"Have you not shaved your beard for several days? Are you finally going to look like a mature man?"

"The firm has a new class of newcomers coming in, time flies so fast, you and I have several juniors in a blink of an eye."

"A few days ago, Iwahira and Haruka were talking about when to get together again and make dumplings."

"Why do you still carry Doubanjiang with you?!"

"Oh, I finished eating at home. I bought it on the way here today. Isn't this just right? Can you add something to your lunch?"

Mizukura Yui also sat next to him, looking at the two guys' shoulders and backs, looking very familiar, and then at Haneda Mari who had already covered the box and stared at them silently with his head propped up.

For a moment, I was a little uncertain about my guess just now.

PS: I’m really sorry, I’ve been feeling unwell for the past few days, I’ve been getting very angry internally, and conjunctivitis, ulcers, and soft costitis have also recurred.

No.30 Chapter Seven

"It's a very significant improvement from not visiting the office for three months after joining the company to showing your face when you have nothing to do. But is this enough? You bad boy! Can you hear me? Stand up for me and show your face Your social talent charms the big shots!" Bo Jing Yiping condescendingly looked at the young boy who was slumped on the sofa in the reception hall, and made a passionate statement.

Yin Ze just looked up lightly, then took a sip from the drink on the table, then continued to swipe his phone, collect expedition rewards, and carry out enhanced transformation.After many days of training, his "Hidaka Aicai Fleet" has matured.

"Others are standing on thin ice, bowing to the past seniors, just looking for a familiarity and an opportunity, but you seem to treat this as a teahouse, grabbing free air-conditioning and drinks, it is really arrogant, young people, don't be too arrogant. I really think I, Bojing Yiping, have spent half my life, and apart from you, do I have no soldiers to use?"

"It's useless to say more. The imported fermented bean curd has been delivered and is out of stock. Otherwise, why don't you ask Sangyun Nakajima?"

"I didn't come here to take advantage of you." Bojing Yiping said righteously.

"This is the sun rising from the west." Yin Ze calmly reached out his hand like a president asking his secretary for a 17 billion contract, "So there is another job for me, right?"

"It seems that we have passed the stage where we need to observe words and feelings, flattery, and succession and transformation, and have sublimated to a new level of eye contact." Kashiwa Ippei smiled slightly, and took out a simple copy paper, "There is a broadcasting job here, you first have a look……"

The man's hand retracted instantly, and his whole body twisted on the sofa like a grass carp jumping to the river bank.

"What are you doing?" the manager asked, "Atavism?"

"I'm guilty of broadcasting PTSD."

Master Yin said in pain that at this second, endless malicious images flashed before his eyes, and the chaotic and evil laughter of netizens was like night owls and devils, one after another, surrounding his ears.He catapults a rocket in front of the big audience, woo woo woo.Some people laughed at the eunuch, some people happily recounted the anecdote that the cockroach chased the presidency and the chieftain returned the cherry blossoms and left, and some people were crying for the heroic oil thief in Linjiang. The contract is in return for the assistant.

"Ah, I have a splitting headache. Hurry up and call Hua Tuo!" Yin Ze felt that his dignity was being lost when he thought of those ghosts and clips.

"Really, I don't believe it." Kashiwai Ippei said, "You have no idea how much energy is contained in your body. In this world, even a piece of toilet paper and a pair of boxers have its effect, let alone you Hosted a few episodes, and won the top three natural clowns on the Yinquan platform? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

"I've only done a few shows, and I'm already the governor of the East Factory, a treacherous eunuch through the ages, and I'm no longer a man. If I continue to do this, I won't even be a man anymore." Yin Ze said, "You should hire someone else, anyway. It's the torture of stopping a man, and Matsuda is fine with it."

"This is the anime Ensei Broadcasting. Matsuda didn't appear in the drama, how could he do it?" Ippei Kashiwa frowned, "Are you going to do it or not?"

"I can't do it." Yin Ze nodded heavily.

"can not do this?"

"can not do this."

"...When I first listened to the dark dream talk, I thought I saw Degang Guo, and thought that he could lead animation broadcasting to a new abyss, but the fact seems not to be the case." Kashiwa Ippei gently Sigh, said sadly.

