"It's okay. Although the producer is an eagle watcher, he has a disobedient heart and is far from the definition of a good person. But now it's 100 yen and there is a chance to exchange it for 500 yen. The advantage is mine. If you win, you will be full of coffee, and if you lose, the broadcast will be over." Just run away. There is really no reason to be timid." Yin Ze analyzed, and at the same time, there was a passion burning in his heart, and he said ambitiously, "The world only knows that I am the shame of the terrible erect ape who is afraid of cockroaches, but they don't know it yet. I am also a watcher of humanism who has memorized the history of civilization, and I swallowed it for two and a half years, today is the time to wash away the shame and draw the sword!"

"As expected of a student from a prestigious school, you have such confidence. Well, today I will take out all the hundred-yuan coins and accompany you to make a venture." Zhongtian Lisha's mood also cheered up.

"A wise choice." The man nodded, and he also took out all the steel coins on his body. He waved his sleeves and said calmly, "Staff please Come up with the questions quickly."

Hiroshi Mori did not act rashly for the time being, but silently examined the host and guests.

Now that you've formed an alliance, don't blame me for being ruthless and harvesting after-get off work beer money indiscriminately.

The producer pushed the glasses frame pretentiously, took out his personal notebook, turned a page, and said slowly, "Question [-]: The birth and death of Takeda Shingen..."


"I haven't finished yet. In the last words he left when he passed away, he also ordered..." Mori Muhong continued.

"Secrets don't make mourning, it's secrets that don't make mourning." Yin Ze repeated.

"It's not enough to just talk, but to quote the classics."

"I knew this day five years ago, and specially painted [-] monograms of paper. For three years after my death, I will not send out funerals. Official documents can be used during this period. Other countries don't know about Yu's death, so they will not dare to move."

"You're not official, I want the written version of Ojuku Kanmon..." the producer pestered and corrected me several times.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the flag of Wutian, and it was raised in the imperial capital. If the news of Yu Da's death is reported, the enemy will swarm. Therefore, within three or four years, we must strictly keep secrets, rectify the territory, and cultivate righteous soldiers..." The man Without a pause.The corridor of life accurately pulls out various documents and materials.

"Okay, okay, you're right about this question." Mori Hiroshi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and instead of being disappointed, he regrouped. "Question [-]: Who was the first to discover dinosaur egg fossils?"

"I know this, it's Roy Chapman." Taneda Lisa's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she raised her hand to answer.

"What's the full name? What's the exact time? What kind of dinosaur egg did you find?" Mori Hiroshi didn't show mercy.

"Uh, it seems to be 1925..." Taneda Lisa frowned.

"In 1923, Roy Chapman Andrews first discovered dinosaur egg fossils in the Gobi Desert. It was initially considered to be a Protoceratops egg, but it was confirmed in 1995 that it was actually a theropod oviraptor. "Yin Ze gently wiped the dust on his cuffs, and added in place while talking and laughing, "At the same time, he and other explorers have also become the prototypes of the protagonists in adventure movies in the 40s and 50s, and even Indiana Jones. One of the inspirations for the creation of the image."

"You know that too?" Taneda Lisa asked in surprise.

"I've seen the documentary once." Yin Ze said modestly.

"Excuse me." Mori Hiroshi said in a cold tone, "Mr. Onishi Kawasuke, the famous writer, what is the original work?"

"Haha, this is really the beautiful wife next door recovering from a serious illness—madam is good." Yin Ze didn't bother to use assistance for this sub-question. .”

"Hmph, you're wrong! It should be "Mysterious Work" and "Yonghua of the Dead"!" Mori Hiroshi countered, "These are all short stories published in a serious manner! They have won the May Festival Award!"

"It seems that you don't know much about Mr. Onishi. The two books I mentioned are scripts for performances that he wrote for his classmates when he was in college. Although he is not well-known, he also thinks that the degree of completion is very good. The work is a story officially written by the author." Yin Ze explained.

"Just say what you say."

"it is true."

"I don't quite agree."

"I can send a text message to the dean on the spot to collect evidence."

"It's really fans aiming at Thunder Bluff—starting bragging." Mori Hiroshi was unmoved.

"Hehe, the dean treats me like a concubine, Daji. If we have a good relationship, it means farting and burping—ventilating up and down, and checking verification is just a matter of pressing the buttons." Yin Ze took out his phone calmly, with a calmness that could be proved at any time.

