"Hey, is this talking about the character, or is it talking about myself?" The girl was curious.

"All of them. When you think about it carefully, Oreki-kun saw Chitanda for the first time in the Budo classroom. He was attracted by her beautiful appearance and got involved in all kinds of enviable troubles. From there, she also discovered that she was actually a caring person at heart. You are extremely caring about things, and occasionally you are very strong." The man's tone was steady, "And when I first saw Miss Naneda in the art gallery, I was also impressed by your works and temperament, but judging from today's lively vigor, you also have some The known side..."

"Like?" the girl asked.

"For example, the real identity is actually Her Royal Highness Amy Ya, the princess of the Kingdom of Wind who governs the Wind Clan!" The man's eyes flashed, and the next move was already a killer.

"Ahhh! Shut up!" The quiet girl's expression suddenly changed, her face became rosy quickly visible to the naked eye, and she took pictures with both hands on the table, "Why did you say it in public!"

"Hahahaha, what's wrong, this is proof of being young!" The man laughed boldly.

"The mistakes I made when I was young are enough to be buried under the icy and snowy soil, there is no need to dig them out." The girl corrected, "And, it's Alia who is right."

"Ah, this?! I actually mispronounced His Royal Highness's honorable name, this humble minister really deserves to die!" The man bowed his head in fear and confessed.

"It's too late." The girl's voice became ethereal and unattainable, like a god looking down on ants and creatures, "You despise the beauty of the sky and violate the 270th commandment of the royal family's divine rules. Although it is very unbearable, but I also had no choice but to exile Qing to the Black Flame Mine, and it took him 30 years to drill the walls to return to the normal world."

"You will be issued for 30 years if you call the wrong name? Isn't this rule too strict? Doesn't Your Highness know that water can carry a boat and also overturn it?" The man sneered, and slowly raised his head, his face was full of ambition and arrogance , He was like a hero, with a dignified voice, "You nobles are so corrupt and arrogant, it's time to raise the banner of resistance! Princes and generals, would you rather have a kind? Brothers, tomorrow is ahead, come with me Light the flame of the dignity of liberty!"

"I didn't expect Qing to have such wolfish ambitions. For the sake of the peace of our family, I have to send divine punishment here—!" The girl's voice also became colder, like the cold wind in the cold winter, she slowly chanted, "Control the flames of the sun!" O Holy Lord, please listen to my prayer. O Holy King revolving in the frosty sky, please strip him of all things, and you will sleep forever in the mercy of the gods, and the stars will fall!"

"Why are you still carrying this thing?!" Yin Ze's facial features were distorted, his AT position was instantly broken, and his whole body trembled.

"Black history will be opposed by black history." Naneda Lisa said proudly.

"That's the end of hurting each other. Let me see what the fixed links of this column are." Yin Ze let out a long breath to stop the endless war, and he grabbed the script, "Curiosity is the nature of human beings. Since the beginning of the fetter, the core of the next step is "very curious".The program calls for letters with interesting content.But before that, Miss Taneda, is there anything you're interested in recently? "

"Interesting, I want to eat a lot of delicious food, but I don't want to get fat."

"Is this purely an annoyance?"

"Then, Amargaron?" Taneda Lisa hesitated.

"Huh?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Amagarosaurus, the bones on its back have many protrusion-like structures, which are very interesting." Naneda Lisha tried to explain in more detail.

"No, this thought is too jumpy..." Yin Ze tilted his head.

"I kind of like dinosaurs." Taneda Lisa said.

"Indeed, the T-shirt I'm wearing today also has dinosaurs printed on it."

Yin Ze looked at the girl sitting opposite.Her outfits are very homely and everyday, not very conspicuous, but a kind of stability full of life.The hair is also tied into a single ponytail with ribbons, which is mature and girly.On the chest of the plaid T-shirt is a Q version of a small dinosaur, which is screaming silently with its mouth open.

"But why do you like this? Generally speaking, girls shouldn't be too interested in such powerful creatures, right?"

"Probably when I was in college, you also know that I studied in the art department." Taneda Risa said with a smile, "So at that time I liked to go to various art galleries, museums and other places with my friends, of course now and then I also go shopping. Once I was invited to visit the skeleton specimens, and then I felt that the dinosaur skeleton specimens were really amazing, so I fell in love with them suddenly.”

"From the specimens, I can feel the thickness of history and the romance of ancient times." Yin Ze nodded.