"The host is not only responsible for complaining, but also being responsible for being complained about. He is definitely not a hard-hearted human being. So I don't have the strength to face an evil god-level broadcast that can't be done at all. You should understand." Yin Ze Also sincerely say.

"Can't do it at all? I don't understand." Kashiwa Ippei shook his head slowly with tears in his eyes, "Yeah, since when, maybe from the day I met you, I also began to believe that as long as I work hard, I can get a raise." The fate of salary..."

"You turned into Saya on the spot today, and I still refused." Yin Ze said.Be wary of brokers playing social animal cards.

"The other party is a newcomer from Taisawa Office." Kashiwa Ippei said in a business-like manner.

"Quick, call Bian Que!" Yin Ze panicked.

"It's Miss Tantian Lisa." The manager added.

"What?" The man was slightly startled when he heard it, but he couldn't believe it. "It's Miss Tantian?"

"Then who else could it be?" Kashiwa Ippei felt speechless, "Since you asked for leave a while ago to go out for an outing, why have you been in a daze since you came back? Your main character this season is only "Hingguo", and this time you It's not the host, it's just the guests."

"Oh, then I'm OK." Master Yin became gentle and at ease.

"Why do you accept it like this?" Kashiwa Ippei frowned, tilted his head, and looked carefully, "Are you familiar with Miss Tantian next door?"

"It's okay, I personally think that the other party is a very gentle person, and you don't have to worry about being hurt by her reputation when working with her."

"Okay, that's it." The manager saw that the dust had settled, and he didn't procrastinate at all. The previous tears and encouragement were like a dream, but after walking a few steps, he turned around again and mentioned it indifferently. One sentence, "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that our firm prohibits in-house communication and office romance."

"What does this have to do with me? My admiration for the company is all due to the air-conditioning in this hall." The man began to attack the map, "Could it be that you met an employee in the company? ?”

"...Just a reminder. In addition, the manager can fall in love with the manager of the same agency." Kashiwa Ippei explained.

"What social rules? Why are you only allowed to talk?" Yin Ze was curious, "Then can the manager talk to the voice actor?"

"Hey, you guys think the workplace is too simple. If you just want to be close to the seiyuu and aspire to be an agent, you should give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible." Kashiwa Ippei sighed.

"Why?" Yin Ze frowned, and found that there seemed to be something hidden here.

"I'm short on time, I don't have time to talk to you, remember to do broadcasting, okay, I have to go." Kashiwa Ippei snorted softly, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and the arrogance and gentle scum of social elites burst out, He left without looking back.

Master Yin sometimes feels that the relationship between himself and his agent is like a borrower and a creditor. When borrowing money, he will talk to my good brother.sorrow!


Broadcasting work is already familiar, at least the place of work is clear.

The blonde pretty girl is full of motivation. Only when he rides such a strong horse can Yin Ze feel like a good man in the new era, instead of a househusband who rides an electric car to buy groceries, and is even despised and mocked by middle school students on bicycles.

A tooth for a tooth, double the return!

"I can't pedal now? Haven't you eaten yet, boys? Come on, I've already let off the accelerator~" The man greeted the group of cyclists who often overtook him and were out of breath. After they gritted their teeth, In the eyes of indignation due to the lack of consumption power of minors, Jie Jie laughed like a villain and walked away.

Came to the recording place refreshed, as familiar as returning home.

"Everyone has worked hard." Yin Ze greeted cordially.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work, it's just to become bigger and stronger, and to continue to be brilliant." Mori Muhong appeared in front of his eyes like a ghost, with a formulaic smile still on the corner of his mouth.Followed by the bald man Staff.

Gone is the joy that men had not long ago bullying middle school students with the might of technology.

...May I ask if you are the only general in the anime broadcasting producer world?What's the difference between this and Skeleton King who only has Ji Ling as his general?

"Why are you again?" Yin Ze asked angrily.

