puffin, doesn't this hot and sour duck blood immediately seem more friendly to the people? Do you have the desire to eat now?" Yin Ze showed a pure smile.

"I don't even have the desire to eat white rice." Mari Haneda gritted his teeth, "You have such a strong taste, can you suck on the ass of those poor puffins, uh, that's it?"

The man was silent for a few seconds, and then said cautiously and rigorously, "If, if someone holds a positron cannon to my head and forces me to move my mouth, I should still do it."

Having said that, lunch still has to go on.

"Sanhua Rihime, it's over." Mari Haneda said suddenly.

"Yes." Yin Ze was noncommittal.

"Obviously the story is not over yet."

"A dozen or so episodes can only do that. If it is concentrated and accelerated, the rhythm will collapse. Originally, the main purpose was to promote the comics."

"Will there be a second season?"

"I can't tell. If the grades are good, of course no one will be unhappy, right?"

It's just that the BD of the animation seems to be only average.

Although the word-of-mouth in the market is good, and the animation and original works are also unique in telling stories and emotions, they still seem to be a bit niche.At least, it is not as popular as "Sword Sanctuary" and "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy".

"We didn't do broadcasting either." Haneda Mari said again.

"'s fine if you don't do it, it's so tiring." Yin Ze said deeply.

"I still have a feeling that it's not over. In the blink of an eye, it's over." Mari Haneda bit her lip, "It may be self-feeling, or it may be the complex of the first performance, I think this is really a good work. "

"Of course, the narrative of the original work is delicate, and the production of the animation has also restored the slightly sad atmosphere, and although there is no plan for a second season, the foreshadowing and foreshadowing that should be done are also buried. It’s finished, every place is perfect, of course it’s a very good animation.” Yin Ze nodded.

"But, after the last episode aired, everything seemed to be over." Mari Haneda said in a low voice, "The official Twitter account is no longer active, and there are fewer discussions among the audience. It's like a train. When the time comes, Drive away, there is no one in the car."

"That's how it was originally." Yin Ze paused, "After all, there are only a few works that can maintain strong vitality and last for a long time. Like Sanhua Liji, who has brought people moving and memorable points, even after many years Seeing the screenshots and the few words of the lines, I will be emotional for a while, it is already very powerful."

"Well, I know that too, but, I'm sorry... I don't know if I can co-act in the future."

"Of course it will."


Halfway through the meal, Matsuda sincerely appeared at the corner of the stairs, followed by a childish student.

Today's recording is an ordinary drama. The three of EM are actually not the main characters, but supporting roles.

"Sincerely." Yin Ze greeted, "Have you finished eating so early?"

"Yes." Matsuda nodded sincerely.

"Weijiang, are you a partner? What are you eating?" Yin Ze continued to probe, looking at the little girl who was following his friend. Although in terms of familiarity, he was no better than a close friend, it did not affect the amiability.To be honest, Yui Mizukura is the youngest voice actor that a man has ever seen on the set, so he inevitably feels like an older brother taking care of children.

"Ramen." Mizukura Yui replied politely.

"It's too simple, sincerely, why don't you bring others some good food?" Yin Ze sighed artificially, "It's a pity that you two did broadcast together."

These two men have also listened to the Yansheng broadcast of "God's Memorandum", and they are generally very stable. It is true that Matsuda, as a Lipai adult, asks middle school students about various life philosophies, which is a bit too serious.Obviously, beside him are the godfather of emotion, Mr. Shimadzu, and the outstanding contemporary young man, Yin.

Master Yin still only came to one conclusion when he heard it.

... If only my partner had the knowledge, understanding, gentleness and understanding of this child.

"Naturally, I can't compare to some people. They eat delicious food and drink spicy food." Matsuda sincerely glanced at the bento box on their dining table, the meat juice was flowing and the rice was full of aroma, and his eyes were almost teasing and weird.


A rare sour performance.

"This is my reward for tasting food, and it is the treatment I deserve." Yin Ze explained solemnly, "Chef Haneda is looking for other possibilities, and I have more than [-] years of experience in Sichuan cuisine, which is very important."

"If that's the case, then I can do it too." Matsuda sincerely didn't argue, just said.

"Well, so the focus is on Sichuan cuisine. This is my unique competitive advantage." Yin Ze is convinced.

"Why are you so childish." Mari Haneda stood aside helplessly.

"Matsuda-san, I think you can't do it." Yui Mizukura spoke softly from behind at this time, she has always been a very quiet existence and behaved well on the set, but now her tone was a little teasing.

"Why?" Matsuda sincerely frowned slightly, realizing that things might not be simple.

"The specific reason..." Mizukura opened his mouth, then looked at the handsome men and women at the dinner table, and stopped halfway through speaking, covering his mouth very cutely.

"Next time I have a new idea, Matsuda-kun, if you don't mind, join in too?" Mari Haneda was suddenly a little nervous, she glanced imperceptibly at the boy who was eating ginger duck, and said hastily.

"Uh, okay, if you don't mind?" Matsuda was taken aback sincerely.

"Aren't you quite confident just now? Why did you show such a hasty look again?" Yin Ze felt strange.

"No, no, ah, you misunderstood. What I meant just now is that if I cook for you, then I can do it too." Matsuda waved his hand sincerely and said, "I occasionally have some novel cooking ideas, although the craftsmanship Maybe not as powerful as Haneda-san."

Haneda Mari's chopsticks stopped.

Yui Mizukura was also inexplicably silent.

"Brothers, it's our job to help, so next time, just bring a bento!" Master Yin was quite happy, which meant that there was a DLC in the free lunch.

Short hiatus.

"I have a new job. Congratulations. From now on, I will transfer this gourmet to Matsuda-kun." Mari Haneda chuckled, and then gnawed the fried chicken in his bento very hard.Maybe it was fried too much.

"Last time, you talked to Nobunaga, how is the illustration of the light novel?" Matsuda sincerely came over and sat down next to each other.

"The physical book has not yet set a publication time. Let's talk about it when he settles those things." Yin Ze shrugged.

The two chatted without a word.

"The momentum of "Bingguo" is very good. This animation is really well-produced, and the ratings on the Internet are also very high."

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