The thoughts in Hiroshi Mori's mind turned one after another in a few seconds.

But obviously, the host still doesn't know the man in front of him very well, so it is impossible for him to agree to such an ambiguous meal.

"There's no reason for you to spend so much money." Yin Ze said shyly.

Sure enough, I declined politely as I expected. After all, they are drinking friends and rivals who know each other's drinking capacity. There is still some superficial understanding of this.Mori Muhong was determined.

"Let me treat you. I haven't visited such a famous scenic spot as the Sky Tree. It just so happens that the broadcast ends and it's dinner time." Yin Ze then said kindly.


A crisp sound attracted the attention of the nearby staff. It was the sound of the reference book falling from the hands of the producer.

"Okay." There was nothing wrong with Zhongtian Lisha.

"But today I came here by motorcycle. Later, do you take other means of transportation, or just come together?" Yin Ze was thinking.

You still want to take her to dinner with the big waves of blonde hair I sent on the Nightmare Girl broadcast? !Finally, Hiroshi Mori couldn't help turning on the microphone, and said concisely, "No!"

"It's really not possible. I only have one helmet. Safety is the first priority. Please ask Miss Zhongtian to take another car. We will meet at the bottom of the tower." Yin Ze agreed.

"I mean, it's not appropriate for you to go to Sky Tree to eat." Mori Hiroshi said.

"Why?" Yin Ze was puzzled, "Could it be that there is a power outage at Tokyo Tower today?"

"Have you forgotten our location privileges? When the time comes to play, eat and drink, the public expenses will be one-stop, why not save this enthusiasm for the future?" Mori Hiroshi said comprehensively, "I have also thought about it. Take a few scenes, and eat at the sky tree."

"What does it matter, isn't it just a matter of eating an extra meal?" Yin Ze waved his hand, "Let's have fun alone this time, and then have fun with everyone with the special code. Listen, how pleasant is it?"

Ah... Mori Hiroshi is at a loss for words.

"Look at the time, it's almost over. "Classical Department after class" will be broadcast here for you.What do you think?Please be patient and wait for the answers in the next few issues for the few questions you sent me this time. "Yin Ze said step by step.

"The music that was played at the end was so sad." Taneda Risa sighed, "The producer also looked empty and lost. It really makes people sad to part."

"That's it for the first issue. I don't know if it's off to a good start." Yin Ze said to himself.

"I think it's quite interesting..." Taneda Risa said.

"Based on my experience so far, it may be slightly insufficient in terms of weight. But as a guest, I am quite happy to do this issue. Miss Taneda is indeed a very easy to get along with. Maybe it's me doing it. The most relaxing period?" The man tilted his head and recalled.

"Oh, I'm so happy to be evaluated like this." The girl smiled and clapped her hands lightly.

"What do you think? Is there any gain?" Yin Ze asked.

"Does it count if you successfully obtained Oreki-kun's Line?" Taneda Risa thought for a while.

"It's too easy to be satisfied. In fact, I usually have two accounts, one for work and one for life." Yin Ze said deeply.

"Ah? Then which account did I add?" Zhongtian Lisha was taken aback.

"Since they are friends, of course they are for personal use." Yin Ze laughed.

"That's great, I thought I was being fooled casually." Taneda Lisa snorted, and finally fulfilled the obligation of the host again, speaking clearly.

"Finally, I would like to invite the audience to send letters enthusiastically. After all, the existence of special prizes has also been revealed this time. Whether it is about the impressions about the program, or questions about the classic department, or general letters, they are all widely collected.

"By the way, if you want to send an email, you can send it through the contribution section of the program's homepage." Yin Ze added.

"Ha, so lonely." The girl sighed.

"It's okay, there will be a high-end dinner later." The man cheered.

"In the next issue, I may not be able to rely on another person."

"It's this direction..."

"Hey, finally, with you is Chitanda Eru's CV, Taneda Risa."

"Oreki Houtaro and his CV, Takizawa Satoru."


"—See you next time~"

Bingguo broadcast, the first episode, ends here.

No.40 Chapter [-]: You are beautiful

Night fell.

Yin Ze leaned against the window, looking at the night of Sumida District with romantic lights. It used to be the old city of Tokyo, and the family-run century-old shop still exists. The Xiangpu culture is very popular here, and the lifestyle of old Tokyo and modern entertainment atmosphere are here This northeast neighborhood is kneaded together.

Looking from the middle of the 634-meter Skytree, besides the Edo remains, there are traffic lines in the distance that are dyed orange by street lights and lights, which are like the blood vessels of the city, flickering and agitating. Photon's blood ran through the slender streets like a dragon and snake, and also stained the surface of the Sumida River flowing quietly under the long bridge.