"How about it, are you interested?" Taneda Lisa approached and asked.

"It's not so much about love, it's better for work. I have done some research. In terms of monster design, dragons can't get around it." Yin Ze leaned back slightly, "After all, it is an epic existence. I personally I also like the shape of Western Dragon, although the silhouette seems to have been determined, but there are still quite a lot of designs that can be made inside."

"Oh, I like it too, Western Dragon."

"In addition, I also have a fantasy about Tyrannosaurus rex, the idol in the dinosaur world." The man said calmly.

"What is it?"

"I'd like to see a T-Rex play a nunchuck."

Zhongtian Lisha was stunned, and then, uncontrollably, she imagined that scene in her mind once, and couldn't hold back all of a sudden, "Pfft—hahahaha, your thoughts are too bad."

"Playing with nunchakus and charging into battle with His Royal Highness Aliya on his back, this dreamlike scene, I really want to see it!" The man clenched his fists.

"Are there going to be wars again? This time as a dragon knight?" The girl didn't flinch, and changed her mind, "By the way, the new version will tell the story of the dragon knight, right?"

"What do you mean?" Yin Ze asked.

"Of course it's a Final Fantasy thing." Taneda Risa said.

"I didn't expect you to be playing too?" Yin Ze was a little surprised.

"Originally, I liked AQUAREENIX's Kingdom Hearts series very much, but I'm a stand-alone party. I only focus on promoting the main mission, and I don't want to challenge the difficult dungeons." Taneda Risa nodded.

"Oh, that's right. If you want to conquer difficult dungeons in the future, you can come to me at any time." Master Yin patted his chest, this is the kindness and leeway from advanced players.

"But my skills are very average." Naneda Lisa hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I already brought a black mage who can't even hide from AOE." The man chuckled.

"According to the prompts to avoid the damage of the boss, I can still react to it." Zhongtian Lisha felt a little underestimated and couldn't help but said.

"Then you have already served as the general supervisor of this game." Yin Ze said happily.

In the company's workplace in Shinjuku, the boss of a certain project who was double-opening documents and game clients and secretly conducting product testing sneezed.

Yoshida Tomoki wiped his nose with a piece of paper and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Which player is praising my strong work ability?

No.30 Chapter Nine A Blessing

"Then let's see what the netizens are interested in. Uh, the letter from the broadcast name'Dao Ge'-this is what I suddenly thought of when I was having lunch. May I ask the farthest place where I can see the Tokyo Skytree?" Where is it? The 634-meter-high Skytree, if you look at it from a distance, where is the dividing line between what you can see and what you can't see?" Yin Ze's mouth drooped unconsciously, "This?"

"That's right, it's quite curious to be told that." Taneda Lisa nodded repeatedly, "Senior-san, what do you think of this?"

"Although I claim to be an invincible expert in wisdom and literature, and the most romantic workplace in social animals, I haven't spent precious time thinking about this kind of question with unclear meaning." Yin Ze said harshly, "In my opinion, you might as well use the ground to push it." According to the traditional clue collection method, the program group extensively collects information on whether fans in various regions can see it in the local area, in this way, there will definitely be some gains, at least a roughly demarcated line can be drawn.”

"Indeed, it's a bit difficult for the two of us, please help me." Taneda Lisa nodded, "But I want to know the answer, the soonest is the next issue, right? But you were absent at that time ah."

"It's okay, when we met on the set, just take the time to tell me the result." Yin Ze has always been indifferent.

"Should I tell you on Line?" the girl said.

"Do you have any friends with me?" the man asked.

"It seems that it hasn't been added yet."

"Then add it now."

Master Yin then took out his mobile phone, and the two faced each other. It took less than a dozen seconds to complete the expansion behavior calmly and naturally.

"Oreki-kun, your nickname is really strange." Taneda Risa looked at the words "Tauren Chief" strangely and said.

"With the development of the times and the progress of cultural exchanges, you will know the gold content of this crown sooner or later." Yin Ze said calmly, "Then please tell me the answer after you trouble Miss Zhong Tian."

"Okay, then leave this matter to the trustworthy Staff!" Taneda Lisa responded decisively.

"The next letter. A letter from the broadcast name 'Supreme Pigeon Sect' - I believe that in your daily life, when you go shopping, you often see the 7-11 chain convenience store? If you pay attention, you will find the signboard 7-ELEVEn on the website, only the last n is a lowercase letter. Before I sent the letter, I asked the clerk, but the clerk didn't know the reason. This little puzzle fits the reasoning atmosphere of Bingguo, right? So my first The letter will be sent soon!" Yin Ze finished reading.