"...I recognize your accomplishments in the humanities." Mori Hiroshi narrowed his eyes, "But the battle has just begun, and I hope you can handle the next offensive with ease."

"Finally I have Oreki-kun's temperament." Taneda Risa flattered against her will.

"Hmph, after all, I can't always show my weakness to others." The man held his head proudly, filled with the arrogance of beating up the six major sects at Guangmingding, "Today, Sajia will use a knife to scratch the audience's ass—— Open their eyes!"

"You're full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?!"

The producer was so angry that he laughed back, and saw that there was an evil light in his eyes, which was a manifestation of running evil skills and evil methods, and he only heard him say lightly.

"Please decompose the three groups of numbers above 672, 3876, and 6549 into prime factors, and the time limit is within 2 minutes."

"What is prime factorization?" Zhongtian Lisha was taken aback. Has this topic suddenly risen to this level?

Of course, I have no ability to solve this kind of problem, so I can only turn my hopeful eyes on this seemingly omnipotent companion.

And the guardian of human law still maintained a confident smile with a sure chance of winning, and he was personable.I saw the man push a hundred yuan coin slowly towards the staff without hesitation, then turned his head, and asked like a spring breeze, "I voted, how about you, the host."

"You look so unpredictable, at least try to struggle!" The girl raised her forehead.

"Hahahahaha, it's useless, this is exactly where his fate lies!" But the producer let out the villain behind the scenes, making the villain laugh strangely, "It's not in vain that I asked the friends around you many times in advance, Colleagues, managers. I finally found a deadly weapon that can defeat you, and that is science!"

"It's ridiculous, it's just counting, what should I be afraid of?" The man remained calm.In all fairness, there are people who live in the corridors, and ordinary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are almost easy to grasp. In terms of quick calculations, he is at the computer level!

"I know you have other things to rely on, but I can say it responsibly. From now on, I will follow the "100 Classic Math Questions for the University of Tokyo Examination" from beginning to end." Mori Hiroshi's face was covered with a layer of Thick shadows, he took out a reference book from his butt pocket, "If you can answer it, then try it! Today I must turn all the money in your wallet into the beer and fried rice I drank at the izakaya at night." Chicken!"

Gan?so vicious?No way out? !

Master Yin, an outstanding young man, finally changed his face.

But time is in my favour, there is not much left in this link, even if it is free, it is still within the acceptable range.

"You must be thinking, in the remaining time, I can't come up with too many questions, even if it's all wrong, it's harmless, right?" The producer said like a poisonous snake, "However, as the producer in charge of this opportunity, I People, how can you let it go? To be honest, I have finished the recording in advance, and I will play 20 recordings of my own questions at the same time, which is equivalent to giving 20 questions at the same time. If you can’t answer, don’t blame me Robbed, huh?"

"Ah?" Is there any law of the king?The man's expression was distorted. He looked at the name of this link repeatedly, and felt that it was not clear anyway. Looking at it now, he found that it clearly said "Wage Recovery Program".He subconsciously wanted to find the only comrade-in-arms, that is, the host to rely on.

"Is there still time to peek at the beautiful host? Eat my [-] times wisdom energy bomb!" Mori Hiroshi opened his arms and shouted the devil.

This is the calm before the storm.

Brief and humble.

Then it was like opening Pandora's box.

In an instant, more than 20 familiar voices started with "Excuse me", setting off a bloody rain.

The words and breath overlapped together, extruding a mantra-like effect, and instantly surrounded the recording room, it was like a life-threatening Sanskrit sound.Coupled with the funny laughter of the staff outside the venue, there is a sense of icy cold standing in front of the ghosts.

Those syllables colliding with each other are actually all kinds of difficult mathematical problems.

Question types such as oral calculation, judgment, overview, proof, drawing, application, etc., are shining with fierce blood, overwhelming, and killing everything.They turned into evil yakshas in the depths of hell, with blue faces and long fangs, lingering in evil spirits, holding bloody butcher knives and salivating at the scumbags.

Some major topics are even more profound, and even manifest the appearance of a demon king.I saw a pair of eyes like a bright mirror, two brows as bright as red neon, a mouth like a blood basin, and teeth lined with copper plates.It is the sound of the roar that shakes the fear of students, and the lack of prestige of the action that causes panic. The world is called chaos, and the East and West are powerful and mathematics!