When I came by bike, I saw a white-collar worker who was drunk and fell to the ground along the road, I saw a showgirl with a tired face, and I saw the ordinary backs of a mother and daughter. Each of them had a secret, real and unique.

Maybe you can still look farther and see farther, but it takes a little bit of imagination.

The sea surface where it meets the skyline is already rolling in darkness, and the cruise ship passes by with light, like tiny fireflies drifting through the fog.The sound of the tide on the shore was silent, and the waves hit the embankment and splashed into pieces of water.

A very quiet scene.

As usual, the young waitress who came forward to ask the guests if they had any restrictions also lowered her tone as much as possible. She has received enough pre-job service training with a smile, and she is very proficient in controlling her smile. However, in the short few seconds now, she The smile on the cheek is genuine, cute, relaxed and real.

The man's side face has clear lines, and the clear and bright pupils reflect the real world outside the window, and there is a bit of silence and Zen that others can't bear to break.

In the presence of this guest, she inadvertently tried to appear more gentle.

"Are you court-style or local cuisine with local history?" The man withdrew his gaze from a distance, turned his head and asked casually, his voice was pure and flawless, and the texture was clear.

"Our dishes incorporate the concept of 'Edo-Tokyo', using fresh ingredients from the suburbs, trying to present French cuisine in a Japanese way." The waitress carefully explained.

"Then I have to try something new." The man chuckled, and in an instant, it was like breaking the ice in severe winter, full of vitality, "Just follow what is in the set meal, the appetizer is replaced with a hot plate, and the pre-dinner wine is no longer needed. A bottle of red wine from the Rhone Valley.”

Although this guest is wearing a two-dimensional style T-shirt, in front of the chest, there is a classic cool black long straight anime girl making a shy and charming appearance, the street stall style cropped pants, designed It's not very high-end, it's the Hawaiian style of the earth hat favored by the old uncle in Osaka.However, even with such an incongruous attire, the man's inadvertently mature demeanor can still make people appreciate his unique charm.

This must be someone with a story.

The waitress sighed with emotion, and left without disturbing, leaving room for the two at the table.

"It cost a lot this time." Ren Tianlisha joked with her elbows resting on the table, her chin resting on her chin, "Judging from other people's evaluations, your behavior today is uncharacteristic?"

"It must have been revealed by Brother Senmu again."

Yin Ze snorted softly, and by the way pulled the hem of the T-shirt that was officially presented by the Nightmare Girl.

"It's the same as what I experienced on Station N. They are all one-sided words, and they are all victims of wind reviews. Sometimes I eat with them as AA, and sometimes I take turns to treat guests. I am indeed a person with low expenses, even for I’m not keen on buying clothes in different seasons, but I’m never stingy when it’s time to spend money.”

"Huh? Are you saving money?" Taneda Lisa was curious.

"I used to save." Yin Ze sighed, "During that time, I suddenly realized that money is not made by earning, but by saving."

"Is saving... a life goal?"

"No, it's weird to say that I have neither plans to start a business nor a great pursuit, but I just vaguely tell myself that I have to save money for no reason."

"Isn't this the status quo of modern confused young people?" Zhongtian Lisha commented.

"Yes." Yin Ze smiled noncommittally.

It's not the status quo, to be precise, it's what it used to be.

In fact, all the income of men nowadays, except daily life and a part of their savings for emergencies, is donated intermittently for free... Add a few brand-new knowledge books to the orphanage, and plant a few green flowers on the barren land. The immature saplings sent a box of milk and bread to children in backward areas.

Doing this kind of thing is not out of lofty ideals and feelings, but I just found that I don't seem to have any desire to consume the numbers in the account. Instead of putting them there and reducing them to pure data, it is better to turn them into reality In the material, to help some people who are currently in difficulty.

Too much lack of freedom in life comes from various responsibilities, burdens, ambitions, and even dreams and expectations in society.

And the man, after donating, finds that the life of the bachelor is still the same, no regression, no poverty, no difference.

So why not keep doing it?

It is also good to create and leave some meaning of existence.

The decoration of the restaurant is stylish and modern, the design is simple and stylish, and the atmosphere is comfortable. The hanging decorative paintings fill the gaps in the space, and the addition of orange and brown balances the boring and lively.The floor-to-ceiling glass isolates the noise, and there is a certain distance between the tables.The light in the store is not very bright, and at the same time, each table has a beam of soft warm light, which cuts out a sensory small space in a large space in this way, creates a secret island, and makes the dining experience invisible.

It may be that the time is relatively late, so there are still many vacancies left.

The music lingering in the hall at this time is a song from the last century, "FlyMeToTheMoon".

One of the memories of the era, the Apollo spacecraft brought the record of this song when it landed on the moon. This is the first human song played on the moon. The song played now is Frank Sinata’s version .