"That's right, I never noticed it, it seems to be the case." Taneda Lisa recalled it for a while, and the staff kindly showed the picture evidence, and suddenly realized, "I always thought it was all capitalized."

"Yeah, why is that so?" Yin Ze murmured.

"Oreki-kun, I'm very curious. Now it's your turn to appear on the stage. Please, as usual, please solve everyone's doubts." Taneda Risa used the original voice of the animation very despicably.

"Although I claim to see Yi Lu between my brothers, the commander will definitely lose Xiao Cao. But I don't know!" But I didn't expect Yin Zetan's frank and vibrating voice, "Ordinary people who have nothing to do will pay attention to this thing!"

"...It's really boring. Obviously this kind of puzzle tastes like ice fruit, but the protagonist is too useless." Taneda Lisa said dejectedly.

"But just from the design point of view, I think it may be for aesthetics. Using all capital letters will feel very Harsh, and the lower case will be more graceful if it is relatively round." Master Yin reluctantly gave an explanation.

"This answer, I am not very approved, not convincing enough, and there is no evidence." Zhongtian Lisha shook her head slowly.

"Then there is no other way." At this moment, the man used the most classic tactics in StarCraft to deal with the enemy—no matter, "I have a plan, how about this, let the staff ask the fans for reference, the so-called strength in numbers Well. As for the answer, just forward it through the Line you have added as a friend."

"It seems that's the only way to go." The quiet Nantian Lisha spoke easily.

"Okay, the next one. It's still a letter from 'Brother Dang'. It's really rare to be used continuously—oh, even if I hide the color book in the place I'm most sure of every time, it will definitely be used. When my family was doing the cleaning, I found out that I had exhausted everything. As a leading photo collector, do you have any unique and brilliant techniques?"

Holding the manuscript paper, Yin Ze grimaced like a traditional old man watching a young man's suspicious behavior in a short video on his mobile phone.

"Why do you want me to answer this kind of question? Do I look like a master who is proficient in this?"

"What do you mean by color books?" Naneda Lisha asked enthusiastically, "Is it the kind of thing that is always placed under the bed or deep in the drawer?"

"Your understanding is correct." Yin Ze nodded, "Although there are some stereotypes."

"Oh, to be able to call the habitual treasure-hunting methods of many adolescents stereotyped is indeed a powerful insight, please share it with everyone?" Taneda Risa hummed, "And, photo collection, you are here Do you prefer the three-dimensional type in this regard?"

"I do this kind of data collection work out of dynamic reference and muscle understanding." Master Yin clasped his hands proudly, "I have the ability to walk around and watch monuments, so the conversion rate of reference is extremely high. The more human body dynamics I see The picture, the more stable the technology can be improved. It is similar to the memory bread given by Nobi Haihuang's partner, and it doesn't need to eat bread. The cost is extremely low, so there is no reason not to do it. And the human body is amazing, right? Don't you want to see it? To more toned torsos?"

"Then why are you only obsessed with the young body? The skeleton and posture of the elderly are also needed?" asked Naeda Risa, who is also an artist.

"It's about the general environment of the market." Yin Ze sighed, "Is it because I don't want to portray sentient beings? Now the beautiful girl game is rampant, and there will be no change in the future. Of course, it can only go downstream. Pure realism, There is no future."

"So how did you deal with it?" Zhongtian Lisha persisted.

"I never read those, nor do I have any at home." Yin Ze waved his hand, "I have passed that age, the more I have experienced, the more I have studied flesh and blood, and the more I study the body, I will gradually stop being obsessed with superficial skin. More attention is paid to like-minded souls who can walk side by side."

"Isn't there no answer at all?" Zhongtian Lisha was dissatisfied.

"Hey, it's the age of technology. I'm useless. I still squat in the corner and put it on the bedside table, making people chatter for a lifetime." Yin Ze said with hatred, "Flesh and blood are weak, and the machine is soaring. You take a photo of them in the magazine , convert it into a digital picture, and put it in a USB flash drive together with the learning materials? Will this still be discovered? It’s very difficult.”

"So that's how it is." Zhongtian Lisha nodded, "In this way, you won't be caught when cleaning the house."