Looking up, breathing, and exhaling, there is a blood-red purgatory.The formulas and theorems sparked like thunder, and the logic was surging, and all three souls and seven souls were wiped out.

From the field of humanities at home to the bloody Shura field of advanced mathematics, the man once again recalled the fear of being a college student who could only do multiple-choice questions.

Tuobu Mozun, Function Theory Evil King, and Quantum Mathematics Satan launched attacks on this tiny mortal one after another.

Great Merciful Sir Newton, Namo Great Wisdom Archimedes, Namo Daxing Samantabhadra King Gauss, the most holy teacher, masters, save me——!

It's a pity that the humble son of man does not have the aptitude and talent to echo the ancient power, nor can he bathe in the glory and protection of the saint.

Then the gates of hell opened, and the gods and ghosts howled.That mortal was submerged and covered by this miserable image, and even his flesh and blood were dissolved into dust by the mysterious theorem and formula.

Humanity, wither!

"Hahaha, Shenghui 2000 yen, thank you for the beer, the guest is generous, and the guest is in good health."

Hiroshi Mori, who had completed the destruction of humanities, stood outside the recording room, laughing with his arms akimbo, and borrowed a famous saying of thanks often used by the victim in the live broadcast, which can be said to be a murder.

The surrounding muscular staff also applauded, witnessing this god-killing feat together and sharing the joy.

Seeing the limp, lifeless guest lying on the table, Lisha felt a burst of sympathy in her heart, but also a sense of humor and a sense of humor after enjoying the post-modern comedy.

"Oreki-kun, you don't have to be so lifeless, we'll go eat well later, I'll treat you." The girl comforted.

"Miss Geng Tian is still a kind person." The man struggled a bit, he got some hope from these words, and neutralized the humiliation of the disastrous defeat in the IQ competition, he tried to stand up and said emotionally.

"You insisted on going your own way, blinded by your pride, and caused the host to lose coins. Instead of comforting her, you let her treat you? Are you also called a real man?" Mori Hiroshi was astonished.

"Is this also called a man in vain?" Yin Ze was surprised, and then said deeply, "This is called stop loss."

"Yeah, poof—haha."

Zhongtian Lisha covered her mouth and let out a series of laughs, trying to be more reserved, but found that she couldn't control it.

"Sorry, this broadcast is so funny."

Hiroshi Mori looked at the graceful host who couldn't stop smiling, and the guests next to him who came alive and interacted with him.Suddenly, the sense of accomplishment disappeared, and instead, there was a kind of snot in the mouth—a feeling of self-indulgence.

He looked at the hundred yuan coins on the table, feeling lost.

We won these steel coins... but lost the whole country?

No.40 One word is empty

Although the math sounded twenty, all the evil spirits retreated in the bombing recording studio, the gods and ghosts were silent, and the staff took away some coins.

But considering that I answered the three questions correctly before, and only lost 500 yen after coming and going, I still have to share the joint and several responsibilities with the host, so in the end it was only 250 yen, which belongs to the level of pocket money that even elementary school students think is too little... It’s just that this number, combined with the guests who lost the brain game, is really full of hints. Could it be that the despicable producer is also proficient in Chinese culture, and even this counts?

So terrifying.

"However, what exactly does this public prize pool mean?" Yin Ze was a little puzzled.

Could it be that after inventing the battle pass that unlocks prizes for audience ratings, is it going to be the first radio drama to fiddle with letters from the audience to buy surrounding prize pools?

Self-taught, with such amazing talents, it is really a pity not to be a game planner who bears all the evils of this world, but to stay here as a radio show.

"It's similar to what you have experienced before. According to the results of each period, the amount in the prize pool will increase accordingly. The final prize is to record an additional location, and the location can be chosen among the major holiday tourist destinations, which is roughly equal to public travel." Mori Hiroshi Get out of the mood of worrying about gains and losses, and explain simply.

"It can't be done. At least there were Yamahe motorcycles back then. Now the highest prize is only going out for an outing followed by the program group. At the very least, you have to upgrade to a four-wheeled vehicle to be considered progress. How about an entry-level supercar?" Yin Ze sighed.

"Then you won't be able to unlock the stealth fighter next time? I'll invite you to live in the orbital space station directly in a few years?" Mori Hiroshi said angrily, "This award is for the audience, and it is a special gift."