"This question is really not up to standard." Hiroshi Mori clenched his fists, "Of course it's because I never forget you, and I worked hard to fight for it, so that I can help each other again. You are my comrade-in-arms who has made new achievements in animation broadcasting. I hope this time, It can also hit the top.”

"...Anything is fine. Anyway, this time I'm just a guest, not a permanent resident. If you have any plans for dominance, you can discuss it with the host." Yin Ze blushed.

"This situation reminds me of the time when I was talking about Dark Fantasy, and you were also a guest at that time." Mori Hiroshi shook his head and talked about that year, "Now when I turn back, I realize that life is just a constant repetition, alas. In this way, You should communicate with the host first, although you must have known each other on the animation set, but dubbing only needs to follow the script, while broadcasting needs to be like friends, the state and cooperation are completely different."

"Don't worry, I'm really just here to chat this time." Yin Ze was cautious in his words and deeds.Now that the second creation of station N is getting more and more out of control, he has decided to restrain himself and hide his interesting soul.

Mori Hiroshi was easy to talk, shrugging his shoulders, meaning it was all right.

Yin Ze adhered to the creed, and greeted the host who arrived early, his words were simple, without fancy, and he was easy-going and natural as a neighbor, "Miss Changtian, have you eaten today?"

If you want to rank the lowest way to strike up a conversation, this sentence will definitely occupy the forefront.

"Eat." The quiet girl raised her hand to answer, quite serious, but matched with the temperament of the person who asked the question, there was a humorous atmosphere.

Hiroshi Mori frowned slightly. This was different from his imagination. Even though the host and his partner knew each other on the set during the pitch-dark dream talk, they also went through interviews and entry-level conversations before broadcasting.

Is it a good relationship again? ? ?

Hey, why should I say it again?

No.30 Eight words, Yan Yan

The more muscular the better, the bald and familiar Staff stretched out his broad palms, retracted his fingers one by one, and started the countdown.

3, 2, 1.

"Hi everyone, this is the Nobuo broadcasting of the animation "Hyoka", "Classical Department after school".I'm the head of the classic department who is hosting, Chitanda Eru's voice actress, Taneda Risa. "The girl leaned closer to the microphone and said in a demure and elegant voice.

"I'm a diver from the classical department, Oreki Houtarou's CV, Takizawa Satoru."

"——Yay~ Please take care of me!" The girl made a lovely congratulatory sound and applauded at the same time.

"Take care of me..." The man couldn't adapt to the sudden surge of emotions, "Huh? Why is there such a cheering sound of 'I got the SSR' all of a sudden?"

"The atmosphere needs to be uplifted first, so you come too." Zhongtian Lisha gestured with her hands.

"This won't work. I'm in energy-saving mode now, so I can't make a warm whining sound." The man said reservedly.

"I'm completely unmotivated, so lacking energy, are you also living in a gray life?" Taneda Lisha asked.

"Naturally, and it's the minister's duty to mobilize the emotions of the staff, so I have high expectations for you." The man used the technique of flattery.

"Indeed, the broadcast has already started." Taneda Risa repeated.

"Yeah." Yin Ze nodded.

A few seconds of silence.

"It's already started, what should I do, Oreki-kun, what should I do after the opening greeting?" Naneda Risa's momentum faltered, and she turned her head to ask for help.

"Don't ask me, you are the host." Yin Ze shrugged.

"But I have no experience at all."

"Then let's take a look at what is written in the process script first. At this time, choose to trust the script writers and producers of the program group."

"But, it says 'free talk or ask the guests if you don't decide anything'." The girl showed the manuscript paper in her hand.

"What? So perfunctory? Don't do anything practical? Could it be that Mori Hiroshi is a Chinese football player who passes all the balls to others?!" The man was indignant.

"Your words are biased. Although I don't pay much attention to sports, I still know that the level of Chinese football is the top in Asia. The analogy is not appropriate." Taneda Risa said.

"...It's hard to explain in words. I still can't believe that Argentina has entered the World Cup three times and has a 5-0 record." Yin Ze pondered.On the contrary, Japanese football is completely mired in the quagmire, losing to Myanmar and India in a row, and will soon lose to Vietnam.