"Let's continue the pace of dedication, the next letter, the broadcast title is 'Hit the Mouse Tonight' - when I was looking at the key visual of Binguo, I found a small thing. In the tea that Chitanda drank, the tea stems stood upright. Yes. When I was very young, I learned from the elders in the family that this is a sign of good things to happen. But why is the erection of the tea pillar a sign of good things?"

Yin Ze paused

"...So this link was originally a life complaint section? Although it is really rare for tea stems to stand up."

"The older generations do tell some interesting little experiences, and gradually, they become common sense in our eyes, but they will trace the source of common sense, and this rigorous curiosity is worthy of recognition." said Zhongtian Lisa.

"Has Ms. Zhong Tian experienced this? Did any lucky things happen after that?" Yin Ze asked curiously.

"I don't have much impression, but one time recently, when I participated in the Bingguo sound audition, when I was having breakfast, the tea leaves in the cup were tilted, which was barely erect, right?" Zhongtian Lisha said. Said thoughtfully.

"Oh, there is a way. After that, your audition was successful. Although this is absolutely inseparable from your hard work and performance, it can also be said that you were a little lucky that day." Yin Ze applauded .I was thinking about when I encountered this incident and immediately went to Dajian Navy.

"Actually, good things happened before the audition, so maybe the luck of the day was not in the audition, but on the way." Taneda Lisa added, and then smiled and said something else in the words, "That day It just happened that it rained last night, and the weather during the day was very good. When I was studying in the park, I met a handsome big brother. He cheered up the frustrated child and helped him regain his enthusiasm. I think the good thing should be this. .”

"That's why, in the busy and fast-paced life, there are still such good people who care for innocence."

The man nods.

"In this era of interests, we are gradually losing the most precious qualities of being human beings. However, we can never lose our enthusiasm, sympathize with the weak, and help each other, even if people think it is stupid... I will occasionally do some goals. What you can see and what you can do, although you are weak, but you want to convey goodwill and have a clear conscience.”

Yin Ze sighed and said slowly.

"Since the final destination of you and me is the bottom of the loess, why do you want to hurt and kill each other for a moment? In this universe, everyone is an afterimage. At least leave some shining things to prove We've been here, not those rancid, dirty desires.

"That's really good." Zhongtian Lisha gently brushed her forehead hair.

"It seems a bit deliberate to say such beautiful words on the radio." Yin Ze hesitated.

"No, no, no, no, I absolutely believe that you are not just boasting, but actually practicing your heart." Zhongtian Lisha said in a firm tone.

"You have a strong sense of trust. Miss Zhongtian is really a gentle person." Yin Ze was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, and returned to the topic, "From this point of view, Chazhu's experience has something to say. why?"

"Why?" Taneda Lisha repeated.

"I don't know." Yin Ze repeated.

"I don't know either." Taneda Lisa repeated again, "Ah, I really can't help it, but I have a plan. I'd better hand it over to the staff to collect evidence, and make a detailed interpretation after having a lot of references."

Hiroshi Mori finally couldn't hold back any longer. He raised his hand solemnly, using the noble authority of the producer, and interrupted the conversation, "No, why did you push everything to us? It's very unkind of you to do this."

"Are you qualified to say such things..." The man's eyes were deep.

"We are a common front, Mr. Mori. At this juncture, the guests and I are helpless. We can only rely on you. You have sworn before that you will become our excellent backup army." The girl said sonorously.

"This, this..."

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, and the producer of Andy is guarding the four directions." Master Yin played a fire kill, "Brother Senmu claims to be a leader in the industry, and he leads a professional team. Could it be that he can't even handle this matter? Let me tell you first, this is not my suggestion alone, it is also the host's suggestion for this radio drama."

Why did these two people stand together and form an alliance in the blink of an eye?

This is completely contrary to the experience I have accumulated so far.

Hiroshi Mori pondered.

Chapter No.40 Winning and Losing Counts

"The next link - "Salary Competing Brain Warfare"!In this session, the host and guests will work together to answer various questions provided by the program group. If the answer is successful, 500 yen will be taken from the bonus pool set up by the program group as a reward. into the public prize pool. "

What kind of person is Master Yin?Thinking of this, I am already overjoyed.

"It's so humane. Brother Morimu is doing charity today?"

"So confident? We still don't know the question bank at all? What if we deliberately make things difficult for us?" Zhongtian Lisha was skeptical.

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