"Then what if the grades don't reach the level of unlocking special codes?" Yin Ze asked again.

"This shows that our work has failed, and we have not won the favor and love of the audience." Mori Hiroshi said sadly, "In order to comfort everyone, so that everyone does not fall into the depression of self-doubt, the money will be distributed after the fan lottery. I will take out the rest and hold a staff party, everyone will eat and drink well, recharge their spirits, and then fight again."

"It's really a thorough plan. Alas, it's a pity that I'm not a permanent resident this time, otherwise I must help out. Although Miss Zhong Tian has great potential, she is still a recruit after all. It may be difficult to surpass her past glory. But it doesn't matter, the ups and downs are the best It is the normal state of life." Yin Ze said affectionately, "I will not be absent from the party, and I will definitely be by everyone's side during the trough, sharing the failure and sorrow together, when we will eat meat and drink heavily, shall we have a good time? "

"I didn't expect you to still have such a strong heart. I am very relieved. It's okay. Although there is no announcement, I can immediately send you a permanent job invitation..." The producer pushed the boat along with enthusiasm.

"No." The man said straight away.


"You guys are so tacit and interesting. I think Mr. Mori can go to battle by himself." Taneda Lisa has recovered, but there is still a bright smile on her face.

"Him?" Yin Ze snorted disdainfully, "I think some people leave me and don't know how to get into the top ten of Silver Spring, let's forget it."

Mori Hiroshi, who was outside the court, was too lazy to talk, and had completely turned off the microphone. He didn't intend to get too involved in the content. The previous math twenty rings was purely a special case, and now it seemed that he was the loser.

A glass of beer was unexpectedly exchanged for the deepening of the bond between the two of them.hateful!

"It seems that there is not much time left." Yin Ze estimated in his heart.

"Is it so fast? I always feel that there are still 10 minutes left." Taneda Lisa was surprised, as if she still had something to say, "...It feels like I just caught the rhythm of the broadcast."

"After this brief tempering, you must have understood that this is not such a difficult job. Although it is very difficult to do it very well, you will continue to maintain this natural attitude afterward, and go smoothly with other guests. Go down." Yin Ze said.

"Oh, it's the teaching from the master, the disciple will definitely keep it in mind." Naneda Lisha said in a taught way.

"Very good, then let's discuss another matter." Master Yin nodded in satisfaction.


"What to eat?"

"...Uh? Uh, uh, you, what do you want to eat later?" The girl was a few seconds late before barely keeping up with the other party's rhythm.

"Anything is fine?" The man frowned, infected and shocked by the rich and generous aura in these words.

"Of course, just say what you want, what's the inconvenience in eating?" The girl kindly agreed to all the food desires of mortals.

"First serve four Australian abalones, and then one four-jin lobster." The man considered.

"Seafood?" Taneda Lisa nodded, "It's a pity that the season is not right now, otherwise I haven't eaten Ise lobster for a long time."

"No, I'm joking." Seeing that the other party was serious, Yin Ze quickly said, "Actually, I'm not used to seafood."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Naneda Lisa was also thinking, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, "Ah, didn't there be a letter mentioning the Skytree earlier? Why don't you go to the restaurant in the sky tree? The store is located on the observation floor , close to the window, overlooking the night view at an altitude of 350 meters, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Kanto area, and the dining experience is very good. After eating, maybe we can rely on the strength of the two of us to solve the question about the letter. "

"That kind of location, I'm afraid the consumption is not low." Yin Ze hesitated.

Not only is it not low.Hiroshi Mori rubbed his chin sadly.

In a broad sense, eating is to order two bowls of high-quality and cheap ramen, two sets of grilled fish with enough rice, and if you want to be extravagant, order drinks and platters.

And go to a landmark building like the Sky Tree, where Wanjia is nestled next to the bright lights, listening to the live performance of the violinist, elegantly cutting high-end steaks, raising goblets full of red wine to bump gently, and then smiling at each other, Start communicating souls.This kind of behavior is generally not called eating, but dating!romantic date!

The production personnel finally understand where the source of the sense of disobedience in this broadcast is - the host's attitude towards the guests is too gentle and friendly.

Although I don't know what happened before, but the relationship started so high, if they are really asked to complete the entire series, then it's okay?

It's a pity, it's a pity that Ms. Hidaka Aina didn't participate in this animation, otherwise...

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