"Anyway, Oreki-kun, let's talk about something interesting first, please!" Taneda Risa spread her hands.

"No matter how much you use Chitanda's voice, please, if you can't do it, you can't do it. After all, I'm not that little boy who doesn't know how to say no. Hmph, don't confuse voice actors with characters." Master Yin He snorted softly, but he was still chivalrous, and said honestly, "Calm down first, look at your excitement, just like the elementary school students who went on a spring outing - this program starts in April, led by Chiba TV, The broadcast of the TV animation "Hyoka" produced by Kyoto Animation will start broadcasting in sequence, and I will try my best to present you with precious animation information, as well as the dragon gate battle between the two classical members and the Kandayama."

"Yeah~" The girl set off the atmosphere at the right time.

"...I don't know why I feel a little scary." The man paused.

"No no, please take care of me, I can't handle it at all, it really depends on you." Naneda Lisha lowered her head humbly like a student.

"Well, uh, actually." Yin Ze suddenly twitched, and said shyly and without confidence, "Actually, it's the same for me. I'm not used to broadcasting with two girls."

"Is this a lie?" Zhongtian Lisha broke in seconds.


"Before you came, Mr. Mori Hiroshi had already called me to remind me that you would definitely want to be lazy, and I needed constant pressure to release your talents." Taneda Risa explained.

"What the hell is going on with that person?! His job is perfunctory, he just lays down and earns money, and even instigates the host to whip the guests?" Yin Ze was very dissatisfied, and looked at the job who was standing outside the venue with arms folded, silently watching The staff began to spread the idea of ​​​​rebellion, "Staff, don't you want to replace it with the next? Don't you have the ambition to change the world?"

Unexpectedly, a group of uncles slowly shook their heads with solemn expressions.

Actually willing to live under others for a long time, Lizi, inadequacy and conspiracy!

"This is my first resident event, and also the first time I broadcast. I was very uneasy at first, but when I thought that Oreki-kun would be the guest of the first episode, I immediately felt relieved." Taneda Risa blinked, The words are sincere and sincere, "After all, senior is so hearty, and he is very gentle and measured when he talks to me. The conversation is full of philosophy. I thought, ah~ I can leave it all to you this time. Mr. Mori also said, no matter what You can settle all kinds of cold spots and topics—"

"Okay, I'm a gentleman, if you can tolerate this person, you can do whatever you want in this industry." Master Yin pointed to the core of the spectators outside the venue, and the radio producer said, "Then forgive me and return home. "

Hiroshi Mori just pushed his glasses, revealing a trace of disdain silently.

"Could it be, could it be that you are the kind of person who is obviously a good person who earns money, but when others take the initiative to ask you, you will turn your head away instead? If this is the case, I should change the way." Zhongtian Lisha An original expression.

"What do you want to do?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"It's because I'm too utilitarian. In fact, I don't need any help at all, because in the future, as long as I make a mistake and start to be at a loss, you will definitely not turn a blind eye and take the initiative to help." Zhongtian Lisha is sure.

"You trust your intuition so much?" Yin Ze said in a deep voice, "I'm a dazed god who sometimes doesn't know what I'm doing."

"It's not intuition, but a judgment that has been proven by cases." Zhongtian Lisha pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Maybe I know you better than you think."

"?" Yin Ze scratched his head in confusion.

"Although the animation is currently on the air, let us introduce this work to you again." Taneda Risa coughed lightly and brought the topic back.

"Okay." Yin Ze nodded.

"Then, please~" the girl then extended her hand generously.

"...The original is a classic series created by Mr. Yonezawa Honobu." The man had no choice but to answer, "The content, uh, probably is that Houtaro, who has no motivation, accidentally joined the club that was about to abolish the club, and by the way met curious people there." The heroine with a strong heart, gradually began to reason with the friends in the youth story of daily interesting time."

"Succinct and concise, without procrastination, as expected of Oreki-kun." Taneda Risa sighed.

"It's not as good as Chitanda-sama. She has a beautiful appearance, a clear mind, and a textbook-like woman like Nadeshiko." Yin Ze responded with a smile.

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