On the day of landing on the moon in 1969, hundreds of millions of people witnessed the dead silence and desolation on the surface of the moon through black and white TV screens. Since then, there have been no more dreams and fantasies about the moon. Heinous.

"You brought me to such a nice place for dinner, do you have something important to ask for?" Zhongtian Lisha pretended to be serious, "Let me know in advance, if it is a difficult request, I may not be able to do it."

"Didn't you suggest this place first... Besides, there are so many complicated things, it's just inviting friends to dinner." Yin Ze smiled.

"Are we friends?"

"Isn't that counted?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that the time we have known each other is obviously very short." Tanada Lisha shook her head, and said incredulously, "It took a few weeks to get acquainted with the new students in the class when I was in high school. But... really Strange, I don't feel too much unfamiliarity with you that belongs to strangers."

"I also have this kind of experience." Yin Ze scratched his head, "Maybe it's because we met once before we officially met and left a good impression on the other party. 'Acquaintance' turned into 'goodbye' unexpectedly. Words are indescribable."

"Oh, by the way, how old are you?" The man asked without hesitation.

"88 years." The girl answered generously without thinking.

"Oh, he's from Showa, isn't it good? Suddenly, there is a sense of age gap." Yin Ze frowned deeply.

"Shall I beat you?" Taneda Lisha laughed and was annoyed.

"What can you say to be rude to seniors? Is Tai Ze's voice actor so unruly?" Yin Ze raised his airs and said in a deep voice, using his power to overwhelm others.

The waiter came over at this time and brought out appetizers and red wine.Whether it is flame mussels, black truffle and pan-fried foie gras, it is a classic French appetizer.The waitress also works part-time as a sommelier, responsible for opening and pouring wine to ensure drinking at the optimal temperature.

"Cheers~" Naneda Lisha raised the goblet with a sense of ritual.Although she is wearing casual clothes, the Q version of the dinosaur is very approachable, but the table manners and temperament that she shows now are far from the image of cute secondary behaviors in the past.

Yin Ze also recalled the surprise and tranquility brought to him when he first met this person in the art museum.

The wine glasses collided and made a ding sound.Let the knife and fork rise and fall, and enjoy expensive delicacies.

"Let's chat for a while?" the girl said.

"Haven't we been chatting all the time?" The man responded.

"Talk about something other than work?" the girl asked.

"Just right, I never discuss work in my personal time." The man said happily.

"You seem to be very knowledgeable? You answered Mr. Mori's question today without thinking."

"Ha, this knowledge is a tax rebate from fate... My personal effort is just a little bit."

"How about art history?" Taneda Risa was curious.

"It's not bad, maybe it's just better than you." Yin Ze tried to be conservative.

"What, I'm a professional." Zhongtian Lisha was displeased, but soon realized something, and whispered, "...Although I have indeed given up, I am not qualified to compare."

"How can you give up, it still belongs to you, but it is temporarily sealed." Yin Ze said in a calm voice, "Besides, painting is so unusual. It is true that the hand holding the pen will be jerky if it is left for a while, but when it is empty, Maybe you can figure out many key points that you didn't understand before, and your mind will become clear."

"you sure?"

"I am sure."


"I've let go before, but when I picked it up again, it was even stronger." Yin Ze said slowly.

"You gave up too...?" Naneda Lisha was a little surprised.

"Yes, a long time ago, when I was a student, I was full of longing for Florence. It was the birthplace of the Renaissance. The city has treasured nearly seven centuries of humanistic miracles brewed by masters, and the air is full of art. breath.” Yin Ze recalled, “I was still struggling with Italian, worried that I would not be able to study there, and was even more entangled in whether to study Buddhism or Turin.”

"and after."

"I didn't worry about it later, because I couldn't pass the exam at all, and I didn't have to distinguish BB, B; P, PP; the difference between these single writing and double writing."

"Actually, Repin is not bad, Russia's art disciplines are also very strong." Naneda Lisa reluctantly replied.

"Indeed, Russian is even worse." Yin Ze was convinced.

"Speaking of which, which studio did you learn from?" Taneda Lisa wanted to know where this person grew up.

"You must have never heard of it. It's not in Japan. It shouldn't even be called a studio, or a training institution is more appropriate." Yin Ze said.


"That's right, like many private schools for exams, it is a sprint training base for college entrance exams."

"I seem to have seen a similar crash course... Is there such a strong change that can be brought to people? Is your level developed there?" Taneda Lisa said uncertainly.

"To be honest, what I mainly teach and what I have learned are exam-taking skills. I know how to achieve the effect and what grades I can get. I keep in mind some general color formulas. The jars also follow the process of left strokes and right strokes, and the mouth of the bottle should be highlighted with white dots. As for the reflection of light and shadow, the theory of light and color, the shaping of volumes and the contrast of pictures, these have no concept.” Yin Ze Honestly.

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